// Mauler ------------------------------------------------------------------- // The scatter version class Mauler : StrifeWeapon { Default { +FLOORCLIP Weapon.SelectionOrder 300; Weapon.AmmoUse1 20; Weapon.AmmoGive1 40; Weapon.AmmoType1 "EnergyPod"; Weapon.SisterWeapon "Mauler2"; Inventory.Icon "TRPDA0"; Tag "$TAG_MAULER1"; Inventory.PickupMessage "$TXT_MAULER"; Obituary "$OB_MPMAULER1"; } States { Ready: MAUL FGHA 6 A_WeaponReady; Loop; Deselect: MAUL A 1 A_Lower; Loop; Select: MAUL A 1 A_Raise; Loop; Fire: BLSF A 5 Bright A_FireMauler1; MAUL B 3 Bright A_Light1; MAUL C 2 A_Light2; MAUL DE 2; MAUL A 7 A_Light0; MAUL H 7; MAUL G 7 A_CheckReload; Goto Ready; Spawn: TRPD A -1; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // A_FireMauler1 // // Hey! This is exactly the same as a super shotgun except for the sound // and the bullet puffs and the disintegration death. // //============================================================================ action void A_FireMauler1() { if (player == null) { return; } A_PlaySound ("weapons/mauler1", CHAN_WEAPON); Weapon weap = player.ReadyWeapon; if (weap != null) { if (!weap.DepleteAmmo (weap.bAltFire, true, 2)) return; } player.mo.PlayAttacking2 (); double pitch = BulletSlope (); for (int i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i++) { int damage = 5 * random[Mauler1](1, 3); double ang = angle + Random2[Mauler1]() * (11.25 / 256); // Strife used a range of 2112 units for the mauler to signal that // it should use a different puff. ZDoom's default range is longer // than this, so let's not handicap it by being too faithful to the // original. LineAttack (ang, PLAYERMISSILERANGE, pitch + Random2[Mauler1]() * (7.097 / 256), damage, 'Hitscan', "MaulerPuff"); } } } // Mauler Torpedo version --------------------------------------------------- class Mauler2 : Mauler { Default { Weapon.SelectionOrder 3300; Weapon.AmmoUse1 30; Weapon.AmmoGive1 0; Weapon.AmmoType1 "EnergyPod"; Weapon.SisterWeapon "Mauler"; Tag "$TAG_MAULER2"; } States { Ready: MAUL IJKL 7 A_WeaponReady; Loop; Deselect: MAUL I 1 A_Lower; Loop; Select: MAUL I 1 A_Raise; Loop; Fire: MAUL I 20 A_FireMauler2Pre; MAUL J 10 A_Light1; BLSF A 10 Bright A_FireMauler2; MAUL B 10 Bright A_Light2; MAUL C 2; MAUL D 2 A_Light0; MAUL E 2 A_ReFire; Goto Ready; } //============================================================================ // // A_FireMauler2Pre // // Makes some noise and moves the psprite. // //============================================================================ action void A_FireMauler2Pre () { A_PlaySound ("weapons/mauler2charge", CHAN_WEAPON); if (player != null) { PSprite psp = player.GetPSprite(PSP_WEAPON); psp.x += Random2[Mauler2]() / 64.; psp.y += Random2[Mauler2]() / 64.; } } //============================================================================ // // A_FireMauler2Pre // // Fires the torpedo. // //============================================================================ action void A_FireMauler2 () { if (player == null) { return; } Weapon weapon = player.ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != null) { if (!weapon.DepleteAmmo (weapon.bAltFire)) return; } player.mo.PlayAttacking2 (); SpawnPlayerMissile ("MaulerTorpedo"); DamageMobj (self, null, 20, 'Disintegrate'); Thrust(7.8125, Angle+180.); } } // Mauler "Bullet" Puff ----------------------------------------------------- class MaulerPuff : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +PUFFONACTORS +ZDOOMTRANS RenderStyle "Add"; DamageType "Disintegrate"; } States { Spawn: MPUF AB 5; POW1 ABCDE 4; Stop; } } // The Mauler's Torpedo ----------------------------------------------------- class MaulerTorpedo : Actor { Default { Speed 20; Height 8; Radius 13; Damage 1; DamageType "Disintegrate"; Projectile; +STRIFEDAMAGE +ZDOOMTRANS MaxStepHeight 4; RenderStyle "Add"; SeeSound "weapons/mauler2fire"; DeathSound "weapons/mauler2hit"; Obituary "$OB_MPMAULER"; } States { Spawn: TORP ABCD 4 Bright; Loop; Death: THIT AB 8 Bright; THIT C 8 Bright A_MaulerTorpedoWave; THIT DE 8 Bright; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // A_MaulerTorpedoWave // // Launches lots of balls when the torpedo hits something. // //============================================================================ action void A_MaulerTorpedoWave() { readonly<Actor> wavedef = GetDefaultByType("MaulerTorpedoWave"); double savedz = pos.z; angle += 180.; // If the torpedo hit the ceiling, it should still spawn the wave if (wavedef && ceilingz < pos.z + wavedef.Height) { SetZ(ceilingz - wavedef.Height); } for (int i = 0; i < 80; ++i) { Angle += 4.5; SpawnSubMissile ("MaulerTorpedoWave", target); } SetZ(savedz); } } // The mini torpedoes shot by the big torpedo -------------------------------- class MaulerTorpedoWave : Actor { Default { Speed 35; Radius 13; Height 13; Damage 10; DamageType "Disintegrate"; Projectile; +STRIFEDAMAGE +ZDOOMTRANS MaxStepHeight 4; RenderStyle "Add"; Obituary "$OB_MPMAULER"; } States { Spawn: TWAV AB 9 Bright; Death: TWAV C 9 Bright; Stop; } }