//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright 1993-1996 id Software // Copyright 1994-1996 Raven Software // Copyright 1999-2016 Randy Heit // Copyright 2002-2018 Christoph Oelckers // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // DESCRIPTION: // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #include // for alloca() #endif #include "templates.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "p_effect.h" #include "p_terrain.h" #include "nodebuild.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "p_acs.h" #include "announcer.h" #include "wi_stuff.h" #include "engineerrors.h" #include "gi.h" #include "p_conversation.h" #include "a_keys.h" #include "s_sndseq.h" #include "sbar.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "r_data/r_interpolate.h" #include "r_sky.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "md5.h" #include "po_man.h" #include "swrenderer/r_renderer.h" #include "p_blockmap.h" #include "r_utility.h" #include "p_spec.h" #include "g_levellocals.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "a_dynlight.h" #include "events.h" #include "p_destructible.h" #include "types.h" #include "i_time.h" #include "scripting/vm/vm.h" #include "a_specialspot.h" #include "maploader/maploader.h" #include "p_acs.h" #include "am_map.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "fragglescript/t_script.h" #include "s_music.h" #include "animations.h" extern AActor *SpawnMapThing (int index, FMapThing *mthing, int position); extern unsigned int R_OldBlend; //=========================================================================== // // P_PrecacheLevel // // Preloads all relevant graphics for the Level-> // //=========================================================================== void hw_PrecacheTexture(uint8_t *texhitlist, TMap &actorhitlist); static void AddToList(uint8_t *hitlist, FTextureID texid, int bitmask) { if (hitlist[texid.GetIndex()] & bitmask) return; // already done, no need to process everything again. hitlist[texid.GetIndex()] |= (uint8_t)bitmask; const auto addAnimations = [hitlist, bitmask](const FTextureID texid) { for (auto anim : TexAnim.GetAnimations()) { if (texid == anim->BasePic || (!anim->bDiscrete && anim->BasePic < texid && texid < anim->BasePic + anim->NumFrames)) { for (int i = anim->BasePic.GetIndex(); i < anim->BasePic.GetIndex() + anim->NumFrames; i++) { hitlist[i] |= (uint8_t)bitmask; } } } }; addAnimations(texid); auto switchdef = TexAnim.FindSwitch(texid); if (switchdef) { const FSwitchDef *const pair = switchdef->PairDef; const uint16_t numFrames = switchdef->NumFrames; const uint16_t pairNumFrames = pair->NumFrames; for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { hitlist[switchdef->frames[i].Texture.GetIndex()] |= (uint8_t)bitmask; } for (int i = 0; i < pairNumFrames; i++) { hitlist[pair->frames[i].Texture.GetIndex()] |= (uint8_t)bitmask; } if (numFrames == 1 && pairNumFrames == 1) { // Switch can still be animated via BOOM binary definition from ANIMATED lump addAnimations(switchdef->frames[0].Texture); addAnimations(pair->frames[0].Texture); } } auto adoor = TexAnim.FindAnimatedDoor(texid); if (adoor) { for (int i = 0; i < adoor->NumTextureFrames; i++) { hitlist[adoor->TextureFrames[i].GetIndex()] |= (uint8_t)bitmask; } } } static void PrecacheLevel(FLevelLocals *Level) { if (demoplayback) return; int i; TMap actorhitlist; int cnt = TexMan.NumTextures(); TArray hitlist(cnt, true); memset(hitlist.Data(), 0, cnt); AActor *actor; auto iterator = Level->GetThinkerIterator(); while ((actor = iterator.Next())) { actorhitlist[actor->GetClass()] = true; } for (auto n : gameinfo.PrecachedClasses) { PClassActor *cls = PClass::FindActor(n); if (cls != nullptr) actorhitlist[cls] = true; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < Level->info->PrecacheClasses.Size(); i++) { // Level->info can only store names, no class pointers. PClassActor *cls = PClass::FindActor(Level->info->PrecacheClasses[i]); if (cls != nullptr) actorhitlist[cls] = true; } for (i = Level->sectors.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { AddToList(hitlist.Data(), Level->sectors[i].GetTexture(sector_t::floor), FTextureManager::HIT_Flat); AddToList(hitlist.Data(), Level->sectors[i].GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling), FTextureManager::HIT_Flat); } for (i = Level->sides.