%{ #include #include #include #include #include typedef enum { false, true } bool; typedef short name; // verbose doesn't seem to help all that much //#define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 int yyerror (char *s); int yylex (void); int yyparse (); FILE *Source, *Dest; int SourceLine; int ErrorCount; void WriteWord (int word); void WriteLabel (char *label); void WriteWords (int count, short *array); void WriteBytes (int count, char *array); void WriteNameTable (); void WriteActions (); void WriteActionMap (); void WriteHeights (); void WriteCodePConv (); void WriteSprites (); void WriteStates (); void WriteSounds (); void WriteInfoNames (); void WriteThingBits (); void WriteRenderStyles (); static bool FindToken (char *tok, int *type); struct StringList { struct StringList *Next; char String[1]; }; struct StringSorter { name OldName; struct StringList *Entry; }; struct StringList *NameList, **NameListLast = &NameList; int NameCount; static name AddName (char *name); static name FindName (char *name); static void SortNames (); struct StateMapE { name Name; unsigned char State; unsigned char Count; }; struct ThingBitsE { name Name; unsigned char BitNum; unsigned char FlagNum; }; struct RenderStylesE { name Name; unsigned char StyleNum; }; static void AddAction (char *name); static int FindAction (char *name); name *ActionsList; unsigned char *HeightsArray; unsigned char *ActionMap; unsigned short *CodePMap; char *SpriteNames; struct StateMapE *StateMaps; name *SoundMaps; name *InfoNamesArray; struct ThingBitsE *ThingBitsMap; struct RenderStylesE *RenderStylesMap; int ActionsListSize, MaxActionsListSize; int HeightsSize, MaxHeightsSize; int ActionMapSize, MaxActionMapSize; int CodePMapSize, MaxCodePMapSize; int SpriteNamesSize, MaxSpriteNamesSize; int StateMapsSize, MaxStateMapsSize; int SoundMapsSize, MaxSoundMapsSize; int InfoNamesSize, MaxInfoNamesSize; int ThingBitsMapSize, MaxThingBitsMapSize; int RenderStylesSize, MaxRenderStylesSize; static void AddHeight (int h); static void AddActionMap (char *name); static void AddCodeP (int codep); static void AddSpriteName (char *name); static void AddStateMap (char *name, int type, int count); static void AddSoundMap (char *sound); static void AddInfoName (char *sound); static void AddThingBits (char *name, int bitnum, int flagnum); static void AddRenderStyle (char *name, int stylenum); %} %union { int val; char sym[80]; char string[80]; } %token NUM %token SYM %token STRING %type exp %type StateType; %token PRINT %token ENDL %token Actions %token OrgHeights %token ActionList %token CodePConv %token OrgSprNames %token StateMap %token SoundMap %token InfoNames %token ThingBits %token FirstState %token SpawnState %token DeathState %token RenderStyles %left '|' %left '^' %left '&' %left '-' '+' %left '*' '/' %left NEG %start translation_unit %% exp: NUM | exp '+' exp { $$ = $1 + $3; } | exp '-' exp { $$ = $1 - $3; } | exp '*' exp { $$ = $1 * $3; } | exp '/' exp { $$ = $1 / $3; } | exp '|' exp { $$ = $1 | $3; } | exp '&' exp { $$ = $1 & $3; } | exp '^' exp { $$ = $1 ^ $3; } | '-' exp %prec NEG { $$ = -$2 } | '(' exp ')' { $$ = $2; } ; translation_unit: /* empty line */ | translation_unit external_declaration ; print_statement: PRINT '(' print_list ')' { printf ("\n"); } ; print_list: /* EMPTY */ | print_item | print_item ',' print_list ; print_item: STRING { printf ("%s", $1); } | exp { printf ("%d", $1); } | ENDL { printf ("\n"); } ; external_declaration: print_statement | ActionsDef | OrgHeightsDef | ActionListDef | CodePConvDef | OrgSprNamesDef | StateMapDef | SoundMapDef | InfoNamesDef | ThingBitsDef | RenderStylesDef ; ActionsDef: Actions '{' ActionsList '}' ';' ; ActionsList: /* empty */ | SYM { AddAction ($1); } | ActionsList ',' SYM { AddAction ($3); } ; OrgHeightsDef: OrgHeights '{' OrgHeightsList '}' ';' ; OrgHeightsList: /* empty */ | exp { AddHeight ($1); } | OrgHeightsList ',' exp { AddHeight ($3); } ; ActionListDef: ActionList '{' ActionListList '}' ';' ; ActionListList: /* empty */ | SYM { AddActionMap ($1); } | ActionListList ',' SYM { AddActionMap ($3); } ; CodePConvDef: CodePConv '{' CodePConvList '}' ';' ; CodePConvList: /* empty */ | exp { AddCodeP ($1); } | CodePConvList ',' exp { AddCodeP ($3); } ; OrgSprNamesDef: OrgSprNames '{' OrgSprNamesList '}' ';' ; OrgSprNamesList: /* empty */ | SYM { AddSpriteName ($1); } | OrgSprNamesList ',' SYM { AddSpriteName ($3); } ; StateMapDef: StateMap '{' StateMapList '}' ';' ; StateMapList: /* empty */ | StateMapEntry | StateMapList ',' StateMapEntry ; StateMapEntry: SYM ',' StateType ',' exp { AddStateMap ($1, $3, $5); } ; StateType: FirstState { $$ = 0; } | SpawnState { $$ = 1; } | DeathState { $$ = 2; } ; SoundMapDef: SoundMap '{' SoundMapList '}' ';' ; SoundMapList: /*empty */ | STRING { AddSoundMap ($1); } | SoundMapList ',' STRING { AddSoundMap ($3); } ; InfoNamesDef: InfoNames '{' InfoNamesList '}' ';' ; InfoNamesList: /* empty */ | SYM { AddInfoName ($1); } | InfoNamesList ',' SYM { AddInfoName ($3); } ; ThingBitsDef: ThingBits '{' ThingBitsList '}' ';' ; ThingBitsList: /* empty */ | ThingBitsEntry | ThingBitsList ',' ThingBitsEntry ; ThingBitsEntry: exp ',' exp ',' SYM { AddThingBits ($5, $1, $3); } ; RenderStylesDef: RenderStyles '{' RenderStylesList '}' ';' ; RenderStylesList: /* empty */ | RenderStylesEntry | RenderStylesList ',' RenderStylesEntry ; RenderStylesEntry: exp ',' SYM { AddRenderStyle ($3, $1); } ; %% #include #include // bison.simple #defines const to nothing #ifdef const #undef const #endif int yylex (void) { char token[80]; int toksize; int buildup; int c; loop: if (Source == NULL) { return 0; } while (isspace (c = fgetc (Source)) && c != EOF) { if (c == '\n') { SourceLine++; } } if (c == EOF) { return 0; } if (isdigit (c)) { buildup = c - '0'; if (c == '0') { c = fgetc (Source); if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') { for (;;) { c = fgetc (Source); if (isdigit (c)) { buildup = (buildup<<4) + c - '0'; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { buildup = (buildup<<4) + c - 'a' + 10; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { buildup = (buildup<<4) + c - 'A' + 10; } else { ungetc (c, Source); yylval.val = buildup; return NUM; } } } else { ungetc (c, Source); } } while (isdigit (c = fgetc (Source))) { buildup = buildup*10 + c - '0'; } ungetc (c, Source); yylval.val = buildup; return NUM; } if (isalpha (c)) { token[0] = c; toksize = 1; while (toksize < 79 && (isalnum (c = fgetc (Source)) || c == '_')) { token[toksize++] = c; } token[toksize] = 0; if (toksize == 79 && isalnum (c)) { while (isalnum (c = fgetc (Source))) ; } ungetc (c, Source); if (FindToken (token, &buildup)) { return buildup; } strcpy (yylval.sym, token); return SYM; } if (c == '/') { c = fgetc (Source); if (c == '*') { for (;;) { while ((c = fgetc (Source)) != '*' && c != EOF) { if (c == '\n') SourceLine++; } if (c == EOF) return 0; if ((c = fgetc (Source)) == '/') goto loop; if (c == EOF) return 0; ungetc (c, Source); } } else if (c == '/') { while ((c = fgetc (Source)) != '\n' && c != EOF) ; if (c == '\n') SourceLine++; else if (c == EOF) return 0; goto loop; } else { ungetc (c, Source); return '/'; } } if (c == '"') { int tokensize = 0; while ((c = fgetc (Source)) != '"' && c != EOF) { if (c == '\\') { c = fgetc (Source); if (c != '"' && c != EOF) { ungetc (c, Source); c = '\\'; } } if (tokensize < 79) { yylval.string[tokensize++] = c; } } yylval.string[tokensize] = 