// //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright(C) 2004-2018 Christoph Oelckers // All rights reserved. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // /* ** hw_shaderpatcher.cpp ** ** Modifies shader source to account for different syntax versions or engine changes. ** */ #include "hw_shaderpatcher.h" static bool IsGlslWhitespace(char c) { switch (c) { case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': case '\f': return true; default: return false; } } static FString NextGlslToken(const char *chars, long len, long &pos) { // Eat whitespace long tokenStart = pos; while (tokenStart != len && IsGlslWhitespace(chars[tokenStart])) tokenStart++; // Find token end long tokenEnd = tokenStart; while (tokenEnd != len && !IsGlslWhitespace(chars[tokenEnd]) && chars[tokenEnd] != ';') tokenEnd++; pos = tokenEnd; return FString(chars + tokenStart, tokenEnd - tokenStart); } static bool isShaderType(const char *name) { return !strcmp(name, "sampler1D") || !strcmp(name, "sampler2D") || !strcmp(name, "sampler3D") || !strcmp(name, "samplerCube") || !strcmp(name, "sampler2DMS"); } FString RemoveLegacyUserUniforms(FString code) { // User shaders must declare their uniforms via the GLDEFS file. code.Substitute("uniform sampler2D tex;", " "); code.Substitute("uniform float timer;", " "); // The following code searches for legacy uniform declarations in the shader itself and replaces them with whitespace. long len = (long)code.Len(); char *chars = code.LockBuffer(); long startIndex = 0; while (true) { long matchIndex = code.IndexOf("uniform", startIndex); if (matchIndex == -1) break; bool isLegacyUniformName = false; bool isKeywordStart = matchIndex == 0 || IsGlslWhitespace(chars[matchIndex - 1]); bool isKeywordEnd = matchIndex + 7 == len || IsGlslWhitespace(chars[matchIndex + 7]); if (isKeywordStart && isKeywordEnd) { long pos = matchIndex + 7; FString type = NextGlslToken(chars, len, pos); FString identifier = NextGlslToken(chars, len, pos); isLegacyUniformName = type.Compare("float") == 0 && identifier.Compare("timer") == 0; } if (isLegacyUniformName) { long statementEndIndex = code.IndexOf(';', matchIndex + 7); if (statementEndIndex == -1) statementEndIndex = len; for (long i = matchIndex; i <= statementEndIndex; i++) { if (!IsGlslWhitespace(chars[i])) chars[i] = ' '; } startIndex = statementEndIndex; } else { startIndex = matchIndex + 7; } } code.UnlockBuffer(); return code; } FString RemoveSamplerBindings(FString code, TArray> &samplerstobind) { long len = (long)code.Len(); char *chars = code.LockBuffer(); long startIndex = 0; long startpos, endpos; while (true) { long matchIndex = code.IndexOf("layout(binding", startIndex); if (matchIndex == -1) break; bool isSamplerUniformName = false; bool isKeywordStart = matchIndex == 0 || IsGlslWhitespace(chars[matchIndex - 1]); bool isKeywordEnd = matchIndex + 14 == len || IsGlslWhitespace(chars[matchIndex + 14]) || chars[matchIndex + 14] == '='; if (isKeywordStart && isKeywordEnd) { long pos = matchIndex + 14; startpos = matchIndex; while (IsGlslWhitespace(chars[pos])) pos++; if (chars[pos] == '=') { char *p; pos++; auto val = strtol(&chars[pos], &p, 0); if (p != &chars[pos]) { pos = long(p - chars); while (IsGlslWhitespace(chars[pos])) pos++; if (chars[pos] == ')') { endpos = ++pos; FString uniform = NextGlslToken(chars, len, pos); FString type = NextGlslToken(chars, len, pos); FString identifier = NextGlslToken(chars, len, pos); isSamplerUniformName = uniform.Compare("uniform") == 0 && isShaderType(type); if (isSamplerUniformName) { samplerstobind.Push(std::make_pair(identifier, val)); for (auto pos = startpos; pos < endpos; pos++) { if (!IsGlslWhitespace(chars[pos])) chars[pos] = ' '; } } } } } } if (isSamplerUniformName) { startIndex = endpos; } else { startIndex = matchIndex + 7; } } code.UnlockBuffer(); return code; } FString RemoveLayoutLocationDecl(FString code, const char *inoutkeyword) { long len = (long)code.Len(); char *chars = code.LockBuffer(); long startIndex = 0; while (true) { long matchIndex = code.IndexOf("layout(location", startIndex); if (matchIndex == -1) break; long endIndex = matchIndex; // Find end of layout declaration while (chars[endIndex] != ')' && chars[endIndex] != 0) endIndex++; if (chars[endIndex] == ')') endIndex++; else if (chars[endIndex] == 0) break; // Skip whitespace while (IsGlslWhitespace(chars[endIndex])) endIndex++; // keyword following the declaration? bool keywordFound = true; long i; for (i = 0; inoutkeyword[i] != 0; i++) { if (chars[endIndex + i] != inoutkeyword[i]) { keywordFound = false; break; } } if (keywordFound && IsGlslWhitespace(chars[endIndex + i])) { // yes - replace declaration with spaces for (long i = matchIndex; i < endIndex; i++) chars[i] = ' '; } startIndex = endIndex; } code.UnlockBuffer(); return code; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note: the MaterialShaderIndex enum in gl_shader.h needs to be updated whenever this array is modified. const FDefaultShader defaultshaders[] = { {"Default", "shaders/glsl/func_normal.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""}, {"Warp 1", "shaders/glsl/func_warp1.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""}, {"Warp 2", "shaders/glsl/func_warp2.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""}, {"Brightmap","shaders/glsl/func_brightmap.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", "#define BRIGHTMAP\n"}, {"Specular", "shaders/glsl/func_spec.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_specular.fp", "#define SPECULAR\n#define NORMALMAP\n"}, {"SpecularBrightmap", "shaders/glsl/func_spec.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_specular.fp", "#define SPECULAR\n#define NORMALMAP\n#define BRIGHTMAP\n"}, {"PBR","shaders/glsl/func_pbr.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_pbr.fp", "#define PBR\n#define NORMALMAP\n"}, {"PBRBrightmap","shaders/glsl/func_pbr.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_pbr.fp", "#define PBR\n#define NORMALMAP\n#define BRIGHTMAP\n"}, {"Paletted", "shaders/glsl/func_paletted.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_nolight.fp", ""}, {"No Texture", "shaders/glsl/func_notexture.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""}, {"Basic Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_standard.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""}, {"Smooth Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_smooth.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""}, {"Swirly Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_swirly.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""}, {"Translucent Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_smoothtranslucent.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""}, {"Jagged Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_jagged.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""}, {"Noise Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_noise.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""}, {"Smooth Noise Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_smoothnoise.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""}, {"Software Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_software.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""}, {nullptr,nullptr,nullptr,nullptr} }; const FEffectShader effectshaders[] = { { "fogboundary", "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/fogboundary.fp", nullptr, nullptr, "#define NO_ALPHATEST\n" }, { "spheremap", "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/main.fp", "shaders/glsl/func_normal.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", "#define SPHEREMAP\n#define NO_ALPHATEST\n" }, { "burn", "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/burn.fp", nullptr, nullptr, "#define SIMPLE\n#define NO_ALPHATEST\n" }, { "stencil", "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/stencil.fp", nullptr, nullptr, "#define SIMPLE\n#define NO_ALPHATEST\n" }, };