// Scriptable marine ------------------------------------------------------- class ScriptedMarine : Actor { const MARINE_PAIN_CHANCE = 160; enum EMarineWeapon { WEAPON_Dummy, WEAPON_Fist, WEAPON_BerserkFist, WEAPON_Chainsaw, WEAPON_Pistol, WEAPON_Shotgun, WEAPON_SuperShotgun, WEAPON_Chaingun, WEAPON_RocketLauncher, WEAPON_PlasmaRifle, WEAPON_Railgun, WEAPON_BFG }; struct WeaponStates { state melee; state missile; } int CurrentWeapon; SpriteID SpriteOverride; Default { Health 100; Radius 16; Height 56; Mass 100; Speed 8; Painchance MARINE_PAIN_CHANCE; MONSTER; -COUNTKILL Translation 0; Damage 100; DeathSound "*death"; PainSound "*pain50"; } States { Spawn: PLAY A 4 A_MarineLook; PLAY A 4 A_MarineNoise; Loop; Idle: PLAY A 4 A_MarineLook; PLAY A 4 A_MarineNoise; PLAY A 4 A_MarineLook; PLAY B 4 A_MarineNoise; PLAY B 4 A_MarineLook; PLAY B 4 A_MarineNoise; Loop; See: PLAY ABCD 4 A_MarineChase; Loop; Melee.Fist: PLAY E 4 A_FaceTarget; PLAY E 4 A_M_Punch(1); PLAY A 9; PLAY A 0 A_M_Refire(1, "FistEnd"); Loop; FistEnd: PLAY A 5 A_FaceTarget; Goto See; Melee.Berserk: PLAY E 4 A_FaceTarget; PLAY E 4 A_M_Punch(10); PLAY A 9; PLAY A 0 A_M_Refire(1, "FistEnd"); Loop; Melee.Chainsaw: PLAY E 4 A_MarineNoise; PLAY E 4 A_M_Saw; PLAY E 0 A_M_SawRefire; goto Melee.Chainsaw+1; Missile: Missile.None: PLAY E 12 A_FaceTarget; Goto Idle; PLAY F 6 BRIGHT; Loop; Missile.Pistol: PLAY E 4 A_FaceTarget; PLAY F 6 BRIGHT A_M_FirePistol(1); PLAY A 4 A_FaceTarget; PLAY A 0 A_M_Refire(0, "ShootEnd"); Goto Fireloop.Pistol; ShootEnd: PLAY A 5; Goto See; Fireloop.Pistol: PLAY F 6 BRIGHT A_M_FirePistol(0); PLAY A 4 A_FaceTarget; PLAY A 0 A_M_Refire(0, "ShootEnd"); Goto Fireloop.Pistol; Missile.Shotgun: PLAY E 3 A_M_CheckAttack; PLAY F 7 BRIGHT A_M_FireShotgun; Goto See; Missile.SSG: PLAY E 3 A_M_CheckAttack; PLAY F 7 BRIGHT A_M_FireShotgun2; Goto See; Missile.Chaingun: PLAY E 4 A_FaceTarget; PLAY FF 4 BRIGHT A_M_FireCGun(1); PLAY FF 4 BRIGHT A_M_FireCGun(0); PLAY A 0 A_M_Refire(0, "See"); Goto Missile.Chaingun+3; Missile.Rocket: PLAY E 8; PLAY F 6 BRIGHT A_M_FireMissile; PLAY E 6; PLAY A 0 A_M_Refire(0, "See"); Loop; Missile.Plasma: PLAY E 2 A_FaceTarget; PLAY E 0 A_FaceTarget; PLAY F 3 BRIGHT A_M_FirePlasma; PLAY A 0 A_M_Refire(0, "See"); Goto Missile.Plasma+1; Missile.Railgun: PLAY E 4 A_M_CheckAttack; PLAY F 6 BRIGHT A_M_FireRailgun; Goto See; Missile.BFG: PLAY E 5 A_M_BFGSound; PLAY EEEEE 5 A_FaceTarget; PLAY F 6 BRIGHT A_M_FireBFG; PLAY A 4 A_FaceTarget; PLAY A 0 A_M_Refire(0, "See"); Loop; SkipAttack: PLAY A 1; Goto See; Pain: PLAY G 4; PLAY G 4 A_Pain; Goto Idle; Death: PLAY H 10; PLAY I 10 A_Scream; PLAY J 10 A_NoBlocking; PLAY KLM 10; PLAY N -1; Stop; XDeath: PLAY O 5; PLAY P 5 A_XScream; PLAY Q 5 A_NoBlocking; PLAY RSTUV 5; PLAY W -1; Stop; Raise: PLAY MLKJIH 5; Goto See; } //============================================================================ // // // //============================================================================ private bool GetWeaponStates(int weap, out WeaponStates wstates) { static const statelabel MeleeNames[] = { "Melee.None", "Melee.Fist", "Melee.Berserk", "Melee.Chainsaw", "Melee.Pistol", "Melee.Shotgun", "Melee.SSG", "Melee.Chaingun", "Melee.Rocket", "Melee.Plasma", "Melee.Railgun", "Melee.BFG" }; static const statelabel MissileNames[] = { "Missile.None", "Missile.Fist", "Missile.Berserk", "Missile.Chainsaw", "Missile.Pistol", "Missile.Shotgun", "Missile.SSG", "Missile.Chaingun", "Missile.Rocket", "Missile.Plasma", "Missile.Railgun", "Missile.BFG" }; if (weap < WEAPON_Dummy || weap > WEAPON_BFG) weap = WEAPON_Dummy; wstates.melee = FindState(MeleeNames[weap], true); wstates.missile = FindState(MissileNames[weap], true); return wstates.melee != null || wstates.missile != null; } //============================================================================ // // // //============================================================================ override void BeginPlay () { Super.BeginPlay (); // Set the current weapon for(int i = WEAPON_Dummy; i <= WEAPON_BFG; i++) { WeaponStates wstates; if (GetWeaponStates(i, wstates)) { if (wstates.melee == MeleeState && wstates.missile == MissileState) { CurrentWeapon = i; } } } } //============================================================================ // // // //============================================================================ override void Tick () { Super.Tick (); // Override the standard sprite, if desired if (SpriteOverride != 0 && sprite == SpawnState.sprite) { sprite = SpriteOverride; } if (special1 != 0) { if (CurrentWeapon == WEAPON_SuperShotgun) { // Play SSG reload sounds int ticks = level.maptime - special1; if (ticks < 47) { switch (ticks) { case 14: A_StartSound ("weapons/sshoto", CHAN_WEAPON); break; case 28: A_StartSound ("weapons/sshotl", CHAN_WEAPON); break; case 41: A_StartSound ("weapons/sshotc", CHAN_WEAPON); break; } } else { special1 = 0; } } else { // Wait for a long refire time if (level.maptime >= special1) { special1 = 0; } else { bJustAttacked = true; } } } } //============================================================================ // // A_M_Refire // //============================================================================ void A_M_Refire (bool ignoremissile = false, statelabel jumpto = null) { if (target == null || target.health <= 0) { if (MissileState && random[SMarineRefire]() < 160) { // Look for a new target most of the time if (LookForPlayers (true) && CheckMissileRange ()) { // Found somebody new and in range, so don't stop shooting return; } } if (jumpto != null) SetStateLabel (jumpto); else SetState(CurState + 1); return; } if (((ignoremissile || MissileState == null) && !CheckMeleeRange ()) || !CheckSight (target) || random[SMarineRefire]() < 4) // Small chance of stopping even when target not dead { if (jumpto != null) SetStateLabel (jumpto); else SetState(CurState + 1); } } //============================================================================ // // A_M_SawRefire // //============================================================================ void A_M_SawRefire () { if (target == null || target.health <= 0 || !CheckMeleeRange ()) { SetStateLabel ("See"); } } //============================================================================ // // A_MarineNoise // //============================================================================ void A_MarineNoise () { if (CurrentWeapon == WEAPON_Chainsaw) { A_StartSound ("weapons/sawidle", CHAN_WEAPON); } } //============================================================================ // // A_MarineChase // //============================================================================ void A_MarineChase () { A_MarineNoise(); A_Chase (); } //============================================================================ // // A_MarineLook // //============================================================================ void A_MarineLook () { A_MarineNoise(); A_Look(); } //============================================================================ // // A_M_Punch (also used in the rocket attack.) // //============================================================================ void A_M_Punch(int damagemul) { FTranslatedLineTarget t; if (target == null) return; int damage = (random[SMarinePunch](1, 10) << 1) * damagemul; A_FaceTarget (); double ang = angle + random2[SMarinePunch]() * (5.625 / 256); double pitch = AimLineAttack (ang, DEFMELEERANGE); LineAttack (ang, DEFMELEERANGE, pitch, damage, 'Melee', "BulletPuff", true, t); // turn to face target if (t.linetarget) { A_StartSound ("*fist", CHAN_WEAPON); angle = t.angleFromSource; } } //============================================================================ // // P_GunShot2 // //============================================================================ private void GunShot2 (bool accurate, double pitch, class<Actor> pufftype) { int