#ifndef ZSTRING_H #define ZSTRING_H #include #include #include #include "tarray.h" //#define NOPOOLS class FString { public: FString () : Chars(NULL) {} // Copy constructors FString (const FString &other) { Chars = NULL; *this = other; } FString (const char *copyStr); FString (const char *copyStr, size_t copyLen); FString (char oneChar); // Concatenation constructors FString (const FString &head, const FString &tail); FString (const FString &head, const char *tail); FString (const FString &head, char tail); FString (const char *head, const FString &tail); FString (const char *head, const char *tail); FString (char head, const FString &tail); ~FString (); operator char *() { return Chars; } operator const char *() const { return Chars; } char *GetChars() const { return Chars; } char &operator[] (int index) { return Chars[index]; } char &operator[] (size_t index) { return Chars[index]; } FString &operator = (const FString &other); FString &operator = (const char *copyStr); FString operator + (const FString &tail) const; FString operator + (const char *tail) const; FString operator + (char tail) const; friend FString operator + (const char *head, const FString &tail); friend FString operator + (char head, const FString &tail); FString &operator += (const FString &tail); FString &operator += (const char *tail); FString &operator += (char tail); FString Left (size_t numChars) const; FString Right (size_t numChars) const; FString Mid (size_t pos, size_t numChars) const; long IndexOf (const FString &substr, long startIndex=0) const; long IndexOf (const char *substr, long startIndex=0) const; long IndexOf (char subchar, long startIndex=0) const; long IndexOfAny (const FString &charset, long startIndex=0) const; long IndexOfAny (const char *charset, long startIndex=0) const; long LastIndexOf (const FString &substr) const; long LastIndexOf (const char *substr) const; long LastIndexOf (char subchar) const; long LastIndexOf (const FString &substr, long endIndex) const; long LastIndexOf (const char *substr, long endIndex) const; long LastIndexOf (char subchar, long endIndex) const; long LastIndexOf (const char *substr, long endIndex, size_t substrlen) const; long LastIndexOfAny (const FString &charset) const; long LastIndexOfAny (const char *charset) const; long LastIndexOfAny (const FString &charset, long endIndex) const; long LastIndexOfAny (const char *charset, long endIndex) const; void ToUpper (); void ToLower (); void SwapCase (); void StripLeft (); void StripLeft (const FString &charset); void StripLeft (const char *charset); void StripRight (); void StripRight (const FString &charset); void StripRight (const char *charset); void StripLeftRight (); void StripLeftRight (const FString &charset); void StripLeftRight (const char *charset); void Insert (size_t index, const FString &instr); void Insert (size_t index, const char *instr); void Insert (size_t index, const char *instr, size_t instrlen); void ReplaceChars (char oldchar, char newchar); void ReplaceChars (const char *oldcharset, char newchar); void StripChars (char killchar); void StripChars (const char *killchars); void MergeChars (char merger); void MergeChars (char merger, char newchar); void MergeChars (const char *charset, char newchar); void Substitute (const FString &oldstr, const FString &newstr); void Substitute (const char *oldstr, const FString &newstr); void Substitute (const FString &oldstr, const char *newstr); void Substitute (const char *oldstr, const char *newstr); void Substitute (const char *oldstr, const char *newstr, size_t oldstrlen, size_t newstrlen); void Format (const char *fmt, ...); void VFormat (const char *fmt, va_list arglist); bool IsInt () const; bool IsFloat () const; long ToLong (int base=0) const; unsigned long ToULong (int base=0) const; double ToDouble () const; size_t Len() const { return Chars == NULL ? 0 : ((StringHeader *)(Chars - sizeof(StringHeader)))->Len; } bool IsEmpty() const { return Len() == 0; } void Resize (long newlen); int Compare (const FString &other) const { return strcmp (Chars, other.Chars); } int Compare (const char *other) const { return strcmp (Chars, other); } int CompareNoCase (const FString &other) const { return stricmp (Chars, other.Chars); } int CompareNoCase (const char *other) const { return stricmp (Chars, other); } protected: struct StringHeader { #ifndef NOPOOLS FString *Owner; // FString this char array belongs to #endif size_t Len; // Length of FString, excluding terminating null }; struct Pool; struct PoolGroup { #ifndef NOPOOLS ~PoolGroup (); Pool *Pools; Pool *FindPool (char *chars) const; static StringHeader *GetHeader (char *chars); #endif char *Alloc (FString *owner, size_t len); char *Realloc (FString *owner, char *chars, size_t newlen); void Free (char *chars); }; FString (size_t len); StringHeader *GetHeader () const; static int FormatHelper (void *data, const char *str, int len); static void StrCopy (char *to, const char *from, size_t len); static void StrCopy (char *to, const FString &from); static PoolGroup Pond; char *Chars; #ifndef __GNUC__ template<> friend void CopyForTArray (FString &dst, FString &src) { // When a TArray is resized, we just need to update the Owner, because // the old copy is going to go away very soon. No need to call the // destructor, either, because full ownership is transferred to the // new FString. char *chars = src.Chars; dst.Chars = chars; if (chars != NULL) { ((FString::StringHeader *)(chars - sizeof(FString::StringHeader)))->Owner = &dst; } } #else template friend inline void CopyForTArray (FString &dst, FString &src); #endif private: void *operator new (size_t size, FString *addr) { return addr; } void operator delete (void *, FString *) { } }; #ifdef __GNUC__ template<> inline void CopyForTArray (FString &dst, FString &src) { // When a TArray is resized, we just need to update the Owner, because // the old copy is going to go away very soon. No need to call the // destructor, either, because full ownership is transferred to the // new FString. char *chars = src.Chars; dst.Chars = chars; if (chars != NULL) { ((FString::StringHeader *)(chars - sizeof(FString::StringHeader)))->Owner = &dst; } } #endif namespace StringFormat { enum { // Format specification flags F_MINUS = 1, F_PLUS = 2, F_ZERO = 4, F_BLANK = 8, F_HASH = 16, F_SIGNED = 32, F_NEGATIVE = 64, F_ZEROVALUE = 128, // Format specification size prefixes F_HALFHALF = 0x1000, // hh F_HALF = 0x2000, // h F_LONG = 0x3000, // l F_LONGLONG = 0x4000, // ll or I64 F_BIGI = 0x5000 // I }; typedef int (*OutputFunc)(void *data, const char *str, int len); int VWorker (OutputFunc output, void *outputData, const char *fmt, va_list arglist); int Worker (OutputFunc output, void *outputData, const char *fmt, ...); }; #endif