/* ** Enhanced heads up 'overlay' for fullscreen ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2003-2008 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ /* // Icons static FTexture * fragpic; // Frags icon static FTexture * invgems[2]; // Inventory arrows DVector2 AM_GetPosition(); */ class AltHud { TextureID healthPic, berserkPic; int hudwidth, hudheight; int statspace; Font HudFont; // The font for the health and armor display Font IndexFont; // The font for the inventory indices Array< Class > orderedammos; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Draws an image into a box with its bottom center at the bottom // center of the box. The image is scaled down if it doesn't fit // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawImageToBox(TextureID tex, int x, int y, int w, int h, double trans = 0.75) { double scale1, scale2; if (tex) { let texsize = TexMan.GetScaledSize(tex); if (w < texsize.X) scale1 = w / texsize.X; else scale1 = 1.0; if (h < texsize.Y) scale2 = h / texsize.Y; else scale2 = 1.0; scale1 = min(scale1, scale2); if (scale2 < scale1) scale1=scale2; x += w >> 1; y += h; w = (int)(texsize.X * scale1); h = (int)(texsize.Y * scale1); screen.DrawTexture(tex, false, x, y, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, trans, DTA_DestWidth, w, DTA_DestHeight, h, DTA_CenterBottomOffset, 1); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Draws a text but uses a fixed width for all characters // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawHudText(Font fnt, int color, String text, int x, int y, double trans = 0.75) { int zerowidth = fnt.GetCharWidth("0"); x += zerowidth / 2; for(int i=0; i < text.length(); i++) { int c = text.CharCodeAt(i); int width = fnt.GetCharWidth(c); double offset = fnt.GetBottomAlignOffset(c); screen.DrawChar(fnt, color, x, y, c, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, trans, DTA_LeftOffset, width/2, DTA_TopOffsetF, offset); x += zerowidth; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Draws a number with a fixed width for all digits // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawHudNumber(Font fnt, int color, int num, int x, int y, double trans = 0.75) { DrawHudText(fnt, color, String.Format("%d", num), x, y, trans); } //=========================================================================== // // draw the status (number of kills etc) // //=========================================================================== void DrawStatLine(int x, in out int y, String prefix, String text) { y -= SmallFont.GetHeight()-1; screen.DrawText(SmallFont, hudcolor_statnames, x, y, prefix, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, 0.75); screen.DrawText(SmallFont, hudcolor_stats, x+statspace, y, text, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, 0.75); } void DrawStatus(PlayerInfo CPlayer, int x, int y) { let mo = CPlayer.mo; if (hud_showscore) { DrawStatLine(x, y, "Sc:", String.Format("%d ", mo.Score)); } if (hud_showstats) { DrawStatLine(x, y, "Ac:", String.Format("%i ", mo.accuracy)); DrawStatLine(x, y, "St:", String.Format("%i ", mo.stamina)); } if (!deathmatch) { // FIXME: ZDoom doesn't preserve the player's stat counters across hubs so this doesn't // work in cooperative hub games if (hud_showsecrets) { DrawStatLine(x, y, "S:", String.Format("%i/%i ", multiplayer? CPlayer.secretcount : level.found_secrets, level.total_secrets)); } if (hud_showitems) { DrawStatLine(x, y, "I:", String.Format("%i/%i ", multiplayer? CPlayer.itemcount : level.found_items, level.total_items)); } if (hud_showmonsters) { DrawStatLine(x, y, "K:", String.Format("%i/%i ", multiplayer? CPlayer.killcount : level.killed_monsters, level.total_monsters)); } } } //=========================================================================== // // draw