#pragma once #include "vulkan/system/vk_buffers.h" #include "vulkan/shaders/vk_shader.h" #include "name.h" #include "hwrenderer/scene/hw_drawstructs.h" #include "hwrenderer/scene/hw_renderstate.h" #include "hwrenderer/textures/hw_material.h" class VkRenderState : public FRenderState { public: VkRenderState(); // Draw commands void ClearScreen() override; void Draw(int dt, int index, int count, bool apply = true) override; void DrawIndexed(int dt, int index, int count, bool apply = true) override; // Immediate render state change commands. These only change infrequently and should not clutter the render state. bool SetDepthClamp(bool on) override; void SetDepthMask(bool on) override; void SetDepthFunc(int func) override; void SetDepthRange(float min, float max) override; void SetColorMask(bool r, bool g, bool b, bool a) override; void EnableDrawBufferAttachments(bool on) override; void SetStencil(int offs, int op, int flags = -1) override; void SetCulling(int mode) override; void EnableClipDistance(int num, bool state) override; void Clear(int targets) override; void EnableStencil(bool on) override; void SetScissor(int x, int y, int w, int h) override; void SetViewport(int x, int y, int w, int h) override; void EnableDepthTest(bool on) override; void EnableMultisampling(bool on) override; void EnableLineSmooth(bool on) override; void Bind(int bindingpoint, uint32_t offset); void EndRenderPass(); private: void Apply(int dt); void BindDescriptorSets(); bool mLastDepthClamp = true; VulkanCommandBuffer *mCommandBuffer = nullptr; bool mDescriptorsChanged = true; int mScissorX = 0, mScissorY = 0, mScissorWidth = -1, mScissorHeight = -1; int mViewportX = 0, mViewportY = 0, mViewportWidth = -1, mViewportHeight = -1; float mViewportDepthMin = 0.0f, mViewportDepthMax = 1.0f; bool mScissorChanged = true; bool mViewportChanged = true; MatricesUBO mMatrices = {}; ColorsUBO mColors = {}; GlowingWallsUBO mGlowingWalls = {}; PushConstants mPushConstants = {}; uint32_t mViewpointOffset = 0; uint32_t mLightBufferOffset = 0; uint32_t mMatricesOffset = 0; uint32_t mColorsOffset = 0; uint32_t mGlowingWallsOffset = 0; };