// // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // #include #include #include #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "templates.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "m_swap.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "g_levellocals.h" #include "p_maputl.h" #include "swrenderer/r_main.h" #include "swrenderer/things/r_visiblesprite.h" #include "swrenderer/things/r_visiblespritelist.h" #include "swrenderer/things/r_voxel.h" #include "swrenderer/things/r_particle.h" #include "swrenderer/things/r_sprite.h" #include "swrenderer/things/r_wallsprite.h" #include "swrenderer/things/r_playersprite.h" #include "swrenderer/segments/r_drawsegment.h" #include "swrenderer/scene/r_portal.h" #include "swrenderer/scene/r_translucent_pass.h" #include "swrenderer/plane/r_visibleplane.h" #include "swrenderer/r_memory.h" EXTERN_CVAR(Int, r_drawfuzz) EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_drawvoxels) EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_blendmethod) CVAR(Bool, r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG); namespace swrenderer { bool RenderTranslucentPass::DrewAVoxel; TArray RenderTranslucentPass::portaldrawsegs; void RenderTranslucentPass::Deinit() { VisibleSpriteList::Deinit(); SortedVisibleSpriteList::Deinit(); RenderVoxel::Deinit(); } void RenderTranslucentPass::Clear() { VisibleSpriteList::Clear(); DrewAVoxel = false; } void RenderTranslucentPass::CollectPortals() { // This function collects all drawsegs that may be of interest to R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals // Having that function over the entire list of drawsegs can break down performance quite drastically. // This is doing the costly stuff only once so that R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals can // a) exit early if no relevant info is found and // b) skip most of the collected drawsegs which have no portal attached. portaldrawsegs.Clear(); for (drawseg_t* seg = ds_p; seg-- > firstdrawseg; ) // copied code from killough below { // I don't know what makes this happen (some old top-down portal code or possibly skybox code? something adds null lines...) // crashes at the first frame of the first map of Action2.wad if (!seg->curline) continue; line_t* line = seg->curline->linedef; // ignore minisegs from GL nodes. if (!line) continue; // check if this line will clip sprites to itself if (!line->isVisualPortal() && line->special != Line_Mirror) continue; // don't clip sprites with portal's back side (it's transparent) if (seg->curline->sidedef != line->sidedef[0]) continue; portaldrawsegs.Push(seg); } } bool RenderTranslucentPass::ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(int x, vissprite_t* spr) { RenderPortal *renderportal = RenderPortal::Instance(); // [ZZ] 10.01.2016: don't clip sprites from the root of a skybox. if (renderportal->CurrentPortalInSkybox) return false; for (drawseg_t *seg : portaldrawsegs) { // ignore segs from other portals if (seg->CurrentPortalUniq != renderportal->CurrentPortalUniq) continue; // (all checks that are already done in R_CollectPortals have been removed for performance reasons.) // don't clip if the sprite is in front of the portal if (!P_PointOnLineSidePrecise(spr->gpos.X, spr->gpos.Y, seg->curline->linedef)) continue; // now if current column is covered by this drawseg, we clip it away if ((x >= seg->x1) && (x < seg->x2)) return true; } return false; } void RenderTranslucentPass::DrawSprite(vissprite_t *spr) { static short clipbot[MAXWIDTH]; static short cliptop[MAXWIDTH]; drawseg_t *ds; int i; int x1, x2; int r1, r2; short topclip, botclip; short *clip1, *clip2; FSWColormap *colormap = spr->Style.BaseColormap; int colormapnum = spr->Style.ColormapNum; F3DFloor *rover; FDynamicColormap *mybasecolormap; Clip3DFloors *clip3d = Clip3DFloors::Instance(); // [RH] Check for particles if (!spr->bIsVoxel && spr->pic == nullptr) { // kg3D - reject invisible parts if ((clip3d->fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM) && spr->gpos.Z <= clip3d->sclipBottom) return; if ((clip3d->fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP) && spr->gpos.Z >= clip3d->sclipTop) return; RenderParticle::Render(spr); return; } x1 = spr->x1; x2 = spr->x2; // [RH] Quickly reject sprites with bad x ranges. if (x1 >= x2) return; // [RH] Sprites split behind a one-sided line can also be discarded. if (spr->sector == nullptr) return; // kg3D - reject invisible parts if ((clip3d->fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM) && spr->gzt <= clip3d->sclipBottom) return; if ((clip3d->fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP) && spr->gzb >= clip3d->sclipTop) return; // kg3D - correct colors now if (!fixedcolormap && fixedlightlev < 0 && spr->sector->e && spr->sector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size()) { if (!(clip3d->fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP)) { clip3d->sclipTop = spr->sector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(ViewPos); } sector_t *sec = nullptr; for (i = spr->sector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (clip3d->sclipTop <= spr->sector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].plane.Zat0()) { rover = spr->sector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].caster; if (rover) { if (rover->flags & FF_DOUBLESHADOW && clip3d->sclipTop <= rover->bottom.plane->Zat0()) { break; } sec = rover->model; if (rover->flags & FF_FADEWALLS) { mybasecolormap = sec->ColorMap; } else { mybasecolormap = spr->sector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].extra_colormap; } } break; } } // found new values, recalculate if (sec) { INTBOOL invertcolormap = (spr->Style.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertOverlay); if (spr->Style.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertSource) { invertcolormap = !invertcolormap; } // Sprites that are added to the scene must fade to black. if (spr->Style.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Add] && mybasecolormap->Fade != 0) { mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, 0, mybasecolormap->Desaturate); } if (spr->Style.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_FadeToBlack) { if (invertcolormap) { // Fade to white mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(255, 255, 255), mybasecolormap->Desaturate); invertcolormap = false; } else { // Fade to black mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(0, 0, 0), mybasecolormap->Desaturate); } } // get light level if (invertcolormap) { mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, mybasecolormap->Fade.InverseColor(), mybasecolormap->Desaturate); } if (fixedlightlev >= 0) { spr->Style.BaseColormap = mybasecolormap; spr->Style.ColormapNum = fixedlightlev >> COLORMAPSHIFT; } else if (!foggy && (spr->renderflags & RF_FULLBRIGHT)) { // full bright spr->Style.BaseColormap = (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor) ? &FullNormalLight : mybasecolormap; spr->Style.ColormapNum = 0; } else { // diminished light int spriteshade = LIGHT2SHADE(sec->lightlevel + r_actualextralight); spr->Style.BaseColormap = mybasecolormap; spr->Style.ColormapNum = GETPALOOKUP(r_SpriteVisibility / MAX(MINZ, (double)spr->depth), spriteshade); } } } // [RH] Initialize the clipping arrays to their largest possible range // instead of using a special "not clipped" value. This eliminates // visual anomalies when looking down and should be faster, too. topclip = 0; botclip = viewheight; // killough 3/27/98: // Clip the sprite against deep water and/or fake ceilings. // [RH] rewrote this to be based on which part of the sector is really visible double scale = InvZtoScale * spr->idepth; double hzb = DBL_MIN, hzt = DBL_MAX; if (spr->bIsVoxel && spr->floorclip != 0) { hzb = spr->gzb; } if (spr->heightsec && !(spr->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC)) { // only things in specially marked sectors if (spr->FakeFlatStat != WaterFakeSide::AboveCeiling) { double hz = spr->heightsec->floorplane.ZatPoint(spr->gpos); int h = xs_RoundToInt(CenterY - (hz - ViewPos.Z) * scale); if (spr->FakeFlatStat == WaterFakeSide::BelowFloor) { // seen below floor: clip top if (!spr->bIsVoxel && h > topclip) { topclip = short(MIN(h, viewheight)); } hzt = MIN(hzt, hz); } else { // seen in the middle: clip bottom if (!spr->bIsVoxel && h < botclip) { botclip = MAX(0, h); } hzb = MAX(hzb, hz); } } if (spr->FakeFlatStat != WaterFakeSide::BelowFloor && !