struct MugShot { enum StateFlags { STANDARD = 0x0, XDEATHFACE = 0x1, ANIMATEDGODMODE = 0x2, DISABLEGRIN = 0x4, DISABLEOUCH = 0x8, DISABLEPAIN = 0x10, DISABLERAMPAGE = 0x20, CUSTOM = 0x40, } } class HUDFont native ui { native Font mFont; native static HUDFont Create(Font fnt, int spacing = 0, bool monospaced = false, int shadowx = 0, int shadowy = 0); } class InventoryBarState ui { TextureID box; TextureID selector; Vector2 boxsize; Vector2 boxofs; Vector2 selectofs; Vector2 innersize; TextureID left; TextureID right; Vector2 arrowoffset; double itemalpha; HUDFont amountfont; int cr; int flags; private static void Init(InventoryBarState me, HUDFont indexfont, int cr, double itemalpha, Vector2 innersize, String leftgfx, String rightgfx, Vector2 arrowoffs, int flags) { me.itemalpha = itemalpha; if (innersize == (0, 0)) { me.boxofs = (2, 2); me.innersize = me.boxsize - (4, 4); // Default is based on Heretic's and Hexens icons. } else { me.innersize = innersize; me.boxofs = (me.boxsize - me.innersize) / 2; } if (me.selector.IsValid()) { Vector2 sel = TexMan.GetScaledSize(me.selector); me.selectofs = (me.boxsize - sel) / 2; } me.left = TexMan.CheckForTexture(leftgfx, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch); me.right = TexMan.CheckForTexture(rightgfx, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch); me.arrowoffset = arrowoffs; me.arrowoffset.Y += me.boxsize.Y/2; // default is centered to the side of the box. if (indexfont == null) { me.amountfont = HUDFont.Create("INDEXFONT"); if (cr == Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED) cr = Font.CR_GOLD; } else me.amountfont = indexfont; = cr; me.flags = flags; } // The default settings here are what SBARINFO is using. static InventoryBarState Create(HUDFont indexfont = null, int cr = Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, double itemalpha = 1., String boxgfx = "ARTIBOX", String selgfx = "SELECTBO", Vector2 innersize = (0, 0), String leftgfx = "INVGEML1", String rightgfx = "INVGEMR1", Vector2 arrowoffs = (0, 0), int flags = 0) { let me = new ("InventoryBarState"); = TexMan.CheckForTexture(boxgfx, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch); me.selector = TexMan.CheckForTexture(selgfx, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch); if ( || me.selector.IsValid()) me.boxsize = TexMan.GetScaledSize( : me.selector); else me.boxsize = (32., 32.); Init(me, indexfont, cr, itemalpha, innersize, leftgfx, rightgfx, arrowoffs, flags); return me; } // The default settings here are what SBARINFO is using. static InventoryBarState CreateNoBox(HUDFont indexfont = null, int cr = Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, double itemalpha = 1., Vector2 boxsize = (32, 32), String selgfx = "SELECTBO", Vector2 innersize = (0, 0), String leftgfx = "INVGEML1", String rightgfx = "INVGEMR1", Vector2 arrowoffs = (0, 0), int flags = 0) { let me = new ("InventoryBarState");; me.selector = TexMan.CheckForTexture(selgfx, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch); me.boxsize = boxsize; Init(me, indexfont, cr, itemalpha, innersize, leftgfx, rightgfx, arrowoffs, flags); return me; } } class BaseStatusBar native ui { enum EPop { POP_NoChange = -1, POP_None, POP_Log, POP_Keys, POP_Status } // Status face stuff enum EMug { ST_NUMPAINFACES = 5, ST_NUMSTRAIGHTFACES = 3, ST_NUMTURNFACES = 2, ST_NUMSPECIALFACES = 3, ST_NUMEXTRAFACES = 2, ST_FACESTRIDE = ST_NUMSTRAIGHTFACES+ST_NUMTURNFACES+ST_NUMSPECIALFACES, ST_NUMFACES = ST_FACESTRIDE*ST_NUMPAINFACES+ST_NUMEXTRAFACES, ST_TURNOFFSET = ST_NUMSTRAIGHTFACES, ST_OUCHOFFSET = ST_TURNOFFSET + ST_NUMTURNFACES, ST_EVILGRINOFFSET = ST_OUCHOFFSET + 1, ST_RAMPAGEOFFSET = ST_EVILGRINOFFSET + 1, ST_GODFACE = ST_NUMPAINFACES*ST_FACESTRIDE, ST_DEADFACE = ST_GODFACE + 1 } enum EHudState { HUD_StatusBar, HUD_Fullscreen, HUD_None, HUD_AltHud // Used for passing through popups to the alt hud } enum DI_Flags { DI_SKIPICON = 0x1, DI_SKIPALTICON = 0x2, DI_SKIPSPAWN = 0x4, DI_SKIPREADY = 0x8, DI_ALTICONFIRST = 0x10, DI_TRANSLATABLE = 0x20, DI_FORCESCALE = 0x40, DI_DIM = 0x80, DI_DRAWCURSORFIRST = 0x100, // only for DrawInventoryBar. DI_ALWAYSSHOWCOUNT = 0x200, // only for DrawInventoryBar. DI_DIMDEPLETED = 0x400, DI_DONTANIMATE = 0x800, // do not animate the texture DI_SCREEN_AUTO = 0, // decide based on given offsets. DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN = 0x4000, // If this is on, the following flags will have an effect DI_SCREEN_TOP = DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN, DI_SCREEN_VCENTER = 0x8000 | DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN, DI_SCREEN_BOTTOM = 0x10000 | DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN, DI_SCREEN_VOFFSET = 0x18000 | DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN, DI_SCREEN_VMASK = 0x18000 | DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN, DI_SCREEN_LEFT = DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN, DI_SCREEN_HCENTER = 0x20000 | DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN, DI_SCREEN_RIGHT = 0x40000 | DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN, DI_SCREEN_HOFFSET = 0x60000 | DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN, DI_SCREEN_HMASK = 0x60000 | DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN, DI_SCREEN_LEFT_TOP = DI_SCREEN_TOP|DI_SCREEN_LEFT, DI_SCREEN_RIGHT_TOP = DI_SCREEN_TOP|DI_SCREEN_RIGHT, DI_SCREEN_LEFT_BOTTOM = DI_SCREEN_BOTTOM|DI_SCREEN_LEFT, DI_SCREEN_RIGHT_BOTTOM = DI_SCREEN_BOTTOM|DI_SCREEN_RIGHT, DI_SCREEN_CENTER = DI_SCREEN_VCENTER|DI_SCREEN_HCENTER, DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM = DI_SCREEN_BOTTOM|DI_SCREEN_HCENTER, DI_SCREEN_OFFSETS = DI_SCREEN_HOFFSET|DI_SCREEN_VOFFSET, DI_ITEM_AUTO = 0, // equivalent with bottom center, which is the default alignment. DI_ITEM_TOP = 0x80000, DI_ITEM_VCENTER = 0x100000, DI_ITEM_BOTTOM = 0, // this is the default vertical alignment DI_ITEM_VOFFSET = 0x180000, DI_ITEM_VMASK = 0x180000, DI_ITEM_LEFT = 0x200000, DI_ITEM_HCENTER = 0, // this is the deafault horizontal alignment DI_ITEM_RIGHT = 0x400000, DI_ITEM_HOFFSET = 0x600000, DI_ITEM_HMASK = 0x600000, DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP = DI_ITEM_TOP|DI_ITEM_LEFT, DI_ITEM_RIGHT_TOP = DI_ITEM_TOP|DI_ITEM_RIGHT, DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM = DI_ITEM_BOTTOM|DI_ITEM_LEFT, DI_ITEM_RIGHT_BOTTOM = DI_ITEM_BOTTOM|DI_ITEM_RIGHT, DI_ITEM_CENTER = DI_ITEM_VCENTER|DI_ITEM_HCENTER, DI_ITEM_CENTER_BOTTOM = DI_ITEM_BOTTOM|DI_ITEM_HCENTER, DI_ITEM_OFFSETS = DI_ITEM_HOFFSET|DI_ITEM_VOFFSET, DI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT = 0, DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT = 0x800000, DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER = 0x1000000, DI_TEXT_ALIGN = 0x1800000, DI_ALPHAMAPPED = 0x2000000, DI_NOSHADOW = 0x4000000, DI_ALWAYSSHOWCOUNTERS = 0x8000000, DI_ARTIFLASH = 0x10000000, DI_FORCEFILL = 0x20000000, // These 2 flags are only used by SBARINFO so these duplicate other flags not used by SBARINFO DI_DRAWINBOX = DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, DI_ALTERNATEONFAIL = DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, }; enum IconType { ITYPE_PLAYERICON = 1000, ITYPE_AMMO1, ITYPE_AMMO2, ITYPE_ARMOR, ITYPE_WEAPON, ITYPE_SIGIL, ITYPE_WEAPONSLOT, ITYPE_SELECTEDINVENTORY, } enum HexArmorType { HEXENARMOR_ARMOR, HEXENARMOR_SHIELD, HEXENARMOR_HELM, HEXENARMOR_AMULET, }; enum AmmoModes { AMMO_PRIMARY, AMMO_SECONDARY, AMMO_ANY, AMMO_BOTH }; enum EHudDraw { HUD_Normal, HUD_HorizCenter } enum ENumFlags { FNF_WHENNOTZERO = 0x1, FNF_FILLZEROS = 0x2, } enum EShade { SHADER_HORZ = 0, SHADER_VERT = 2, SHADER_REVERSE = 1 } const XHAIRSHRINKSIZE =(1./18); const XHAIRPICKUPSIZE = (2+XHAIRSHRINKSIZE); const POWERUPICONSIZE = 32; native int RelTop; native int HorizontalResolution, VerticalResolution; native bool Centering; native bool FixedOrigin; native bool CompleteBorder; native double CrosshairSize; native double Displacement; native PlayerInfo CPlayer; native bool ShowLog; native Vector2 defaultScale; // factor for fully scaled fullscreen display. native int artiflashTick; native double itemflashFade; // These are block properties for the drawers. A child class can set them to have a block of items use the same settings. native double Alpha; native Vector2 drawOffset; // can be set by subclasses to offset drawing operations native double drawClip[4]; // defines a clipping rectangle (not used yet) native bool fullscreenOffsets; // current screen is displayed with fullscreen behavior. private HUDFont mSmallFont; native void SetSize(int height, int vwidth, int vheight, int hwidth = -1, int hheight = -1); native Vector2 GetHUDScale(); native void BeginStatusBar(bool forceScaled = false, int resW = -1, int resH = -1, int rel = -1); native void BeginHUD(double Alpha = 1., bool forcescaled = false, int resW = -1, int resH = -1); virtual void Init() { mSmallFont = HUDFont.Create("SmallFont"); } native virtual void Tick (); native virtual void Draw (int state, double TicFrac); native virtual void ScreenSizeChanged (); native virtual clearscope void ReceivedWeapon (Weapon weapn); native virtual clearscope void SetMugShotState (String state_name, bool wait_till_done=false, bool reset=false); virtual void FlashItem (class<Inventory> itemtype) { artiflashTick = 4; itemflashFade = 0.75; } virtual void AttachToPlayer (PlayerInfo player) { CPlayer = player; } virtual void FlashCrosshair () { CrosshairSize = XHAIRPICKUPSIZE; } virtual void NewGame () { if (CPlayer != null) AttachToPlayer(CPlayer); } virtual void ShowPop (int popnum) { ShowLog = (popnum == POP_Log && !ShowLog); } virtual bool MustDrawLog(int state) { return true; } native TextureID GetMugshot(int accuracy, int stateflags=MugShot.STANDARD, String default_face = "STF"); // These functions are kept native solely for performance reasons. They get called repeatedly and can drag down performance easily if they get too slow. native Inventory ValidateInvFirst (int numVisible) const; native static TextureID, bool GetInventoryIcon(Inventory item, int flags); native void DrawTexture(TextureID texture, Vector2 pos, int flags = 0, double Alpha = 1., Vector2 box = (-1, -1), Vector2 scale = (1, 1)); native void DrawImage(String texture, Vector2 pos, int flags = 0, double Alpha = 1., Vector2 box = (-1, -1), Vector2 scale = (1, 1)); native void DrawString(HUDFont font, String string, Vector2 pos, int flags = 0, int translation = Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, double Alpha = 1., int wrapwidth = -1, int linespacing = 4); native double, double, double, double TransformRect(double x, double y, double w, double h, int flags = 0); native void Fill(Color col, double x, double y, double w, double h, int flags = 0); native static String FormatNumber(int number, int minsize = 0, int maxsize = 0, int format = 0, String prefix = ""); native double, double, double, double StatusbarToRealCoords(double x, double y=0, double w=0, double h=0); native int GetTopOfStatusBar(); native void SetClipRect(double x, double y, double w, double h, int flags = 0); void ClearClipRect() { screen.ClearClipRect(); } //============================================================================ // // DBaseStatusBar :: GetCurrentAmmo // // Returns the types and amounts of ammo used by the current weapon. If the // weapon only uses one type of ammo, it is always returned as ammo1. // //============================================================================ Ammo, Ammo, int, int GetCurrentAmmo () const { Ammo ammo1, ammo2; if (CPlayer.ReadyWeapon != NULL) { ammo1 = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon.Ammo1; ammo2 = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon.Ammo2; if (ammo1 == NULL) { ammo1 = ammo2; ammo2 = NULL; } } else { ammo1 = ammo2 = NULL; } let ammocount1 = ammo1 != NULL ? ammo1.Amount : 0; let ammocount2 = ammo2 != NULL ? ammo2.Amount : 0; return ammo1, ammo2, ammocount1, ammocount2; } //============================================================================ // // Get an icon // //============================================================================ TextureID, Vector2 GetIcon(Inventory item, int flags, bool showdepleted = true) { TextureID icon; Vector2 scale = (1,1); icon.SetInvalid(); if (item != null) { bool applyscale; [icon, applyscale] = GetInventoryIcon(item, flags); if (item.Amount == 0 && !showdepleted) return icon, scale; if (applyscale) scale = item.Scale; } return icon, scale; } //============================================================================ // // Returns how much the status bar's graphics extend into the view // Used for automap text positioning // The parameter specifies how much of the status bar area will be covered // by the element requesting this information. // //============================================================================ virtual int GetProtrusion(double scaleratio) const { return 0; } //============================================================================ // // Convenience functions to retrieve item tags // //============================================================================ String GetAmmoTag(bool secondary = false) { let w = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon; if (w == null) return ""; let ammo = secondary? w.ammo2 : w.ammo1; return ammo.GetTag(); } String GetWeaponTag() { let w = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon; if (w == null) return ""; return w.GetTag(); } String