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { AddToList(hitlist.Data(), Level->sides[i].GetTexture(side_t::top), FTextureManager::HIT_Wall); AddToList(hitlist.Data(), Level->sides[i].GetTexture(side_t::mid), FTextureManager::HIT_Wall); AddToList(hitlist.Data(), Level->sides[i].GetTexture(side_t::bottom), FTextureManager::HIT_Wall); } if (Level->skytexture1.isValid()) { AddToList(hitlist.Data(), Level->skytexture1, FTextureManager::HIT_Sky); } if (Level->skytexture2.isValid()) { AddToList(hitlist.Data(), Level->skytexture2, FTextureManager::HIT_Sky); } for (auto n : gameinfo.PrecachedTextures) { FTextureID tex = TexMan.CheckForTexture(n, ETextureType::Wall, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable | FTextureManager::TEXMAN_TryAny | FTextureManager::TEXMAN_ReturnFirst); if (tex.Exists()) AddToList(hitlist.Data(), tex, FTextureManager::HIT_Wall); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < Level->info->PrecacheTextures.Size(); i++) { FTextureID tex = TexMan.CheckForTexture(Level->info->PrecacheTextures[i], ETextureType::Wall, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable | FTextureManager::TEXMAN_TryAny | FTextureManager::TEXMAN_ReturnFirst); if (tex.Exists()) AddToList(hitlist.Data(), tex, FTextureManager::HIT_Wall); } // This is just a temporary solution, until the hardware renderer's texture manager is in a better state. if (!V_IsHardwareRenderer()) SWRenderer->Precache(hitlist.Data(), actorhitlist); else hw_PrecacheTexture(hitlist.Data(), actorhitlist); } //============================================================================ // // clears all portal data for a new level start // //============================================================================ void FLevelLocals::ClearPortals() { Displacements.Create(1); linePortals.Clear(); linkedPortals.Clear(); sectorPortals.Resize(2); PortalBlockmap.Clear(); // The first entry must always be the default skybox. This is what every sector gets by default. memset(§orPortals[0], 0, sizeof(sectorPortals[0])); sectorPortals[0].mType = PORTS_SKYVIEWPOINT; sectorPortals[0].mFlags = PORTSF_SKYFLATONLY; // The second entry will be the default sky. This is for forcing a regular sky through the skybox picker memset(§orPortals[1], 0, sizeof(sectorPortals[0])); sectorPortals[1].mType = PORTS_SKYVIEWPOINT; sectorPortals[1].mFlags = PORTSF_SKYFLATONLY; // also clear the render data for (auto &sub : subsectors) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (sub.portalcoverage[j].subsectors != nullptr) { delete[] sub.portalcoverage[j].subsectors; sub.portalcoverage[j].subsectors = nullptr; } } } for (unsigned i = 0; i < portalGroups.Size(); i++) { delete portalGroups[i]; } portalGroups.Clear(); linePortalSpans.Clear(); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FLevelLocals::ClearLevelData() { interpolator.ClearInterpolations(); // [RH] Nothing to interpolate on a fresh level. Thinkers.DestroyAllThinkers(); ClearAllSubsectorLinks(); // can't be done as part of the polyobj deletion process. total_monsters = total_items = total_secrets = killed_monsters = found_items = found_secrets = 0; max_velocity = avg_velocity = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { UDMFKeys[i].Clear(); } SN_StopAllSequences(this); FStrifeDialogueNode *node; while (StrifeDialogues.Pop (node)) { delete node; } DialogueRoots.Clear(); ClassRoots.Clear(); // delete allocated data in the level arrays. if (sectors.Size() > 0) { delete[] sectors[0].e; } for (auto &sub : subsectors) { if (sub.BSP != nullptr) delete sub.BSP; } ClearPortals(); tagManager.Clear(); ClearTIDHashes(); if (SpotState) SpotState->Destroy(); SpotState = nullptr; ACSThinker = nullptr; FraggleScriptThinker = nullptr; CorpseQueue.Clear(); canvasTextureInfo.EmptyList(); sections.Clear(); segs.Clear(); sectors.Clear(); linebuffer.Clear(); subsectorbuffer.Clear(); lines.Clear(); sides.Clear(); segbuffer.Clear(); loadsectors.Clear(); loadlines.Clear(); loadsides.Clear(); vertexes.Clear(); nodes.Clear(); gamenodes.Reset(); subsectors.Clear(); gamesubsectors.Reset(); rejectmatrix.Clear(); Zones.Clear(); blockmap.Clear(); Polyobjects.Clear(); for (auto &pb : PolyBlockMap) { polyblock_t *link = pb; while (link != nullptr) { polyblock_t *next = link->next; delete link; link = next; } } PolyBlockMap.Reset(); deathmatchstarts.Clear(); AllPlayerStarts.Clear(); memset(playerstarts, 