// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright(C) 2000 Simon Howard // Copyright(C) 2005-2008 Christoph Oelckers // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Functions // // functions are stored as variables(see variable.c), the // value being a pointer to a 'handler' function for the // function. Arguments are stored in an argc/argv-style list // // this module contains all the handler functions for the // basic FraggleScript Functions. // // By Simon Howard // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FraggleScript is from SMMU which is under the GPL. Technically, // therefore, combining the FraggleScript code with the non-free // ZDoom code is a violation of the GPL. // // As this may be a problem for you, I hereby grant an exception to my // copyright on the SMMU source (including FraggleScript). You may use // any code from SMMU in (G)ZDoom, provided that: // // * For any binary release of the port, the source code is also made // available. // * The copyright notice is kept on any file containing my code. // // #include "templates.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "t_script.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "a_doomglobal.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "gi.h" #include "zstring.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "v_palette.h" #include "v_font.h" #include "r_data/colormaps.h" #include "farchive.h" #include "p_setup.h" static FRandom pr_script("FScript"); #define AngleToFixed(x) ((((double) x) / ((double) ANG45/45)) * FRACUNIT) #define FixedToAngle(x) ((((double) x) / FRACUNIT) * ANG45/45) // functions. FParser::SF_ means Script Function not, well.. heh, me /////////// actually running a function ///////////// //========================================================================== // // The Doom actors in their original order // //========================================================================== static const char * const ActorNames_init[]= { "DoomPlayer", "ZombieMan", "ShotgunGuy", "Archvile", "ArchvileFire", "Revenant", "RevenantTracer", "RevenantTracerSmoke", "Fatso", "FatShot", "ChaingunGuy", "DoomImp", "Demon", "Spectre", "Cacodemon", "BaronOfHell", "BaronBall", "HellKnight", "LostSoul", "SpiderMastermind", "Arachnotron", "Cyberdemon", "PainElemental", "WolfensteinSS", "CommanderKeen", "BossBrain", "BossEye", "BossTarget", "SpawnShot", "SpawnFire", "ExplosiveBarrel", "DoomImpBall", "CacodemonBall", "Rocket", "PlasmaBall", "BFGBall", "ArachnotronPlasma", "BulletPuff", "Blood", "TeleportFog", "ItemFog", "TeleportDest", "BFGExtra", "GreenArmor", "BlueArmor", "HealthBonus", "ArmorBonus", "BlueCard", "RedCard", "YellowCard", "YellowSkull", "RedSkull", "BlueSkull", "Stimpack", "Medikit", "Soulsphere", "InvulnerabilitySphere", "Berserk", "BlurSphere", "RadSuit", "Allmap", "Infrared", "Megasphere", "Clip", "ClipBox", "RocketAmmo", "RocketBox", "Cell", "CellPack", "Shell", "ShellBox", "Backpack", "BFG9000", "Chaingun", "Chainsaw", "RocketLauncher", "PlasmaRifle", "Shotgun", "SuperShotgun", "TechLamp", "TechLamp2", "Column", "TallGreenColumn", "ShortGreenColumn", "TallRedColumn", "ShortRedColumn", "SkullColumn", "HeartColumn", "EvilEye", "FloatingSkull", "TorchTree", "BlueTorch", "GreenTorch", "RedTorch", "ShortBlueTorch", "ShortGreenTorch", "ShortRedTorch", "Slalagtite", "TechPillar", "CandleStick", "Candelabra", "BloodyTwitch", "Meat2", "Meat3", "Meat4", "Meat5", "NonsolidMeat2", "NonsolidMeat4", "NonsolidMeat3", "NonsolidMeat5", "NonsolidTwitch", "DeadCacodemon", "DeadMarine", "DeadZombieMan", "DeadDemon", "DeadLostSoul", "DeadDoomImp", "DeadShotgunGuy", "GibbedMarine", "GibbedMarineExtra", "HeadsOnAStick", "Gibs", "HeadOnAStick", "HeadCandles", "DeadStick", "LiveStick", "BigTree", "BurningBarrel", "HangNoGuts", "HangBNoBrain", "HangTLookingDown", "HangTSkull", "HangTLookingUp", "HangTNoBrain", "ColonGibs", "SmallBloodPool", "BrainStem", "PointPusher", "PointPuller", }; static PClassActor * ActorTypes[countof(ActorNames_init)]; //========================================================================== // // Some functions that take care of the major differences between the class // based actor system from ZDoom and Doom's index based one // //========================================================================== //========================================================================== // // Gets an actor class // Input can be either a class name, an actor variable or a Doom index // Doom index is only supported for the original things up to MBF // //========================================================================== PClassActor * T_GetMobjType(svalue_t arg) { PClassActor * pclass=NULL; if (arg.type==svt_string) { pclass=PClass::FindActor(arg.string); // invalid object to spawn if(!pclass) script_error("unknown object type: %s\n", arg.string.GetChars()); } else if (arg.type==svt_mobj) { AActor * mo = actorvalue(arg); if (mo) pclass = mo->GetClass(); } else { int objtype = intvalue(arg); if (objtype>=0 && objtypeplayer) { // I prefer this not to make an error. // This way a player function used for a non-player // object will just do nothing //script_error("mobj not a player!\n"); return -1; } playernum = int(arg.value.mobj->player - players); } else playernum = intvalue(arg); if(playernum < 0 || playernum > MAXPLAYERS) { return -1; } if(!playeringame[playernum]) // no error, just return -1 { return -1; } return playernum; } //========================================================================== // // Finds a sector from a tag. This has been extended to allow looking for // sectors directly by passing a negative value // //========================================================================== class FSSectorTagIterator : public FSectorTagIterator { public: FSSectorTagIterator(int tag) : FSectorTagIterator(tag) { if (tag < 0) { searchtag = INT_MIN; start = tag == -32768? 0 : -tag < numsectors? -tag : -1; } } }; inline int T_FindFirstSectorFromTag(int tagnum) { FSSectorTagIterator it(tagnum); return it.Next(); } //========================================================================== // // Get an ammo type // Input can be either a class name or a Doom index // Doom index is only supported for the 4 original ammo types // //========================================================================== static PClassAmmo * T_GetAmmo(const svalue_t &t) { const char * p; if (t.type==svt_string) { p=stringvalue(t); } else { // backwards compatibility with Legacy. // allow only Doom's standard types here! static const char * DefAmmo[]={"Clip","Shell","Cell","RocketAmmo"}; int ammonum = intvalue(t); if(ammonum < 0 || ammonum >= 4) { script_error("ammo number out of range: %i", ammonum); return NULL; } p=DefAmmo[ammonum]; } PClassAmmo * am=dyn_cast(PClass::FindActor(p)); if (am == NULL) { script_error("unknown ammo type : %s", p); return NULL; } return am; } //========================================================================== // // Finds a sound in the sound table and adds a new entry if it isn't defined // It's too bad that this is necessary but FS doesn't know about this kind // of sound management. // //========================================================================== static FSoundID T_FindSound(const char * name) { char buffer[40]; FSoundID so=S_FindSound(name); if (so>0) return so; // Now it gets dirty! if (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomStrifeChex) { mysnprintf(buffer, countof(buffer), "DS%.35s", name); if (Wads.CheckNumForName(buffer, ns_sounds)<0) strcpy(buffer, name); } else { strcpy(buffer, name); if (Wads.CheckNumForName(buffer, ns_sounds)<0) mysnprintf(buffer, countof(buffer), "DS%.35s", name); } int id = S_AddSound(name, buffer); S_HashSounds(); return FSoundID(id); } //========================================================================== // // Creates a string out of a print argument list. This version does not // have any length restrictions like the original FS versions had. // //========================================================================== FString FParser::GetFormatString(int startarg) { FString fmt=""; for(int i=startarg; iMakeIndex(Rover); for(n=0; nsections[n]; // check all the sections in this hashchain while(current) { // a loop? if(current->type == st_loop) // check to see if it's a loop that we're inside if(rover_index >= current->start_index && rover_index <= current->end_index) { // a higher nesting level than the best one so far? if(!best || (current->start_index > best->start_index)) best = current; // save it } current = current->next; } } return best; // return the best one found } //========================================================================== // // "continue;" in FraggleScript is a function // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Continue(void) { DFsSection *section; if(!(section = looping_section()) ) // no loop found { script_error("continue() not in loop\n"); return; } Rover = Script->SectionEnd(section); // jump to the closing brace } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Break(void) { DFsSection *section; if(!(section = looping_section()) ) { script_error("break() not in loop\n"); return; } Rover = Script->SectionEnd(section) + 1; // jump out of the loop } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Goto(void) { if (CheckArgs(1)) { // check argument is a labelptr if(t_argv[0].type != svt_label) { script_error("goto argument not a label\n"); return; } // go there then if everythings fine Rover = Script->LabelValue(t_argv[0]); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Return(void) { throw CFsTerminator(); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Include(void) { char tempstr[12]; if (CheckArgs(1)) { if(t_argv[0].type == svt_string) { strncpy(tempstr, t_argv[0].string, 8); tempstr[8]=0; } else mysnprintf(tempstr, countof(tempstr), "%i", (int)t_argv[0].value.i); Script->ParseInclude(tempstr); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Input(void) { Printf(PRINT_BOLD,"input() function not available in doom\n"); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Beep(void) { S_Sound(CHAN_AUTO, "misc/chat", 1.0f, ATTN_IDLE); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Clock(void) { t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = (gametic*100)/TICRATE; } /**************** doom stuff ****************/ //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ExitLevel(void) { G_ExitLevel(0, false); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Tip(void) { if (t_argc>0 && Script->trigger && Script->trigger->CheckLocalView(consoleplayer)) { C_MidPrint(SmallFont, GetFormatString(0).GetChars()); } } //========================================================================== // // FParser::SF_TimedTip // // Implements: void timedtip(int clocks, ...) // //========================================================================== EXTERN_CVAR(Float, con_midtime) void FParser::SF_TimedTip(void) { if (CheckArgs(2)) { float saved = con_midtime; con_midtime = intvalue(t_argv[0])/100.0f; C_MidPrint(SmallFont, GetFormatString(1).GetChars()); con_midtime=saved; } } //========================================================================== // // tip to a particular player // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_PlayerTip(void) { if (CheckArgs(1)) { int plnum = T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); if (plnum!=-1 && players[plnum].mo->CheckLocalView(consoleplayer)) { C_MidPrint(SmallFont, GetFormatString(1).GetChars()); } } } //========================================================================== // // message player // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Message(void) { if (t_argc>0 && Script->trigger && Script->trigger->CheckLocalView(consoleplayer)) { Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GetFormatString(0).GetChars()); } } //========================================================================== // // message to a particular player // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_PlayerMsg(void) { if (CheckArgs(1)) { int plnum = T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); if (plnum!