/* * Quest Item Usage: * * 1 You got Beldin's ring * 2 You got the Chalice * 3 You got 300 gold, so it's time to visit Irale and the governor * 4 Accepted the governor's power coupling mission * 5 Accepted the governor's mission to kill Derwin * 6 You broke the Front's power coupling * 7 You took out the scanning team * 8 You got the broken power coupling * 9 You got the ear * 10 You got the prison pass * 11 You got the prison key * 12 You got the severed hand * 13 You've freed the prisoners! * 14 You've Blown Up the Crystal * 15 You got the guard uniform * 16 You've Blown Up the Gates (/Piston) * 17 You watched the Sigil slideshow on map10 * 18 You got the Oracle pass * 19 You met Quincy and talked to him about the Bishop * 20 * 21 You Killed the Bishop! * 22 The Oracle has told you to kill Macil * 23 You've Killed The Oracle! * 24 You Killed Macil! * 25 You've destroyed the Converter! * 26 You've Killed The Loremaster! * 27 You've Blown Up the Computer * 28 You got the catacomb key * 29 You destroyed the mind control device in the mines * 30 * 31 */ ACTOR QuestItem : Inventory { States { Spawn: TOKN A -1 Stop } } // Quest Items ------------------------------------------------------------- ACTOR QuestItem1 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem2 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem3 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem4 : QuestItem { Tag "$TAG_QUEST4" } ACTOR QuestItem5 : QuestItem { Tag "$TAG_QUEST5" } ACTOR QuestItem6 : QuestItem { Tag "TAG_QUEST6" } ACTOR QuestItem7 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem8 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem9 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem10 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem11 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem12 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem13 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem14 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem15 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem16 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem17 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem18 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem19 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem20 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem21 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem22 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem23 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem24 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem25 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem26 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem27 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem28 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem29 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem30 : QuestItem { } ACTOR QuestItem31 : QuestItem { }