/* ** thingdef_exp.cpp ** ** Expression parsing / runtime evaluating support ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2005 Jan Cholasta ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** 4. When not used as part of ZDoom or a ZDoom derivative, this code will be ** covered by the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at ** your option) any later version. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include "actor.h" #include "sc_man.h" #include "tarray.h" #include "templates.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "a_pickups.h" #include "thingdef.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "thingdef_exp.h" FRandom pr_exrandom ("EX_Random"); // // ParseExpression // [GRB] Parses an expression and stores it into Expression array // static FxExpression *ParseExpressionM (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); static FxExpression *ParseExpressionL (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); static FxExpression *ParseExpressionK (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); static FxExpression *ParseExpressionJ (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); static FxExpression *ParseExpressionI (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); static FxExpression *ParseExpressionH (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); static FxExpression *ParseExpressionG (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); static FxExpression *ParseExpressionF (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); static FxExpression *ParseExpressionE (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); static FxExpression *ParseExpressionD (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); static FxExpression *ParseExpressionC (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); static FxExpression *ParseExpressionB (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); static FxExpression *ParseExpressionA (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); static FxExpression *ParseExpression0 (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls); FxExpression *ParseExpression (FScanner &sc, PClass *cls) { FxExpression *data = ParseExpressionM (sc, cls); FCompileContext ctx; ctx.cls = cls; ctx.lax = true; data = data->Resolve(ctx); return data; } int ParseExpression (FScanner &sc, bool _not, PClass *cls) { return AddExpression(ParseExpression (sc, cls)); } static FxExpression *ParseExpressionM (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { FxExpression *condition = ParseExpressionL (sc, cls); if (sc.CheckToken('?')) { FxExpression *truex = ParseExpressionM (sc, cls); sc.MustGetToken(':'); FxExpression *falsex = ParseExpressionM (sc, cls); return new FxConditional(condition, truex, falsex); } else { return condition; } } static FxExpression *ParseExpressionL (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { FxExpression *tmp = ParseExpressionK (sc, cls); while (sc.CheckToken(TK_OrOr)) { FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionK (sc, cls); tmp = new FxBinaryLogical(TK_OrOr, tmp, right); } return tmp; } static FxExpression *ParseExpressionK (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { FxExpression *tmp = ParseExpressionJ (sc, cls); while (sc.CheckToken(TK_AndAnd)) { FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionJ (sc, cls); tmp = new FxBinaryLogical(TK_AndAnd, tmp, right); } return tmp; } static FxExpression *ParseExpressionJ (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { FxExpression *tmp = ParseExpressionI (sc, cls); while (sc.CheckToken('|')) { FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionI (sc, cls); tmp = new FxBinaryInt('|', tmp, right); } return tmp; } static FxExpression *ParseExpressionI (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { FxExpression *tmp = ParseExpressionH (sc, cls); while (sc.CheckToken('^')) { FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionH (sc, cls); tmp = new FxBinaryInt('^', tmp, right); } return tmp; } static FxExpression *ParseExpressionH (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { FxExpression *tmp = ParseExpressionG (sc, cls); while (sc.CheckToken('&')) { FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionG (sc, cls); tmp = new FxBinaryInt('&', tmp, right); } return tmp; } static FxExpression *ParseExpressionG (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { FxExpression *tmp = ParseExpressionF (sc, cls); while (sc.GetToken() && (sc.TokenType == TK_Eq || sc.TokenType == TK_Neq)) { int token = sc.TokenType; FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionF (sc, cls); tmp = new FxCompareEq(token, tmp, right); } if (!sc.End) sc.UnGet(); return tmp; } static FxExpression *ParseExpressionF (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { FxExpression *tmp = ParseExpressionE (sc, cls); while (sc.GetToken() && (sc.TokenType == '<' || sc.TokenType == '>' || sc.TokenType == TK_Leq || sc.TokenType == TK_Geq)) { int token = sc.TokenType; FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionE (sc, cls); tmp = new FxCompareRel(token, tmp, right); } if (!sc.End) sc.UnGet(); return tmp; } static FxExpression *ParseExpressionE (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { FxExpression *tmp = ParseExpressionD (sc, cls); while (sc.GetToken() && (sc.TokenType == TK_LShift || sc.TokenType == TK_RShift || sc.TokenType == TK_URShift)) { int token = sc.TokenType; FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionD (sc, cls); tmp = new FxBinaryInt(token, tmp, right); } if (!sc.End) sc.UnGet(); return tmp; } static FxExpression *ParseExpressionD (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { FxExpression *tmp = ParseExpressionC (sc, cls); while (sc.GetToken() && (sc.TokenType == '+' || sc.TokenType == '-')) { int token = sc.TokenType; FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionC (sc, cls); tmp = new FxAddSub(token, tmp, right); } if (!sc.End) sc.UnGet(); return tmp; } static FxExpression *ParseExpressionC (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { FxExpression *tmp = ParseExpressionB (sc, cls); while (sc.GetToken() && (sc.TokenType == '*' || sc.TokenType == '/' || sc.TokenType == '%')) { int token = sc.TokenType; FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionB (sc, cls); tmp = new FxMulDiv(token, tmp, right); } if (!sc.End) sc.UnGet(); return tmp; } static FxExpression *ParseExpressionB (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { sc.GetToken(); switch(sc.TokenType) { case '~': return new FxUnaryNotBitwise(ParseExpressionA (sc, cls)); case '!': return new FxUnaryNotBoolean(ParseExpressionA (sc, cls)); case '-': return new FxMinusSign(ParseExpressionA (sc, cls)); case '+': return new FxPlusSign(ParseExpressionA (sc, cls)); default: sc.UnGet(); return ParseExpressionA (sc, cls); } } //========================================================================== // // ParseExpressionB // //========================================================================== static FxExpression *ParseExpressionA (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { FxExpression *base_expr = ParseExpression0 (sc, cls); while(1) { FScriptPosition pos(sc); #if 0 if (sc.CheckToken('.')) { if (sc.CheckToken(TK_Default)) { sc.MustGetToken('.'); base_expr = new FxClassDefaults(base_expr, pos); } sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); FName FieldName = sc.String; pos = sc; /* later! if (SC_CheckToken('(')) { if (base_expr->IsDefaultObject()) { SC_ScriptError("Cannot call methods for default."); } base_expr = ParseFunctionCall(base_expr, FieldName, false, false, pos); } else */ { base_expr = new FxDotIdentifier(base_expr, FieldName, pos); } } else #endif if (sc.CheckToken('[')) { FxExpression *index = ParseExpressionM(sc, cls); sc.MustGetToken(']'); base_expr = new FxArrayElement(base_expr, index); } else break; } return base_expr; } static FxExpression *ParseExpression0 (FScanner &sc, const PClass *cls) { FScriptPosition scpos(sc); if (sc.CheckToken('(')) { FxExpression *data = ParseExpressionM (sc, cls); sc.MustGetToken(')'); return data; } else if (sc.CheckToken(TK_True)) { return new FxConstant(1, scpos); } else if (sc.CheckToken(TK_False)) { return new FxConstant(0, scpos); } else if (sc.CheckToken(TK_IntConst)) { return new FxConstant(sc.Number, scpos); } else if (sc.CheckToken(TK_FloatConst)) { return new FxConstant(sc.Float, scpos); } else if (sc.