// //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright(C) 2005-2016 Christoph Oelckers // All rights reserved. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // /* ** gl_models.cpp ** ** General model handling code ** **/ #include "filesystem.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "sc_man.h" #include "m_crc32.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "r_state.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "g_levellocals.h" #include "r_utility.h" #include "models.h" #include "model_kvx.h" #include "i_time.h" #include "texturemanager.h" #include "modelrenderer.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4244) // warning C4244: conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data #endif CVAR(Bool, gl_interpolate_model_frames, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE) EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, r_drawvoxels) extern TDeletingArray Voxels; extern TDeletingArray VoxelDefs; void RenderFrameModels(FModelRenderer* renderer, FLevelLocals* Level, const FSpriteModelFrame* smf, const FState* curState, const int curTics, const PClass* ti, int translation); void RenderModel(FModelRenderer *renderer, float x, float y, float z, FSpriteModelFrame *smf, AActor *actor, double ticFrac) { // Setup transformation. int translation = 0; if (!(smf->flags & MDL_IGNORETRANSLATION)) translation = actor->Translation; // y scale for a sprite means height, i.e. z in the world! float scaleFactorX = actor->Scale.X * smf->xscale; float scaleFactorY = actor->Scale.X * smf->yscale; float scaleFactorZ = actor->Scale.Y * smf->zscale; float pitch = 0; float roll = 0; double rotateOffset = 0; DRotator angles; if (actor->renderflags & RF_INTERPOLATEANGLES) // [Nash] use interpolated angles angles = actor->InterpolatedAngles(ticFrac); else angles = actor->Angles; float angle = angles.Yaw.Degrees; // [BB] Workaround for the missing pitch information. if ((smf->flags & MDL_PITCHFROMMOMENTUM)) { const double x = actor->Vel.X; const double y = actor->Vel.Y; const double z = actor->Vel.Z; if (actor->Vel.LengthSquared() > EQUAL_EPSILON) { // [BB] Calculate the pitch using spherical coordinates. if (z || x || y) pitch = float(atan(z / sqrt(x*x + y*y)) / M_PI * 180); // Correcting pitch if model is moving backwards if (fabs(x) > EQUAL_EPSILON || fabs(y) > EQUAL_EPSILON) { if ((x * cos(angle * M_PI / 180) + y * sin(angle * M_PI / 180)) / sqrt(x * x + y * y) < 0) pitch *= -1; } else pitch = fabs(pitch); } } if (smf->flags & MDL_ROTATING) { if (smf->rotationSpeed > 0.0000000001 || smf->rotationSpeed < -0.0000000001) { double turns = (I_GetTime() + I_GetTimeFrac()) / (200.0 / smf->rotationSpeed); turns -= floor(turns); rotateOffset = turns * 360.0; } else { rotateOffset = 0.0; } } // Added MDL_USEACTORPITCH and MDL_USEACTORROLL flags processing. // If both flags MDL_USEACTORPITCH and MDL_PITCHFROMMOMENTUM are set, the pitch sums up the actor pitch and the velocity vector pitch. if (smf->flags & MDL_USEACTORPITCH) { double d = angles.Pitch.Degrees; if (smf->flags & MDL_BADROTATION) pitch += d; else pitch -= d; } if (smf->flags & MDL_USEACTORROLL) roll += angles.Roll.Degrees; VSMatrix objectToWorldMatrix; objectToWorldMatrix.loadIdentity(); // Model space => World space objectToWorldMatrix.translate(x, z, y); // [Nash] take SpriteRotation into account angle += actor->SpriteRotation.Degrees; // Applying