GetSelectedInventoryTag() { let w =; if (w == null) return ""; return w.GetTag(); } // These cannot be done in ZScript. native static String GetGlobalACSString(int index); native static String GetGlobalACSArrayString(int arrayno, int index); native static int GetGlobalACSValue(int index); native static int GetGlobalACSArrayValue(int arrayno, int index); //============================================================================ // // Convenience functions to retrieve some numbers // //============================================================================ int GetArmorAmount() { let armor ="BasicArmor"); return armor? armor.Amount : 0; } int, int GetAmount(class<Inventory> item) { let it =; int ret1 = it? it.Amount : 0; int ret2 = it? it.MaxAmount : GetDefaultByType(item).MaxAmount; return ret1, ret2; } int GetMaxAmount(class<Inventory> item) { let it =; return it? it.MaxAmount : GetDefaultByType(item).MaxAmount; } int GetArmorSavePercent() { double add = 0; let harmor = HexenArmor("HexenArmor")); if(harmor != NULL) { add = harmor.Slots[0] + harmor.Slots[1] + harmor.Slots[2] + harmor.Slots[3] + harmor.Slots[4]; } //Hexen counts basic armor also so we should too. let armor = BasicArmor("BasicArmor")); if(armor != NULL) { add += armor.SavePercent * 100; } return int(add); } // Note that this retrieves the value in tics, not seconds like the equivalent SBARINFO function. // The idea is to let the caller decide what to do with it instead of destroying accuracy here. int GetAirTime() { if( < 3) return level.airsupply; else return max(CPlayer.air_finished - level.time, 0); } int GetSelectedInventoryAmount() { if( != NULL) return; return 0; } int GetKeyCount() { int num = 0; for(Inventory item =;item != NULL;item = item.Inv) { if(item is "Key") num++; } return num; } //============================================================================ // // various checker functions, based on SBARINFOs condition nodes. // //============================================================================ //============================================================================ // // checks ammo use of current weapon // //============================================================================ bool WeaponUsesAmmo(int ValidModes) { if (CPlayer == null) return false; let w = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon; if (w == null) return false; bool usesammo1 = w.AmmoType1 != NULL; bool usesammo2 = w.AmmoType2 != NULL; if (ValidModes == AMMO_PRIMARY) return usesammo1; if (ValidModes == AMMO_SECONDARY) return usesammo2; if (ValidModes == AMMO_ANY) return (usesammo1 || usesammo2); if (ValidModes == AMMO_BOTH) return (usesammo1 && usesammo2); return false; } //============================================================================ // // checks if inventory bar is visible // //============================================================================ bool isInventoryBarVisible() { if (CPlayer == null) return false; return (CPlayer.inventorytics > 0 && !level.NoInventoryBar); } //============================================================================ // // checks if aspect ratio is in a given range // //============================================================================ bool CheckAspectRatio(double min, double max) { if (CPlayer == null) return false; double aspect = screen.GetAspectRatio(); return (aspect >= min && aspect < max); } //============================================================================ // // checks if weapon is selected. // //============================================================================ bool CheckWeaponSelected(class<Weapon> weap, bool checksister = true) { if (CPlayer == null) return false; let w = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon; if (w == null) return false; if (w.GetClass() == weap) return true; if (checksister && w.SisterWeapon != null && w.SisterWeapon.GetClass() == weap) return true; return false; } //============================================================================ // // checks if player has the given display name // //============================================================================ bool CheckDisplayName(String displayname) { if (CPlayer == null) return false; return displayname == PlayerPawn.GetPrintableDisplayName(; } //============================================================================ // // checks if player has the given weapon piece // //============================================================================ int CheckWeaponPiece(class<Weapon> weap, int piecenum) { if (CPlayer == null) return false; for(let inv =; inv != NULL; inv = inv.Inv) { let wh = WeaponHolder(inv); if (wh != null && wh.PieceWeapon == weap) { return (!!