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { FName identifier = FName(sc.String); switch (identifier) { case NAME_Random: { FRandom *rng; if (sc.CheckToken('[')) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); rng = FRandom::StaticFindRNG(sc.String); sc.MustGetToken(']'); } else { rng = &pr_exrandom; } sc.MustGetToken('('); FxExpression *min = ParseExpressionM (sc, cls); sc.MustGetToken(','); FxExpression *max = ParseExpressionM (sc, cls); sc.MustGetToken(')'); return new FxRandom(rng, min, max, sc); } break; case NAME_Random2: { FRandom *rng; if (sc.CheckToken('[')) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); rng = FRandom::StaticFindRNG(sc.String); sc.MustGetToken(']'); } else { rng = &pr_exrandom; } sc.MustGetToken('('); FxExpression *mask = NULL; if (!sc.CheckToken(')')) { mask = ParseExpressionM(sc, cls); sc.MustGetToken(')'); } return new FxRandom2(rng, mask, sc); } break; case NAME_Abs: { sc.MustGetToken('('); FxExpression *x = ParseExpressionM (sc, cls); sc.MustGetToken(')'); return new FxAbs(x); } default: if (sc.CheckToken('(')) { if (identifier == NAME_Sin) { FxExpression *data = new FxExpression; data->Type = EX_Sin; data->ValueType = VAL_Float; data->Children[0] = ParseExpressionM (sc, cls); sc.MustGetToken(')'); return data; } else if (identifier == NAME_Cos) { FxExpression *data = new FxExpression; data->Type = EX_Cos; data->ValueType = VAL_Float; data->Children[0] = ParseExpressionM (sc, cls); sc.MustGetToken(')'); return data; } else { int specnum, min_args, max_args; // Check if this is an action special specnum = P_FindLineSpecial (sc.String, &min_args, &max_args); if (specnum != 0 && min_args >= 0) { int i; FxExpression *data = new FxExpression, **left; data->Type = EX_ActionSpecial; data->Value.Int = specnum; data->ValueType = VAL_Int; data->Children[0] = ParseExpressionM (sc, cls); left = &data->Children[1]; for (i = 1; i < 5 && sc.CheckToken(','); ++i) { FxExpression *right = new FxExpression; right->Type = EX_Right; right->Children[0] = ParseExpressionM (sc, cls); *left = right; left = &right->Children[1]; } *left = NULL; sc.MustGetToken(')'); if (i < min_args) sc.ScriptError ("Not enough arguments to action special"); if (i > max_args) sc.ScriptError ("Too many arguments to action special"); return data; } else { sc.ScriptError("Unknown function '%s'", identifier.GetChars()); } } } else { return new FxIdentifier(identifier, sc); } } } else { FString tokname = sc.TokenName(sc.TokenType, sc.String); sc.ScriptError ("Unexpected token %s", tokname.GetChars()); } return NULL; } ExpVal FxExpression::EvalExpression (AActor *self) { ExpVal val; val.Type = VAL_Int; // Placate GCC switch (Type) { case EX_NOP: assert (Type != EX_NOP); val = Value; break; case EX_Sin: { ExpVal a = Children[0]->EvalExpression (self); angle_t angle = (a.Type == VAL_Int) ? (a.Int * ANGLE_1) : angle_t(a.Float * ANGLE_1); val.Type = VAL_Float; val.Float = FIXED2FLOAT (finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]); } break; case EX_Cos: { ExpVal a = Children[0]->EvalExpression (self); angle_t angle = (a.Type == VAL_Int) ? (a.Int * ANGLE_1) : angle_t(a.Float * ANGLE_1); val.Type = VAL_Float; val.Float = FIXED2FLOAT (finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]); } break; case EX_ActionSpecial: { int parms[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int i = 0; FxExpression *parm = this; while (parm != NULL && i < 5) { ExpVal val = parm->Children[0]->EvalExpression (self); if (val.Type == VAL_Int) { parms[i] = val.Int; } else { parms[i] = (int)val.Float; } i++; parm = parm->Children[1]; } val.Type = VAL_Int; val.Int = LineSpecials[Value.Int] (NULL, self, false, parms[0], parms[1], parms[2], parms[3], parms[4]); } break; case EX_Right: // This should never be a top-level expression. assert (Type != EX_Right); break; } return val; } bool FxExpression::isConstant() const { return false; } FxExpression *FxExpression::Resolve(FCompileContext &ctx) { if (Children[0]) Children[0] = Children[0]->Resolve(ctx); if (Children[1]) Children[1] = Children[1]->Resolve(ctx); return this; }