model transformations: // 1) Applying actor angle, pitch and roll to the model if (smf->flags & MDL_USEROTATIONCENTER) { objectToWorldMatrix.translate(smf->rotationCenterX, smf->rotationCenterZ, smf->rotationCenterY); } objectToWorldMatrix.rotate(-angle, 0, 1, 0); objectToWorldMatrix.rotate(pitch, 0, 0, 1); objectToWorldMatrix.rotate(-roll, 1, 0, 0); if (smf->flags & MDL_USEROTATIONCENTER) { objectToWorldMatrix.translate(-smf->rotationCenterX, -smf->rotationCenterZ, -smf->rotationCenterY); } // 2) Applying Doomsday like rotation of the weapon pickup models // The rotation angle is based on the elapsed time. if (smf->flags & MDL_ROTATING) { objectToWorldMatrix.translate(smf->rotationCenterX, smf->rotationCenterY, smf->rotationCenterZ); objectToWorldMatrix.rotate(rotateOffset, smf->xrotate, smf->yrotate, smf->zrotate); objectToWorldMatrix.translate(-smf->rotationCenterX, -smf->rotationCenterY, -smf->rotationCenterZ); } // 3) Scaling model. objectToWorldMatrix.scale(scaleFactorX, scaleFactorZ, scaleFactorY); // 4) Aplying model offsets (model offsets do not depend on model scalings). objectToWorldMatrix.translate(smf->xoffset / smf->xscale, smf->zoffset / smf->zscale, smf->yoffset / smf->yscale); // 5) Applying model rotations. objectToWorldMatrix.rotate(-smf->angleoffset, 0, 1, 0); objectToWorldMatrix.rotate(smf->pitchoffset, 0, 0, 1); objectToWorldMatrix.rotate(-smf->rolloffset, 1, 0, 0); // consider the pixel stretching. For non-voxels this must be factored out here float stretch = (smf->modelIDs[0] != -1 ? Models[smf->modelIDs[0]]->getAspectFactor(actor->Level->info->pixelstretch) : 1.f) / actor->Level->info->pixelstretch; objectToWorldMatrix.scale(1, stretch, 1); float orientation = scaleFactorX * scaleFactorY * scaleFactorZ; renderer->BeginDrawModel(actor->RenderStyle, smf, objectToWorldMatrix, orientation < 0); RenderFrameModels(renderer, actor->Level, smf, actor->state, actor->tics, actor->GetClass(), translation); renderer->EndDrawModel(actor->RenderStyle, smf); } void RenderHUDModel(FModelRenderer *renderer, DPSprite *psp, float ofsX, float ofsY) { AActor * playermo = players[consoleplayer].camera; FSpriteModelFrame *smf = FindModelFrame(playermo->player->ReadyWeapon->GetClass(), psp->GetSprite(), psp->GetFrame(), false); // [BB] No model found for this sprite, so we can't render anything. if (smf == nullptr) return; // The model position and orientation has to be drawn independently from the position of the player, // but we need to position it correctly in the world for light to work properly. VSMatrix objectToWorldMatrix = renderer->GetViewToWorldMatrix(); // Scaling model (y scale for a sprite means height, i.e. z in the world!). objectToWorldMatrix.scale(smf->xscale, smf->zscale, smf->yscale); // Aplying model offsets (model offsets do not depend on model scalings). objectToWorldMatrix.translate(smf->xoffset / smf->xscale, smf->zoffset / smf->zscale, smf->yoffset / smf->yscale); // [BB] Weapon bob, very similar to the normal Doom weapon bob. objectToWorldMatrix.rotate(ofsX / 4, 0, 1, 0); objectToWorldMatrix.rotate((ofsY - WEAPONTOP) / -4., 1, 0, 0); // [BB] For some reason the jDoom models need to be rotated. objectToWorldMatrix.rotate(90.f, 0, 1, 0); // Applying angleoffset, pitchoffset, rolloffset. objectToWorldMatrix.rotate(-smf->angleoffset, 0, 1, 0); objectToWorldMatrix.rotate(smf->pitchoffset, 0, 0, 1); objectToWorldMatrix.rotate(-smf->rolloffset, 