=-1 && players[plnum].mo->CheckLocalView(consoleplayer)) { Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", GetFormatString(1).GetChars()); } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_PlayerInGame(void) { if (CheckArgs(1)) { int plnum = T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); if (plnum!=-1) { t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = playeringame[plnum]; } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_PlayerName(void) { int plnum; if(!t_argc) { player_t *pl=NULL; if (Script->trigger) pl = Script->trigger->player; if(pl) plnum = int(pl - players); else plnum=-1; } else plnum = T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); if(plnum !=-1) { t_return.type = svt_string; t_return.string = players[plnum].userinfo.GetName(); } else { script_error("script not started by player\n"); } } //========================================================================== // // object being controlled by player // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_PlayerObj(void) { int plnum; if(!t_argc) { player_t *pl=NULL; if (Script->trigger) pl = Script->trigger->player; if(pl) plnum = int(pl - players); else plnum=-1; } else plnum = T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); if(plnum !=-1) { t_return.type = svt_mobj; t_return.value.mobj = players[plnum].mo; } else { script_error("script not started by player\n"); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Player(void) { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; } t_return.type = svt_int; if(mo && mo->player) // haleyjd: added mo->player { t_return.value.i = (int)(mo->player - players); } else { t_return.value.i = -1; } } //========================================================================== // // FParser::SF_Spawn // // Implements: mobj spawn(int type, int x, int y, [int angle], [int z], [bool zrel]) // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Spawn(void) { int x, y, z; PClassActor *pclass; angle_t angle = 0; if (CheckArgs(3)) { if (!(pclass=T_GetMobjType(t_argv[0]))) return; x = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]); y = fixedvalue(t_argv[2]); if(t_argc >= 5) { z = fixedvalue(t_argv[4]); // [Graf Zahl] added option of spawning with a relative z coordinate if(t_argc > 5) { if (intvalue(t_argv[5])) z+=P_PointInSector(x, y)->floorplane.ZatPoint(x,y); } } else { // Legacy compatibility is more important than correctness. z = ONFLOORZ;// (GetDefaultByType(PClass)->flags & MF_SPAWNCEILING) ? ONCEILINGZ : ONFLOORZ; } if(t_argc >= 4) { angle = intvalue(t_argv[3]) * (SQWORD)ANG45 / 45; } t_return.type = svt_mobj; t_return.value.mobj = Spawn(pclass, x, y, z, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (t_return.value.mobj) { t_return.value.mobj->angle = angle; if (!DFraggleThinker::ActiveThinker->nocheckposition) { if (!P_TestMobjLocation(t_return.value.mobj)) { if (t_return.value.mobj->flags&MF_COUNTKILL) level.total_monsters--; if (t_return.value.mobj->flags&MF_COUNTITEM) level.total_items--; t_return.value.mobj->Destroy(); t_return.value.mobj = NULL; } } } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_RemoveObj(void) { if (CheckArgs(1)) { AActor * mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); if(mo) // nullptr check { mo->ClearCounters(); mo->Destroy(); } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_KillObj(void) { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; // default to trigger object } if(mo) { // ensure the thing can be killed mo->flags|=MF_SHOOTABLE; mo->flags2&=~(MF2_INVULNERABLE|MF2_DORMANT); // [GrafZahl] This called P_KillMobj directly // which is a very bad thing to do! P_DamageMobj(mo, NULL, NULL, mo->health, NAME_Massacre); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ObjX(void) { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; } t_return.type = svt_fixed; // haleyjd: SoM's fixed-point fix t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->X() : 0; // null ptr check } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ObjY(void) { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; } t_return.type = svt_fixed; // haleyjd t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->Y() : 0; // null ptr check } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ObjZ(void) { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; } t_return.type = svt_fixed; // haleyjd t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->Z() : 0; // null ptr check } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ObjAngle(void) { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; } t_return.type = svt_fixed; // haleyjd: fixed-point -- SoM again :) t_return.value.f = mo ? (fixed_t)AngleToFixed(mo->angle) : 0; // null ptr check } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== // teleport: object, sector_tag void FParser::SF_Teleport(void) { int tag; AActor *mo; if (CheckArgs(1)) { if(t_argc == 1) // 1 argument: sector tag { mo = Script->trigger; // default to trigger tag = intvalue(t_argv[0]); } else // 2 or more { // teleport a given object mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); tag = intvalue(t_argv[1]); } if(mo) EV_Teleport(0, tag, NULL, 0, mo, TELF_DESTFOG | TELF_SOURCEFOG); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SilentTeleport(void) { int tag; AActor *mo; if (CheckArgs(1)) { if(t_argc == 1) // 1 argument: sector tag { mo = Script->trigger; // default to trigger tag = intvalue(t_argv[0]); } else // 2 or more { // teleport a given object mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); tag = intvalue(t_argv[1]); } if(mo) EV_Teleport(0, tag, NULL, 0, mo, TELF_KEEPORIENTATION); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_DamageObj(void) { AActor *mo; int damageamount; if (CheckArgs(1)) { if(t_argc == 1) // 1 argument: damage trigger by amount { mo = Script->trigger; // default to trigger damageamount = intvalue(t_argv[0]); } else // 2 or more { // damage a given object mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); damageamount = intvalue(t_argv[1]); } if(mo) P_DamageMobj(mo, NULL, Script->trigger, damageamount, NAME_None); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== // the tag number of the sector the thing is in void FParser::SF_ObjSector(void) { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; } t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = mo ? tagManager.GetFirstSectorTag(mo->Sector) : 0; // nullptr check } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== // the health number of an object void FParser::SF_ObjHealth(void) { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; } t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = mo ? mo->health : 0; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ObjFlag(void) { AActor *mo; int flagnum; if (CheckArgs(1)) { if(t_argc == 1) // use trigger, 1st is flag { // use trigger: mo = Script->trigger; flagnum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); } else if(t_argc == 2) // specified object { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); flagnum = intvalue(t_argv[1]); } else // >= 3 : SET flags { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); flagnum = intvalue(t_argv[1]); if(mo && flagnum<26) // nullptr check { DWORD tempflags = mo->flags; // remove old bit tempflags &= ~(1 << flagnum); // make the new flag tempflags |= (!!intvalue(t_argv[2])) << flagnum; mo->flags = ActorFlags::FromInt (tempflags); } } t_return.type = svt_int; if (mo && flagnum<26) { t_return.value.i = !!(mo->flags & ActorFlags::FromInt(1 << flagnum)); } else t_return.value.i = 0; } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== // apply momentum to a thing void FParser::SF_PushThing(void) { if (CheckArgs(3)) { AActor * mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); if(!mo) return; angle_t angle = (angle_t)FixedToAngle(fixedvalue(t_argv[1])); fixed_t force = fixedvalue(t_argv[2]); P_ThrustMobj(mo, angle, force); } } //========================================================================== // // FParser::SF_ReactionTime -- useful for freezing things // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ReactionTime(void) { if (CheckArgs(1)) { AActor *mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); if(t_argc > 1) { if(mo) mo->reactiontime = (intvalue(t_argv[1]) * TICRATE) / 100; } t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = mo ? mo->reactiontime : 0; } } //========================================================================== // // FParser::SF_MobjTarget -- sets a thing's target field // //========================================================================== // Sets a mobj's Target! >:) void FParser::SF_MobjTarget(void) { AActor* mo; AActor* target; if (CheckArgs(1)) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); if(t_argc > 1) { target = actorvalue(t_argv[1]); if(mo && target && mo->SeeState) // haleyjd: added target check -- no NULL allowed { mo->target=target; mo->SetState(mo->SeeState); mo->flags|=MF_JUSTHIT; } } t_return.type = svt_mobj; t_return.value.mobj = mo ? mo->target : NULL; } } //========================================================================== // // FParser::SF_MobjMomx, MobjMomy, MobjMomz -- momentum functions // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_MobjMomx(void) { AActor* mo; if (CheckArgs(1)) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); if(t_argc > 1) { if(mo) mo->velx = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]); } t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->velx : 0; } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_MobjMomy(void) { AActor* mo; if (CheckArgs(1)) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); if(t_argc > 1) { if(mo) mo->vely = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]); } t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->vely : 0; } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_MobjMomz(void) { AActor* mo; if (CheckArgs(1)) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); if(t_argc > 1) { if(mo) mo->velz = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]); } t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->velz : 0; } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== /****************** Trig *********************/ void FParser::SF_PointToAngle(void) { if (CheckArgs(4)) { fixed_t x1 = fixedvalue(t_argv[0]); fixed_t y1 = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]); fixed_t x2 = fixedvalue(t_argv[2]); fixed_t y2 = fixedvalue(t_argv[3]); angle_t angle = R_PointToAngle2(x1, y1, x2, y2); t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = (fixed_t)AngleToFixed(angle); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_PointToDist(void) { if (CheckArgs(4)) { // Doing this in floating point is actually faster with modern computers! double x = floatvalue(t_argv[2]) - floatvalue(t_argv[0]); double y = floatvalue(t_argv[3]) - floatvalue(t_argv[1]); t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = FLOAT2FIXED(sqrt(x*x+y*y)); } } //========================================================================== // // setcamera(obj, [angle], [height], [pitch]) // // [GrafZahl] This is a complete rewrite. // Although both Eternity and Legacy implement this function // they are mutually incompatible with each other and with ZDoom... // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SetCamera(void) { angle_t angle; player_t * player; AActor * newcamera; if (CheckArgs(1)) { player=Script->trigger->player; if (!player) player=&players[0]; newcamera = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); if(!newcamera) { script_error("invalid location object for camera\n"); return; // nullptr check } angle = t_argc < 2 ? newcamera->angle : (fixed_t)FixedToAngle(fixedvalue(t_argv[1])); newcamera->special1=newcamera->angle; newcamera->special2=newcamera->Z(); newcamera->SetZ(t_argc < 3 ? (newcamera->Z() + (41 << FRACBITS)) : (intvalue(t_argv[2]) << FRACBITS)); newcamera->angle = angle; if(t_argc < 4) newcamera->pitch = 0; else { fixed_t pitch = fixedvalue(t_argv[3]); if (pitch < -50 * FRACUNIT) pitch = -50 * FRACUNIT; if (pitch > 50 * FRACUNIT) pitch = 50 * FRACUNIT; newcamera->pitch = xs_CRoundToUInt((pitch / 65536.0f)*(ANGLE_45 / 45.0f)*(20.0f / 32.0f)); } player->camera=newcamera; } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ClearCamera(void) { player_t * player; player=Script->trigger->player; if (!player) player=&players[0]; AActor * cam=player->camera; if (cam) { player->camera=player->mo; cam->angle=cam->special1; cam->SetZ(cam->special2); } } /*********** sounds ******************/ //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== // start sound from thing void FParser::SF_StartSound(void) { AActor *mo; if (CheckArgs(2)) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); if (mo) { S_Sound(mo, CHAN_BODY, T_FindSound(stringvalue(t_argv[1])), 1, ATTN_NORM); } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== // start sound from sector void FParser::SF_StartSectorSound(void) { sector_t *sector; int tagnum; if (CheckArgs(2)) { tagnum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); int i=-1; FSSectorTagIterator itr(tagnum); while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { sector = §ors[i]; S_Sound(sector, CHAN_BODY, T_FindSound(stringvalue(t_argv[1])), 1.0f, ATTN_NORM); } } } /************* Sector functions ***************/ //DMover::EResult P_MoveFloor (sector_t * m_Sector, fixed_t speed, fixed_t dest, int crush, int direction, int flags=0); //DMover::EResult P_MoveCeiling (sector_t * m_Sector, fixed_t speed, fixed_t dest, int crush, int direction, int flags=0); class DFloorChanger : public DFloor { public: DFloorChanger(sector_t * sec) : DFloor(sec) {} bool Move(fixed_t speed, fixed_t dest, int crush, int direction) { bool res = DMover::crushed != MoveFloor(speed, dest, crush, direction, false); Destroy(); m_Sector->floordata=NULL; StopInterpolation(true); m_Sector=NULL; return res; } }; //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== // floor height of sector void FParser::SF_FloorHeight(void) { int tagnum; int secnum; fixed_t dest; int returnval = 1; // haleyjd: SoM's fixes if (CheckArgs(1)) { tagnum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); if(t_argc > 1) // > 1: set floor height { int i; int crush = (t_argc >= 3) ? intvalue(t_argv[2]) : false; i = -1; dest = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]); // set all sectors with tag FSSectorTagIterator itr(tagnum); while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { if (sectors[i].floordata) continue; // don't move floors that are active! DFloorChanger * f = new DFloorChanger(§ors[i]); if (!f->Move( abs(dest - sectors[i].CenterFloor()), sectors[i].floorplane.PointToDist (CenterSpot(§ors[i]), dest), crush? 10:-1, (dest > sectors[i].CenterFloor()) ? 1 : -1)) { returnval = 0; } } } else { secnum = T_FindFirstSectorFromTag(tagnum); if(secnum < 0) { script_error("sector not found with tagnum %i\n", tagnum); return; } returnval = sectors[secnum].CenterFloor() >> FRACBITS; } // return floor height t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = returnval; } } //============================================================================= // // //============================================================================= class DMoveFloor : public DFloor { public: DMoveFloor(sector_t * sec,int moveheight,int _m_Direction,int crush,int movespeed) : DFloor(sec) { m_Type = floorRaiseByValue; m_Crush = crush; m_Speed=movespeed; m_Direction = _m_Direction; m_FloorDestDist = moveheight; // Do not interpolate instant movement floors. fixed_t movedist = abs(-sec->floorplane.d - moveheight); if (m_Speed >= movedist) { StopInterpolation(true); } StartFloorSound(); } }; //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_MoveFloor(void) { int secnum = -1; sector_t *sec; int tagnum, platspeed = 1, destheight, crush; if (CheckArgs(2)) { tagnum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); destheight = intvalue(t_argv[1]) * FRACUNIT; platspeed = t_argc > 2 ? fixedvalue(t_argv[2]) : FRACUNIT; crush = (t_argc > 3 ? intvalue(t_argv[3]) : -1); // move all sectors with tag FSSectorTagIterator itr(tagnum); while ((secnum = itr.Next()) >= 0) { sec = §ors[secnum]; // Don't start a second thinker on the same floor if (sec->floordata) continue; new DMoveFloor(sec,sec->floorplane.PointToDist(CenterSpot(sec),destheight), destheight < sec->CenterFloor() ? -1:1,crush,platspeed); } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== class DCeilingChanger : public DCeiling { public: DCeilingChanger(sector_t * sec) : DCeiling(sec) {} bool Move(fixed_t speed, fixed_t dest, int crush, int direction) { bool res = DMover::crushed != MoveCeiling(speed, dest, crush, direction, false); Destroy(); m_Sector->ceilingdata=NULL; StopInterpolation (true); m_Sector=NULL; return res; } }; //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== // ceiling height of sector void FParser::SF_CeilingHeight(void) { fixed_t dest; int secnum; int tagnum; int returnval = 1; if (CheckArgs(1)) { tagnum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); if(t_argc > 1) // > 1: set ceilheight { int i; int crush = (t_argc >= 3) ? intvalue(t_argv[2]) : false; i = -1; dest = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]); // set all sectors with tag FSSectorTagIterator itr(tagnum); while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { if (sectors[i].ceilingdata) continue; // don't move ceilings that are active! DCeilingChanger * c = new DCeilingChanger(§ors[i]); if (!c->Move( abs(dest - sectors[i].CenterCeiling()), sectors[i].ceilingplane.PointToDist (CenterSpot(§ors[i]), dest), crush? 10:-1, (dest > sectors[i].CenterCeiling()) ? 1 : -1)) { returnval = 0; } } } else { secnum = T_FindFirstSectorFromTag(tagnum); if(secnum < 0) { script_error("sector not found with tagnum %i\n", tagnum); return; } returnval = sectors[secnum].CenterCeiling() >> FRACBITS; } // return ceiling height t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = returnval; } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== class DMoveCeiling : public DCeiling { public: DMoveCeiling(sector_t * sec,int tag,fixed_t destheight,fixed_t speed,int silent,int crush) : DCeiling(sec) { m_Crush = crush; m_Speed2 = m_Speed = m_Speed1 = speed; m_Silent = silent; m_Type = DCeiling::ceilLowerByValue; // doesn't really matter as long as it's no special value m_Tag=tag; vertex_t * spot=CenterSpot(sec); m_TopHeight=m_BottomHeight=sec->ceilingplane.PointToDist(spot,destheight); m_Direction=destheight>sec->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling)? 1:-1; // Do not interpolate instant movement ceilings. fixed_t movedist = abs(sec->ceilingplane.d - m_BottomHeight); if (m_Speed >= movedist) { StopInterpolation (true); m_Silent=2; } PlayCeilingSound(); } }; //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_MoveCeiling(void) { int secnum = -1; sector_t *sec; int tagnum, platspeed = 1, destheight; int crush; int silent; if (CheckArgs(2)) { tagnum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); destheight = intvalue(t_argv[1]) * FRACUNIT; platspeed = /*FLOORSPEED **/ (t_argc > 2 ? fixedvalue(t_argv[2]) : FRACUNIT); crush=t_argc>3 ? intvalue(t_argv[3]):-1; silent=t_argc>4 ? intvalue(t_argv[4]):1; // move all sectors with tag FSSectorTagIterator itr(tagnum); while ((secnum = itr.Next()) >= 0) { sec = §ors[secnum]; // Don't start a second thinker on the same floor if (sec->ceilingdata) continue; new DMoveCeiling(sec, tagnum, destheight, platspeed, silent, crush); } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_LightLevel(void) { sector_t *sector; int secnum; int tagnum; if (CheckArgs(1)) { tagnum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); // argv is sector tag secnum = T_FindFirstSectorFromTag(tagnum); if(secnum < 0) { return; } sector = §ors[secnum]; if(t_argc > 1) // > 1: set light level { int i = -1; // set all sectors with tag FSSectorTagIterator itr(tagnum); while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { sectors[i].SetLightLevel(intvalue(t_argv[1])); } } // return lightlevel t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = sector->lightlevel; } } //========================================================================== // // Simple light fade - locks lightingdata. For FParser::SF_FadeLight // //========================================================================== class DLightLevel : public DLighting { DECLARE_CLASS (DLightLevel, DLighting) unsigned char destlevel; unsigned char speed; DLightLevel() {} public: DLightLevel(sector_t * s,int destlevel,int speed); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); void Destroy() { Super::Destroy(); m_Sector->lightingdata=NULL; } }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS (DLightLevel) void DLightLevel::Serialize (FArchive &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); arc << destlevel << speed; if (arc.IsLoading()) m_Sector->lightingdata=this; } //========================================================================== // sf 13/10/99: // // T_LightFade() // // Just fade the light level in a sector to a new level // //========================================================================== void DLightLevel::Tick() { Super::Tick(); if(m_Sector->lightlevel < destlevel) { // increase the lightlevel if(m_Sector->lightlevel + speed >= destlevel) { // stop changing light level m_Sector->SetLightLevel(destlevel); // set to dest lightlevel Destroy(); } else { m_Sector->ChangeLightLevel(speed); } } else { // decrease lightlevel if(m_Sector->lightlevel - speed <= destlevel) { // stop changing light level m_Sector->SetLightLevel(destlevel); // set to dest lightlevel Destroy(); } else { m_Sector->ChangeLightLevel(-speed); } } } //========================================================================== // //========================================================================== DLightLevel::DLightLevel(sector_t * s,int _destlevel,int _speed) : DLighting(s) { destlevel=_destlevel; speed=_speed; s->lightingdata=this; } //========================================================================== // sf 13/10/99: // // P_FadeLight() // // Fade all the lights in sectors with a particular tag to a new value // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_FadeLight(void) { int sectag, destlevel, speed = 1; int i; if (CheckArgs(2)) { sectag = intvalue(t_argv[0]); destlevel = intvalue(t_argv[1]); speed = t_argc>2 ? intvalue(t_argv[2]) : 1; FSectorTagIterator it(sectag); while ((i = it.Next()) >= 0) { if (!sectors[i].lightingdata) new DLightLevel(§ors[i],destlevel,speed); } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_FloorTexture(void) { int tagnum, secnum; sector_t *sector; if (CheckArgs(1)) { tagnum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); // argv is sector tag secnum = T_FindFirstSectorFromTag(tagnum); if(secnum < 0) { script_error("sector not found with tagnum %i\n", tagnum); return;} sector = §ors[secnum]; if(t_argc > 1) { int i = -1; FTextureID picnum = TexMan.GetTexture(t_argv[1].string, FTexture::TEX_Flat, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable); // set all sectors with tag FSSectorTagIterator itr(tagnum); while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { sectors[i].SetTexture(sector_t::floor, picnum); } } t_return.type = svt_string; FTexture * tex = TexMan[sector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor)]; t_return.string = tex? tex->Name : ""; } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SectorColormap(void) { // This doesn't work properly and it never will. // Whatever was done here originally, it is incompatible // with Boom and ZDoom and doesn't work properly in Legacy either. // Making it no-op is probably the best thing one can do in this case. /* int tagnum, secnum; sector_t *sector; int c=2; int i = -1; if(t_argc<2) { script_error("insufficient arguments to function\n"); return; } tagnum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); // argv is sector tag secnum = T_FindFirstSectorFromTag(tagnum); if(secnum < 0) { script_error("sector not found with tagnum %i\n", tagnum); return;} sector = §ors[secnum]; if (t_argv[1].type==svt_string) { DWORD cm = R_ColormapNumForName(t_argv[1].value.s); FSSectorTagIterator itr(tagnum); while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { sectors[i].midmap=cm; sectors[i].heightsec=§ors[i]; } } */ } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_CeilingTexture(void) { int tagnum, secnum; sector_t *sector; if (CheckArgs(1)) { tagnum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); // argv is sector tag secnum = T_FindFirstSectorFromTag(tagnum); if(secnum < 0) { script_error("sector not found with tagnum %i\n", tagnum); return;} sector = §ors[secnum]; if(t_argc > 1) { int i = -1; FTextureID picnum = TexMan.GetTexture(t_argv[1].string, FTexture::TEX_Flat, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable); // set all sectors with tag FSSectorTagIterator itr(tagnum); while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { sectors[i].SetTexture(sector_t::ceiling, picnum); } } t_return.type = svt_string; FTexture * tex = TexMan[sector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling)]; t_return.string = tex? tex->Name : ""; } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ChangeHubLevel(void) { I_Error("FS hub system permanently disabled\n"); } // for start map: start new game on a particular skill void FParser::SF_StartSkill(void) { I_Error("startskill is not supported by this implementation!\n"); } //========================================================================== // // Doors // // opendoor(sectag, [delay], [speed]) // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_OpenDoor(void) { int speed, wait_time; int sectag; if (CheckArgs(1)) { // got sector tag sectag = intvalue(t_argv[0]); if (sectag==0) return; // tag 0 not allowed // door wait time if(t_argc > 1) wait_time = (intvalue(t_argv[1]) * TICRATE) / 100; else wait_time = 0; // 0= stay open // door speed if(t_argc > 2) speed = intvalue(t_argv[2]); else speed = 1; // 1= normal speed EV_DoDoor(wait_time? DDoor::doorRaise:DDoor::doorOpen,NULL,NULL,sectag,2*FRACUNIT*clamp(speed,1,127),wait_time,0,0); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_CloseDoor(void) { int speed; int sectag; if (CheckArgs(1)) { // got sector tag sectag = intvalue(t_argv[0]); if (sectag==0) return; // tag 0 not allowed // door speed if(t_argc > 1) speed = intvalue(t_argv[1]); else speed = 1; // 1= normal speed EV_DoDoor(DDoor::doorClose,NULL,NULL,sectag,2*FRACUNIT*clamp(speed,1,127),0,0,0); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== // run console cmd void FParser::SF_RunCommand(void) { FS_EmulateCmd(GetFormatString(0).LockBuffer()); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_LineTrigger() { if (CheckArgs(1)) { line_t line; maplinedef_t mld; mld.special=intvalue(t_argv[0]); mld.tag=t_argc > 1 ? intvalue(t_argv[1]) : 0; P_TranslateLineDef(&line, &mld); P_ExecuteSpecial(line.special, NULL, Script->trigger, false, line.args[0],line.args[1],line.args[2],line.args[3],line.args[4]); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== bool FS_ChangeMusic(const char * string) { char buffer[40]; if (Wads.CheckNumForName(string, ns_music)<0 || !S_ChangeMusic(string,true)) { // Retry with O_ prepended to the music name, then with D_ mysnprintf(buffer, countof(buffer), "O_%s", string); if (Wads.CheckNumForName(buffer, ns_music)<0 || !S_ChangeMusic(buffer,true)) { mysnprintf(buffer, countof(buffer), "D_%s", string); if (Wads.CheckNumForName(buffer, ns_music)<0) { S_ChangeMusic(NULL, 0); return false; } else S_ChangeMusic(buffer,true); } } return true; } void FParser::SF_ChangeMusic(void) { if (CheckArgs(1)) { FS_ChangeMusic(stringvalue(t_argv[0])); } } //========================================================================== // // FParser::SF_SetLineBlocking() // // Sets a line blocking or unblocking // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SetLineBlocking(void) { static unsigned short blocks[]={0,ML_BLOCKING,ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING}; if (CheckArgs(2)) { int blocking=intvalue(t_argv[1]); if (blocking>=0 && blocking<=2) { blocking=blocks[blocking]; int tag=intvalue(t_argv[0]); FLineIdIterator itr(tag); int i; while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { lines[i].flags = (lines[i].flags & ~(ML_BLOCKING | ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING)) | blocking; } } } } //========================================================================== // // similar, but monster blocking // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SetLineMonsterBlocking(void) { if (CheckArgs(2)) { int blocking = intvalue(t_argv[1]) ? ML_BLOCKMONSTERS : 0; int tag=intvalue(t_argv[0]); FLineIdIterator itr(tag); int i; while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { lines[i].flags = (lines[i].flags & ~ML_BLOCKMONSTERS) | blocking; } } } //========================================================================== // //FParser::SF_SetLineTexture // // #2 in a not-so-long line of ACS-inspired functions // This one is *much* needed, IMO // // Eternity: setlinetexture(tag, side, position, texture) // Legacy: setlinetexture(tag, texture, side, sections) // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SetLineTexture(void) { int tag; int side; int position; const char *texture; FTextureID texturenum; int i; if (CheckArgs(4)) { tag = intvalue(t_argv[0]); // the eternity version if (t_argv[3].type==svt_string) { side = intvalue(t_argv[1]); if(side < 0 || side > 1) { script_error("invalid side number for texture change\n"); return; } position = intvalue(t_argv[2]); if(position < 1 || position > 3) { script_error("invalid position for texture change\n"); return; } position=3-position; texture = stringvalue(t_argv[3]); texturenum = TexMan.GetTexture(texture, FTexture::TEX_Wall, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable); FLineIdIterator itr(tag); while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { // bad sidedef, Hexen just SEGV'd here! if (lines[i].sidedef[side] != NULL) { if (position >= 0 && position <= 2) { lines[i].sidedef[side]->SetTexture(position, texturenum); } } } } else // and an improved legacy version { FTextureID picnum = TexMan.GetTexture(t_argv[1].string, FTexture::TEX_Wall, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable); side = !!intvalue(t_argv[2]); int sections = intvalue(t_argv[3]); // set all sectors with tag FLineIdIterator itr(tag); while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { side_t *sided = lines[i].sidedef[side]; if(sided != NULL) { if(sections & 1) sided->SetTexture(side_t::top, picnum); if(sections & 2) sided->SetTexture(side_t::mid, picnum); if(sections & 4) sided->SetTexture(side_t::bottom, picnum); } } } } } //========================================================================== // // SoM: Max, Min, Abs math functions. // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Max(void) { fixed_t n1, n2; if (CheckArgs(2)) { n1 = fixedvalue(t_argv[0]); n2 = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]); t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = (n1 > n2) ? n1 : n2; } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Min(void) { fixed_t n1, n2; if (CheckArgs(1)) { n1 = fixedvalue(t_argv[0]); n2 = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]); t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = (n1 < n2) ? n1 : n2; } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Abs(void) { fixed_t n1; if (CheckArgs(1)) { n1 = fixedvalue(t_argv[0]); t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = (n1 < 0) ? -n1 : n1; } } //========================================================================== // // FParser::SF_Gameskill, FParser::SF_Gamemode // // Access functions are more elegant for these than variables, // especially for the game mode, which doesn't exist as a numeric // variable already. // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Gameskill(void) { t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_ACSReturn) + 1; // +1 for the user skill value } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Gamemode(void) { t_return.type = svt_int; if(!multiplayer) { t_return.value.i = 0; // single-player } else if(!deathmatch) { t_return.value.i = 1; // cooperative } else t_return.value.i = 2; // deathmatch } //========================================================================== // // FParser::SF_IsPlayerObj() // // A function suggested by SoM to help the script coder prevent // exceptions related to calling player functions on non-player // objects. // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_IsPlayerObj(void) { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; } t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = (mo && mo->player) ? 1 : 0; } //============================================================================ // // Inventory stuff - mostly new to GZDoom // // all the original functions are still supported but they have not // been expanded from their original and are limited as a result // // Since FraggleScript is rather hard coded to the original inventory // handling of Doom this is quite messy. // //============================================================================ //============================================================================ // // DoGiveInv // // Gives an item to a single actor. // //============================================================================ static void FS_GiveInventory (AActor *actor, const char * type, int amount) { if (amount <= 0) { return; } if (strcmp (type, "Armor") == 0) { type = "BasicArmorPickup"; } PClassInventory * info = dyn_cast(PClass::FindActor (type)); if (info == NULL) { Printf ("Unknown inventory item: %s\n", type); return; } AWeapon *savedPendingWeap = actor->player != NULL? actor->player->PendingWeapon : NULL; bool hadweap = actor->player != NULL ? actor->player->ReadyWeapon != NULL : true; AInventory *item = static_cast(Spawn (info, 0,0,0, NO_REPLACE)); // This shouldn't count for the item statistics! item->ClearCounters(); if (info->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorPickup)) || info->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorBonus))) { static_cast(item)->SaveAmount *= amount; } else { item->Amount = amount; } if (!item->CallTryPickup (actor)) { item->Destroy (); } // If the item was a weapon, don't bring it up automatically // unless the player was not already using a weapon. if (savedPendingWeap != NULL && hadweap) { actor->player->PendingWeapon = savedPendingWeap; } } //============================================================================ // // DoTakeInv // // Takes an item from a single actor. // //============================================================================ static void FS_TakeInventory (AActor *actor, const char * type, int amount) { if (strcmp (type, "Armor") == 0) { type = "BasicArmor"; } if (amount <= 0) { return; } PClassActor * info = PClass::FindActor (type); if (info == NULL) { return; } AInventory *item = actor->FindInventory (info); if (item != NULL) { item->Amount -= amount; if (item->Amount <= 0) { // If it's not ammo, destroy it. Ammo needs to stick around, even // when it's zero for the benefit of the weapons that use it and // to maintain the maximum ammo amounts a backpack might have given. if (item->GetClass()->ParentClass != RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo)) { item->Destroy (); } else { item->Amount = 0; } } } } //============================================================================ // // CheckInventory // // Returns how much of a particular item an actor has. // //============================================================================ static int FS_CheckInventory (AActor *activator, const char *type) { if (activator == NULL) return 0; if (strcmp (type, "Armor") == 0) { type = "BasicArmor"; } else if (strcmp (type, "Health") == 0) { return activator->health; } PClassActor *info = PClass::FindActor (type); AInventory *item = activator->FindInventory (info); return item ? item->Amount : 0; } //========================================================================== // // This function is just kept for backwards compatibility // and intentionally limited to thr standard keys! // Use Give/Take/CheckInventory instead! // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_PlayerKeys(void) { static const char * const DoomKeys[]={"BlueCard", "YellowCard", "RedCard", "BlueSkull", "YellowSkull", "RedSkull"}; int playernum, keynum, givetake; const char * keyname; if (CheckArgs(2)) { playernum=T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); if (playernum==-1) return; keynum = intvalue(t_argv[1]); if(keynum < 0 || keynum >= 6) { script_error("key number out of range: %i\n", keynum); return; } keyname=DoomKeys[keynum]; if(t_argc == 2) { t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = FS_CheckInventory(players[playernum].mo, keyname); return; } else { givetake = intvalue(t_argv[2]); if(givetake) FS_GiveInventory(players[playernum].mo, keyname, 1); else FS_TakeInventory(players[playernum].mo, keyname, 1); t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = 0; } } } //========================================================================== // // This function is just kept for backwards compatibility and intentionally limited! // Use Give/Take/CheckInventory instead! // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_PlayerAmmo(void) { int playernum, amount; PClassAmmo * ammotype; if (CheckArgs(2)) { playernum=T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); if (playernum==-1) return; ammotype=T_GetAmmo(t_argv[1]); if (!ammotype) return; if(t_argc >= 3) { AInventory * iammo = players[playernum].mo->FindInventory(ammotype); amount = intvalue(t_argv[2]); if(amount < 0) amount = 0; if (iammo) iammo->Amount = amount; else players[playernum].mo->GiveAmmo(ammotype, amount); } t_return.type = svt_int; AInventory * iammo = players[playernum].mo->FindInventory(ammotype); if (iammo) t_return.value.i = iammo->Amount; else t_return.value.i = 0; } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_MaxPlayerAmmo() { int playernum, amount; PClassAmmo * ammotype; if (CheckArgs(2)) { playernum=T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); if (playernum==-1) return; ammotype=T_GetAmmo(t_argv[1]); if (!ammotype) return; if(t_argc == 2) { } else if(t_argc >= 3) { AAmmo * iammo = (AAmmo*)players[playernum].mo->FindInventory(ammotype); amount = intvalue(t_argv[2]); if(amount < 0) amount = 0; if (!iammo) { iammo = static_cast(Spawn (ammotype, 0, 0, 0, NO_REPLACE)); iammo->Amount = 0; iammo->AttachToOwner (players[playernum].mo); } iammo->MaxAmount = amount; for (AInventory *item = players[playernum].mo->Inventory; item != NULL; item = item->Inventory) { if (item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(ABackpackItem))) { if (t_argc>=4) amount = intvalue(t_argv[3]); else amount*=2; break; } } iammo->BackpackMaxAmount=amount; } t_return.type = svt_int; AInventory * iammo = players[playernum].mo->FindInventory(ammotype); if (iammo) t_return.value.i = iammo->MaxAmount; else t_return.value.i = ((AAmmo*)GetDefaultByType(ammotype))->MaxAmount; } } //========================================================================== // // This function is just kept for backwards compatibility and // intentionally limited to the standard weapons! // Use Give/Take/CheckInventory instead! // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_PlayerWeapon() { static const char * const WeaponNames[]={ "Fist", "Pistol", "Shotgun", "Chaingun", "RocketLauncher", "PlasmaRifle", "BFG9000", "Chainsaw", "SuperShotgun" }; int playernum; int weaponnum; int newweapon; if (CheckArgs(2)) { playernum=T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); weaponnum = intvalue(t_argv[1]); if (playernum==-1) return; if (weaponnum<0 || weaponnum>9) { script_error("weaponnum out of range! %s\n", weaponnum); return; } PClassWeapon * ti = static_cast(PClass::FindActor(WeaponNames[weaponnum])); if (!ti) { script_error("incompatibility in playerweapon\n", weaponnum); return; } if (t_argc == 2) { AActor * wp = players[playernum].mo->FindInventory(ti); t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = wp!=NULL;; return; } else { AActor * wp = players[playernum].mo->FindInventory(ti); newweapon = !!intvalue(t_argv[2]); if (!newweapon) { if (wp) { wp->Destroy(); // If the weapon is active pick a replacement. Legacy didn't do this! if (players[playernum].PendingWeapon==wp) players[playernum].PendingWeapon=WP_NOCHANGE; if (players[playernum].ReadyWeapon==wp) { players[playernum].ReadyWeapon=NULL; players[playernum].mo->PickNewWeapon(NULL); } } } else { if (!wp) { AWeapon * pw=players[playernum].PendingWeapon; players[playernum].mo->GiveInventoryType(ti); players[playernum].PendingWeapon=pw; } } t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = !!newweapon; return; } } } //========================================================================== // // This function is just kept for backwards compatibility and // intentionally limited to the standard weapons! // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_PlayerSelectedWeapon() { int playernum; int weaponnum; static const char * const WeaponNames[]={ "Fist", "Pistol", "Shotgun", "Chaingun", "RocketLauncher", "PlasmaRifle", "BFG9000", "Chainsaw", "SuperShotgun" }; if (CheckArgs(1)) { playernum=T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); if(t_argc == 2) { weaponnum = intvalue(t_argv[1]); if (weaponnum<0 || weaponnum>=9) { script_error("weaponnum out of range! %s\n", weaponnum); return; } PClassWeapon * ti = static_cast(PClass::FindActor(WeaponNames[weaponnum])); if (!ti) { script_error("incompatibility in playerweapon\n", weaponnum); return; } players[playernum].PendingWeapon = (AWeapon*)players[playernum].mo->FindInventory(ti); } t_return.type = svt_int; for(int i=0;i<9;i++) { if (players[playernum].ReadyWeapon->GetClass ()->TypeName == FName(WeaponNames[i])) { t_return.value.i=i; break; } } } } //========================================================================== // // new for GZDoom: named inventory handling // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_GiveInventory(void) { int playernum, count; if (CheckArgs(2)) { playernum=T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); if (playernum==-1) return; if(t_argc == 2) count=1; else count=intvalue(t_argv[2]); FS_GiveInventory(players[playernum].mo, stringvalue(t_argv[1]), count); t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = 0; } } //========================================================================== // // new for GZDoom: named inventory handling // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_TakeInventory(void) { int playernum, count; if (CheckArgs(2)) { playernum=T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); if (playernum==-1) return; if(t_argc == 2) count=32767; else count=intvalue(t_argv[2]); FS_TakeInventory(players[playernum].mo, stringvalue(t_argv[1]), count); t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = 0; } } //========================================================================== // // new for GZDoom: named inventory handling // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_CheckInventory(void) { int playernum; if (CheckArgs(2)) { playernum=T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); if (playernum==-1) { t_return.value.i = 0; return; } t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = FS_CheckInventory(players[playernum].mo, stringvalue(t_argv[1])); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SetWeapon() { if (CheckArgs(2)) { int playernum=T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); if (playernum!=-1) { AInventory *item = players[playernum].mo->FindInventory (PClass::FindActor (stringvalue(t_argv[1]))); if (item == NULL || !item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon))) { } else if (players[playernum].ReadyWeapon == item) { // The weapon is already selected, so setweapon succeeds by default, // but make sure the player isn't switching away from it. players[playernum].PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE; t_return.value.i = 1; } else { AWeapon *weap = static_cast (item); if (weap->CheckAmmo (AWeapon::EitherFire, false)) { // There's enough ammo, so switch to it. t_return.value.i = 1; players[playernum].PendingWeapon = weap; } } } t_return.value.i = 0; } } //========================================================================== // // movecamera(camera, targetobj, targetheight, movespeed, targetangle, anglespeed) // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_MoveCamera(void) { fixed_t x, y, z; fixed_t zdist, xydist, movespeed; fixed_t xstep, ystep, zstep, targetheight; angle_t anglespeed, anglestep, angledist, targetangle, mobjangle, bigangle, smallangle; // I have to use floats for the math where angles are divided // by fixed values. double fangledist, fanglestep, fmovestep; int angledir; AActor* target; int moved; int quad1, quad2; AActor * cam; angledir = moved = 0; if (CheckArgs(6)) { cam = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); target = actorvalue(t_argv[1]); if(!cam || !target) { script_error("invalid target for camera\n"); return; } targetheight = fixedvalue(t_argv[2]); movespeed = fixedvalue(t_argv[3]); targetangle = (angle_t)FixedToAngle(fixedvalue(t_argv[4])); anglespeed = (angle_t)FixedToAngle(fixedvalue(t_argv[5])); // figure out how big one step will be fixedvec2 dist = cam->Vec2To(target); zdist = targetheight - cam->Z(); // Angle checking... // 90 // Q1|Q0 //180--+--0 // Q2|Q3 // 270 quad1 = targetangle / ANG90; quad2 = cam->angle / ANG90; bigangle = targetangle > cam->angle ? targetangle : cam->angle; smallangle = targetangle < cam->angle ? targetangle : cam->angle; if((quad1 > quad2 && quad1 - 1 == quad2) || (quad2 > quad1 && quad2 - 1 == quad1) || quad1 == quad2) { angledist = bigangle - smallangle; angledir = targetangle > cam->angle ? 1 : -1; } else { angle_t diff180 = (bigangle + ANG180) - (smallangle + ANG180); if(quad2 == 3 && quad1 == 0) { angledist = diff180; angledir = 1; } else if(quad1 == 3 && quad2 == 0) { angledist = diff180; angledir = -1; } else { angledist = bigangle - smallangle; if(angledist > ANG180) { angledist = diff180; angledir = targetangle > cam->angle ? -1 : 1; } else angledir = targetangle > cam->angle ? 