// Poison Bag (Flechette used by Cleric) ------------------------------------ class PoisonBag : Actor { Default { Radius 5; Height 5; +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY } States { Spawn: PSBG A 18 Bright; PSBG B 4 Bright; PSBG C 3; PSBG C 1 A_PoisonBagInit; Stop; } //=========================================================================== // // A_PoisonBagInit // //=========================================================================== void A_PoisonBagInit() { Actor mo = Spawn("PoisonCloud", pos + (0, 0, 28), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.target = target; } } } // Fire Bomb (Flechette used by Mage) --------------------------------------- class FireBomb : Actor { Default { DamageType "Fire"; +NOGRAVITY +FOILINVUL RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.6; DeathSound "FlechetteExplode"; } States { Spawn: PSBG A 20; PSBG AA 10; PSBG B 4; PSBG C 4 A_Scream; XPL1 A 4 Bright A_TimeBomb; XPL1 BCDEF 4 Bright; Stop; } void A_TimeBomb() { AddZ(32, false); A_SetRenderStyle(1., STYLE_Add); A_Explode(); } } // Throwing Bomb (Flechette used by Fighter) -------------------------------- class ThrowingBomb : Actor { Default { Health 48; Speed 12; Radius 8; Height 10; DamageType "Fire"; +NOBLOCKMAP +DROPOFF +MISSILE BounceType "HexenCompat"; SeeSound "FlechetteBounce"; DeathSound "FlechetteExplode"; } States { Spawn: THRW A 4 A_CheckThrowBomb; THRW BCDE 3 A_CheckThrowBomb; THRW F 3 A_CheckThrowBomb2; Loop; Tail: THRW G 6 A_CheckThrowBomb; THRW F 4 A_CheckThrowBomb; THRW H 6 A_CheckThrowBomb; THRW F 4 A_CheckThrowBomb; THRW G 6 A_CheckThrowBomb; THRW F 3 A_CheckThrowBomb; Wait; Death: CFCF Q 4 Bright A_NoGravity; CFCF R 3 Bright A_Scream; CFCF S 4 Bright A_Explode; CFCF T 3 Bright; CFCF U 4 Bright; CFCF W 3 Bright; CFCF X 4 Bright; CFCF Z 3 Bright; Stop; } //=========================================================================== // // A_CheckThrowBomb // //=========================================================================== void A_CheckThrowBomb() { if (--health <= 0) { SetStateLabel("Death"); } } //=========================================================================== // // A_CheckThrowBomb2 // //=========================================================================== void A_CheckThrowBomb2() { // [RH] Check using actual velocity, although the vel.z < 2 check still stands if (Vel.Z < 2 && Vel.Length() < 1.5) { SetStateLabel("Tail"); SetZ(floorz); Vel.Z = 0; ClearBounce(); bMissile = false; } A_CheckThrowBomb(); } } // Poison Bag Artifact (Flechette) ------------------------------------------ class ArtiPoisonBag : Inventory { Default { +FLOATBOB Inventory.DefMaxAmount; Inventory.PickupFlash "PickupFlash"; +INVENTORY.INVBAR +INVENTORY.FANCYPICKUPSOUND Inventory.Icon "ARTIPSBG"; Inventory.PickupSound "misc/p_pkup"; Inventory.PickupMessage "$TXT_ARTIPOISONBAG"; Tag "$TAG_ARTIPOISONBAG"; } States { Spawn: PSBG A -1; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // AArtiPoisonBag :: BeginPlay // //============================================================================ override void BeginPlay () { Super.BeginPlay (); // If a subclass's specific icon is not defined, let it use the base class's. if (!Icon.isValid()) { Icon = GetDefaultByType("ArtiPoisonBag").Icon; } } //============================================================================ // // GetFlechetteType // //============================================================================ private class<Actor> GetFlechetteType(Actor other) { class<Actor> spawntype = null; PlayerPawn pp = PlayerPawn(other); if (pp) { spawntype = pp.FlechetteType; } if (spawntype == null) { // default fallback if nothing valid defined. spawntype = "ArtiPoisonBag3"; } return spawntype; } //============================================================================ // // AArtiPoisonBag :: HandlePickup // //============================================================================ override bool HandlePickup (Inventory item) { // Only do special handling when picking up the base class if (item.GetClass() != "ArtiPoisonBag") { return Super.HandlePickup (item); } if (GetClass() == GetFlechetteType(Owner)) { if (Amount < MaxAmount || sv_unlimited_pickup) { Amount += item.Amount; if (Amount > MaxAmount && !sv_unlimited_pickup) { Amount = MaxAmount; } item.bPickupGood = true; } return true; } return false; } //============================================================================ // // AArtiPoisonBag :: CreateCopy // //============================================================================ override Inventory CreateCopy (Actor other) { // Only the base class gets special handling if (GetClass() != "ArtiPoisonBag") { return Super.CreateCopy (other); } class<Actor> spawntype = GetFlechetteType(other); let copy = Inventory(Spawn (spawntype)); if (copy != null) { copy.Amount = Amount; copy.MaxAmount = MaxAmount; GoAwayAndDie (); } return copy; } } // Poison Bag 1 (The Cleric's) ---------------------------------------------- class ArtiPoisonBag1 : ArtiPoisonBag { Default { Inventory.Icon "ARTIPSB1"; Tag "$TAG_ARTIPOISONBAG1"; } override bool Use (bool pickup) { Actor mo = Spawn("PoisonBag", Owner.Vec3Offset( 16 * cos(Owner.angle), 24 * sin(Owner.angle), -Owner.Floorclip + 8), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.target = Owner; return true; } return false; } } // Poison Bag 2 (The Mage's) ------------------------------------------------ class ArtiPoisonBag2 : ArtiPoisonBag { Default { Inventory.Icon "ARTIPSB2"; Tag "$TAG_ARTIPOISONBAG2"; } override bool Use (bool pickup) { Actor mo = Spawn("FireBomb", Owner.Vec3Offset( 16 * cos(Owner.angle), 24 * sin(Owner.angle), -Owner.Floorclip + 8), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.target = Owner; return true; } return false; } } // Poison Bag 3 (The Fighter's) --------------------------------------------- class ArtiPoisonBag3 : ArtiPoisonBag { Default { Inventory.Icon "ARTIPSB3"; Tag "$TAG_ARTIPOISONBAG3"; } override bool Use (bool pickup) { Actor mo = Spawn("ThrowingBomb", Owner.Pos + (0,0,35. - Owner.Floorclip + (Owner.player? Owner.player.crouchoffset : 0)), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.angle = Owner.angle + (random[PoisonBag](-4, 3) * (360./256.)); /* Original flight code from Hexen * mo.momz = 4*F.RACUNIT+((player.lookdir)<<(F.RACBITS-4)); * mo.z += player.lookdir<<(F.RACBITS-4); * P_ThrustMobj(mo, mo.ang, mo.info.speed); * mo.momx += player.mo.momx>>1; * mo.momy += player.mo.momy>>1; */ // When looking straight ahead, it uses a z velocity of 4 while the xy velocity // is as set by the projectile. To accommodate self with a proper trajectory, we // aim the projectile ~20 degrees higher than we're looking at and increase the // speed we fire at accordingly. double modpitch = clamp(-Owner.Pitch + 20, -89., 89.); double ang = mo.angle; double speed = (mo.Speed, 4.).Length(); double xyscale = speed * cos(modpitch); mo.Vel.Z = speed * sin(modpitch); mo.Vel.X = xyscale * cos(ang) + Owner.Vel.X / 2; mo.Vel.Y = xyscale * sin(ang) + Owner.Vel.Y / 2; mo.AddZ(mo.Speed * sin(modpitch)); mo.target = Owner; mo.tics -= random[PoisonBag](0, 3); mo.CheckMissileSpawn(Owner.radius); return true; } return false; } } // Poison Bag 4 (Custom Giver) ---------------------------------------------- class ArtiPoisonBagGiver : ArtiPoisonBag { Default { Inventory.Icon "ARTIPSB4"; } override bool Use (bool pickup) { Class<Actor> missiletype = MissileName; if (missiletype != null) { Actor mo = Spawn (missiletype, Owner.Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo != null) { Inventory inv = Inventory(mo); if (inv && inv.CallTryPickup(Owner)) return true; mo.Destroy(); // Destroy if not inventory or couldn't be picked up } } return false; } } // Poison Bag 5 (Custom Thrower) -------------------------------------------- class ArtiPoisonBagShooter : ArtiPoisonBag { Default { Inventory.Icon "ARTIPSB5"; } override bool Use (bool pickup) { Class<Actor> missiletype = MissileName; if (missiletype != null) { Actor mo = Owner.SpawnPlayerMissile(missiletype); if (mo != null) { // automatic handling of seeker missiles if (mo.bSeekerMissile) { mo.tracer = Owner.target; } return true; } } return false; } } // Poison Cloud ------------------------------------------------------------- class PoisonCloud : Actor { Default { Radius 20; Height 30; Mass 0x7fffffff; +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +DROPOFF +NODAMAGETHRUST +DONTSPLASH +FOILINVUL +CANBLAST +BLOODLESSIMPACT +BLOCKEDBYSOLIDACTORS +FORCEZERORADIUSDMG +OLDRADIUSDMG RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.6; DeathSound "PoisonShroomDeath"; DamageType "PoisonCloud"; } States { Spawn: PSBG D 1; PSBG D 1 A_Scream; PSBG DEEEFFFGGGHHHII 2 A_PoisonBagDamage; PSBG I 2 A_PoisonBagCheck; PSBG I 1 A_PoisonBagCheck; Goto Spawn + 3; Death: PSBG HG 7; PSBG FD 6; Stop; } //=========================================================================== // // // //=========================================================================== override void BeginPlay () { Vel.X = MinVel; // missile objects must move to impact other objects special1 = random[PoisonCloud](24, 31); special2 = 0; } //=========================================================================== // // // //=========================================================================== override int DoSpecialDamage (Actor victim, int damage, Name damagetype) { if (victim.player) { bool mate = (target != null && victim.player != target.player && victim.IsTeammate (target)); bool dopoison; if (!mate) { dopoison = victim.player.poisoncount < 4; } else { dopoison = victim.player.poisoncount < (int)(4. * level.teamdamage); } if (dopoison) { damage = random[PoisonCloud](15, 30); if (mate) { damage = (int)(damage * level.teamdamage); } // Handle passive damage modifiers (e.g. PowerProtection) damage = victim.GetModifiedDamage(damagetype, damage, true); // Modify with damage factors damage = victim.ApplyDamageFactor(damagetype, damage); if (damage > 0) { victim.player.PoisonDamage (self, random[PoisonCloud](15, 30), false); // Don't play painsound // If successful, play the poison sound. if (victim.player.PoisonPlayer (self, self.target, 50)) victim.A_StartSound ("*poison", CHAN_VOICE); } } return -1; } else if (!victim.bIsMonster) { // only damage monsters/players with the poison cloud return -1; } return damage; } //=========================================================================== // // A_PoisonBagCheck // //=========================================================================== void A_PoisonBagCheck() { if (--special1 <= 0) { SetStateLabel("Death"); } } //=========================================================================== // // A_PoisonBagDamage // //=========================================================================== void A_PoisonBagDamage() { A_Explode(4, 40); AddZ(BobSin(special2) / 16); special2 = (special2 + 1) & 63; } } // Poison Shroom ------------------------------------------------------------ class ZPoisonShroom : PoisonBag { Default { Radius 6; Height 20; PainChance 255; Health 30; Mass 0x7fffffff; +SHOOTABLE +SOLID +NOBLOOD +NOICEDEATH -NOBLOCKMAP -NOGRAVITY PainSound "PoisonShroomPain"; DeathSound "PoisonShroomDeath"; } States { Spawn: SHRM A 5 A_PoisonShroom; Goto Pain+1; Pain: SHRM A 6; SHRM B 8 A_Pain; Goto Spawn; Death: SHRM CD 5; SHRM E 5 A_PoisonBagInit; SHRM F -1; Stop; } //=========================================================================== // // A_PoisonShroom // //=========================================================================== void A_PoisonShroom() { tics = 128 + (random[PoisonShroom]() << 1); } }