1, 0, 0); float orientation = smf->xscale * smf->yscale * smf->zscale; renderer->BeginDrawHUDModel(playermo->RenderStyle, objectToWorldMatrix, orientation < 0); uint32_t trans = psp->GetTranslation() != 0 ? psp->GetTranslation() : 0; if ((psp->Flags & PSPF_PLAYERTRANSLATED)) trans = psp->Owner->mo->Translation; RenderFrameModels(renderer, playermo->Level, smf, psp->GetState(), psp->GetTics(), playermo->player->ReadyWeapon->GetClass(), trans); renderer->EndDrawHUDModel(playermo->RenderStyle); } void RenderFrameModels(FModelRenderer *renderer, FLevelLocals *Level, const FSpriteModelFrame *smf, const FState *curState, const int curTics, const PClass *ti, int translation) { // [BB] Frame interpolation: Find the FSpriteModelFrame smfNext which follows after smf in the animation // and the scalar value inter ( element of [0,1) ), both necessary to determine the interpolated frame. FSpriteModelFrame * smfNext = nullptr; double inter = 0.; if (gl_interpolate_model_frames && !(smf->flags & MDL_NOINTERPOLATION)) { FState *nextState = curState->GetNextState(); if (curState != nextState && nextState) { // [BB] To interpolate at more than 35 fps we take tic fractions into account. float ticFraction = 0.; // [BB] In case the tic counter is frozen we have to leave ticFraction at zero. if (ConsoleState == c_up && menuactive != MENU_On && !Level->isFrozen()) { ticFraction = I_GetTimeFrac(); } inter = static_cast(curState->Tics - curTics + ticFraction) / static_cast(curState->Tics); // [BB] For some actors (e.g. ZPoisonShroom) spr->actor->tics can be bigger than curState->Tics. // In this case inter is negative and we need to set it to zero. if (curState->Tics < curTics) inter = 0.; else { // [BB] Workaround for actors that use the same frame twice in a row. // Most of the standard Doom monsters do this in their see state. if ((smf->flags & MDL_INTERPOLATEDOUBLEDFRAMES)) { const FState *prevState = curState - 1; if ((curState->sprite == prevState->sprite) && (curState->Frame == prevState->Frame)) { inter /= 2.; inter += 0.5; } if (nextState && ((curState->sprite == nextState->sprite) && (curState->Frame == nextState->Frame))) { inter /= 2.; nextState = nextState->GetNextState(); } } if (nextState && inter != 0.0) smfNext = FindModelFrame(ti, nextState->sprite, nextState->Frame, false); } } } for (int i = 0; imodelIDs[i] != -1) { FModel * mdl = Models[smf->modelIDs[i]]; auto tex = smf->skinIDs[i].isValid() ? TexMan.GetGameTexture(smf->skinIDs[i], true) : nullptr; mdl->BuildVertexBuffer(renderer); mdl->PushSpriteMDLFrame(smf, i); if (smfNext && smf->modelframes[i] != smfNext->modelframes[i]) mdl->RenderFrame(renderer, tex, smf->modelframes[i], smfNext->modelframes[i], inter, translation); else mdl->RenderFrame(renderer, tex, smf->modelframes[i], smf->modelframes[i], 0.f, translation); } } } static TArray SpriteModelHash; //TArray StateModelFrames; //=========================================================================== // // InitModels // //=========================================================================== static void ParseModelDefLump(int Lump); void InitModels() { Models.DeleteAndClear(); SpriteModelFrames.Clear(); SpriteModelHash.Clear(); // First, create models for each voxel for (unsigned i = 0; i < Voxels.Size(); i++) { FVoxelModel *md = new FVoxelModel(Voxels[i], false); Voxels[i]->VoxelIndex = Models.Push(md); } // now create