(spr->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_FAKEFLOORONLY)) { double hz = spr->heightsec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(spr->gpos); int h = xs_RoundToInt(CenterY - (hz - ViewPos.Z) * scale); if (spr->FakeFlatStat == WaterFakeSide::AboveCeiling) { // seen above ceiling: clip bottom if (!spr->bIsVoxel && h < botclip) { botclip = MAX(0, h); } hzb = MAX(hzb, hz); } else { // seen in the middle: clip top if (!spr->bIsVoxel && h > topclip) { topclip = MIN(h, viewheight); } hzt = MIN(hzt, hz); } } } // killough 3/27/98: end special clipping for deep water / fake ceilings else if (!spr->bIsVoxel && spr->floorclip) { // [RH] Move floorclip stuff from R_DrawVisSprite to here //int clip = ((FLOAT2FIXED(CenterY) - FixedMul (spr->texturemid - (spr->pic->GetHeight() << FRACBITS) + spr->floorclip, spr->yscale)) >> FRACBITS); int clip = xs_RoundToInt(CenterY - (spr->texturemid - spr->pic->GetHeight() + spr->floorclip) * spr->yscale); if (clip < botclip) { botclip = MAX(0, clip); } } if (clip3d->fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM) { if (!spr->bIsVoxel) { double hz = clip3d->sclipBottom; if (spr->fakefloor) { double floorz = spr->fakefloor->top.plane->Zat0(); if (ViewPos.Z > floorz && floorz == clip3d->sclipBottom) { hz = spr->fakefloor->bottom.plane->Zat0(); } } int h = xs_RoundToInt(CenterY - (hz - ViewPos.Z) * scale); if (h < botclip) { botclip = MAX(0, h); } } hzb = MAX(hzb, clip3d->sclipBottom); } if (clip3d->fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP) { if (!spr->bIsVoxel) { double hz = clip3d->sclipTop; if (spr->fakeceiling != nullptr) { double ceilingZ = spr->fakeceiling->bottom.plane->Zat0(); if (ViewPos.Z < ceilingZ && ceilingZ == clip3d->sclipTop) { hz = spr->fakeceiling->top.plane->Zat0(); } } int h = xs_RoundToInt(CenterY - (hz - ViewPos.Z) * scale); if (h > topclip) { topclip = short(MIN(h, viewheight)); } } hzt = MIN(hzt, clip3d->sclipTop); } if (topclip >= botclip) { spr->Style.BaseColormap = colormap; spr->Style.ColormapNum = colormapnum; return; } i = x2 - x1; clip1 = clipbot + x1; clip2 = cliptop + x1; do { *clip1++ = botclip; *clip2++ = topclip; } while (--i); // Scan drawsegs from end to start for obscuring segs. // The first drawseg that is closer than the sprite is the clip seg. // Modified by Lee Killough: // (pointer check was originally nonportable // and buggy, by going past LEFT end of array): // for (ds=ds_p-1 ; ds >= drawsegs ; ds--) old buggy code for (ds = ds_p; ds-- > firstdrawseg; ) // new -- killough { // [ZZ] portal handling here //if (ds->CurrentPortalUniq != spr->CurrentPortalUniq) // continue; // [ZZ] WARNING: uncommenting the two above lines, totally breaks sprite clipping // kg3D - no clipping on fake segs if (ds->fake) continue; // determine if the drawseg obscures the sprite if (ds->x1 >= x2 || ds->x2 <= x1 || (!(ds->silhouette & SIL_BOTH) && ds->maskedtexturecol == -1 && !ds->bFogBoundary)) { // does not cover sprite continue; } r1 = MAX(ds->x1, x1); r2 = MIN(ds->x2, x2); float neardepth, fardepth; if (!spr->bWallSprite) { if (ds->sz1 < ds->sz2) { neardepth = ds->sz1, fardepth = ds->sz2; } else { neardepth = ds->sz2, fardepth = ds->sz1; } } // Check if sprite is in front of draw seg: if ((!spr->bWallSprite && neardepth > spr->depth) || ((spr->bWallSprite || fardepth > spr->depth) && (spr->gpos.Y - ds->curline->v1->fY()) * (ds->curline->v2->fX() - ds->curline->v1->fX()) - (spr->gpos.X - ds->curline->v1->fX()) * (ds->curline->v2->fY() - ds->curline->v1->fY()) <= 0)) { RenderPortal *renderportal = RenderPortal::Instance(); // seg is behind sprite, so draw the mid texture if it has one if (ds->CurrentPortalUniq == renderportal->CurrentPortalUniq && // [ZZ] instead, portal uniq check is made here (ds->maskedtexturecol != -1 || ds->bFogBoundary)) R_RenderMaskedSegRange(ds, r1, r2); continue; } // clip this piece of the sprite // killough 3/27/98: optimized and made much shorter // [RH] Optimized further (at least for VC++; // other compilers should be at least as good as before) if (ds->silhouette & SIL_BOTTOM) //bottom sil { clip1 = clipbot + r1; clip2 = openings + ds->sprbottomclip + r1 - ds->x1; i = r2 - r1; do { if (*clip1 > *clip2) *clip1 = *clip2; clip1++; clip2++; } while (--i); } if (ds->silhouette & SIL_TOP) // top sil { clip1 = cliptop + r1; clip2 = openings + ds->sprtopclip + r1 - ds->x1; i = r2 - r1; do { if (*clip1 < *clip2) *clip1 = *clip2; clip1++; clip2++; } while (--i); } } // all clipping has been performed, so draw the sprite if (!spr->bIsVoxel) { if (!spr->bWallSprite) { RenderSprite::Render(spr, clipbot, cliptop); } else { RenderWallSprite::Render(spr, clipbot, cliptop); } } else { // If it is completely clipped away, don't bother drawing it. if (cliptop[x2] >= clipbot[x2]) { for (i = x1; i < x2; ++i) { if (cliptop[i] < clipbot[i]) { break; } } if (i == x2) { spr->Style.BaseColormap = colormap; spr->Style.ColormapNum = colormapnum; return; } } // Add everything outside the left and right edges to the clipping array // for R_DrawVisVoxel(). if (x1 > 0) { fillshort(cliptop, x1, viewheight); } if (x2 < viewwidth - 1) { fillshort(cliptop + x2, viewwidth - x2, viewheight); } int minvoxely = spr->gzt <= hzt ? 0 : xs_RoundToInt((spr->gzt - hzt) / spr->yscale); int maxvoxely = spr->gzb > hzb ? INT_MAX : xs_RoundToInt((spr->gzt - hzb) / spr->yscale); RenderVoxel::Render(spr, minvoxely, maxvoxely, cliptop, clipbot); } spr->Style.BaseColormap = colormap; spr->Style.ColormapNum = colormapnum; } void RenderTranslucentPass::DrawMaskedSingle(bool renew) { RenderPortal *renderportal = RenderPortal::Instance(); for (int i = SortedVisibleSpriteList::vsprcount; i > 0; i--) { if (SortedVisibleSpriteList::spritesorter[i - 1]->CurrentPortalUniq != renderportal->CurrentPortalUniq) continue; // probably another time DrawSprite(SortedVisibleSpriteList::spritesorter[i - 1]); } // render any remaining masked mid textures // Modified by Lee Killough: // (pointer check was originally nonportable // and buggy, by going past LEFT end of array): // for (ds=ds_p-1 ; ds >= drawsegs ; ds--) old buggy code if (renew) { Clip3DFloors::Instance()->fake3D |= FAKE3D_REFRESHCLIP; } for (drawseg_t *ds = ds_p; ds-- > firstdrawseg; ) // new -- killough { // [ZZ] the same as above if (ds->CurrentPortalUniq != renderportal->CurrentPortalUniq) continue; // kg3D - no fake segs if (ds->fake) continue; if (ds->maskedtexturecol != -1 || ds->bFogBoundary) { R_RenderMaskedSegRange(ds, ds->x1, ds->x2); } } } void RenderTranslucentPass::Render() { CollectPortals(); SortedVisibleSpriteList::Sort(DrewAVoxel ? SortedVisibleSpriteList::sv_compare2d : SortedVisibleSpriteList::sv_compare, VisibleSpriteList::firstvissprite - VisibleSpriteList::vissprites); Clip3DFloors *clip3d = Clip3DFloors::Instance(); if (clip3d->height_top == nullptr) { // kg3D - no visible 3D floors, normal rendering DrawMaskedSingle(false); } else { // kg3D - correct sorting // ceilings for (HeightLevel *hl = clip3d->height_cur; hl != nullptr && hl->height >= ViewPos.Z; hl = hl->prev) { if (hl->next) { clip3d->fake3D = FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM | FAKE3D_CLIPTOP; clip3d->sclipTop = hl->next->height; } else { clip3d->fake3D = FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM; } clip3d->sclipBottom = hl->height; DrawMaskedSingle(true); R_DrawHeightPlanes(hl->height); } // floors clip3d->fake3D = FAKE3D_DOWN2UP | FAKE3D_CLIPTOP; clip3d->sclipTop = clip3d->height_top->height; DrawMaskedSingle(true); for (HeightLevel *hl = clip3d->height_top; hl != nullptr && hl->height < ViewPos.Z; hl = hl->next) { R_DrawHeightPlanes(hl->height); if (hl->next) { clip3d->fake3D = FAKE3D_DOWN2UP | FAKE3D_CLIPTOP | FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM; clip3d->sclipTop = hl->next->height; } else { clip3d->fake3D = FAKE3D_DOWN2UP | FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM; } clip3d->sclipBottom = hl->height; DrawMaskedSingle(true); } clip3d->DeleteHeights(); clip3d->fake3D = 0; } RenderPlayerSprite::RenderPlayerSprites(); } }