/* ** i_joystick.cpp ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2012-2014 Alexey Lysiuk ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include "m_joy.h" #include "HID_Utilities_External.h" #include "d_event.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "templates.h" namespace { FString ToFString( const CFStringRef string ) { if ( NULL == string ) { return FString(); } const CFIndex stringLength = CFStringGetLength( string ); if ( 0 == stringLength ) { return FString(); } const size_t bufferSize = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding( stringLength, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) + 1; char buffer[ bufferSize ]; memset( buffer, 0, bufferSize ); CFStringGetCString( string, buffer, bufferSize, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ); return FString( buffer ); } class IOKitJoystick : public IJoystickConfig { public: explicit IOKitJoystick( IOHIDDeviceRef device ); virtual ~IOKitJoystick(); virtual FString GetName(); virtual float GetSensitivity(); virtual void SetSensitivity( float scale ); virtual int GetNumAxes(); virtual float GetAxisDeadZone( int axis ); virtual EJoyAxis GetAxisMap( int axis ); virtual const char* GetAxisName( int axis ); virtual float GetAxisScale( int axis ); virtual void SetAxisDeadZone( int axis, float deadZone ); virtual void SetAxisMap( int axis, EJoyAxis gameAxis ); virtual void SetAxisScale( int axis, float scale ); virtual bool IsSensitivityDefault(); virtual bool IsAxisDeadZoneDefault( int axis ); virtual bool IsAxisMapDefault( int axis ); virtual bool IsAxisScaleDefault( int axis ); virtual void SetDefaultConfig(); virtual FString GetIdentifier(); void AddAxes( float axes[ NUM_JOYAXIS ] ) const; void Update(); private: IOHIDDeviceRef m_device; float m_sensitivity; struct AxisInfo { char name[ 64 ]; float value; float deadZone; float defaultDeadZone; float sensitivity; float defaultSensitivity; EJoyAxis gameAxis; EJoyAxis defaultGameAxis; IOHIDElementRef element; }; TArray< AxisInfo > m_axes; TArray< IOHIDElementRef > m_buttons; TArray< IOHIDElementRef > m_POVs; static const float DEFAULT_DEADZONE; static const float DEFAULT_SENSITIVITY; bool ProcessAxis ( const IOHIDValueRef value ); bool ProcessButton( const IOHIDValueRef value ); bool ProcessPOV ( const IOHIDValueRef value ); }; const float IOKitJoystick::DEFAULT_DEADZONE = 0.25f; const float IOKitJoystick::DEFAULT_SENSITIVITY = 1.0f; IOKitJoystick::IOKitJoystick( IOHIDDeviceRef device ) : m_device( device ) , m_sensitivity( DEFAULT_SENSITIVITY ) { IOHIDElementRef element = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement( device, kHIDElementTypeInput ); while ( NULL != element ) { const uint32_t usagePage = IOHIDElementGetUsagePage( element ); if ( kHIDPage_GenericDesktop == usagePage ) { const uint32_t usage = IOHIDElementGetUsage( element ); if ( kHIDUsage_GD_Slider == usage || kHIDUsage_GD_X == usage || kHIDUsage_GD_Y == usage || kHIDUsage_GD_Z == usage || kHIDUsage_GD_Rx == usage || kHIDUsage_GD_Ry == usage || kHIDUsage_GD_Rz == usage ) { AxisInfo axis; memset( &axis, 0, sizeof( axis ) ); if ( const CFStringRef name = IOHIDElementGetName( element ) ) { CFStringGetCString( name, axis.name, sizeof( axis.name ) - 1, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ); } else { snprintf( axis.name, sizeof( axis.name ), "Axis %i", m_axes.Size() + 1 ); } axis.element = element; m_axes.Push( axis ); IOHIDElement_SetCalibrationMin( element, -1 ); IOHIDElement_SetCalibrationMax( element, 1 ); HIDQueueElement( m_device, element ); } else if ( kHIDUsage_GD_Hatswitch == usage && m_POVs.Size() < 4 ) { m_POVs.Push( element ); HIDQueueElement( m_device, element ); } } else if ( kHIDPage_Button == usagePage ) { m_buttons.Push( element ); HIDQueueElement( m_device, element ); } element = HIDGetNextDeviceElement( element, kHIDElementTypeInput ); } SetDefaultConfig(); } IOKitJoystick::~IOKitJoystick() { M_SaveJoystickConfig( this ); } FString IOKitJoystick::GetName() { FString result; result += ToFString( IOHIDDevice_GetManufacturer( m_device ) ); result += " "; result += ToFString( IOHIDDevice_GetProduct( m_device ) ); return result; } float IOKitJoystick::GetSensitivity() { return m_sensitivity; } void IOKitJoystick::SetSensitivity( float scale ) { m_sensitivity = scale; } int IOKitJoystick::GetNumAxes() { return static_cast< int >( m_axes.Size() ); } #define IS_AXIS_VALID ( static_cast< unsigned int >( axis ) < m_axes.Size() ) float IOKitJoystick::GetAxisDeadZone( int axis ) { return IS_AXIS_VALID ? m_axes[ axis ].deadZone : 0.0f; } EJoyAxis IOKitJoystick::GetAxisMap( int axis ) { return IS_AXIS_VALID ? m_axes[ axis ].gameAxis : JOYAXIS_None; } const char* IOKitJoystick::GetAxisName( int axis ) { return IS_AXIS_VALID ? m_axes[ axis ].name : "Invalid"; } float IOKitJoystick::GetAxisScale( int axis ) { return IS_AXIS_VALID ? m_axes[ axis ].sensitivity : 0.0f; } void IOKitJoystick::SetAxisDeadZone( int axis, float deadZone ) { if ( IS_AXIS_VALID ) { m_axes[ axis ].deadZone = clamp( deadZone, 0.0f, 1.0f ); } } void IOKitJoystick::SetAxisMap( int axis, EJoyAxis gameAxis ) { if ( IS_AXIS_VALID ) { m_axes[ axis ].gameAxis = ( gameAxis > JOYAXIS_None && gameAxis < NUM_JOYAXIS ) ? gameAxis : JOYAXIS_None; } } void IOKitJoystick::SetAxisScale( int axis, float scale ) { if ( IS_AXIS_VALID ) { m_axes[ axis ].sensitivity = scale; } } bool IOKitJoystick::IsSensitivityDefault() { return DEFAULT_SENSITIVITY == m_sensitivity; } bool IOKitJoystick::IsAxisDeadZoneDefault( int axis ) { return IS_AXIS_VALID ? ( m_axes[ axis ].deadZone == m_axes[ axis ].defaultDeadZone ) : true; } bool IOKitJoystick::IsAxisMapDefault( int axis ) { return IS_AXIS_VALID ? ( m_axes[ axis ].gameAxis == m_axes[ axis ].defaultGameAxis ) : true; } bool IOKitJoystick::IsAxisScaleDefault( int axis ) { return IS_AXIS_VALID ? ( m_axes[ axis ].sensitivity == m_axes[ axis ].defaultSensitivity ) : true; } #undef IS_AXIS_VALID void IOKitJoystick::SetDefaultConfig() { m_sensitivity = DEFAULT_SENSITIVITY; const size_t axisCount = m_axes.Size(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < axisCount; ++i ) { m_axes[i].deadZone = DEFAULT_DEADZONE; m_axes[i].sensitivity = DEFAULT_SENSITIVITY; m_axes[i].gameAxis = JOYAXIS_None; } // Two axes? Horizontal is yaw and vertical is forward. if ( 2 == axisCount) { m_axes[0].gameAxis = JOYAXIS_Yaw; m_axes[1].gameAxis = JOYAXIS_Forward; } // Three axes? First two are movement, third is yaw. else if ( axisCount >= 3 ) { m_axes[0].gameAxis = JOYAXIS_Side; m_axes[1].gameAxis = JOYAXIS_Forward; m_axes[2].gameAxis = JOYAXIS_Yaw; // Four axes? First two are movement, last two are looking around. if ( axisCount >= 4 ) { m_axes[3].gameAxis = JOYAXIS_Pitch; // ??? m_axes[3].sensitivity = 0.75f; // Five axes? Use the fifth one for moving up and down. if ( axisCount >= 5 ) { m_axes[4].gameAxis = JOYAXIS_Up; } } } // If there is only one axis, then we make no assumptions about how // the user might want to use it. // Preserve defaults for config saving. for ( size_t i = 0; i < axisCount; ++i ) { m_axes[i].defaultDeadZone = m_axes[i].deadZone; m_axes[i].defaultSensitivity = m_axes[i].sensitivity; m_axes[i].defaultGameAxis = m_axes[i].gameAxis; } } FString