(wh.PieceMask & (1 << (PieceNum-1)))); } } return false; } //============================================================================ // // checks if player has the given weapon piece // //============================================================================ int GetWeaponPieceMask(class<Weapon> weap) { if (CPlayer == null) return false; for(let inv =; inv != NULL; inv = inv.Inv) { let wh = WeaponHolder(inv); if (wh != null && wh.PieceWeapon == weap) { return wh.PieceMask; } } return 0; } //============================================================================ // // checks if player has the given weapon piece // //============================================================================ bool WeaponUsesAmmoType(class<Ammo> ammotype) { if (CPlayer == null) return false; let w = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon; if (w == NULL) return false; return w.AmmoType1 == ammotype || w.AmmoType2 == ammotype; } //============================================================================ // // checks if player has the required health // //============================================================================ bool CheckHealth(int Amount, bool percentage = false) { if (CPlayer == null) return false; int phealth = percentage ? * 100 / :; return (phealth >= Amount); } //============================================================================ // // checks if player is invulnerable // //============================================================================ bool isInvulnerable() { if (CPlayer == null) return false; return (( || (CPlayer.cheats & (CF_GODMODE | CF_GODMODE2))); } //============================================================================ // // checks if player owns enough of the item // //============================================================================ bool CheckInventory(class<Inventory> item, int amount = 1) { if (CPlayer == null) return false; let it =; return it != null && it.Amount >= amount; } //============================================================================ // // mypos cheat // //============================================================================ virtual void DrawMyPos() { int height = SmallFont.GetHeight(); int i; int vwidth; int vheight; int xpos; int y; let scalevec = GetHUDScale(); int scale = int(scalevec.X); vwidth = screen.GetWidth() / scale; vheight = screen.GetHeight() / scale; xpos = vwidth - SmallFont.StringWidth("X: -00000")-6; y = GetTopOfStatusBar() / (3*scale) - height; Vector3 pos =; for (i = 0; i < 3; y += height, ++i) { double v = i == 0? pos.X : i == 1? pos.Y : pos.Z; String line = String.Format("%c: %d", int("X") + i, v); screen.DrawText (SmallFont, Font.CR_GREEN, xpos, y, line, DTA_KeepRatio, true, DTA_VirtualWidth, vwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, vheight); } } //============================================================================ // // automap HUD common drawer // This is not called directly to give a status bar the opportunity to // change the text colors. If you want to do something different, // override DrawAutomap directly. // //============================================================================ protected void DoDrawAutomapHUD(int crdefault, int highlight) { let scale = GetHUDScale(); double textdist = 8. / scale.Y; int height = SmallFont.GetHeight(); String printtext; int SCREENWIDTH = screen.GetWidth(); BeginHUD(); // Draw timer let y = textdist; let width = SmallFont.StringWidth("00:00:00"); if (am_showtime) { printtext = level.TimeFormatted(); DrawString(mSmallFont, level.TimeFormatted(), (-textdist-width, y), 0, crdefault); y += height; } if (am_showtotaltime) { DrawString(mSmallFont, level.TimeFormatted(true), (-textdist-width, y), 0, crdefault); } if (!deathmatch) { y = textdist; // Draw monster count if (am_showmonsters) { DrawString(mSmallFont, String.Format("%s\34%c %d/%d", Stringtable.Localize("$AM_MONSTERS"), crdefault+65, level.killed_monsters, level.total_monsters), (textdist, y), 0, highlight); y += height; } // Draw secret count if (am_showsecrets) { DrawString(mSmallFont, String.Format("%s\34%c %d/%d", Stringtable.Localize("$AM_SECRETS"), crdefault+65, level.found_secrets, level.total_secrets), (textdist, y), 0, highlight); y += height; } // Draw item count if (am_showitems) { DrawString(mSmallFont, String.Format("%s\34%c %d/%d", Stringtable.Localize("$AM_ITEMS"), crdefault+65, level.found_items, level.total_items), (textdist, y), 0, highlight); } } String mapname = level.FormatMapName(crdefault); BrokenLines lines = SmallFont.BreakLines(mapname, int(SCREENWIDTH / scale.X)); int numlines = lines.Count(); int finalwidth = int(SmallFont.StringWidth(lines.StringAt(numlines-1)) * scale.X); // calculate the top of the statusbar including any protrusion and transform it from status bar to screen space. double tmp, hres; [tmp, tmp, hres] = StatusbarToRealCoords(0, 0, HorizontalResolution); int protrusion = GetProtrusion(finalwidth / hres); [tmp, tmp, tmp, hres] = StatusbarToRealCoords(0, 0, 0, protrusion); // transform the top of the status bar position from screen to HUD space (a direct transformation from status bar to HUD space does not exist.) y = (GetTopOfStatusBar() - hres) / scale.Y - height * numlines; // Draw the texts centered above the status bar. for(int i = 0; i < numlines; i++) { DrawString(mSmallFont, lines.StringAt(i), (0, y), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER|DI_SCREEN_HCENTER|DI_SCREEN_TOP, highlight); y += height; } } virtual void DrawAutomapHUD(double ticFrac) { // game needs to be checked here, so that SBARINFO also gets the correct colors. DoDrawAutomapHUD(Font.CR_GREY, gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomChex? Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED : Font.CR_YELLOW); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // DrawPowerups // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void DrawPowerups () { // The AltHUD specific adjustments have been removed here, because the AltHUD uses its own variant of this function // that can obey AltHUD rules - which this cannot. Vector2 pos = (-20, POWERUPICONSIZE * 5 / 4); double maxpos = screen.GetWidth() / 2; for (let iitem =; iitem != NULL; iitem = iitem.Inv) { let item = Powerup(iitem); if (item != null) { let icon = item.GetPowerupIcon(); if (icon.IsValid() && !item.IsBlinking()) { // Each icon gets a 32x32 block. DrawTexture(icon, pos, DI_SCREEN_RIGHT_TOP, 1.0, (POWERUPICONSIZE, POWERUPICONSIZE)); pos.x -= POWERUPICONSIZE; if (pos.x < -maxpos) { pos.x = -20; pos.y += POWERUPICONSIZE * 3 / 2; } } } } } //============================================================================ // // draw stuff // //============================================================================ int GetTranslation() const { if(gameinfo.gametype & GAME_Raven) return Translation.MakeID(TRANSLATION_PlayersExtra,; else return Translation.MakeID(TRANSLATION_Players,; } //============================================================================ // // // //============================================================================ void DrawHexenArmor(int armortype, String image, Vector2 pos, int flags = 0, double alpha = 1.0, Vector2 boxsize = (-1, -1), Vector2 scale = (1.,1.)) { let harmor = HexenArmor("HexenArmor")); if (harmor != NULL) { let slotval = harmor.Slots[armorType]; let slotincr = harmor.SlotsIncrement[armorType]; if (slotval > 0 && slotincr > 0) { //combine the alpha values alpha *= MIN(1., slotval / slotincr); } else return; } DrawImage(image, pos, flags, alpha, boxsize, scale); } //============================================================================ // // // //============================================================================ void DrawInventoryIcon(Inventory item, Vector2 pos, int flags = 0, double alpha = 1.0, Vector2 boxsize = (-1, -1), Vector2 scale = (1.,1.)) { static const String flashimgs[]= { "USEARTID", "USEARTIC", "USEARTIB", "USEARTIA" }; TextureID texture; Vector2 applyscale; [texture, applyscale] = GetIcon(item, flags, false); if((flags & DI_ARTIFLASH) && artiflashTick > 0) { DrawImage(flashimgs[artiflashTick-1], pos, flags | DI_TRANSLATABLE, alpha, boxsize); } else if (texture.IsValid()) { if ((flags & DI_DIMDEPLETED) && item.Amount <= 0) flags |= DI_DIM; applyscale.X *= scale.X; applyscale.Y *= scale.Y; DrawTexture(texture, pos, flags, alpha, boxsize, applyscale); } } //============================================================================ // // // //============================================================================ void DrawShader(int which, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size, int flags = 0, double alpha = 1.) { static const String texnames[] = {"BarShaderHF", "BarShaderHR", "BarShaderVF", "BarShaderVR" }; DrawImage(texnames[which], pos, DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP|DI_ALPHAMAPPED|DI_FORCEFILL | (flags & ~(DI_ITEM_HMASK|DI_ITEM_VMASK)), alpha, size); } //============================================================================ // // // //============================================================================ Vector2, int AdjustPosition(Vector2 position, int flags, double width, double height) { // This must be done here, before altered coordinates get sent to the draw functions. if (!