1 : -1; } } // set step variables based on distance and speed mobjangle = cam->AngleTo(target); xydist = cam->Distance2D(target); xstep = FixedMul(finecosine[mobjangle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT], movespeed); ystep = FixedMul(finesine[mobjangle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT], movespeed); if(xydist && movespeed) zstep = FixedDiv(zdist, FixedDiv(xydist, movespeed)); else zstep = zdist > 0 ? movespeed : -movespeed; if(xydist && movespeed && !anglespeed) { fangledist = ((double)angledist / (ANG45/45)); fmovestep = ((double)FixedDiv(xydist, movespeed) / FRACUNIT); if(fmovestep) fanglestep = fangledist / fmovestep; else fanglestep = 360; anglestep =(angle_t) (fanglestep * (ANG45/45)); } else anglestep = anglespeed; if(abs(xstep) >= (abs(dist.x) - 1)) x = cam->X() + dist.x; else { x = cam->X() + xstep; moved = 1; } if(abs(ystep) >= (abs(dist.y) - 1)) y = cam->Y() + dist.y; else { y = cam->Y() + ystep; moved = 1; } if(abs(zstep) >= (abs(zdist) - 1)) z = targetheight; else { z = cam->Z() + zstep; moved = 1; } if(anglestep >= angledist) cam->angle = targetangle; else { if(angledir == 1) { cam->angle += anglestep; moved = 1; } else if(angledir == -1) { cam->angle -= anglestep; moved = 1; } } cam->radius=8; cam->height=8; if ((x != cam->X() || y != cam->Y()) && !P_TryMove(cam, x, y, true)) { Printf("Illegal camera move to (%f, %f)\n", x/65536.f, y/65536.f); return; } cam->SetZ(z); t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = moved; } } //========================================================================== // // FParser::SF_ObjAwaken // // Implements: void objawaken([mobj mo]) // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ObjAwaken(void) { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; } if(mo) { mo->Activate(Script->trigger); } } //========================================================================== // // FParser::SF_AmbientSound // // Implements: void ambientsound(string name) // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_AmbientSound(void) { if (CheckArgs(1)) { S_Sound(CHAN_AUTO, T_FindSound(stringvalue(t_argv[0])), 1, ATTN_NORM); } } //========================================================================== // // FParser::SF_ExitSecret // // Implements: void exitsecret() // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ExitSecret(void) { G_SecretExitLevel(0); } //========================================================================== // // Type forcing functions -- useful with arrays et al // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_MobjValue(void) { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_mobj; t_return.value.mobj = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } } void FParser::SF_StringValue(void) { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_string; if (t_argv[0].type == svt_string) { t_return.string = t_argv[0].string; } else { t_return.string = stringvalue(t_argv[0]); } } } void FParser::SF_IntValue(void) { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = intvalue(t_argv[0]); } } void FParser::SF_FixedValue(void) { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = fixedvalue(t_argv[0]); } } //========================================================================== // // Starting here are functions present in Legacy but not Eternity. // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SpawnExplosion() { fixed_t x, y, z; AActor* spawn; PClassActor * pclass; if (CheckArgs(3)) { if (!(pclass=T_GetMobjType(t_argv[0]))) return; x = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]); y = fixedvalue(t_argv[2]); if(t_argc > 3) z = fixedvalue(t_argv[3]); else z = P_PointInSector(x, y)->floorplane.ZatPoint(x,y); spawn = Spawn (pclass, x, y, z, ALLOW_REPLACE); t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i=0; if (spawn) { spawn->ClearCounters(); t_return.value.i = spawn->SetState(spawn->FindState(NAME_Death)); if(spawn->DeathSound) S_Sound (spawn, CHAN_BODY, spawn->DeathSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_RadiusAttack() { AActor *spot; AActor *source; int damage; if (CheckArgs(3)) { spot = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); source = actorvalue(t_argv[1]); damage = intvalue(t_argv[2]); if (spot && source) { P_RadiusAttack(spot, source, damage, damage, NAME_None, RADF_HURTSOURCE); } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SetObjPosition() { AActor* mobj; if (CheckArgs(2)) { mobj = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); if (!mobj) return; mobj->SetOrigin( fixedvalue(t_argv[1]), (t_argc >= 3)? fixedvalue(t_argv[2]) : mobj->Y(), (t_argc >= 4)? fixedvalue(t_argv[3]) : mobj->Z(), false); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_TestLocation() { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; } if (mo) { t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.f = !!P_TestMobjLocation(mo); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_HealObj() //no pain sound { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; } if(t_argc < 2) { mo->health = mo->GetDefault()->health; if(mo->player) mo->player->health = mo->health; } else if (t_argc == 2) { mo->health += intvalue(t_argv[1]); if(mo->player) mo->player->health = mo->health; } else script_error("invalid number of arguments for objheal"); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ObjDead() { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; } t_return.type = svt_int; if(mo && (mo->health <= 0 || mo->flags&MF_CORPSE)) t_return.value.i = 1; else t_return.value.i = 0; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SpawnMissile() { AActor *mobj; AActor *target; PClassActor * pclass; if (CheckArgs(3)) { if (!(pclass=T_GetMobjType(t_argv[2]))) return; mobj = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); target = actorvalue(t_argv[1]); if (mobj && target) P_SpawnMissile(mobj, target, pclass); } } //========================================================================== // //checks to see if a Map Thing Number exists; used to avoid script errors // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_MapThingNumExist() { TArray > &SpawnedThings = DFraggleThinker::ActiveThinker->SpawnedThings; int intval; if (CheckArgs(1)) { intval = intvalue(t_argv[0]); if (intval < 0 || intval >= int(SpawnedThings.Size()) || !SpawnedThings[intval]) { t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = 0; } else { // Inventory items in the player's inventory have to be considered non-present. if (SpawnedThings[intval]->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory)) && barrier_cast(SpawnedThings[intval])->Owner != NULL) { t_return.value.i = 0; } else { t_return.value.i = 1; } t_return.type = svt_int; } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_MapThings() { TArray > &SpawnedThings = DFraggleThinker::ActiveThinker->SpawnedThings; t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = SpawnedThings.Size(); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ObjState() { int state; AActor *mo = NULL; if (CheckArgs(1)) { if(t_argc == 1) { mo = Script->trigger; state = intvalue(t_argv[0]); } else if(t_argc == 2) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); state = intvalue(t_argv[1]); } if (mo) { static ENamedName statenames[]= { NAME_Spawn, NAME_See, NAME_Missile, NAME_Melee, NAME_Pain, NAME_Death, NAME_Raise, NAME_XDeath, NAME_Crash }; if (state <1 || state > 9) { script_error("objstate: invalid state"); return; } t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = mo->SetState(mo->FindState(statenames[state])); } } } //========================================================================== // // only here for Legacy maps. The implementation of this function // is completely useless. // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_LineFlag() { line_t* line; int linenum; int flagnum; if (CheckArgs(2)) { linenum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); if(linenum < 0 || linenum > numlines) { script_error("LineFlag: Invalid line number.\n"); return; } line = lines + linenum; flagnum = intvalue(t_argv[1]); if(flagnum < 0 || (flagnum > 8 && flagnum!=15)) { script_error("LineFlag: Invalid flag number.\n"); return; } if(t_argc > 2) { line->flags &= ~(1 << flagnum); if(intvalue(t_argv[2])) line->flags |= (1 << flagnum); } t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = line->flags & (1 << flagnum); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_PlayerAddFrag() { int playernum1; int playernum2; if (CheckArgs(1)) { if (t_argc == 1) { playernum1 = T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); players[playernum1].fragcount++; t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.f = players[playernum1].fragcount; } else { playernum1 = T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[0]); playernum2 = T_GetPlayerNum(t_argv[1]); players[playernum1].frags[playernum2]++; t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.f = players[playernum1].frags[playernum2]; } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SkinColor() { // Ignoring it for now. } void FParser::SF_PlayDemo() { // Ignoring it for now. } void FParser::SF_CheckCVar() { // can't be done so return 0. } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Resurrect() { AActor *mo; if (CheckArgs(1)) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); FState * state = mo->FindState(NAME_Raise); if (!state) //Don't resurrect things that can't be resurrected return; mo->SetState(state); mo->height = mo->GetDefault()->height; mo->radius = mo->GetDefault()->radius; mo->flags = mo->GetDefault()->flags; mo->flags2 = mo->GetDefault()->flags2; mo->flags3 = mo->GetDefault()->flags3; mo->flags4 = mo->GetDefault()->flags4; mo->flags5 = mo->GetDefault()->flags5; mo->health = mo->GetDefault()->health; mo->target = NULL; } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_LineAttack() { AActor *mo; int damage, angle, slope; if (CheckArgs(3)) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); damage = intvalue(t_argv[2]); angle = (intvalue(t_argv[1]) * (ANG45 / 45)); slope = P_AimLineAttack(mo, angle, MISSILERANGE); P_LineAttack(mo, angle, MISSILERANGE, slope, damage, NAME_Hitscan, NAME_BulletPuff); } } //========================================================================== // // This is a lousy hack. It only works for the standard actors // and it is quite inefficient. // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ObjType() { // use trigger object if not specified AActor *mo; if(t_argc) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); } else { mo = Script->trigger; } if (mo != NULL) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < countof(ActorTypes); i++) if (mo->GetClass() == ActorTypes[i]) { t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = i; return; } } t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = -1; } //========================================================================== // // some new math functions // //========================================================================== inline fixed_t double2fixed(double t) { return (fixed_t)(t*65536.0); } void FParser::SF_Sin() { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = double2fixed(sin(floatvalue(t_argv[0]))); } } void FParser::SF_ASin() { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = double2fixed(asin(floatvalue(t_argv[0]))); } } void FParser::SF_Cos() { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = double2fixed(cos(floatvalue(t_argv[0]))); } } void FParser::SF_ACos() { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = double2fixed(acos(floatvalue(t_argv[0]))); } } void FParser::SF_Tan() { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = double2fixed(tan(floatvalue(t_argv[0]))); } } void FParser::SF_ATan() { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = double2fixed(atan(floatvalue(t_argv[0]))); } } void FParser::SF_Exp() { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = double2fixed(exp(floatvalue(t_argv[0]))); } } void FParser::SF_Log() { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = double2fixed(log(floatvalue(t_argv[0]))); } } void FParser::SF_Sqrt() { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = double2fixed(sqrt(floatvalue(t_argv[0]))); } } void