damage = 5 * random[SMarineGunshot](1,3); double ang = angle; if (!accurate) { ang += Random2[SMarineGunshot]() * (5.625 / 256); } LineAttack (ang, MISSILERANGE, pitch, damage, 'Hitscan', pufftype); } //============================================================================ // // A_M_FirePistol // //============================================================================ void A_M_FirePistol (bool accurate) { if (target == null) return; A_StartSound ("weapons/pistol", CHAN_WEAPON); A_FaceTarget (); GunShot2 (accurate, AimLineAttack (angle, MISSILERANGE), "BulletPuff"); } //============================================================================ // // A_M_FireShotgun // //============================================================================ void A_M_FireShotgun () { if (target == null) return; A_StartSound ("weapons/shotgf", CHAN_WEAPON); A_FaceTarget (); double pitch = AimLineAttack (angle, MISSILERANGE); for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { GunShot2 (false, pitch, "BulletPuff"); } special1 = level.maptime + 27; } //============================================================================ // // A_M_CheckAttack // //============================================================================ void A_M_CheckAttack () { if (special1 != 0 || target == null) { SetStateLabel ("SkipAttack"); } else { A_FaceTarget (); } } //============================================================================ // // A_M_FireShotgun2 // //============================================================================ void A_M_FireShotgun2 () { if (target == null) return; A_StartSound ("weapons/sshotf", CHAN_WEAPON); A_FaceTarget (); double pitch = AimLineAttack (angle, MISSILERANGE); for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { int damage = 5*(random[SMarineFireSSG](1, 3)); double ang = angle + Random2[SMarineFireSSG]() * (11.25 / 256); LineAttack (ang, MISSILERANGE, pitch + Random2[SMarineFireSSG]() * (7.097 / 256), damage, 'Hitscan', "BulletPuff"); } special1 = level.maptime; } //============================================================================ // // A_M_FireCGun // //============================================================================ void A_M_FireCGun(bool accurate) { if (target == null) return; A_StartSound ("weapons/chngun", CHAN_WEAPON); A_FaceTarget (); GunShot2 (accurate, AimLineAttack (angle, MISSILERANGE), "BulletPuff"); } //============================================================================ // // A_M_FireMissile // // Giving a marine a rocket launcher is probably a bad idea unless you pump // up his health, because he's just as likely to kill himself as he is to // kill anything else with it. // //============================================================================ void A_M_FireMissile () { if (target == null) return; if (CheckMeleeRange ()) { // If too close, punch it A_M_Punch(1); } else { A_FaceTarget (); SpawnMissile (target, "Rocket"); } } //============================================================================ // // A_M_FireRailgun // //============================================================================ void A_M_FireRailgun () { if (target == null) return; A_MonsterRail(); special1 = level.maptime + 50; } //============================================================================ // // A_M_FirePlasma // //============================================================================ void A_M_FirePlasma () { if (target == null) return; A_FaceTarget (); SpawnMissile (target, "PlasmaBall"); special1 = level.maptime + 20; } //============================================================================ // // A_M_BFGsound // //============================================================================ void A_M_BFGsound () { if (target == null) return; if (special1 != 0) { SetState (SeeState); } else { A_FaceTarget (); A_StartSound ("weapons/bfgf", CHAN_WEAPON); // Don't