(flags & DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN)) { if (position.x < 0) flags |= DI_SCREEN_RIGHT; else flags |= DI_SCREEN_LEFT; if (position.y < 0) flags |= DI_SCREEN_BOTTOM; else flags |= DI_SCREEN_TOP; } // placement by offset is not supported because the inventory bar is a composite. switch (flags & DI_ITEM_HMASK) { case DI_ITEM_HCENTER: position.x -= width / 2; break; case DI_ITEM_RIGHT: position.x -= width; break; } switch (flags & DI_ITEM_VMASK) { case DI_ITEM_VCENTER: position.y -= height / 2; break; case DI_ITEM_BOTTOM: position.y -= height; break; } // clear all alignment flags so that the following code only passes on the rest flags &= ~(DI_ITEM_VMASK|DI_ITEM_HMASK); return position, flags; } //============================================================================ // // note that this does not implement chain wiggling, this is because // it would severely complicate the parameter list. The calling code is // normally in a better position to do the needed calculations anyway. // //============================================================================ void DrawGem(String chain, String gem, int displayvalue, int maxrange, Vector2 pos, int leftpadding, int rightpadding, int chainmod, int flags = 0) { TextureID chaintex = TexMan.CheckForTexture(chain, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch); if (!chaintex.IsValid()) return; Vector2 chainsize = TexMan.GetScaledSize(chaintex); [pos, flags] = AdjustPosition(pos, flags, chainsize.X, chainsize.Y); displayvalue = clamp(displayvalue, 0, maxrange); int offset = int(double(chainsize.X - leftpadding - rightpadding) * displayvalue / maxrange); DrawTexture(chaintex, pos + (offset % chainmod, 0), flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); DrawImage(gem, pos + (offset + leftPadding, 0), flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); } //============================================================================ // // DrawBar // //============================================================================ void DrawBar(String ongfx, String offgfx, double curval, double maxval, Vector2 position, int border, int vertical, int flags = 0) { let ontex = TexMan.CheckForTexture(ongfx, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch); if (!ontex.IsValid()) return; let offtex = TexMan.CheckForTexture(offgfx, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch); Vector2 texsize = TexMan.GetScaledSize(ontex); [position, flags] = AdjustPosition(position, flags, texsize.X, texsize.Y); double value = (maxval != 0) ? clamp(curval / maxval, 0, 1) : 0; if(border != 0) value = 1. - value; //invert since the new drawing method requires drawing the bg on the fg. // {cx, cb, cr, cy} double Clip[4]; Clip[0] = Clip[1] = Clip[2] = Clip[3] = 0; bool horizontal = !(vertical & SHADER_VERT); bool reverse = !!(vertical & SHADER_REVERSE); double sizeOfImage = (horizontal ? texsize.X - border*2 : texsize.Y - border*2); Clip[(!horizontal) | ((!reverse)<<1)] = sizeOfImage - sizeOfImage *value; // preserve the active clipping rectangle int cx, cy, cw, ch; [cx, cy, cw, ch] = screen.GetClipRect(); if(border != 0) { for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) Clip[i] += border; //Draw the whole foreground DrawTexture(ontex, position, flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); SetClipRect(position.X + Clip[0], position.Y + Clip[1], texsize.X - Clip[0] - Clip[2], texsize.Y - Clip[1] - Clip[3], flags); } if (offtex.IsValid() && TexMan.GetScaledSize(offtex) == texsize) DrawTexture(offtex, position, flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); else Fill(color(255,0,0,0), position.X + Clip[0], position.Y + Clip[1], texsize.X - Clip[0] - Clip[2], texsize.Y - Clip[1] - Clip[3]); if (border == 0) { SetClipRect(position.X + Clip[0], position.Y + Clip[1], texsize.X - Clip[0] - Clip[2], texsize.Y - Clip[1] - Clip[3], flags); DrawTexture(ontex, position, flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP); } // restore the previous clipping rectangle screen.SetClipRect(cx, cy, cw, ch); } //============================================================================ // // DrawInventoryBar // // This function needs too many parameters, so most have been offloaded to // a struct to keep code readable and allow initialization somewhere outside // the actual drawing code. // //============================================================================ // Except for the placement information this gets all info from the struct that gets passed in. void DrawInventoryBar(InventoryBarState parms, Vector2 position, int numfields, int flags = 0, double bgalpha = 1.) { double width = parms.boxsize.X * numfields; [position, flags] = AdjustPosition(position, flags, width, parms.boxsize.Y); = ValidateInvFirst(numfields); if ( == null) return; // Player has no listed inventory items. Vector2 boxsize = parms.boxsize; // First draw all the boxes for(int i = 0; i < numfields; i++) { DrawTexture(, position + (boxsize.X * i, 0), flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, bgalpha); } // now the items and the rest Vector2 itempos = position + boxsize / 2; Vector2 textpos = position + boxsize - (1, 1 + parms.amountfont.mFont.GetHeight()); int i = 0; Inventory item; for(item =; item != NULL && i < numfields; item = item.NextInv()) { for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (j ^ !!(flags & DI_DRAWCURSORFIRST)) { if (item == { double flashAlpha = bgalpha; if (flags & DI_ARTIFLASH) flashAlpha *= itemflashFade; DrawTexture(parms.selector, position + parms.selectofs + (boxsize.X * i, 0), flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, flashAlpha); } } else { DrawInventoryIcon(item, itempos + (boxsize.X * i, 0), flags | DI_ITEM_CENTER ); } } if (parms.amountfont != null && (item.Amount > 1 || (flags & DI_ALWAYSSHOWCOUNTERS))) { DrawString(parms.amountfont, FormatNumber(item.Amount, 0, 5), textpos + (boxsize.X * i, 0), flags | DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,, parms.itemalpha); } i++; } // Is there something to the left? if ( != { DrawTexture(parms.left, position + (-parms.arrowoffset.X, parms.arrowoffset.Y), flags | DI_ITEM_RIGHT|DI_ITEM_VCENTER); } // Is there something to the right? if (item != NULL) { DrawTexture(parms.right, position + parms.arrowoffset + (width, 0), flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT|DI_ITEM_VCENTER); } } } //============================================================================ // // a generic value interpolator for status bar elements that can change // gradually to their new value. // //============================================================================ class LinearValueInterpolator : Object { int mCurrentValue; int mMaxChange; static LinearValueInterpolator Create(int startval, int maxchange) { let v = new("LinearValueInterpolator"); v.mCurrentValue = startval; v.mMaxChange = maxchange; return v; } void Reset(int value) { mCurrentValue = value; } // This must be called peroiodically in the status bar's Tick function. // Do not call this in the Draw function because that may skip some frames! void Update(int destvalue) { if (mCurrentValue > destvalue) { mCurrentValue = max(destvalue, mCurrentValue - mMaxChange); } else { mCurrentValue = min(destvalue, mCurrentValue + mMaxChange); } } // This must be called in the draw function to retrieve the value for output. int GetValue() { return mCurrentValue; } } class DynamicValueInterpolator : Object { int mCurrentValue; int mMinChange; int mMaxChange; double mChangeFactor; static DynamicValueInterpolator Create(int startval, double changefactor, int minchange, int maxchange) { let v = new("DynamicValueInterpolator"); v.mCurrentValue = startval; v.mMinChange = minchange; v.mMaxChange = maxchange; v.mChangeFactor = changefactor; return v; } void Reset(int value) { mCurrentValue = value; } // This must be called peroiodically in the status bar's Tick function. // Do not call this in the Draw function because that may skip some frames! void Update(int destvalue) { int diff = int(clamp(abs(destvalue - mCurrentValue) * mChangeFactor, mMinChange, mMaxChange)); if (mCurrentValue > destvalue) { mCurrentValue = max(destvalue, mCurrentValue - diff); } else { mCurrentValue = min(destvalue, mCurrentValue + diff); } } // This must be called in the draw function to retrieve the value for output. int GetValue() { return mCurrentValue; } }