FParser::SF_Floor() { if (CheckArgs(1)) { t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = fixedvalue(t_argv[0]) & 0xffFF0000; } } void FParser::SF_Pow() { if (CheckArgs(2)) { t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = double2fixed(pow(floatvalue(t_argv[0]), floatvalue(t_argv[1]))); } } //========================================================================== // // HUD pics (not operational yet!) // //========================================================================== int HU_GetFSPic(FTextureID lumpnum, int xpos, int ypos); int HU_DeleteFSPic(unsigned int handle); int HU_ModifyFSPic(unsigned int handle, FTextureID lumpnum, int xpos, int ypos); int HU_FSDisplay(unsigned int handle, bool newval); void FParser::SF_NewHUPic() { if (CheckArgs(3)) { t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = HU_GetFSPic( TexMan.GetTexture(stringvalue(t_argv[0]), FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_TryAny), intvalue(t_argv[1]), intvalue(t_argv[2])); } } void FParser::SF_DeleteHUPic() { if (CheckArgs(1)) { if (HU_DeleteFSPic(intvalue(t_argv[0])) == -1) script_error("deletehupic: Invalid sfpic handle: %i\n", intvalue(t_argv[0])); } } void FParser::SF_ModifyHUPic() { if (t_argc != 4) { script_error("modifyhupic: invalid number of arguments\n"); return; } if (HU_ModifyFSPic(intvalue(t_argv[0]), TexMan.GetTexture(stringvalue(t_argv[0]), FTexture::TEX_MiscPatch, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_TryAny), intvalue(t_argv[2]), intvalue(t_argv[3])) == -1) { script_error("modifyhypic: invalid sfpic handle %i\n", intvalue(t_argv[0])); } return; } void FParser::SF_SetHUPicDisplay() { if (t_argc != 2) { script_error("sethupicdisplay: invalud number of arguments\n"); return; } if (HU_FSDisplay(intvalue(t_argv[0]), intvalue(t_argv[1]) > 0 ? 1 : 0) == -1) script_error("sethupicdisplay: invalid pic handle %i\n", intvalue(t_argv[0])); } //========================================================================== // // Yet to be made operational. // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SetCorona(void) { if(t_argc != 3) { script_error("incorrect arguments to function\n"); return; } int num = t_argv[0].value.i; // which corona we want to modify int what = t_argv[1].value.i; // what we want to modify (type, color, offset,...) int ival = t_argv[2].value.i; // the value of what we modify double fval = ((double) t_argv[2].value.f / FRACUNIT); /* switch (what) { case 0: lspr[num].type = ival; break; case 1: lspr[num].light_xoffset = fval; break; case 2: lspr[num].light_yoffset = fval; break; case 3: if (t_argv[2].type == svt_string) lspr[num].corona_color = String2Hex(t_argv[2].value.s); else memcpy(&lspr[num].corona_color, &ival, sizeof(int)); break; case 4: lspr[num].corona_radius = fval; break; case 5: if (t_argv[2].type == svt_string) lspr[num].dynamic_color = String2Hex(t_argv[2].value.s); else memcpy(&lspr[num].dynamic_color, &ival, sizeof(int)); break; case 6: lspr[num].dynamic_radius = fval; lspr[num].dynamic_sqrradius = sqrt(lspr[num].dynamic_radius); break; default: CONS_Printf("Error in setcorona\n"); break; } */ // no use for this! t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = 0; } //========================================================================== // // new for GZDoom: Call a Hexen line special (deprecated, superseded by direct use) // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Ls() { int args[5]={0,0,0,0,0}; int spc; if (CheckArgs(1)) { spc=intvalue(t_argv[0]); for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { if (t_argc>=i+2) args[i]=intvalue(t_argv[i+1]); } if (spc>=0 && spc<256) P_ExecuteSpecial(spc, NULL,Script->trigger,false, args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4]); } } //========================================================================== // // new for GZDoom: Gets the levelnum // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_LevelNum() { t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.f = level.levelnum; } //========================================================================== // // new for GZDoom // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_MobjRadius(void) { AActor* mo; if (CheckArgs(1)) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); if(t_argc > 1) { if(mo) mo->radius = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]); } t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->radius : 0; } } //========================================================================== // // new for GZDoom // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_MobjHeight(void) { AActor* mo; if (CheckArgs(1)) { mo = actorvalue(t_argv[0]); if(t_argc > 1) { if(mo) mo->height = fixedvalue(t_argv[1]); } t_return.type = svt_fixed; t_return.value.f = mo ? mo->height : 0; } } //========================================================================== // // new for GZDoom // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ThingCount(void) { PClassActor *pClass; AActor * mo; int count=0; bool replacemented = false; if (CheckArgs(1)) { pClass=T_GetMobjType(t_argv[0]); if (!pClass) return; // If we want to count map items we must consider actor replacement pClass = pClass->GetReplacement(); again: TThinkerIterator it; if (t_argc<2 || intvalue(t_argv[1])==0 || pClass->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory))) { while ((mo=it.Next())) { if (mo->IsA(pClass)) { if (!mo->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory)) || static_cast(mo)->Owner == NULL) { count++; } } } } else { while ((mo=it.Next())) { if (mo->IsA(pClass) && mo->health>0) count++; } } if (!replacemented) { // Again, with decorate replacements replacemented = true; PClassActor *newkind = pClass->GetReplacement(); if (newkind != pClass) { pClass = newkind; goto again; } } t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = count; } } //========================================================================== // // new for GZDoom: Sets a sector color // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SetColor(void) { int tagnum, secnum; int c=2; int i = -1; PalEntry color=0; if (CheckArgs(2)) { tagnum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); secnum = T_FindFirstSectorFromTag(tagnum); if(secnum < 0) { return; } if(t_argc >1 && t_argc<4) { color=intvalue(t_argv[1]); } else if (t_argc>=4) { color.r=intvalue(t_argv[1]); color.g=intvalue(t_argv[2]); color.b=intvalue(t_argv[3]); color.a=0; } else return; // set all sectors with tag FSSectorTagIterator itr(tagnum); while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { sectors[i].ColorMap = GetSpecialLights (color, sectors[i].ColorMap->Fade, 0); } } } //========================================================================== // // Spawns a projectile at a map spot // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SpawnShot2(void) { AActor *source = NULL; PClassActor * pclass; int z=0; // t_argv[0] = type to spawn // t_argv[1] = source mobj, optional, -1 to default // shoots at source's angle if (CheckArgs(2)) { if(t_argv[1].type == svt_int && t_argv[1].value.i < 0) source = Script->trigger; else source = actorvalue(t_argv[1]); if (t_argc>2) z=fixedvalue(t_argv[2]); if(!source) return; if (!(pclass=T_GetMobjType(t_argv[0]))) return; t_return.type = svt_mobj; AActor *mo = Spawn (pclass, source->PosPlusZ(z), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { S_Sound (mo, CHAN_VOICE, mo->SeeSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); mo->target = source; P_ThrustMobj(mo, mo->angle = source->angle, mo->Speed); if (!P_CheckMissileSpawn(mo, source->radius)) mo = NULL; } t_return.value.mobj = mo; } } //========================================================================== // // new for GZDoom // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_KillInSector() { if (CheckArgs(1)) { TThinkerIterator it; AActor * mo; int tag=intvalue(t_argv[0]); while ((mo=it.Next())) { if (mo->flags3&MF3_ISMONSTER && tagManager.SectorHasTag(mo->Sector, tag)) P_DamageMobj(mo, NULL, NULL, 1000000, NAME_Massacre); } } } //========================================================================== // // new for GZDoom: Sets a sector's type // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SectorType(void) { // I don't think this was ever used publicly so I'm not going to bother fixing it. } //========================================================================== // // new for GZDoom: Sets a new line trigger type (Doom format!) // (Sure, this is not particularly useful. But having it made it possible // to fix a few annoying bugs in some old maps ;) ) // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_SetLineTrigger() { int i,id,spec,tag(0); if (CheckArgs(2)) { id=intvalue(t_argv[0]); spec=intvalue(t_argv[1]); if (t_argc>2) tag=intvalue(t_argv[2]); FLineIdIterator itr(id); while ((i = itr.Next()) >= 0) { maplinedef_t mld; mld.special = spec; mld.tag = tag; mld.flags = 0; int f = lines[i].flags; P_TranslateLineDef(&lines[i], &mld); lines[i].flags = (lines[i].flags & (ML_MONSTERSCANACTIVATE | ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL | ML_SPAC_MASK | ML_FIRSTSIDEONLY)) | (f & ~(ML_MONSTERSCANACTIVATE | ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL | ML_SPAC_MASK | ML_FIRSTSIDEONLY)); } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ChangeTag() { // Development garbage! } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_WallGlow() { // Development garbage! } //========================================================================== // // new for GZDoom: Call a Hexen line special // //========================================================================== void FParser::RunLineSpecial(const FLineSpecial *spec) { if (CheckArgs(spec->min_args)) { int args[5]; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { if (t_argc>i) args[i]=intvalue(t_argv[i]); else args[i] = 0; } t_return.value.i = P_ExecuteSpecial(spec->number, NULL,Script->trigger,false, args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4]); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== DRunningScript *FParser::SaveCurrentScript() { DFraggleThinker *th = DFraggleThinker::ActiveThinker; if (th) { DRunningScript *runscr = new DRunningScript(Script->trigger, Script, Script->MakeIndex(Rover)); // hook into chain at start th->AddRunningScript(runscr); return runscr; } return NULL; } //========================================================================== // // script function // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_Wait() { DRunningScript *runscr; if(t_argc != 1) { script_error("incorrect arguments to function\n"); return; } runscr = SaveCurrentScript(); runscr->wait_type = wt_delay; runscr->wait_data = (intvalue(t_argv[0]) * TICRATE) / 100; throw CFsTerminator(); } //========================================================================== // // wait for sector with particular tag to stop moving // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_TagWait() { DRunningScript *runscr; if(t_argc != 1) { script_error("incorrect arguments to function\n"); return; } runscr = SaveCurrentScript(); runscr->wait_type = wt_tagwait; runscr->wait_data = intvalue(t_argv[0]); throw CFsTerminator(); } //========================================================================== // // wait for a script to finish // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ScriptWait() { DRunningScript *runscr; if(t_argc != 1) { script_error("insufficient arguments to function\n"); return; } runscr = SaveCurrentScript(); runscr->wait_type = wt_scriptwait; runscr->wait_data = intvalue(t_argv[0]); throw CFsTerminator(); } //========================================================================== // // haleyjd 05/23/01: wait for a script to start (zdoom-inspired) // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ScriptWaitPre() { DRunningScript *runscr; if(t_argc != 1) { script_error("insufficient arguments to function\n"); return; } runscr = SaveCurrentScript(); runscr->wait_type = wt_scriptwaitpre; runscr->wait_data = intvalue(t_argv[0]); throw CFsTerminator(); } //========================================================================== // // start a new script // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_StartScript() { if(t_argc != 1) { script_error("incorrect arguments to function\n"); return; } int snum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); if(snum < 0 || snum >= MAXSCRIPTS) { script_error("script number %d out of range\n",snum); return; } DFraggleThinker *th = DFraggleThinker::ActiveThinker; if (th) { DFsScript *script = th->LevelScript->children[snum]; if(!script) { script_error("script %i not defined\n", snum); } DRunningScript *runscr = new DRunningScript(Script->trigger, script, 0); // hook into chain at start th->AddRunningScript(runscr); } } //========================================================================== // // checks if a script is running // //========================================================================== void FParser::SF_ScriptRunning() { DRunningScript *current; int snum = 0; if(t_argc < 1) { script_error("not enough arguments to function\n"); return; } snum = intvalue(t_argv[0]); for(current = DFraggleThinker::ActiveThinker->RunningScripts->next; current; current=current->next) { if(current->script->scriptnum == snum) { // script found so return t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = 1; return; } } // script not found t_return.type = svt_int; t_return.value.i = 0; } //========================================================================== // // Init Functions // //========================================================================== static int zoom=1; // Dummy - no longer needed! void init_functions(void) { for(unsigned i=0;iNewVariable("consoleplayer", svt_pInt)->value.pI = &consoleplayer; gscr->NewVariable("displayplayer", svt_pInt)->value.pI = &consoleplayer; gscr->NewVariable("zoom", svt_pInt)->value.pI = &zoom; gscr->NewVariable("fov", svt_pInt)->value.pI = &zoom; gscr->NewVariable("trigger", svt_pMobj)->value.pMobj = &trigger_obj; // Create constants for all existing line specials int max = P_GetMaxLineSpecial(); for(int i=0; i<=max; i++) { const FLineSpecial *ls = P_GetLineSpecialInfo(i); if (ls != NULL && ls->max_args >= 0) // specials with max args set to -1 can only be used in a map and are of no use hee. { gscr->NewVariable(ls->name, svt_linespec)->value.ls = ls; } } // important C-emulating stuff gscr->NewFunction("break", &FParser::SF_Break); gscr->NewFunction("continue", &FParser::SF_Continue); gscr->NewFunction("return", &FParser::SF_Return); gscr->NewFunction("goto", &FParser::SF_Goto); gscr->NewFunction("include", &FParser::SF_Include); // standard FraggleScript functions gscr->NewFunction("print", &FParser::SF_Print); gscr->NewFunction("rnd", &FParser::SF_Rnd); // Legacy uses a normal rand() call for this which is extremely dangerous. gscr->NewFunction("prnd", &FParser::SF_Rnd); // I am mapping rnd and prnd to the same named RNG which should eliminate any problem gscr->NewFunction("input", &FParser::SF_Input); gscr->NewFunction("beep", &FParser::SF_Beep); gscr->NewFunction("clock", &FParser::SF_Clock); gscr->NewFunction("wait", &FParser::SF_Wait); gscr->NewFunction("tagwait", &FParser::SF_TagWait); gscr->NewFunction("scriptwait", &FParser::SF_ScriptWait); gscr->NewFunction("startscript", &FParser::SF_StartScript); gscr->NewFunction("scriptrunning", &FParser::SF_ScriptRunning); // doom stuff gscr->NewFunction("startskill", &FParser::SF_StartSkill); gscr->NewFunction("exitlevel", &FParser::SF_ExitLevel); gscr->NewFunction("tip", &FParser::SF_Tip); gscr->NewFunction("timedtip", &FParser::SF_TimedTip); gscr->NewFunction("message", &FParser::SF_Message); gscr->NewFunction("gameskill", &FParser::SF_Gameskill); gscr->NewFunction("gamemode", &FParser::SF_Gamemode); // player stuff gscr->NewFunction("playermsg", &FParser::SF_PlayerMsg); gscr->NewFunction("playertip", &FParser::SF_PlayerTip); gscr->NewFunction("playeringame", &FParser::SF_PlayerInGame); gscr->NewFunction("playername", &FParser::SF_PlayerName); gscr->NewFunction("playeraddfrag", &FParser::SF_PlayerAddFrag); gscr->NewFunction("playerobj", &FParser::SF_PlayerObj); gscr->NewFunction("isplayerobj", &FParser::SF_IsPlayerObj); gscr->NewFunction("isobjplayer", &FParser::SF_IsPlayerObj); gscr->NewFunction("skincolor", &FParser::SF_SkinColor); gscr->NewFunction("playerkeys", &FParser::SF_PlayerKeys); gscr->NewFunction("playerammo", &FParser::SF_PlayerAmmo); gscr->NewFunction("maxplayerammo", &FParser::SF_MaxPlayerAmmo); gscr->NewFunction("playerweapon", &FParser::SF_PlayerWeapon); gscr->NewFunction("playerselwep", &FParser::SF_PlayerSelectedWeapon); // mobj stuff gscr->NewFunction("spawn", &FParser::SF_Spawn); gscr->NewFunction("spawnexplosion", &FParser::SF_SpawnExplosion); gscr->NewFunction("radiusattack", &FParser::SF_RadiusAttack); gscr->NewFunction("kill", &FParser::SF_KillObj); gscr->NewFunction("removeobj", &FParser::SF_RemoveObj); gscr->NewFunction("objx", &FParser::SF_ObjX); gscr->NewFunction("objy", &FParser::SF_ObjY); gscr->NewFunction("objz", &FParser::SF_ObjZ); gscr->NewFunction("testlocation", &FParser::SF_TestLocation); gscr->NewFunction("teleport", &FParser::SF_Teleport); gscr->NewFunction("silentteleport", &FParser::SF_SilentTeleport); gscr->NewFunction("damageobj", &FParser::SF_DamageObj); gscr->NewFunction("healobj", &FParser::SF_HealObj); gscr->NewFunction("player", &FParser::SF_Player); gscr->NewFunction("objsector", &FParser::SF_ObjSector); gscr->NewFunction("objflag", &FParser::SF_ObjFlag); gscr->NewFunction("pushobj", &FParser::SF_PushThing); gscr->NewFunction("pushthing", &FParser::SF_PushThing); gscr->NewFunction("objangle", &FParser::SF_ObjAngle); gscr->NewFunction("objhealth", &FParser::SF_ObjHealth); gscr->NewFunction("objdead", &FParser::SF_ObjDead); gscr->NewFunction("reactiontime", &FParser::SF_ReactionTime); gscr->NewFunction("objreactiontime", &FParser::SF_ReactionTime); gscr->NewFunction("objtarget", &FParser::SF_MobjTarget); gscr->NewFunction("objmomx", &FParser::SF_MobjMomx); gscr->NewFunction("objmomy", &FParser::SF_MobjMomy); gscr->NewFunction("objmomz", &FParser::SF_MobjMomz); gscr->NewFunction("spawnmissile", &FParser::SF_SpawnMissile); gscr->NewFunction("mapthings", &FParser::SF_MapThings); gscr->NewFunction("objtype", &FParser::SF_ObjType); gscr->NewFunction("mapthingnumexist", &FParser::SF_MapThingNumExist); gscr->NewFunction("objstate", &FParser::SF_ObjState); gscr->NewFunction("resurrect", &FParser::SF_Resurrect); gscr->NewFunction("lineattack", &FParser::SF_LineAttack); gscr->NewFunction("setobjposition", &FParser::SF_SetObjPosition); // sector stuff gscr->NewFunction("floorheight", &FParser::SF_FloorHeight); gscr->NewFunction("floortext", &FParser::SF_FloorTexture); gscr->NewFunction("floortexture", &FParser::SF_FloorTexture); // haleyjd: alias gscr->NewFunction("movefloor", &FParser::SF_MoveFloor); gscr->NewFunction("ceilheight", &FParser::SF_CeilingHeight); gscr->NewFunction("ceilingheight", &FParser::SF_CeilingHeight); // haleyjd: alias gscr->NewFunction("moveceil", &FParser::SF_MoveCeiling); gscr->NewFunction("moveceiling", &FParser::SF_MoveCeiling); // haleyjd: aliases gscr->NewFunction("ceilingtexture", &FParser::SF_CeilingTexture); gscr->NewFunction("ceiltext", &FParser::SF_CeilingTexture); // haleyjd: wrong gscr->NewFunction("lightlevel", &FParser::SF_LightLevel); // handler - was gscr->NewFunction("fadelight", &FParser::SF_FadeLight); // &FParser::SF_FloorTexture! gscr->NewFunction("colormap", &FParser::SF_SectorColormap); // cameras! gscr->NewFunction("setcamera", &FParser::SF_SetCamera); gscr->NewFunction("clearcamera", &FParser::SF_ClearCamera); gscr->NewFunction("movecamera", &FParser::SF_MoveCamera); // trig functions gscr->NewFunction("pointtoangle", &FParser::SF_PointToAngle); gscr->NewFunction("pointtodist", &FParser::SF_PointToDist); // sound functions gscr->NewFunction("startsound", &FParser::SF_StartSound); gscr->NewFunction("startsectorsound", &FParser::SF_StartSectorSound); gscr->NewFunction("ambientsound", &FParser::SF_AmbientSound); gscr->NewFunction("startambiantsound", &FParser::SF_AmbientSound); // Legacy's incorrectly spelled name! gscr->NewFunction("changemusic", &FParser::SF_ChangeMusic); // hubs! gscr->NewFunction("changehublevel", &FParser::SF_ChangeHubLevel); // doors gscr->NewFunction("opendoor", &FParser::SF_OpenDoor); gscr->NewFunction("closedoor", &FParser::SF_CloseDoor); // HU Graphics gscr->NewFunction("newhupic", &FParser::SF_NewHUPic); gscr->NewFunction("createpic", &FParser::SF_NewHUPic); gscr->NewFunction("deletehupic", &FParser::SF_DeleteHUPic); gscr->NewFunction("modifyhupic", &FParser::SF_ModifyHUPic); gscr->NewFunction("modifypic", &FParser::SF_ModifyHUPic); gscr->NewFunction("sethupicdisplay", &FParser::SF_SetHUPicDisplay); gscr->NewFunction("setpicvisible", &FParser::SF_SetHUPicDisplay); // gscr->NewFunction("playdemo", &FParser::SF_PlayDemo); gscr->NewFunction("runcommand", &FParser::SF_RunCommand); gscr->NewFunction("checkcvar", &FParser::SF_CheckCVar); gscr->NewFunction("setlinetexture", &FParser::SF_SetLineTexture); gscr->NewFunction("linetrigger", &FParser::SF_LineTrigger); gscr->NewFunction("lineflag", &FParser::SF_LineFlag); //Hurdler: new math functions gscr->NewFunction("max", &FParser::SF_Max); gscr->NewFunction("min", &FParser::SF_Min); gscr->NewFunction("abs", &FParser::SF_Abs); gscr->NewFunction("sin", &FParser::SF_Sin); gscr->NewFunction("asin", &FParser::SF_ASin); gscr->NewFunction("cos", &FParser::SF_Cos); gscr->NewFunction("acos", &FParser::SF_ACos); gscr->NewFunction("tan", &FParser::SF_Tan); gscr->NewFunction("atan", &FParser::SF_ATan); gscr->NewFunction("exp", &FParser::SF_Exp); gscr->NewFunction("log", &FParser::SF_Log); gscr->NewFunction("sqrt", &FParser::SF_Sqrt); gscr->NewFunction("floor", &FParser::SF_Floor); gscr->NewFunction("pow", &FParser::SF_Pow); // Eternity extensions gscr->NewFunction("setlineblocking", &FParser::SF_SetLineBlocking); gscr->NewFunction("setlinetrigger", &FParser::SF_SetLineTrigger); gscr->NewFunction("setlinemnblock", &FParser::SF_SetLineMonsterBlocking); gscr->NewFunction("scriptwaitpre", &FParser::SF_ScriptWaitPre); gscr->NewFunction("exitsecret", &FParser::SF_ExitSecret); gscr->NewFunction("objawaken", &FParser::SF_ObjAwaken); // forced coercion functions gscr->NewFunction("mobjvalue", &FParser::SF_MobjValue); gscr->NewFunction("stringvalue", &FParser::SF_StringValue); gscr->NewFunction("intvalue", &FParser::SF_IntValue); gscr->NewFunction("fixedvalue", &FParser::SF_FixedValue); // new for GZDoom gscr->NewFunction("spawnshot2", &FParser::SF_SpawnShot2); gscr->NewFunction("setcolor", &FParser::SF_SetColor); gscr->NewFunction("sectortype", &FParser::SF_SectorType); gscr->NewFunction("wallglow", &FParser::SF_WallGlow); gscr->NewFunction("objradius", &FParser::SF_MobjRadius); gscr->NewFunction("objheight", &FParser::SF_MobjHeight); gscr->NewFunction("thingcount", &FParser::SF_ThingCount); gscr->NewFunction("killinsector", &FParser::SF_KillInSector); gscr->NewFunction("changetag", &FParser::SF_ChangeTag); gscr->NewFunction("levelnum", &FParser::SF_LevelNum); // new inventory gscr->NewFunction("giveinventory", &FParser::SF_GiveInventory); gscr->NewFunction("takeinventory", &FParser::SF_TakeInventory); gscr->NewFunction("checkinventory", &FParser::SF_CheckInventory); gscr->NewFunction("setweapon", &FParser::SF_SetWeapon); gscr->NewFunction("ls", &FParser::SF_Ls); // execute Hexen type line special // Dummies - shut up warnings gscr->NewFunction("setcorona", &FParser::SF_SetCorona); }