// High-Explosive Grenade Launcher ------------------------------------------ class StrifeGrenadeLauncher : StrifeWeapon { Default { +FLOORCLIP Weapon.SelectionOrder 2400; Weapon.AmmoUse1 1; Weapon.AmmoGive1 12; Weapon.AmmoType1 "HEGrenadeRounds"; Weapon.SisterWeapon "StrifeGrenadeLauncher2"; Inventory.Icon "GRNDA0"; Tag "$TAG_GLAUNCHER1"; Inventory.PickupMessage "$TXT_GLAUNCHER"; } States { Spawn: GRND A -1; Stop; Ready: GREN A 1 A_WeaponReady; Loop; Deselect: GREN A 1 A_Lower; Loop; Select: GREN A 1 A_Raise; Loop; Fire: GREN A 5 A_FireGrenade("HEGrenade", -90, "Flash"); GREN B 10; GREN A 5 A_FireGrenade("HEGrenade", 90, "Flash2"); GREN C 10; GREN A 0 A_ReFire; Goto Ready; Flash: GREF A 5 Bright A_Light1; Goto LightDone; Flash2: GREF B 5 Bright A_Light2; Goto LightDone; } //============================================================================ // // A_FireGrenade // //============================================================================ action void A_FireGrenade (class grenadetype, double angleofs, statelabel flash) { if (player == null) { return; } Weapon weapon = player.ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != null) { if (!weapon.DepleteAmmo (weapon.bAltFire)) return; player.SetPsprite (PSP_FLASH, weapon.FindState(flash), true); } if (grenadetype != null) { AddZ(32); Actor grenade = SpawnSubMissile (grenadetype, self); AddZ(-32); if (grenade == null) return; if (grenade.SeeSound != 0) { grenade.A_PlaySound (grenade.SeeSound, CHAN_VOICE); } grenade.Vel.Z = (-clamp(tan(Pitch), -5, 5)) * grenade.Speed + 8; Vector2 offset = AngleToVector(angle, radius + grenade.radius); double an = Angle + angleofs; offset += AngleToVector(an, 15); grenade.SetOrigin(grenade.Vec3Offset(offset.X, offset.Y, 0.), false); } } } // White Phosphorous Grenade Launcher --------------------------------------- class StrifeGrenadeLauncher2 : StrifeGrenadeLauncher { Default { Weapon.SelectionOrder 3200; Weapon.AmmoUse1 1; Weapon.AmmoGive1 0; Weapon.AmmoType1 "PhosphorusGrenadeRounds"; Weapon.SisterWeapon "StrifeGrenadeLauncher"; Tag "$TAG_GLAUNCHER2"; } States { Ready: GREN D 1 A_WeaponReady; Loop; Deselect: GREN D 1 A_Lower; Loop; Select: GREN D 1 A_Raise; Loop; Fire: GREN D 5 A_FireGrenade("PhosphorousGrenade", -90, "Flash"); GREN E 10; GREN D 5 A_FireGrenade("PhosphorousGrenade", 90, "Flash2"); GREN F 10; GREN A 0 A_ReFire; Goto Ready; Flash: GREF C 5 Bright A_Light1; Goto LightDone; Flash2: GREF D 5 Bright A_Light2; Goto LightDone; } } // High-Explosive Grenade --------------------------------------------------- class HEGrenade : Actor { Default { Speed 15; Radius 13; Height 13; Mass 20; Damage 1; Reactiontime 30; Projectile; -NOGRAVITY +STRIFEDAMAGE +BOUNCEONACTORS +EXPLODEONWATER MaxStepHeight 4; BounceType "Doom"; BounceFactor 0.5; BounceCount 2; SeeSound "weapons/hegrenadeshoot"; DeathSound "weapons/hegrenadebang"; Obituary "$OB_MPSTRIFEGRENADE"; } States { Spawn: GRAP AB 3 A_Countdown; Loop; Death: BNG4 A 0 