#include "i_musicinterns.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "templates.h" #if !defined(_WIN32) && 0 // Under Linux, buffer output from Timidity to try to avoid "bubbles" // in the sound output. class FPipeBuffer { public: FPipeBuffer::FPipeBuffer (int fragSize, int nFrags, int pipe); ~FPipeBuffer (); int ReadFrag (BYTE *Buf); private: int PipeHandle; int FragSize; int BuffSize; int WritePos, ReadPos; BYTE *Buffer; bool GotFull; SDL_mutex *BufferMutex; SDL_thread *Reader; static int ThreadProc (void *data); }; #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #include int ChildQuit; void ChildSigHandler (int signum) { ChildQuit = waitpid (-1, NULL, WNOHANG); } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 const char TimiditySong::EventName[] = "TiMidity Killer"; static char TimidityTitle[] = "TiMidity (ZDoom Launched)"; CVAR (String, timidity_exe, "timidity.exe", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) #else CVAR (String, timidity_exe, "timidity", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) #endif CVAR (String, timidity_extargs, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) // extra args to pass to Timidity CVAR (String, timidity_chorus, "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) CVAR (String, timidity_reverb, "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) CVAR (Bool, timidity_stereo, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) CVAR (Bool, timidity_8bit, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) CVAR (Bool, timidity_byteswap, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) // added because Timidity's output is rather loud. CUSTOM_CVAR (Float, timidity_mastervolume, 1.0f, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) { if (self < 0.f) self = 0.f; else if (self > 4.f) self = 4.f; if (currSong != NULL) currSong->TimidityVolumeChanged(); } CUSTOM_CVAR (Int, timidity_pipe, 60, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) { // pipe size in ms if (timidity_pipe < 0) { // a negative size makes no sense timidity_pipe = 0; } } CUSTOM_CVAR (Int, timidity_frequency, 22050, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) { // Clamp frequency to Timidity's limits if (self < 4000) self = 4000; else if (self > 65000) self = 65000; } void TimiditySong::Play (bool looping) { m_Status = STATE_Stopped; m_Looping = looping; if (LaunchTimidity ()) { if (m_Stream != NULL) { if (m_Stream->Play (true, timidity_mastervolume)) { m_Status = STATE_Playing; } } else { // Assume success if not mixing with FMOD m_Status = STATE_Playing; } } } void TimiditySong::Stop () { if (m_Status != STATE_Stopped) { if (m_Stream != NULL) { m_Stream->Stop (); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (ChildProcess != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetEvent (KillerEvent); if (WaitForSingleObject (ChildProcess, 500) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { TerminateProcess (ChildProcess, 666); } CloseHandle (ChildProcess); ChildProcess = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } #else if (ChildProcess != -1) { if (kill (ChildProcess, SIGTERM) != 0) { kill (ChildProcess, SIGKILL); } waitpid (ChildProcess, NULL, 0); ChildProcess = -1; } #endif } m_Status = STATE_Stopped; } TimiditySong::~TimiditySong () { Stop (); #if _WIN32 if (WriteWavePipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (WriteWavePipe); WriteWavePipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (ReadWavePipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (ReadWavePipe); ReadWavePipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (KillerEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (KillerEvent); KillerEvent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } #else if (WavePipe[1] != -1) { close (WavePipe[1]); WavePipe[1] = -1; } if (WavePipe[0] != -1) { close (WavePipe[0]); WavePipe[0] = -1; } #endif } TimiditySong::TimiditySong (FILE *file, char * musiccache, int len) : DiskName ("zmid"), #ifdef _WIN32 ReadWavePipe (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), WriteWavePipe (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), KillerEvent (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), ChildProcess (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), Validated (false) #else ChildProcess (-1) #endif { bool success; FILE *f; #ifndef _WIN32 WavePipe[0] = WavePipe[1] = -1; #endif if (DiskName == NULL) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Could not create temp music file\n"); return; } f = fopen (DiskName, "wb"); if (f == NULL) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Could not open temp music file\n"); return; } BYTE *buf; if (file!