/* ** g_level.cpp ** controls movement between levels ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 1998-2006 Randy Heit ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include #include "templates.h" #include "d_main.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "d_event.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "doomerrors.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "wi_stuff.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "am_map.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "r_sky.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "intermission/intermission.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "st_stuff.h" #include "hu_stuff.h" #include "p_saveg.h" #include "p_acs.h" #include "d_protocol.h" #include "v_text.h" #include "s_sndseq.h" #include "b_bot.h" #include "sbar.h" #include "a_lightning.h" #include "version.h" #include "sbarinfo.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "d_net.h" #include "d_netinf.h" #include "menu/menu.h" #include "a_sharedglobal.h" #include "r_renderer.h" #include "r_utility.h" #include "p_spec.h" #include "serializer.h" #include "vm.h" #include "events.h" #include "i_music.h" #include "a_dynlight.h" #include "p_conversation.h" #include "p_effect.h" #include "stringtable.h" #include "gi.h" #include "g_hub.h" #include "g_levellocals.h" #include "actorinlines.h" #include "i_time.h" #include "p_maputl.h" void STAT_StartNewGame(const char *lev); void STAT_ChangeLevel(const char *newl, FLevelLocals *Level); EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, save_formatted) EXTERN_CVAR (Float, sv_gravity) EXTERN_CVAR (Float, sv_aircontrol) EXTERN_CVAR (Int, disableautosave) EXTERN_CVAR (String, playerclass) #define SNAP_ID MAKE_ID('s','n','A','p') #define DSNP_ID MAKE_ID('d','s','N','p') #define VIST_ID MAKE_ID('v','i','S','t') #define ACSD_ID MAKE_ID('a','c','S','d') #define RCLS_ID MAKE_ID('r','c','L','s') #define PCLS_ID MAKE_ID('p','c','L','s') void G_VerifySkill(); CUSTOM_CVAR(Bool, gl_brightfog, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NOINITCALL) { for (auto Level : AllLevels()) { if (Level->info == nullptr || Level->info->brightfog == -1) Level->brightfog = self; } } CUSTOM_CVAR(Bool, gl_lightadditivesurfaces, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NOINITCALL) { for (auto Level : AllLevels()) { if (Level->info == nullptr || Level->info->lightadditivesurfaces == -1) Level->lightadditivesurfaces = self; } } CUSTOM_CVAR(Bool, gl_notexturefill, false, CVAR_NOINITCALL) { for (auto Level : AllLevels()) { if (Level->info == nullptr || Level->info->notexturefill == -1) Level->notexturefill = self; } } CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, gl_lightmode, 3, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NOINITCALL) { int newself = self; if (newself > 8) newself = 16; // use 8 and 16 for software lighting to avoid conflicts with the bit mask else if (newself > 4) newself = 8; else if (newself < 0) newself = 0; if (self != newself) self = newself; else for (auto Level : AllLevels()) { if ((Level->info == nullptr || Level->info->lightmode == ELightMode::NotSet)) Level->lightMode = (ELightMode)*self; } } static FRandom pr_classchoice ("RandomPlayerClassChoice"); extern level_info_t TheDefaultLevelInfo; extern bool timingdemo; // Start time for timing demos int starttime; extern FString BackupSaveName; bool savegamerestore; int finishstate = FINISH_NoHub; extern int mousex, mousey; extern bool sendpause, sendsave, sendturn180, SendLand; void *statcopy; // for statistics driver FLevelLocals level; // info about current level FLevelLocals *primaryLevel = &level; // level for which to display the user interface. FLevelLocals *currentVMLevel = &level; // level which currently ticks. Used as global input to the VM and some functions called by it. //========================================================================== // // G_InitNew // Can be called by the startup code or the menu task, // consoleplayer, playeringame[] should be set. // //========================================================================== static FString d_mapname; static int d_skill=-1; void G_DeferedInitNew (const char *mapname, int newskill) { d_mapname = mapname; d_skill = newskill; CheckWarpTransMap (d_mapname, true); gameaction = ga_newgame2; } void G_DeferedInitNew (FGameStartup *gs) { if (gs->PlayerClass != NULL) playerclass = gs->PlayerClass; d_mapname = AllEpisodes[gs->Episode].mEpisodeMap; d_skill = gs->Skill; CheckWarpTransMap (d_mapname, true); gameaction = ga_newgame2; finishstate = FINISH_NoHub; } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== CCMD (map) { if (netgame) { Printf ("Use " TEXTCOLOR_BOLD "changemap" TEXTCOLOR_NORMAL " instead. " TEXTCOLOR_BOLD "Map" TEXTCOLOR_NORMAL " is for single-player only.