0; return STRING; } return c; } static bool FindToken (char *tok, int *type) { static const char tokens[][13] = { "endl", "print", "Actions", "OrgHeights", "ActionList", "CodePConv", "OrgSprNames", "StateMap", "SoundMap", "InfoNames", "ThingBits", "DeathState", "SpawnState", "FirstState", "RenderStyles" }; static const short types[] = { ENDL, PRINT, Actions, OrgHeights, ActionList, CodePConv, OrgSprNames, StateMap, SoundMap, InfoNames, ThingBits, DeathState, SpawnState, FirstState, RenderStyles }; int i; for (i = sizeof(tokens)/sizeof(tokens[0])-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (strcmp (tok, tokens[i]) == 0) { *type = types[i]; return 1; } } return 0; } static name FindName (char *name) { struct StringList *probe = NameList; int count = 0; while (probe != NULL) { if (stricmp (probe->String, name) == 0) { return count; } count++; probe = probe->Next; } return -1; } static name AddName (char *name) { struct StringList *newone; int index = FindName (name); if (index != -1) return index; newone = malloc (sizeof(*newone) + strlen(name)); strcpy (newone->String, name); newone->Next = NULL; *NameListLast = newone; NameListLast = &newone->Next; return NameCount++; } static int FindAction (char *namei) { int name = FindName (namei); if (name != -1) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ActionsListSize; i++) { if (ActionsList[i] == name) return i; } } printf ("Line %d: Unknown action %s\n", SourceLine, namei); ErrorCount++; return -1; } static void AddAction (char *name) { int newname = AddName (name); if (ActionsListSize == MaxActionsListSize) { MaxActionsListSize = MaxActionsListSize ? MaxActionsListSize * 2 : 256; ActionsList = realloc (ActionsList, MaxActionsListSize*sizeof(*ActionsList)); } ActionsList[ActionsListSize++] = newname; } static void AddHeight (int h) { if (MaxHeightsSize == HeightsSize) { MaxHeightsSize = MaxHeightsSize ? MaxHeightsSize * 2 : 256; HeightsArray = realloc (HeightsArray, MaxHeightsSize); } HeightsArray[HeightsSize++] = h; } static void AddActionMap (char *name) { int index = FindAction (name); if (index != -1) { if (ActionMapSize == MaxActionMapSize) { MaxActionMapSize = MaxActionMapSize ? MaxActionMapSize * 2 : 256; ActionMap = realloc (ActionMap, MaxActionMapSize*sizeof(*ActionMap)); } ActionMap[ActionMapSize++] = index; } } static void AddCodeP (int codep) { if (CodePMapSize == MaxCodePMapSize) { MaxCodePMapSize = MaxCodePMapSize ? MaxCodePMapSize * 2 : 256; CodePMap = realloc (CodePMap, MaxCodePMapSize*sizeof(*CodePMap)); } CodePMap[CodePMapSize++] = codep; } static void AddSpriteName (char *name) { if (strlen (name) != 4) { printf ("Line %d: Sprite name %s must be 4 characters\n", SourceLine, name); ErrorCount++; return; } if (SpriteNamesSize == MaxSpriteNamesSize) { MaxSpriteNamesSize = MaxSpriteNamesSize ? MaxSpriteNamesSize * 2 : 256*4; SpriteNames = realloc (SpriteNames, MaxSpriteNamesSize*sizeof(*SpriteNames)); } SpriteNames[SpriteNamesSize+0] = toupper (name[0]); SpriteNames[SpriteNamesSize+1] = toupper (name[1]); SpriteNames[SpriteNamesSize+2] = toupper (name[2]); SpriteNames[SpriteNamesSize+3] = toupper (name[3]); SpriteNamesSize += 4; } static void AddSoundMap (char *name) { if (SoundMapsSize == MaxSoundMapsSize) { MaxSoundMapsSize = MaxSoundMapsSize ? MaxSoundMapsSize * 2 : 256; SoundMaps = realloc (SoundMaps, MaxSoundMapsSize*sizeof(*SoundMaps)); } SoundMaps[SoundMapsSize++] = AddName (name); } static void AddInfoName (char *name) { if (InfoNamesSize == MaxInfoNamesSize) { MaxInfoNamesSize = MaxInfoNamesSize ? MaxInfoNamesSize * 2 : 256; InfoNamesArray = realloc (InfoNamesArray, MaxInfoNamesSize*sizeof(*InfoNamesArray)); } InfoNamesArray[InfoNamesSize++] = AddName (name); } static void AddStateMap (char *name, int state, int count) { if (count == 0) { printf ("Line %d: Count is 0. Is this right?