=NULL) { buf = new BYTE[len]; fread (buf, 1, len, file); } else buf = (BYTE*)musiccache; // The file type has already been checked before this class instance was // created, so we only need to check one character to determine if this // is a MUS or MIDI file and write it to disk as appropriate. if (buf[1] == 'T') { success = (fwrite (buf, 1, len, f) == (size_t)len); } else { success = ProduceMIDI (buf, f); } fclose (f); if (file!=NULL) { delete[] buf; } if (success) { PrepTimidity (); } else { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Could not write temp music file\n"); } } void TimiditySong::PrepTimidity () { int pipeSize; #ifdef _WIN32 static SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES inheritable = { sizeof(inheritable), NULL, TRUE }; if (!Validated && !ValidateTimidity ()) { return; } Validated = true; KillerEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, EventName); if (KillerEvent == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Could not create TiMidity++ kill event.\n"); return; } #endif // WIN32 CommandLine.Format ("%s %s -EFchorus=%s -EFreverb=%s -s%d ", *timidity_exe, *timidity_extargs, *timidity_chorus, *timidity_reverb, *timidity_frequency); pipeSize = (timidity_pipe * timidity_frequency / 1000) << (timidity_stereo + !timidity_8bit); if (GSnd == NULL) { // Can't pipe if using no sound. pipeSize = 0; } if (pipeSize != 0) { #ifdef _WIN32 // Round pipe size up to nearest power of 2 to try and avoid partial // buffer reads in FillStream() under NT. This does not seem to be an // issue under 9x. int bitmask = pipeSize & -pipeSize; while (bitmask < pipeSize) bitmask <<= 1; pipeSize = bitmask; if (!CreatePipe (&ReadWavePipe, &WriteWavePipe, &inheritable, pipeSize)) #else // WIN32 if (pipe (WavePipe) == -1) #endif { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Could not create a data pipe for TiMidity++.\n"); pipeSize = 0; } else { m_Stream = GSnd->CreateStream (FillStream, pipeSize, (timidity_stereo ? 0 : SoundStream::Mono) | (timidity_8bit ? SoundStream::Bits8 : 0), timidity_frequency, this); if (m_Stream == NULL) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Could not create music stream.\n"); pipeSize = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 CloseHandle (WriteWavePipe); CloseHandle (ReadWavePipe); ReadWavePipe = WriteWavePipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #else close (WavePipe[1]); close (WavePipe[0]); WavePipe[0] = WavePipe[1] = -1; #endif } } if (pipeSize == 0) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "If your soundcard cannot play more than one\n" "wave at a time, you will hear no music.\n"); } else { CommandLine += "-o - -Ors"; } } if (pipeSize == 0) { CommandLine += "-Od"; } CommandLine += timidity_stereo ? 'S' : 'M'; CommandLine += timidity_8bit ? '8' : '1'; if (timidity_byteswap) { CommandLine += 'x'; } LoopPos = CommandLine.Len() + 4; CommandLine += " -idl "; CommandLine += DiskName.GetName(); } #ifdef _WIN32 // Check that this TiMidity++ knows about the TiMidity Killer event. // If not, then we can't use it, because Win32 provides no other way // to conveniently signal it to quit. The check is done by simply // searching for the event's name somewhere in the executable. bool TimiditySong::ValidateTimidity () { char foundPath[MAX_PATH]; char *filePart; DWORD pathLen; DWORD fileLen; HANDLE diskFile; HANDLE mapping; const BYTE *exeBase; const BYTE *exeEnd; const BYTE *exe; bool good; pathLen = SearchPath (NULL, timidity_exe, NULL, MAX_PATH, foundPath, &filePart); if (pathLen == 0) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Please set the timidity_exe cvar to the location of TiMidity++\n"); return false; } if (pathLen > MAX_PATH) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "The path to TiMidity++ is too long\n"); return false; } diskFile = CreateFile (foundPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (diskFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Could not access %s\n", foundPath); return false; } fileLen = GetFileSize (diskFile, NULL); mapping = CreateFileMapping (diskFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if (mapping == NULL) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Could not create mapping for %s\n", foundPath); CloseHandle (diskFile); return false; } exeBase = (const BYTE *)MapViewOfFile (mapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (exeBase == NULL) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Could not map %s\n", foundPath); CloseHandle (mapping); CloseHandle (diskFile); return false; } good = false; try { for (exe = exeBase, exeEnd = exeBase+fileLen; exe < exeEnd; ) { const char *tSpot = (const char *)memchr (exe, 'T', exeEnd - exe); if (tSpot == NULL) { break; } if (memcmp (tSpot+1, EventName+1, sizeof(EventName)-1) == 0) { good = true; break; } exe = (const BYTE *)tSpot + 1; } } catch (...) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Error reading %s\n", foundPath); } if (!good) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "ZDoom requires a special version of TiMidity++\n"); } UnmapViewOfFile ((LPVOID)exeBase); CloseHandle (mapping); CloseHandle (diskFile); return good; } #endif // _WIN32 bool TimiditySong::LaunchTimidity () { if (CommandLine.IsEmpty()) { return false; } // Tell Timidity whether it should loop or not char *cmdline = CommandLine.LockBuffer(); cmdline[LoopPos] = m_Looping ? 'l' : ' '; DPrintf ("cmd: \x1cG%s\n", cmdline); #ifdef _WIN32 STARTUPINFO startup = { sizeof(startup), }; PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; startup.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; startup.hStdInput = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; startup.hStdOutput = WriteWavePipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ? WriteWavePipe : GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); startup.hStdError = GetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE); startup.lpTitle = TimidityTitle; startup.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE; if (CreateProcess (NULL, cmdline, NULL, NULL, TRUE, /*HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS|*/DETACHED_PROCESS, NULL, NULL, &startup, &procInfo)) { ChildProcess = procInfo.hProcess; //SetThreadPriority (procInfo.hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); CloseHandle (procInfo.hThread); // Don't care about the created thread CommandLine.UnlockBuffer(); return true; } CommandLine.UnlockBuffer(); char hres[9]; LPTSTR msgBuf; HRESULT err = GetLastError (); if (!FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, err, 0, (LPTSTR)&msgBuf, 0, NULL)) { sprintf (hres, "%08lx", err); msgBuf = hres; } Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Could not run timidity with the command line:\n%s\n" "Reason: %s\n", CommandLine.GetChars(), msgBuf); if (msgBuf != hres) { LocalFree (msgBuf); } return false; #else if (WavePipe[0] != -1 && WavePipe[1] == -1 && m_Stream != NULL) { // Timidity was previously launched, so the write end of the pipe // is closed, and the read end is still open. Close the pipe // completely and reopen it. close (WavePipe[0]); WavePipe[0] = -1; delete m_Stream; m_Stream = NULL; PrepTimidity (); } int forkres; wordexp_t words; switch (wordexp (CommandLine.GetChars(), &words, 0)) { case 0: // all good break; case WRDE_NOSPACE: wordfree (&words); default: return false; } forkres = fork (); if (forkres == 0) { close (WavePipe[0]); dup2 (WavePipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO); freopen ("/dev/null", "r", stdin); // freopen ("/dev/null", "w", stderr); close (WavePipe[1]); execvp (words.we_wordv[0], words.we_wordv); fprintf(stderr,"execvp failed\n"); exit (0); // if execvp succeeds, we never get here } else if (forkres < 0) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Could not fork when trying to start timidity\n"); } else { // printf ("child is %d\n", forkres); ChildProcess = forkres; close (WavePipe[1]); WavePipe[1] = -1; /* usleep(1000000); if (waitpid(ChildProcess, NULL, WNOHANG) == ChildProcess) { fprintf(stderr,"Launching timidity failed\n"); }*/ } wordfree (&words); return ChildProcess != -1; #endif // _WIN32 } bool TimiditySong::FillStream (SoundStream *stream, void *buff, int len, void *userdata) { TimiditySong *song = (TimiditySong *)userdata; #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD avail, got, didget; if (!PeekNamedPipe (song->ReadWavePipe, NULL, 0, NULL, &avail, NULL) || avail == 0) { // If nothing is available from the pipe, play silence. memset (buff, 0, len); } else { didget = 0; for (;;) { ReadFile (song->ReadWavePipe, (BYTE *)buff+didget, len-didget, &got, NULL); didget += got; if (didget >= (DWORD)len) break; // Give TiMidity a chance to output something more to the pipe Sleep (10); if (!PeekNamedPipe (song->ReadWavePipe, NULL, 0, NULL, &avail, NULL) || avail == 0) { memset ((BYTE *)buff+didget, 0, len-didget); break; } } } #else ssize_t got; fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; if (ChildQuit == song->ChildProcess) { ChildQuit = 0; fprintf (stderr, "child gone\n"); song->ChildProcess = -1; return false; } FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(song->WavePipe[0], &rfds); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 50; // fprintf(stderr,"select\n"); if (select(1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) <= 0 && 0) { // Nothing available, so play silence. // fprintf(stderr,"nothing\n"); // memset(buff, 0, len); return true; } // fprintf(stderr,"something\n"); got = read (song->WavePipe[0], (BYTE *)buff, len); if (got < len) { memset ((BYTE *)buff+got, 0, len-got); } #endif return true; } void TimiditySong::TimidityVolumeChanged() { if (m_Stream != NULL) { m_Stream->SetVolume(timidity_mastervolume); } } bool TimiditySong::IsPlaying () { #ifdef _WIN32 if (ChildProcess != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (WaitForSingleObject (ChildProcess, 0) != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // Timidity has quit CloseHandle (ChildProcess); ChildProcess = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #else if (ChildProcess != -1) { if (waitpid (ChildProcess, NULL, WNOHANG) == ChildProcess) { ChildProcess = -1; #endif if (m_Looping) { if (!LaunchTimidity ()) { Stop (); return false; } return true; } return false; } return true; } return false; } #if !defined(_WIN32) && 0 FPipeBuffer::FPipeBuffer (int fragSize, int nFrags, int pipe) : PipeHandle (pipe), FragSize (fragSize), BuffSize (fragSize * nFrags), WritePos (0), ReadPos (0), GotFull (false), Reader (0), PleaseExit (0) { Buffer = new BYTE[BuffSize]; if (Buffer != NULL) { BufferMutex = SDL_CreateMutex (); if (BufferMutex == NULL) { Reader = SDL_CreateThread (ThreadProc, (void *)this); } } } FPipeBuffer::~FPipeBuffer () { if (Reader != NULL) { // I like the Win32 IPC facilities better than SDL's // Fortunately, this is a simple thread, so I can cheat // like this. SDL_KillThread (ThreadProc); } if (BufferMutex != NULL) { SDL_DestroyMutex (BufferMutex); } if (Buffer != NULL) { delete[] Buffer; } } int FPipeBuffer::ReadFrag (BYTE *buf) { int startavvail; int avail; int pos; int opos; if (SDL_mutexP (BufferMutex) == -1) return 0; if (WritePos > ReadPos) { avail = WritePos - ReadPos; } else { avail = BuffSize - ReadPos + WritePos; } if (avail > FragSize) avail = FragSize; startavail = avali; pos = ReadPos; opos = 0; while (avail != 0) { int thistime; thistime = (pos + avail > BuffSize) ? BuffSize - pos : avail; memcpy (buf + opos, Buffer + pos, thistime); if (thistime != avail) { pos = 0; avail -= thistime; } opos += thistime; } ReadPos = pos; SDL_mutexV (BufferMutex); return startavail; } #endif // !_WIN32