0, sizeof(playerstarts)); Scrolls.Clear(); if (automap) automap->Destroy(); Behaviors.UnloadModules(); localEventManager->Shutdown(); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void P_FreeLevelData () { R_FreePastViewers(); for (auto Level : AllLevels()) { Level->ClearLevelData(); } // primaryLevel->FreeSecondaryLevels(); } //=========================================================================== // // P_SetupLevel // // [RH] position indicates the start spot to spawn at // //=========================================================================== void P_SetupLevel(FLevelLocals *Level, int position, bool newGame) { int i; Level->ShaderStartTime = I_msTimeFS(); // indicate to the shader system that the level just started // This is motivated as follows: Level->maptype = MAPTYPE_UNKNOWN; if (!savegamerestore) { Level->SetMusicVolume(Level->MusicVolume); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { Level->Players[i]->killcount = Level->Players[i]->secretcount = Level->Players[i]->itemcount = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { Level->Players[i]->mo = nullptr; } GPalette.ClearTranslationSlot(TRANSLATION_LevelScripted); // Initial height of PointOfView will be set by player think. auto p = Level->GetConsolePlayer(); if (p) p->viewz = NO_VALUE; // Make sure all sounds are stopped before Z_FreeTags. S_Start(); S_ResetMusic(); // Don't start the music if loading a savegame, because the music is stored there. // Don't start the music if revisiting a level in a hub for the same reason. if (!primaryLevel->IsReentering()) { primaryLevel->SetMusic(); } // [RH] clear out the mid-screen message C_MidPrint(nullptr, nullptr); // Free all level data from the previous map P_FreeLevelData(); MapData *map = P_OpenMapData(Level->MapName, true); if (map == nullptr) { I_Error("Unable to open map '%s'\n", Level->MapName.GetChars()); } // [ZZ] init per-map static handlers. we need to call this before everything is set up because otherwise scripts don't receive PlayerEntered event // (which happens at god-knows-what stage in this function, but definitely not the last part, because otherwise it'd work to put E_InitStaticHandlers before the player spawning) Level->localEventManager->InitStaticHandlers(Level, true); // generate a checksum for the level, to be included and checked with savegames. map->GetChecksum(Level->md5); // find map num Level->lumpnum = map->lumpnum; if (newGame) { Level->localEventManager->NewGame(); } MapLoader loader(Level); loader.LoadLevel(map, Level->MapName.GetChars(), position); delete map; // if deathmatch, randomly spawn the active players if (deathmatch) { for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (Level->PlayerInGame(i)) { Level->Players[i]->mo = nullptr; Level->DeathMatchSpawnPlayer(i); } } } // the same, but for random single/coop player starts else if (Level->flags2 & LEVEL2_RANDOMPLAYERSTARTS) { for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (Level->PlayerInGame(i)) { Level->Players[i]->mo = nullptr; FPlayerStart *mthing = Level->PickPlayerStart(i); Level->SpawnPlayer(mthing, i, (Level->flags2 & LEVEL2_PRERAISEWEAPON) ? SPF_WEAPONFULLYUP : 0); } } } // [SP] move unfriendly players around // horribly hacky - yes, this needs rewritten. if (Level->deathmatchstarts.Size() > 0) { for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { auto p = Level->Players[i]; if (Level->PlayerInGame(i) && p->mo != nullptr) { if (!(p->mo->flags & MF_FRIENDLY)) { AActor * oldSpawn = p->mo; Level->DeathMatchSpawnPlayer(i); oldSpawn->Destroy(); } } } } // Don't count monsters in end-of-level sectors if option is on if (dmflags2 & DF2_NOCOUNTENDMONST) { auto it = Level->GetThinkerIterator(); AActor * mo; while ((mo = it.Next())) { if (mo->flags & MF_COUNTKILL) { if (mo->Sector->damageamount > 0 && (mo->Sector->Flags & (SECF_ENDGODMODE | SECF_ENDLEVEL)) == (SECF_ENDGODMODE | SECF_ENDLEVEL)) { mo->ClearCounters(); } } } } T_PreprocessScripts(Level); // preprocess FraggleScript scripts // build subsector connect matrix // UNUSED P_ConnectSubsectors (); R_OldBlend = 0xffffffff; // [RH] Remove all particles P_ClearParticles(Level); // preload graphics and sounds if (precache) { PrecacheLevel(Level); S_PrecacheLevel(Level); } if (deathmatch) { AnnounceGameStart(); } // This check was previously