Bright A_NoGravity; BNG4 A 0 Bright A_SetRenderStyle(1, STYLE_Normal); BNG4 A 2 Bright A_Explode(192, 192, alert:true); BNG4 BCDEFGHIJKLMN 3 Bright; Stop; } } // White Phosphorous Grenade ------------------------------------------------ class PhosphorousGrenade : Actor { Default { Speed 15; Radius 13; Height 13; Mass 20; Damage 1; Reactiontime 40; Projectile; -NOGRAVITY +STRIFEDAMAGE +BOUNCEONACTORS +EXPLODEONWATER BounceType "Doom"; MaxStepHeight 4; BounceFactor 0.5; BounceCount 2; SeeSound "weapons/phgrenadeshoot"; DeathSound "weapons/phgrenadebang"; Obituary "$OB_MPPHOSPHOROUSGRENADE"; } States { Spawn: GRIN AB 3 A_Countdown; Loop; Death: BNG3 A 2 A_SpawnItemEx("PhosphorousFire"); Stop; } } // Fire from the Phoshorous Grenade ----------------------------------------- class PhosphorousFire : Actor { Default { Reactiontime 120; DamageType "Fire"; +NOBLOCKMAP +FLOORCLIP +NOTELEPORT +NODAMAGETHRUST +DONTSPLASH +ZDOOMADD RenderStyle "Add"; Obituary "$OB_MPPHOSPHOROUSGRENADE"; } States { Spawn: BNG3 B 2 Bright A_Burnarea; BNG3 C 2 Bright A_Countdown; FLBE A 2 Bright A_Burnination; FLBE B 2 Bright A_Countdown; FLBE C 2 Bright A_Burnarea; FLBE D 3 Bright A_Countdown; FLBE E 3 Bright A_Burnarea; FLBE F 3 Bright A_Countdown; FLBE G 3 Bright A_Burnination; Goto Spawn+5; Death: FLBE H 2 Bright; FLBE I 2 Bright A_Burnination; FLBE JK 2 Bright; Stop; } override int DoSpecialDamage (Actor target, int damage, Name damagetype) { if (target.bNoBlood) { return damage / 2; } return Super.DoSpecialDamage (target, damage, damagetype); } // This function is mostly redundant and only kept in case some mod references it. void A_Burnarea () { A_Explode(128, 128); } void A_Burnination () { Vel.Z -= 8; Vel.X += (random2[PHBurn] (3)); Vel.Y += (random2[PHBurn] (3)); A_PlaySound ("world/largefire", CHAN_VOICE); // Only the main fire spawns more. if (!bDropped) { // Original x and y offsets seemed to be like this: // x + (((pr_phburn() + 12) & 31) << F.RACBITS); // // But that creates a lop-sided burn because it won't use negative offsets. int xofs, xrand = random[PHBurn](); int yofs, yrand = random[PHBurn](); // Adding 12 is pointless if you're going to mask it afterward. xofs = xrand & 31; if (xrand & 128) { xofs = -xofs; } yofs = yrand & 31; if (yrand & 128) { yofs = -yofs; } Vector2 newpos = Vec2Offset(xofs, yofs); Sector sec = Sector.PointInSector(newpos); // Consider portals and 3D floors instead of just using the current sector's z. double floorh = sec.NextLowestFloorAt(newpos.x, newpos.y, pos.z+4, 0, MaxStepHeight); // The sector's floor is too high so spawn the flame elsewhere. if (floorh + MaxStepHeight) { newpos = Pos.xy; } Actor drop = Spawn("PhosphorousFire", (newpos, pos.z + 4.), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (drop != NULL) { drop.Vel.X = Vel.X + random2[PHBurn] (7); drop.Vel.Y = Vel.Y + random2[PHBurn] (7); drop.Vel.Z = Vel.Z - 1; drop.reactiontime = (random[PHBurn]() & 3) + 2; drop.bDropped = true; } } } }