health // //=========================================================================== void DrawHealth(PlayerInfo CPlayer, int x, int y) { int health = CPlayer.health; // decide on the color first int fontcolor = health < hud_health_red ? Font.CR_RED : health < hud_health_yellow ? Font.CR_GOLD : health <= hud_health_green ? Font.CR_GREEN : Font.CR_BLUE; bool haveBerserk = hud_berserk_health && !berserkpic.IsNull() && CPlayer.mo.FindInventory('PowerStrength'); DrawImageToBox(haveBerserk ? berserkpic : healthpic, x, y, 31, 17); DrawHudNumber(HudFont, fontcolor, health, x + 33, y + 17); } //=========================================================================== // // Draw Armor. // very similar to drawhealth, but adapted to handle Hexen armor too // //=========================================================================== void DrawArmor(BasicArmor barmor, HexenArmor harmor, int x, int y) { int ap = 0; int bestslot = 4; if (harmor) { let ac = (harmor.Slots[0] + harmor.Slots[1] + harmor.Slots[2] + harmor.Slots[3] + harmor.Slots[4]); ap += int(ac); if (ac) { // Find the part of armor that protects the most bestslot = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) { if (harmor.Slots[i] > harmor.Slots[bestslot]) { bestslot = i; } } } } if (barmor) { ap += barmor.Amount; } if (ap) { // decide on color int fontcolor = ap < hud_armor_red ? Font.CR_RED : ap < hud_armor_yellow ? Font.CR_GOLD : ap <= hud_armor_green ? Font.CR_GREEN : Font.CR_BLUE; // Use the sprite of one of the predefined Hexen armor bonuses. // This is not a very generic approach, but it is not possible // to truly create new types of Hexen armor bonus items anyway. if (harmor && bestslot < 4) { static const String harmorIcons[] = { "AR_1A0", "AR_2A0", "AR_3A0", "AR_4A0" }; DrawImageToBox(TexMan.CheckForTexture(harmorIcons[bestslot], TexMan.Type_Sprite), x, y, 31, 17); } else if (barmor) DrawImageToBox(barmor.Icon, x, y, 31, 17); DrawHudNumber(HudFont, fontcolor, ap, x + 33, y + 17); } } //=========================================================================== // // KEYS // //=========================================================================== //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Draw one key // // Regarding key icons, Doom's are too small, Heretic doesn't have any, // for Hexen the in-game sprites look better and for Strife it doesn't matter // so always use the spawn state's sprite instead of the icon here unless an // override is specified in ALTHUDCF. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool DrawOneKey(int xo, int x, int y, in out int c, Key inv) { TextureID icon; if (!inv) return false; TextureID AltIcon = inv.AltHUDIcon; if (!AltIcon.Exists()) return false; // Setting a non-existent AltIcon hides this key. if (AltIcon.isValid()) { icon = AltIcon; } else if (inv.SpawnState && inv.SpawnState.sprite!=0) { let state = inv.SpawnState; if (state != null) icon = state.GetSpriteTexture(0); else icon.SetNull(); } if (icon.isNull()) icon = inv.Icon; if (icon.isValid()) { DrawImageToBox(icon, x, y, 8, 10); return true; } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Draw all keys // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int DrawKeys(PlayerInfo CPlayer, int x, int y) { int yo = y; int xo = x; int i; int c = 0; Key inv; if (!deathmatch) { int count = Key.GetKeyTypeCount(); // Go through the key in reverse order of definition, because we start at the right. for(int i = count-1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((inv = Key(CPlayer.mo.FindInventory(Key.GetKeyType(i))))) { if (DrawOneKey(xo, x - 9, y, c, inv)) { x -= 9; if (++c >= 10) { x = xo; y -= 11; c = 