done at run time each time the heightsec was checked. // However, since 3D floors are static data, we can easily precalculate this and store it in the sector's flags for quick access. for (auto &s : Level->sectors) { if (s.heightsec != nullptr) { // If any of these 3D floors render their planes, ignore heightsec. for (auto &ff : s.e->XFloor.ffloors) { if ((ff->flags & (FF_EXISTS | FF_RENDERPLANES)) == (FF_EXISTS | FF_RENDERPLANES)) { s.MoreFlags |= SECMF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC; // mark the heightsec inactive. } } } } // Create a backup of the map data so the savegame code can toss out all fields that haven't changed in order to reduce processing time and file size. // Note that we want binary identity here, so assignment is not sufficient because it won't initialize any padding bytes. // Note that none of these structures may contain non POD fields anyway. Level->loadsectors.Resize(Level->sectors.Size()); memcpy(&Level->loadsectors[0], &Level->sectors[0], Level->sectors.Size() * sizeof(Level->sectors[0])); Level->loadlines.Resize(Level->lines.Size()); memcpy(&Level->loadlines[0], &Level->lines[0], Level->lines.Size() * sizeof(Level->lines[0])); Level->loadsides.Resize(Level->sides.Size()); memcpy(&Level->loadsides[0], &Level->sides[0], Level->sides.Size() * sizeof(Level->sides[0])); Level->automap = AM_Create(Level); Level->automap->LevelInit(); Level->SetCompatLineOnSide(true); // [RH] Start lightning, if MAPINFO tells us to if (Level->flags & LEVEL_STARTLIGHTNING) { Level->StartLightning(); } auto it = Level->GetThinkerIterator(); AActor* ac; // Initial setup of the dynamic lights. while ((ac = it.Next())) { ac->SetDynamicLights(); } } // // P_Init // void P_Init () { P_InitEffects (); // [RH] P_InitTerrainTypes (); P_InitKeyMessages (); R_InitSprites (); } void P_Shutdown () { for (auto Level : AllLevels()) { Level->Thinkers.DestroyThinkersInList(STAT_STATIC); } P_FreeLevelData (); // [ZZ] delete global event handlers staticEventManager.Shutdown(); // clear out the handlers before starting the engine shutdown ST_Clear(); for (auto &p : players) { if (p.psprites != nullptr) p.psprites->Destroy(); } } //========================================================================== // // dumpgeometry // //========================================================================== CCMD(dumpgeometry) { for (auto Level : AllLevels()) { Printf("Geometry for %s\n", Level->MapName.GetChars()); for (auto §or : Level->sectors) { Printf(PRINT_LOG, "Sector %d\n", sector.sectornum); for (int j = 0; jIndex()), sub->sector->sectornum, sub->hacked & 1 ? "hacked" : ""); for (uint32_t k = 0; knumlines; k++) { seg_t * seg = sub->firstline + k; if (seg->linedef) { Printf(PRINT_LOG, " (%4.4f, %4.4f), (%4.4f, %4.4f) - seg %d, linedef %d, side %d", seg->v1->fX(), seg->v1->fY(), seg->v2->fX(), seg->v2->fY(), seg->Index(), seg->linedef->Index(), seg->sidedef != seg->linedef->sidedef[0]); } else { Printf(PRINT_LOG, " (%4.4f, %4.4f), (%4.4f, %4.4f) - seg %d, miniseg", seg->v1->fX(), seg->v1->fY(), seg->v2->fX(), seg->v2->fY(), seg->Index()); } if (seg->PartnerSeg) { subsector_t * sub2 = seg->PartnerSeg->Subsector; Printf(PRINT_LOG, ", back sector = %d, real back sector = %d", sub2->render_sector->sectornum, seg->PartnerSeg->frontsector->sectornum); } else if (seg->backsector) { Printf(PRINT_LOG, ", back sector = %d (no partnerseg)", seg->backsector->sectornum); } Printf(PRINT_LOG, "\n"); } } } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== CCMD(listmapsections) { for (auto Level : AllLevels()) { Printf("Map sections for %s:\n", Level->MapName.GetChars()); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { for (auto &sub : Level->subsectors) { if (sub.mapsection == i) { Printf("Mapsection %d, sector %d, line %d\n", i, sub.render_sector->Index(), sub.firstline->linedef->Index()); break; } } } } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== CUSTOM_CVAR(Bool, forcewater, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_SERVERINFO) { if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL) for (auto Level : AllLevels()) { for (auto &sec : Level->sectors) { sector_t *hsec = sec.GetHeightSec(); if (hsec && !(hsec->MoreFlags & SECMF_UNDERWATER)) { if (self) { hsec->MoreFlags |= SECMF_FORCEDUNDERWATER; } else { hsec->MoreFlags &= ~SECMF_FORCEDUNDERWATER; } } } } }