interrupt the firing sequence PainChance = 0; } } //============================================================================ // // A_M_FireBFG // //============================================================================ void A_M_FireBFG () { if (target == null) return; A_FaceTarget (); SpawnMissile (target, "BFGBall"); special1 = level.maptime + 30; PainChance = MARINE_PAIN_CHANCE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- final void SetWeapon (int type) { WeaponStates wstates; if (GetWeaponStates(type, wstates)) { static const class<Actor> classes[] = { "ScriptedMarine", "MarineFist", "MarineBerserk", "MarineChainsaw", "MarinePistol", "MarineShotgun", "MarineSSG", "MarineChaingun", "MarineRocket", "MarinePlasma", "MarineRailgun", "MarineBFG" }; MeleeState = wstates.melee; MissileState = wstates.missile; DecalGenerator = GetDefaultByType(classes[type]).DecalGenerator; } } final void SetSprite (class<Actor> source) { if (source == null) { // A valid actor class wasn't passed, so use the standard sprite SpriteOverride = sprite = SpawnState.sprite; // Copy the standard scaling Scale = Default.Scale; } else { // Use the same sprite and scaling the passed class spawns with readonly<Actor> def = GetDefaultByType (source); SpriteOverride = sprite = def.SpawnState.sprite; Scale = def.Scale; } } } extend class Actor { //============================================================================ // // A_M_Saw (this is globally exported) // //============================================================================ void A_M_Saw(sound fullsound = "weapons/sawfull", sound hitsound = "weapons/sawhit", int damage = 2, class<Actor> pufftype = "BulletPuff") { if (target == null) return; if (pufftype == null) pufftype = "BulletPuff"; if (damage == 0) damage = 2; A_FaceTarget (); if (CheckMeleeRange ()) { FTranslatedLineTarget t; damage *= random[SMarineSaw](1, 10); double ang = angle + Random2[SMarineSaw]() * (5.625 / 256); LineAttack (angle, SAWRANGE, AimLineAttack (angle, SAWRANGE), damage, 'Melee', pufftype, false, t); if (!t.linetarget) { A_StartSound (fullsound, 1, CHAN_WEAPON); return; } A_StartSound (hitsound, CHAN_WEAPON); // turn to face target ang = t.angleFromSource; double anglediff = deltaangle(angle, ang); if (anglediff < 0.0) { if (anglediff < -4.5) angle = ang + 90.0 / 21; else angle -= 4.5; } else { if (anglediff > 4.5) angle = ang - 90.0 / 21; else angle += 4.5; } } else { A_StartSound (fullsound, 1, CHAN_WEAPON); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MarineFist : ScriptedMarine { States { Melee: Goto Super::Melee.Fist; Missile: Stop; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MarineBerserk : MarineFist { States { Melee: Goto Super::Melee.Berserk; Missile: Stop; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MarineChainsaw : ScriptedMarine { States { Melee: Goto Super::Melee.Chainsaw; Missile: Stop; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MarinePistol : ScriptedMarine { States { Missile: Goto Super::Missile.Pistol; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MarineShotgun : ScriptedMarine { States { Missile: Goto Super::Missile.Shotgun; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MarineSSG : ScriptedMarine { States { Missile: Goto Super::Missile.SSG; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MarineChaingun : ScriptedMarine { States { Missile: Goto Super::Missile.Chaingun; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MarineRocket : MarineFist { States { Missile: Goto Super::Missile.Rocket; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MarinePlasma : ScriptedMarine { States { Missile: Goto Super::Missile.Plasma; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MarineRailgun : ScriptedMarine { States { Missile: Goto Super::Missile.Railgun; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MarineBFG : ScriptedMarine { States { Missile: Goto Super::Missile.BFG; } }