IOKitJoystick::GetIdentifier() { char identifier[ 32 ] = {0}; snprintf( identifier, sizeof( identifier ), "VID_%04x_PID_%04x", IOHIDDevice_GetVendorID( m_device ), IOHIDDevice_GetProductID( m_device ) ); return FString( identifier ); } void IOKitJoystick::AddAxes( float axes[ NUM_JOYAXIS ] ) const { for ( size_t i = 0, count = m_axes.Size(); i < count; ++i ) { const EJoyAxis axis = m_axes[i].gameAxis; if ( JOYAXIS_None == axis ) { continue; } axes[ axis ] -= m_axes[i].value; } } void IOKitJoystick::Update() { IOHIDValueRef value = NULL; while ( HIDGetEvent( m_device, &value ) && NULL != value ) { ProcessAxis( value ) || ProcessButton( value ) || ProcessPOV( value ); CFRelease( value ); } } bool IOKitJoystick::ProcessAxis( const IOHIDValueRef value ) { const IOHIDElementRef element = IOHIDValueGetElement( value ); if ( NULL == element ) { return false; } for ( size_t i = 0, count = m_axes.Size(); i < count; ++i ) { if ( element != m_axes[i].element ) { continue; } AxisInfo& axis = m_axes[i]; const double scaledValue = IOHIDValueGetScaledValue( value, kIOHIDValueScaleTypeCalibrated ); const double filteredValue = Joy_RemoveDeadZone( scaledValue, axis.deadZone, NULL ); axis.value = static_cast< float >( filteredValue * m_sensitivity * axis.sensitivity ); return true; } return false; } bool IOKitJoystick::ProcessButton( const IOHIDValueRef value ) { const IOHIDElementRef element = IOHIDValueGetElement( value ); if ( NULL == element ) { return false; } for ( size_t i = 0, count = m_buttons.Size(); i < count; ++i ) { if ( element != m_buttons[i] ) { continue; } const int newButton = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue( value ) & 1; const int oldButton = ~newButton; Joy_GenerateButtonEvents( oldButton, newButton, 1, static_cast< int >( KEY_FIRSTJOYBUTTON + i ) ); return true; } return false; } bool IOKitJoystick::ProcessPOV( const IOHIDValueRef value ) { const IOHIDElementRef element = IOHIDValueGetElement( value ); if ( NULL == element ) { return false; } for ( size_t i = 0, count = m_POVs.Size(); i < count; ++i ) { if ( element != m_POVs[i] ) { continue; } const CFIndex direction = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue( value ); // Default values is for Up/North int oldButtons = 0; int newButtons = 1; int numButtons = 1; int baseButton = KEY_JOYPOV1_UP; switch ( direction ) { case 0: // N break; case 1: // NE newButtons = 3; numButtons = 2; break; case 2: // E baseButton = KEY_JOYPOV1_RIGHT; break; case 3: // SE newButtons = 3; numButtons = 2; baseButton = KEY_JOYPOV1_RIGHT; break; case 4: // S baseButton = KEY_JOYPOV1_DOWN; break; case 5: // SW newButtons = 3; numButtons = 2; baseButton = KEY_JOYPOV1_DOWN; break; case 6: // W baseButton = KEY_JOYPOV1_LEFT; break; case 7: // NW newButtons = 9; // UP and LEFT numButtons = 4; break; default: // release all four directions oldButtons = 15; newButtons = 0; numButtons = 4; break; } Joy_GenerateButtonEvents( oldButtons, newButtons, numButtons, static_cast< int >( baseButton + i * 4 ) ); } return false; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IOKitJoystickManager { public: IOKitJoystickManager(); ~IOKitJoystickManager(); void GetJoysticks( TArray< IJoystickConfig* >& joysticks ) const; void AddAxes( float axes[ NUM_JOYAXIS ] ) const; // Updates axes/buttons states void Update(); // Rebuilds device list void Rescan(); private: TArray< IOKitJoystick* > m_joysticks; static void OnDeviceChanged( void* context, IOReturn result, void* sender, IOHIDDeviceRef device ); void ReleaseJoysticks(); void EnableCallbacks(); void