class CoopStatusScreen : StatusScreen { int textcolor; //==================================================================== // // // //==================================================================== override void initStats () { textcolor = (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_Raven) ? Font.CR_GREEN : Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED; CurState = StatCount; acceleratestage = 0; ng_state = 1; cnt_pause = Thinker.TICRATE; for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { playerready[i] = false; cnt_kills[i] = cnt_items[i] = cnt_secret[i] = cnt_frags[i] = 0; if (!playeringame[i]) continue; dofrags += fragSum (i); } dofrags = !!dofrags; } //==================================================================== // // // //==================================================================== override void updateStats () { int i; int fsum; bool stillticking; bool autoskip = autoSkip(); if ((acceleratestage || autoskip) && ng_state != 10) { acceleratestage = 0; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_kills[i] = Plrs[i].skills; cnt_items[i] = Plrs[i].sitems; cnt_secret[i] = Plrs[i].ssecret; if (dofrags) cnt_frags[i] = fragSum (i); } PlaySound("intermission/nextstage"); ng_state = 10; } if (ng_state == 2) { if (!(bcnt&3)) PlaySound("intermission/tick"); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_kills[i] += 2; if (cnt_kills[i] > Plrs[i].skills) cnt_kills[i] = Plrs[i].skills; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { PlaySound("intermission/nextstage"); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 4) { if (!(bcnt&3)) PlaySound("intermission/tick"); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_items[i] += 2; if (cnt_items[i] > Plrs[i].sitems) cnt_items[i] = Plrs[i].sitems; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { PlaySound("intermission/nextstage"); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 6) { if (!(bcnt&3)) PlaySound("intermission/tick"); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_secret[i] += 2; if (cnt_secret[i] > Plrs[i].ssecret) cnt_secret[i] = Plrs[i].ssecret; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { PlaySound("intermission/nextstage"); ng_state += 1 + 2*!dofrags; } } else if (ng_state == 8) { if (!(bcnt&3)) PlaySound("intermission/tick"); stillticking = false; for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; cnt_frags[i] += 1; if (cnt_frags[i] >= (fsum = fragSum(i))) cnt_frags[i] = fsum; else stillticking = true; } if (!stillticking) { PlaySound("intermission/cooptotal"); ng_state++; } } else if (ng_state == 10) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { // If the player is in the game and not ready, stop checking if (playeringame[i] && players[i].Bot == NULL && !playerready[i]) break; } // All players are ready; proceed. if ((i == MAXPLAYERS && acceleratestage) || autoskip) { PlaySound("intermission/pastcoopstats"); initShowNextLoc(); } } else if (ng_state & 1) { if (!--cnt_pause) { ng_state++; cnt_pause = Thinker.TICRATE; } } } //==================================================================== // // // //==================================================================== override void drawStats () { int i, x, y, ypadding, height, lineheight; int maxnamewidth, maxscorewidth, maxiconheight; int pwidth = IntermissionFont.GetCharWidth("%"); int icon_x, name_x, kills_x, bonus_x, secret_x; int bonus_len, secret_len; int missed_kills, missed_items, missed_secrets; float h, s, v, r, g, b; int color; String text_bonus, text_secret, text_kills; TextureID readyico = TexMan.CheckForTexture("READYICO", TexMan.Type_MiscPatch); y = drawLF(); [maxnamewidth, maxscorewidth, maxiconheight] = GetPlayerWidths(); // Use