\n", SourceLine); return; } if ((unsigned)count > 255) { printf ("Line %d: Count must be in the range 1-255\n", SourceLine); ErrorCount++; } if (StateMapsSize == MaxStateMapsSize) { MaxStateMapsSize = MaxStateMapsSize ? MaxStateMapsSize*2 : 256; StateMaps = realloc (StateMaps, MaxStateMapsSize*sizeof(*StateMaps)); } StateMaps[StateMapsSize].Name = AddName (name); StateMaps[StateMapsSize].State = state; StateMaps[StateMapsSize].Count = count; StateMapsSize++; } static void AddThingBits (char *name, int bitnum, int flagnum) { if ((unsigned)bitnum > 31) { printf ("Line %d: Bit %d must be in the range 0-31\n", SourceLine, bitnum); ErrorCount++; return; } if (MaxThingBitsMapSize == ThingBitsMapSize) { MaxThingBitsMapSize = MaxThingBitsMapSize ? MaxThingBitsMapSize*2 : 128; ThingBitsMap = realloc (ThingBitsMap, MaxThingBitsMapSize*sizeof(*ThingBitsMap)); } ThingBitsMap[ThingBitsMapSize].Name = AddName (name); ThingBitsMap[ThingBitsMapSize].BitNum = bitnum; ThingBitsMap[ThingBitsMapSize].FlagNum = flagnum; ThingBitsMapSize++; } static void AddRenderStyle (char *name, int stylenum) { if ((unsigned)stylenum > 255) { printf ("Line %d: %s must be in the range 0-255\n", SourceLine, name); ErrorCount++; return; } if (MaxRenderStylesSize == RenderStylesSize) { MaxRenderStylesSize = MaxRenderStylesSize ? MaxRenderStylesSize*2 : 16; RenderStylesMap = realloc (RenderStylesMap, MaxRenderStylesSize*sizeof(*RenderStylesMap)); } RenderStylesMap[RenderStylesSize].Name = AddName (name); RenderStylesMap[RenderStylesSize].StyleNum = stylenum; RenderStylesSize++; } static int sortfunc (const void *a, const void *b) { return stricmp (((struct StringSorter *)a)->Entry->String, ((struct StringSorter *)b)->Entry->String); } static void SortNames () { name *remap = malloc (NameCount * sizeof(*remap)); struct StringSorter *sorter = malloc (NameCount * sizeof(*sorter)); struct StringList *probe, **prev; int i; for (i = 0, probe = NameList; probe != NULL; probe = probe->Next, i++) { sorter[i].OldName = i; sorter[i].Entry = probe; } // There are some warnings here, though I have no idea why. qsort (sorter, NameCount, sizeof(*sorter), sortfunc); for (i = 0, prev = &NameList; i < NameCount; i++) { *prev = sorter[i].Entry; prev = &sorter[i].Entry->Next; } *prev = NULL; for (i = 0; i < NameCount; i++) { remap[sorter[i].OldName] = i; } for (i = 0; i < ActionsListSize; i++) { ActionsList[i] = remap[ActionsList[i]]; } for (i = 0; i < SoundMapsSize; i++) { SoundMaps[i] = remap[SoundMaps[i]]; } for (i = 0; i < InfoNamesSize; i++) { InfoNamesArray[i] = remap[InfoNamesArray[i]]; } for (i = 0; i < StateMapsSize; i++) { StateMaps[i].Name = remap[StateMaps[i].Name]; } for (i = 0; i < ThingBitsMapSize; i++) { ThingBitsMap[i].Name = remap[ThingBitsMap[i].Name]; } for (i = 0; i < RenderStylesSize; i++) { RenderStylesMap[i].Name = remap[RenderStylesMap[i].Name]; } } int yyerror (char *s) { printf ("Line %d: %s\n", SourceLine, s); ErrorCount++; return 0; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 3) { printf ("Usage: dehsupp \n"); return -1; } Source = fopen (argv[1], "r"); if (Source == NULL) { printf ("Could not open %s\n", argv[1]); return -2; } SourceLine = 1; yyparse (); fclose (Source); if (ErrorCount) { printf ("There were %d errors\n", ErrorCount); return -3; } SortNames (); Dest = fopen (argv[2], "wb"); if (Dest == NULL) { printf ("Could not open %s\n", argv[2]); return -4; } WriteNameTable (); WriteActions (); WriteCodePConv (); WriteSprites (); WriteSounds (); WriteInfoNames (); WriteStates (); WriteActionMap (); WriteThingBits (); WriteRenderStyles (); WriteHeights (); WriteLabel ("END "); fclose (Dest); return 0; } void fail (int code, char *err) { fclose (Dest); printf ("%s\n", err); exit (code); } void WriteWord (int word) { putc (word >> 8, Dest); putc (word & 255, Dest); } void WriteLabel (char *label) { fwrite (label, 1, 4, Dest); } void WriteWords (int count, short *array) { int i; WriteWord (count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { WriteWord (array[i]); } } void WriteBytes (int count, char *array) { WriteWord (count); fwrite (array, 1, count, Dest); } void WriteNameTable () { struct StringList *probe; int i, size; WriteLabel ("NAME"); // Count the length of each string, including nulls for (probe = NameList, size = 0; probe != NULL; probe = probe->Next) { size += (int)strlen (probe->String) + 1; } if (size == 0) { WriteWord (2); // Size of this lump WriteWord (0); // Number of names return; } size += NameCount*2 + 2; if (size >= 65536) { fail (-5, "Name table is larger than 64K"); } WriteWord (size); // Size of this lump WriteWord (NameCount); // Number of names // Write each name's offset from the first name, which is stored // immediately after this list for (i = size = 0, probe = NameList; i < NameCount; i++, probe = probe->Next) { WriteWord (size); size += (int)strlen (probe->String) + 1; } // Write each name's string in order now for (probe = NameList; probe != NULL; probe = probe->Next) { fputs (probe->String, Dest); putc (0, Dest); } } typedef struct { name Name; short Num; } NameNum; int sortfunc2 (const void *a, const void *b) { return ((NameNum *)a)->Name - ((NameNum *)b)->Name; } void WriteActions () { NameNum *sorter = malloc (ActionsListSize * sizeof(*sorter)); int i; WriteLabel ("ACTF"); WriteWord (ActionsListSize); for (i = 0; i < ActionsListSize; i++) { sorter[i].Name = ActionsList[i]; sorter[i].Num = i; } // warnings here. ignore. qsort (sorter, ActionsListSize, sizeof(*sorter), sortfunc2); for (i = 0; i < ActionsListSize; i++) { WriteWord (sorter[i].Name); WriteWord (sorter[i].Num); } free (sorter); } void WriteActionMap () { WriteLabel ("ACTM"); WriteBytes (ActionMapSize, ActionMap); } void WriteHeights () { WriteLabel ("HIGH"); WriteBytes (HeightsSize, HeightsArray); } void WriteCodePConv () { WriteLabel ("CODP"); WriteWords (CodePMapSize, CodePMap); } void WriteSprites () { WriteLabel ("SPRN"); WriteWord (SpriteNamesSize / 4); fwrite (SpriteNames, SpriteNamesSize, 1, Dest); } void WriteStates () { int i; WriteLabel ("STAT"); WriteWord (StateMapsSize); for (i = 0; i < StateMapsSize; i++) { WriteWord (StateMaps[i].Name); putc (StateMaps[i].State, Dest); putc (StateMaps[i].Count, Dest); } } void WriteSounds () { WriteLabel ("SND "); WriteWords (SoundMapsSize, SoundMaps); } void WriteInfoNames () { WriteLabel ("INFN"); WriteWords (InfoNamesSize, InfoNamesArray); } static int sortfunc3 (const void *a, const void *b) { return ((struct ThingBitsE *)a)->Name - ((struct ThingBitsE *)b)->Name; } void WriteThingBits () { int i; WriteLabel ("TBIT"); WriteWord (ThingBitsMapSize); // warnings here; ignore them qsort (ThingBitsMap, ThingBitsMapSize, sizeof(*ThingBitsMap), sortfunc3); for (i = 0; i < ThingBitsMapSize; i++) { WriteWord (ThingBitsMap[i].Name); putc (ThingBitsMap[i].BitNum | (ThingBitsMap[i].FlagNum<<5), Dest); } } static int sortfunc4 (const void *a, const void *b) { return ((struct RenderStylesE *)a)->Name - ((struct RenderStylesE *)b)->Name; } void WriteRenderStyles () { int i; WriteLabel ("REND"); WriteWord (RenderStylesSize); // More warnings; ignore qsort (RenderStylesMap, RenderStylesSize, sizeof(*RenderStylesMap), sortfunc4); for (i = 0; i < RenderStylesSize; i++) { WriteWord (RenderStylesMap[i].Name); putc (RenderStylesMap[i].StyleNum, Dest); } }