DisableCallbacks(); }; IOKitJoystickManager::IOKitJoystickManager() { Rescan(); } IOKitJoystickManager::~IOKitJoystickManager() { ReleaseJoysticks(); DisableCallbacks(); HIDReleaseDeviceList(); } void IOKitJoystickManager::GetJoysticks( TArray< IJoystickConfig* >& joysticks ) const { const size_t joystickCount = m_joysticks.Size(); joysticks.Resize( joystickCount ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < joystickCount; ++i ) { M_LoadJoystickConfig( m_joysticks[i] ); joysticks[i] = m_joysticks[i]; } } void IOKitJoystickManager::AddAxes( float axes[ NUM_JOYAXIS ] ) const { for ( size_t i = 0, count = m_joysticks.Size(); i < count; ++i ) { m_joysticks[i]->AddAxes( axes ); } } void IOKitJoystickManager::Update() { for ( size_t i = 0, count = m_joysticks.Size(); i < count; ++i ) { m_joysticks[i]->Update(); } } void IOKitJoystickManager::Rescan() { ReleaseJoysticks(); DisableCallbacks(); const int usageCount = 2; const UInt32 usagePages[ usageCount ] = { kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDPage_GenericDesktop }; const UInt32 usages[ usageCount ] = { kHIDUsage_GD_Joystick, kHIDUsage_GD_GamePad }; if ( HIDUpdateDeviceList( usagePages, usages, usageCount ) ) { IOHIDDeviceRef device = HIDGetFirstDevice(); while ( NULL != device ) { IOKitJoystick* joystick = new IOKitJoystick( device ); m_joysticks.Push( joystick ); device = HIDGetNextDevice( device ); } } else { Printf( "IOKitJoystickManager: Failed to build gamepad/joystick device list.\n" ); } EnableCallbacks(); } void IOKitJoystickManager::OnDeviceChanged( void* context, IOReturn result, void* sender, IOHIDDeviceRef device ) { event_t event; memset( &event, 0, sizeof( event ) ); event.type = EV_DeviceChange; D_PostEvent( &event ); } void IOKitJoystickManager::ReleaseJoysticks() { for ( size_t i = 0, count = m_joysticks.Size(); i < count; ++i ) { delete m_joysticks[i]; } m_joysticks.Clear(); } void IOKitJoystickManager::EnableCallbacks() { if ( NULL == gIOHIDManagerRef ) { return; } IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceMatchingCallback( gIOHIDManagerRef, OnDeviceChanged, this ); IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback ( gIOHIDManagerRef, OnDeviceChanged, this ); IOHIDManagerScheduleWithRunLoop( gIOHIDManagerRef, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode ); } void IOKitJoystickManager::DisableCallbacks() { if ( NULL == gIOHIDManagerRef ) { return; } IOHIDManagerUnscheduleFromRunLoop( gIOHIDManagerRef, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode ); IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceMatchingCallback( gIOHIDManagerRef, NULL, NULL ); IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback ( gIOHIDManagerRef, NULL, NULL ); } IOKitJoystickManager* s_joystickManager; } // unnamed namespace // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void I_StartupJoysticks() { s_joystickManager = new IOKitJoystickManager; } void I_ShutdownJoysticks() { delete s_joystickManager; } void I_GetJoysticks( TArray< IJoystickConfig* >& sticks ) { if ( NULL != s_joystickManager ) { s_joystickManager->GetJoysticks( sticks ); } } void I_GetAxes( float axes[ NUM_JOYAXIS ] ) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < NUM_JOYAXIS; ++i ) { axes[i] = 0.0f; } if ( use_joystick && NULL != s_joystickManager ) { s_joystickManager->AddAxes( axes ); } } IJoystickConfig* I_UpdateDeviceList() { if ( use_joystick && NULL != s_joystickManager ) { s_joystickManager->Rescan(); } return NULL; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void I_ProcessJoysticks() { if ( use_joystick && NULL != s_joystickManager ) { s_joystickManager->Update(); } }