0; } } } } } if (x == xo && y != yo) y += 11; // undo the last wrap if the current line is empty. return y - 11; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Drawing Ammo helpers // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AddAmmoToList(readonly weapdef) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { let ti = i == 0? weapdef.AmmoType1 : weapdef.AmmoType2; if (ti) { let ammodef = GetDefaultByType(ti); if (ammodef && !ammodef.bInvBar) { if (orderedAmmos.Find(ti) == orderedAmmos.Size()) { orderedammos.Push(ti); } } } } } static int GetDigitCount(int value) { int digits = 0; do { value /= 10; ++digits; } while (0 != value); return digits; } int, int GetAmmoTextLengths(PlayerInfo CPlayer) { int tammomax = 0, tammocur = 0; for(int i = 0; i < orderedammos.Size(); i++) { let type = orderedammos[i]; let ammoitem = CPlayer.mo.FindInventory(type); int ammomax, ammocur; if (ammoitem == null) { ammomax = GetDefaultByType(type).MaxAmount; ammocur = 0; } else { ammomax = ammoitem.MaxAmount; ammocur = ammoItem.Amount; } tammocur = MAX(ammocur, tammocur); tammomax = MAX(ammomax, tammomax); } return GetDigitCount(tammocur), GetDigitCount(tammomax); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Drawing Ammo // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int DrawAmmo(PlayerInfo CPlayer, int x, int y) { int i,j,k; String buf; Inventory inv; let wi = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon; orderedammos.Clear(); if (0 == hud_showammo) { // Show ammo for current weapon if any if (wi) AddAmmoToList(wi.default); } else { // Order ammo by use of weapons in the weapon slots for (k = 0; k < PlayerPawn.NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS; k++) { int slotsize = CPlayer.weapons.SlotSize(k); for(j = 0; j < slotsize; j++) { let weap = CPlayer.weapons.GetWeapon(k, j); if (weap) { // Show ammo for available weapons if hud_showammo CVAR is 1 // or show ammo for all weapons if hud_showammo is greater than 1 if (hud_showammo > 1 || CPlayer.mo.FindInventory(weap)) { AddAmmoToList(GetDefaultByType(weap)); } } } } // Now check for the remaining weapons that are in the inventory but not in the weapon slots for(inv = CPlayer.mo.Inv; inv; inv = inv.Inv) { let weap = Weapon(inv); if (weap) { AddAmmoToList(weap.default); } } } // ok, we got all ammo types. Now draw the list back to front (bottom to top) int ammocurlen = 0; int ammomaxlen = 0; [ammocurlen, ammomaxlen] = GetAmmoTextLengths(CPlayer); //buf = String.Format("%0d/%0d", 0, 0); buf = String.Format("%0*d/%0*d", ammocurlen, 0, ammomaxlen, 0); int def_width = ConFont.StringWidth(buf); int yadd = ConFont.GetHeight(); int xtext = x - def_width; int ximage = x; if (hud_ammo_order > 0) { xtext -= 24; ximage -= 20; } else { ximage -= def_width + 20; } for(i = orderedammos.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let type = orderedammos[i]; let ammoitem = CPlayer.mo.FindInventory(type); let inv = GetDefaultByType(type); let AltIcon = inv.AltHUDIcon; int maxammo = inv.MaxAmount; let icon = !AltIcon.isNull()? AltIcon : inv.Icon; if (!icon.isValid()) continue; double trans= (wi && (type == wi.AmmoType1 || type == wi.AmmoType2)) ? 0.75 : 0.375; int ammo = ammoitem? ammoitem.Amount : 0; // buf = String.Format("%d/%d", ammo, maxammo); buf = String.Format("%*d/%*d", ammocurlen, ammo, ammomaxlen, maxammo); int tex_width= clamp(ConFont.StringWidth(buf) - def_width, 0, 1000); int fontcolor=( !maxammo ? Font.CR_GRAY : ammo < ( (maxammo * hud_ammo_red) / 100) ? Font.CR_RED : ammo < ( (maxammo * hud_ammo_yellow) / 100) ? Font.CR_GOLD : Font.CR_GREEN ); DrawHudText(ConFont, fontcolor, buf, xtext-tex_width, y+yadd, trans); DrawImageToBox(icon, ximage, y, 16, 8, trans); y-=10; } return y; } }