the readyico height if it's bigger. Vector2 readysize = TexMan.GetScaledSize(readyico); Vector2 readyoffset = TexMan.GetScaledOffset(readyico); height = int(readysize.Y - readyoffset.Y); maxiconheight = MAX(height, maxiconheight); height = SmallFont.GetHeight() * CleanYfac; lineheight = MAX(height, maxiconheight * CleanYfac); ypadding = (lineheight - height + 1) / 2; y += CleanYfac; text_bonus = Stringtable.Localize((gameinfo.gametype & GAME_Raven) ? "$SCORE_BONUS" : "$SCORE_ITEMS"); text_secret = Stringtable.Localize("$SCORE_SECRET"); text_kills = Stringtable.Localize("$SCORE_KILLS"); icon_x = 8 * CleanXfac; name_x = icon_x + maxscorewidth * CleanXfac; kills_x = name_x + (maxnamewidth + MAX(SmallFont.StringWidth("XXXXX"), SmallFont.StringWidth(text_kills)) + 8) * CleanXfac; bonus_x = kills_x + ((bonus_len = SmallFont.StringWidth(text_bonus)) + 8) * CleanXfac; secret_x = bonus_x + ((secret_len = SmallFont.StringWidth(text_secret)) + 8) * CleanXfac; x = (screen.GetWidth() - secret_x) >> 1; icon_x += x; name_x += x; kills_x += x; bonus_x += x; secret_x += x; screen.DrawText(SmallFont, textcolor, name_x, y, Stringtable.Localize("$SCORE_NAME"), DTA_CleanNoMove, true); screen.DrawText(SmallFont, textcolor, kills_x - SmallFont.StringWidth(text_kills)*CleanXfac, y, text_kills, DTA_CleanNoMove, true); screen.DrawText(SmallFont, textcolor, bonus_x - bonus_len*CleanXfac, y, text_bonus, DTA_CleanNoMove, true); screen.DrawText(SmallFont, textcolor, secret_x - secret_len*CleanXfac, y, text_secret, DTA_CleanNoMove, true); y += height + 6 * CleanYfac; missed_kills = wbs.maxkills; missed_items = wbs.maxitems; missed_secrets = wbs.maxsecret; // Draw lines for each player for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; PlayerInfo player = players[i]; screen.Dim(player.GetDisplayColor(), 0.8f, x, y - ypadding, (secret_x - x) + (8 * CleanXfac), lineheight); if (playerready[i] || player.Bot != NULL) // Bots are automatically assumed ready, to prevent confusion screen.DrawTexture(readyico, true, x - (readysize.Y * CleanXfac), y, DTA_CleanNoMove, true); Color thiscolor = GetRowColor(player, i == consoleplayer); if ( { screen.DrawTexture(, true, icon_x, y, DTA_CleanNoMove, true); } screen.DrawText(SmallFont, thiscolor, name_x, y + ypadding, player.GetUserName(), DTA_CleanNoMove, true); drawPercent(SmallFont, kills_x, y + ypadding, cnt_kills[i], wbs.maxkills, false, thiscolor); missed_kills -= cnt_kills[i]; if (ng_state >= 4) { drawPercent(SmallFont, bonus_x, y + ypadding, cnt_items[i], wbs.maxitems, false, thiscolor); missed_items -= cnt_items[i]; if (ng_state >= 6) { drawPercent(SmallFont, secret_x, y + ypadding, cnt_secret[i], wbs.maxsecret, false, thiscolor); missed_secrets -= cnt_secret[i]; } } y += lineheight + CleanYfac; } // Draw "MISSED" line y += 3 * CleanYfac; screen.DrawText(SmallFont, Font.CR_DARKGRAY, name_x, y, Stringtable.Localize("$SCORE_MISSED"), DTA_CleanNoMove, true); drawPercent(SmallFont, kills_x, y, missed_kills, wbs.maxkills, false, Font.CR_DARKGRAY); if (ng_state >= 4) { drawPercent(SmallFont, bonus_x, y, missed_items, wbs.maxitems, false, Font.CR_DARKGRAY); if (ng_state >= 6) { drawPercent(SmallFont, secret_x, y, missed_secrets, wbs.maxsecret, false, Font.CR_DARKGRAY); } } // Draw "TOTAL" line y += height + 3 * CleanYfac; screen.DrawText(SmallFont, textcolor, name_x, y, Stringtable.Localize("$SCORE_TOTAL"), DTA_CleanNoMove, true); drawNum(SmallFont, kills_x, y, wbs.maxkills, 0, false, textcolor); if (ng_state >= 4) { drawNum(SmallFont, bonus_x, y, wbs.maxitems, 0, false, textcolor); if (ng_state >= 6) { drawNum(SmallFont, secret_x, y, wbs.maxsecret, 0, false, textcolor); } } } }