GL model frames for the voxeldefs for (unsigned i = 0; i < VoxelDefs.Size(); i++) { FVoxelModel *md = (FVoxelModel*)Models[VoxelDefs[i]->Voxel->VoxelIndex]; FSpriteModelFrame smf; memset(&smf, 0, sizeof(smf)); smf.isVoxel = true; smf.modelIDs[1] = smf.modelIDs[2] = smf.modelIDs[3] = -1; smf.modelIDs[0] = VoxelDefs[i]->Voxel->VoxelIndex; smf.skinIDs[0] = md->GetPaletteTexture(); smf.xscale = smf.yscale = smf.zscale = VoxelDefs[i]->Scale; smf.angleoffset = VoxelDefs[i]->AngleOffset.Degrees; if (VoxelDefs[i]->PlacedSpin != 0) { smf.yrotate = 1.f; smf.rotationSpeed = VoxelDefs[i]->PlacedSpin / 55.55f; smf.flags |= MDL_ROTATING; } VoxelDefs[i]->VoxeldefIndex = SpriteModelFrames.Push(smf); if (VoxelDefs[i]->PlacedSpin != VoxelDefs[i]->DroppedSpin) { if (VoxelDefs[i]->DroppedSpin != 0) { smf.yrotate = 1.f; smf.rotationSpeed = VoxelDefs[i]->DroppedSpin / 55.55f; smf.flags |= MDL_ROTATING; } else { smf.yrotate = 0; smf.rotationSpeed = 0; smf.flags &= ~MDL_ROTATING; } SpriteModelFrames.Push(smf); } } int Lump; int lastLump = 0; while ((Lump = fileSystem.FindLump("MODELDEF", &lastLump)) != -1) { ParseModelDefLump(Lump); } // create a hash table for quick access SpriteModelHash.Resize(SpriteModelFrames.Size ()); memset(SpriteModelHash.Data(), 0xff, SpriteModelFrames.Size () * sizeof(int)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SpriteModelFrames.Size (); i++) { int j = ModelFrameHash(&SpriteModelFrames[i]) % SpriteModelFrames.Size (); SpriteModelFrames[i].hashnext = SpriteModelHash[j]; SpriteModelHash[j]=i; } } static void ParseModelDefLump(int Lump) { FScanner sc(Lump); while (sc.GetString()) { if (sc.Compare("model")) { int index, surface; FString path = ""; sc.MustGetString(); FSpriteModelFrame smf; memset(&smf, 0, sizeof(smf)); smf.modelIDs[0] = smf.modelIDs[1] = smf.modelIDs[2] = smf.modelIDs[3] = -1; smf.xscale=smf.yscale=smf.zscale=1.f; auto type = PClass::FindClass(sc.String); if (!type || type->Defaults == nullptr) { sc.ScriptError("MODELDEF: Unknown actor type '%s'\n", sc.String); } smf.type = type; sc.MustGetStringName("{"); while (!sc.CheckString("}")) { sc.MustGetString(); if (sc.Compare("path")) { sc.MustGetString(); FixPathSeperator(sc.String); path = sc.String; if (path[(int)path.Len()-1]!='/') path+='/'; } else if (sc.Compare("model")) { sc.MustGetNumber(); index = sc.Number; if (index < 0 || index >= MAX_MODELS_PER_FRAME) { sc.ScriptError("Too many models in %s", type->TypeName.GetChars()); } sc.MustGetString(); FixPathSeperator(sc.String); smf.modelIDs[index] = FindModel(path.GetChars(), sc.String); if (smf.modelIDs[index] == -1) { Printf("%s: model not found in %s\n", sc.String, path.GetChars()); } } else if (sc.Compare("scale")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.xscale = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.yscale = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.zscale = sc.Float; } // [BB] Added zoffset reading. // Now it must be considered deprecated. else if (sc.Compare("zoffset")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.zoffset=sc.Float; } // Offset reading. else if (sc.Compare("offset")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.xoffset = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.yoffset = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.zoffset = sc.Float; } // angleoffset, pitchoffset and rolloffset reading. else if (sc.Compare("angleoffset")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.angleoffset = sc.Float; } else if (sc.Compare("pitchoffset")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.pitchoffset = sc.Float; } else if (sc.Compare("rolloffset")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.rolloffset = sc.Float; } // [BB] Added model flags reading. else if (sc.Compare("ignoretranslation")) { smf.flags |= MDL_IGNORETRANSLATION; } else if (sc.Compare("pitchfrommomentum")) { smf.flags |= MDL_PITCHFROMMOMENTUM; } else if (sc.Compare("inheritactorpitch")) { smf.flags |= MDL_USEACTORPITCH | MDL_BADROTATION; } else if (sc.Compare("inheritactorroll")) { smf.flags |= MDL_USEACTORROLL; } else if (sc.Compare("useactorpitch")) { smf.flags |= MDL_USEACTORPITCH; } else if (sc.Compare("useactorroll")) { smf.flags |= MDL_USEACTORROLL; } else if (sc.Compare("rotating")) { smf.flags |= MDL_ROTATING; smf.xrotate = 0.; smf.yrotate = 1.; smf.zrotate = 0.; smf.rotationCenterX = 0.; smf.rotationCenterY = 0.; smf.rotationCenterZ = 0.; smf.rotationSpeed = 1.; } else if (sc.Compare("rotation-speed")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.rotationSpeed = sc.Float; } else if (sc.Compare("rotation-vector")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.xrotate = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.yrotate = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.zrotate = sc.Float; } else if (sc.Compare("rotation-center")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.rotationCenterX = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.rotationCenterY = sc.Float; sc.MustGetFloat(); smf.rotationCenterZ = sc.Float; } else if (sc.Compare("interpolatedoubledframes")) { smf.flags |= MDL_INTERPOLATEDOUBLEDFRAMES; } else if (sc.Compare("nointerpolation")) { smf.flags |= MDL_NOINTERPOLATION; } else if (sc.Compare("skin")) { sc.MustGetNumber(); index=sc.Number; if (index<0 || index>=MAX_MODELS_PER_FRAME) { sc.ScriptError("Too many models in %s", type->TypeName.GetChars()); } sc.MustGetString(); FixPathSeperator(sc.String); if (sc.Compare("")) { smf.skinIDs[index]=FNullTextureID(); } else { smf.skinIDs[index] = LoadSkin(path.GetChars(), sc.String); if (!smf.skinIDs[index].isValid()) { Printf("Skin '%s' not found in '%s'\n", sc.String, type->TypeName.GetChars()); } } } else if (sc.Compare("surfaceskin")) { sc.MustGetNumber(); index = sc.Number; sc.MustGetNumber(); surface = sc.Number; if (index<0 || index >= MAX_MODELS_PER_FRAME) { sc.ScriptError("Too many models in %s", type->TypeName.GetChars()); } if (surface<0 || surface >= MD3_MAX_SURFACES) { sc.ScriptError("Invalid MD3 Surface %d in %s", MD3_MAX_SURFACES, type->TypeName.GetChars()); } sc.MustGetString(); FixPathSeperator(sc.String); if (sc.Compare("")) { smf.surfaceskinIDs[index][surface] = FNullTextureID(); } else { smf.surfaceskinIDs[index][surface] = LoadSkin(path.GetChars(), sc.String); if (!smf.surfaceskinIDs[index][surface].isValid()) { Printf("Surface Skin '%s' not found in '%s'\n", sc.String, type->TypeName.GetChars()); } } } else if (sc.Compare("frameindex") || sc.Compare("frame")) { bool isframe=!!sc.Compare("frame"); sc.MustGetString(); smf.sprite = -1; for (int i = 0; i < (int)sprites.Size (); ++i) { if (strnicmp (sprites[i].name, sc.String, 4) == 0) { if (sprites[i].numframes==0) { //sc.ScriptError("Sprite %s has no frames", sc.String); } smf.sprite = i; break; } } if (smf.sprite==-1) { sc.ScriptError("Unknown sprite %s in model definition for %s", sc.String, type->TypeName.GetChars()); } sc.MustGetString(); FString framechars = sc.String; sc.MustGetNumber(); index=sc.Number; if (index<0 || index>=MAX_MODELS_PER_FRAME) { sc.ScriptError("Too many models in %s", type->TypeName.GetChars()); } if (isframe) { sc.MustGetString(); if (smf.modelIDs[index] != -1) { FModel *model = Models[smf.modelIDs[index]]; smf.modelframes[index] = model->FindFrame(sc.String); if (smf.modelframes[index]==-1) sc.ScriptError("Unknown frame '%s' in %s", sc.String, type->TypeName.GetChars()); } else smf.modelframes[index] = -1; } else { sc.MustGetNumber(); smf.modelframes[index] = sc.Number; } for(int i=0; framechars[i]>0; i++) { char map[29]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; int c = toupper(framechars[i])-'A'; if (c<0 || c>=29) { sc.ScriptError("Invalid frame character %c found", c+'A'); } if (map[c]) continue; smf.frame=c; SpriteModelFrames.Push(smf); GetDefaultByType(type)->hasmodel = true; map[c]=1; } } else if (sc.Compare("dontcullbackfaces")) { smf.flags |= MDL_DONTCULLBACKFACES; } else if (sc.Compare("userotationcenter")) { smf.flags |= MDL_USEROTATIONCENTER; smf.rotationCenterX = 0.; smf.rotationCenterY = 0.; smf.rotationCenterZ = 0.; } else { sc.ScriptMessage("Unrecognized string \"%s\"", sc.String); } } } else if (sc.Compare("#include")) { sc.MustGetString(); // This is not using sc.Open because it can print a more useful error message when done here int includelump = fileSystem.CheckNumForFullName(sc.String, true); if (includelump == -1) { if (strcmp(sc.String, "sentinel.modl") != 0) // Gene Tech mod has a broken #include statement sc.ScriptError("Lump '%s' not found", sc.String); } else { ParseModelDefLump(includelump); } } } } //=========================================================================== // // FindModelFrame // //=========================================================================== FSpriteModelFrame * FindModelFrame(const PClass * ti, int sprite, int frame, bool dropped) { if (GetDefaultByType(ti)->hasmodel) { FSpriteModelFrame smf; memset(&smf, 0, sizeof(smf)); smf.type=ti; smf.sprite=sprite; smf.frame=frame; int hash = SpriteModelHash[ModelFrameHash(&smf) % SpriteModelFrames.Size()]; while (hash>=0) { FSpriteModelFrame * smff = &SpriteModelFrames[hash]; if (smff->type==ti && smff->sprite==sprite && smff->frame==frame) return smff; hash=smff->hashnext; } } // Check for voxel replacements if (r_drawvoxels) { spritedef_t *sprdef = &sprites[sprite]; if (frame < sprdef->numframes) { spriteframe_t *sprframe = &SpriteFrames[sprdef->spriteframes + frame]; if (sprframe->Voxel != nullptr) { int index = sprframe->Voxel->VoxeldefIndex; if (dropped && sprframe->Voxel->DroppedSpin !=sprframe->Voxel->PlacedSpin) index++; return &SpriteModelFrames[index]; } } } return nullptr; } //=========================================================================== // // IsHUDModelForPlayerAvailable // //=========================================================================== bool IsHUDModelForPlayerAvailable (player_t * player) { if (player == nullptr || player->ReadyWeapon == nullptr) return false; DPSprite *psp = player->FindPSprite(PSP_WEAPON); if (psp == nullptr) return false; FSpriteModelFrame *smf = FindModelFrame(player->ReadyWeapon->GetClass(), psp->GetSprite(), psp->GetFrame(), false); return ( smf != nullptr ); }