\n"); return; } if (argv.argc() > 1) { const char *mapname = argv[1]; if (!strcmp(mapname, "*")) mapname = primaryLevel->MapName.GetChars(); try { if (!P_CheckMapData(mapname)) { Printf ("No map %s\n", mapname); } else { if (argv.argc() > 2 && stricmp(argv[2], "coop") == 0) { deathmatch = false; multiplayernext = true; } else if (argv.argc() > 2 && stricmp(argv[2], "dm") == 0) { deathmatch = true; multiplayernext = true; } G_DeferedInitNew (mapname); } } catch(CRecoverableError &error) { if (error.GetMessage()) Printf("%s", error.GetMessage()); } } else { Printf ("Usage: map [coop|dm]\n"); } } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== UNSAFE_CCMD(recordmap) { if (netgame) { Printf("You cannot record a new game while in a netgame.\n"); return; } if (argv.argc() > 2) { const char *mapname = argv[2]; if (!strcmp(mapname, "*")) mapname = primaryLevel->MapName.GetChars(); try { if (!P_CheckMapData(mapname)) { Printf("No map %s\n", mapname); } else { if (argv.argc() > 3 && stricmp(argv[3], "coop") == 0) { deathmatch = false; multiplayernext = true; } else if (argv.argc() > 3 && stricmp(argv[3], "dm") == 0) { deathmatch = true; multiplayernext = true; } G_DeferedInitNew(mapname); gameaction = ga_recordgame; newdemoname = argv[1]; newdemomap = mapname; } } catch (CRecoverableError &error) { if (error.GetMessage()) Printf("%s", error.GetMessage()); } } else { Printf("Usage: recordmap [coop|dm]\n"); } } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== UNSAFE_CCMD (open) { if (netgame) { Printf ("You cannot use open in multiplayer games.\n"); return; } if (argv.argc() > 1) { d_mapname = "file:"; d_mapname += argv[1]; if (!P_CheckMapData(d_mapname)) { Printf ("No map %s\n", d_mapname.GetChars()); } else { if (argv.argc() > 2 && stricmp(argv[2], "coop") == 0) { deathmatch = false; multiplayernext = true; } else if (argv.argc() > 2 && stricmp(argv[2], "dm") == 0) { deathmatch = true; multiplayernext = true; } gameaction = ga_newgame2; d_skill = -1; } } else { Printf ("Usage: open [coop|dm]\n"); } } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void G_NewInit () { int i; // Destory all old player refrences that may still exist TThinkerIterator it(primaryLevel, NAME_PlayerPawn, STAT_TRAVELLING); AActor *pawn, *next; next = it.Next(); while ((pawn = next) != NULL) { next = it.Next(); pawn->flags |= MF_NOSECTOR | MF_NOBLOCKMAP; pawn->Destroy(); } G_ClearSnapshots (); netgame = false; multiplayer = multiplayernext; multiplayernext = false; if (demoplayback) { C_RestoreCVars (); demoplayback = false; D_SetupUserInfo (); } for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { player_t *p = &players[i]; userinfo_t saved_ui; saved_ui.TransferFrom(p->userinfo); const int chasecam = p->cheats & CF_CHASECAM; const bool settings_controller = p->settings_controller; p->~player_t(); ::new(p) player_t; p->settings_controller = settings_controller; p->cheats |= chasecam; p->playerstate = PST_DEAD; p->userinfo.TransferFrom(saved_ui); playeringame[i] = false; } BackupSaveName = ""; consoleplayer = 0; NextSkill = -1; } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void G_DoNewGame (void) { G_NewInit (); playeringame[consoleplayer] = 1; if (d_skill != -1) { gameskill = d_skill; } G_InitNew (d_mapname, false); gameaction = ga_nothing; } //========================================================================== // // Initializes player classes in case they are random. // This gets called at the start of a new game, and the classes // chosen here are used for the remainder of a single-player // or coop game. These are ignored for deathmatch. // //========================================================================== static void InitPlayerClasses () { if (!savegamerestore) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { SinglePlayerClass[i] = players[i].userinfo.GetPlayerClassNum(); if (SinglePlayerClass[i] < 0 || !playeringame[i]) { SinglePlayerClass[i] = (pr_classchoice()) % PlayerClasses.Size (); } players[i].cls = NULL; players[i].CurrentPlayerClass = SinglePlayerClass[i]; } } } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void G_InitNew (const char *mapname, bool bTitleLevel) { bool wantFast; int i; // did we have any level before? if (primaryLevel->info != nullptr) staticEventManager.WorldUnloaded(); if (!savegamerestore) { G_ClearHubInfo(); G_ClearSnapshots (); P_RemoveDefereds (); // [RH] Mark all levels as not visited for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wadlevelinfos.Size(); i++) wadlevelinfos[i].flags = wadlevelinfos[i].flags & ~LEVEL_VISITED; } UnlatchCVars (); G_VerifySkill(); UnlatchCVars (); for (auto Level : AllLevels()) { Level->Thinkers.DestroyThinkersInList(STAT_STATIC); } if (paused) { paused = 0; S_ResumeSound (false); } ST_CreateStatusBar(bTitleLevel); setsizeneeded = true; // [RH] If this map doesn't exist, bomb out if (!P_CheckMapData(mapname)) { I_Error ("Could not find map %s\n", mapname); } wantFast = !!G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_FastMonsters); GameSpeed = wantFast ? SPEED_Fast : SPEED_Normal; if (!savegamerestore) { if (!netgame && !demorecording && !demoplayback) { // [RH] Change the random seed for each new single player game // [ED850] The demo already sets the RNG. rngseed = use_staticrng ? staticrngseed : (rngseed + 1); } FRandom::StaticClearRandom (); P_ClearACSVars(true); primaryLevel->time = 0; primaryLevel->maptime = 0; primaryLevel->totaltime = 0; primaryLevel->spawnindex = 0; if (!multiplayer || !deathmatch) { InitPlayerClasses (); } // force players to be initialized upon first level load for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) players[i].playerstate = PST_ENTER; // [BC] STAT_StartNewGame(mapname); } usergame = !bTitleLevel; // will be set false if a demo paused = 0; demoplayback = false; automapactive = false; viewactive = true; //Added by MC: Initialize bots. if (!deathmatch) { primaryLevel->BotInfo.Init (); } if (bTitleLevel) { gamestate = GS_TITLELEVEL; } else if (gamestate != GS_STARTUP) { gamestate = GS_LEVEL; } G_DoLoadLevel (mapname, 0, false, !savegamerestore); if (!savegamerestore && (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife || (SBarInfoScript[SCRIPT_CUSTOM] != nullptr && SBarInfoScript[SCRIPT_CUSTOM]->GetGameType() == GAME_Strife))) { // Set the initial quest log text for Strife. for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i]) players[i].SetLogText("$TXT_FINDHELP"); } } } // // G_DoCompleted // static FString nextlevel; static int startpos; // [RH] Support for multiple starts per level extern int NoWipe; // [RH] Don't wipe when travelling in hubs static int changeflags; static bool unloading; //========================================================================== // // [RH] The position parameter to these next three functions should // match the first parameter of the single player start spots // that should appear in the next map. // //========================================================================== EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, sv_singleplayerrespawn) void FLevelLocals::ChangeLevel(const char *levelname, int position, int inflags, int nextSkill) { if (!isPrimaryLevel()) return; // only the primary level may exit. FString nextlevel; level_info_t *nextinfo = nullptr; if (unloading) { Printf (TEXTCOLOR_RED "Unloading scripts cannot exit the level again.\n"); return; } if (gameaction == ga_completed && !(i_compatflags2 & COMPATF2_MULTIEXIT)) // do not exit multiple times. { return; } if (levelname == NULL || *levelname == 0) { // end the game levelname = NULL; if (!NextMap.Compare("enDSeQ",6)) { nextlevel = NextMap; // If there is already an end sequence please leave it alone! } else { nextlevel.Format("enDSeQ%04x", int(gameinfo.DefaultEndSequence)); } } else if (strncmp(levelname, "enDSeQ", 6) != 0) { FString reallevelname = levelname; CheckWarpTransMap(reallevelname, true); nextinfo = FindLevelInfo (reallevelname, false); if (nextinfo != NULL) { level_info_t *nextredir = nextinfo->CheckLevelRedirect(); if (nextredir != NULL) { nextinfo = nextredir; } nextlevel = nextinfo->MapName; } else { nextlevel = levelname; } } else { nextlevel = levelname; } if (nextSkill != -1) NextSkill = nextSkill; if (inflags & CHANGELEVEL_NOINTERMISSION) { flags |= LEVEL_NOINTERMISSION; } cluster_info_t *thiscluster = FindClusterInfo (cluster); cluster_info_t *nextcluster = nextinfo? FindClusterInfo (nextinfo->cluster) : NULL; startpos = position; SetMusicVolume(1.0); if (nextinfo != NULL) { if (thiscluster != nextcluster || (thiscluster && !(thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_HUB))) { if (nextinfo->flags2 & LEVEL2_RESETINVENTORY) { inflags |= CHANGELEVEL_RESETINVENTORY; } if (nextinfo->flags2 & LEVEL2_RESETHEALTH) { inflags |= CHANGELEVEL_RESETHEALTH; } } } changeflags = inflags; BotInfo.End(); //Added by MC: // [RH] Give scripts a chance to do something unloading = true; Behaviors.StartTypedScripts (SCRIPT_Unloading, NULL, false, 0, true); // [ZZ] safe world unload for (auto Level : AllLevels()) { // Todo: This must be exolicitly sandboxed! Level->localEventManager->WorldUnloaded(); } // [ZZ] unsafe world unload (changemap != map) staticEventManager.WorldUnloaded(); unloading = false; STAT_ChangeLevel(nextlevel, this); if (thiscluster && (thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_HUB)) { if ((flags & LEVEL_NOINTERMISSION) || ((nextcluster == thiscluster) && !(thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_ALLOWINTERMISSION))) NoWipe = 35; D_DrawIcon = "TELEICON"; } for(int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (PlayerInGame(i)) { player_t *player = Players[i]; // Un-crouch all players here. player->Uncrouch(); // If this is co-op, respawn any dead players now so they can // keep their inventory on the next map. if ((multiplayer || flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLOWRESPAWN || sv_singleplayerrespawn || !!G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_PlayerRespawn)) && !deathmatch && player->playerstate == PST_DEAD) { // Copied from the end of P_DeathThink [[ player->cls = NULL; // Force a new class if the player is using a random class player->playerstate = PST_REBORN; if (player->mo->special1 > 2) { player->mo->special1 = 0; } // ]] DoReborn(i, false); } } } // Set global transition state. gameaction = ga_completed; ::nextlevel = nextlevel; } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== const char *FLevelLocals::GetSecretExitMap() { const char *nextmap = NextMap; if (NextSecretMap.Len() > 0) { if (P_CheckMapData(NextSecretMap)) { nextmap = NextSecretMap; } } return nextmap; } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void FLevelLocals::ExitLevel (int position, bool keepFacing) { flags3 |= LEVEL3_EXITNORMALUSED; ChangeLevel(NextMap, position, keepFacing ? CHANGELEVEL_KEEPFACING : 0); } static void LevelLocals_ExitLevel(FLevelLocals *self, int position, bool keepFacing) { self->ExitLevel(position, keepFacing); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_NATIVE(FLevelLocals, ExitLevel, LevelLocals_ExitLevel) { PARAM_SELF_STRUCT_PROLOGUE(FLevelLocals); PARAM_INT(position); PARAM_INT(keepFacing); self->ExitLevel(position, keepFacing); return 0; } void FLevelLocals::SecretExitLevel (int position) { flags3 |= LEVEL3_EXITSECRETUSED; ChangeLevel(GetSecretExitMap(), position, 0); } static void LevelLocals_SecretExitLevel(FLevelLocals *self, int position) { self->SecretExitLevel(position); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_NATIVE(FLevelLocals, SecretExitLevel, LevelLocals_SecretExitLevel) { PARAM_SELF_STRUCT_PROLOGUE(FLevelLocals); PARAM_INT(position); self->SecretExitLevel(position); return 0; } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== static wbstartstruct_t staticWmInfo; void G_DoCompleted (void) { gameaction = ga_nothing; if ( gamestate == GS_DEMOSCREEN || gamestate == GS_FULLCONSOLE || gamestate == GS_STARTUP) { return; } if (gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL) { G_DoLoadLevel (nextlevel, startpos, false, false); startpos = 0; viewactive = true; return; } if (automapactive) AM_Stop (); // Close the conversation menu if open. P_FreeStrifeConversations (); if (primaryLevel->DoCompleted(nextlevel, staticWmInfo)) { gamestate = GS_INTERMISSION; viewactive = false; automapactive = false; // [RH] If you ever get a statistics driver operational, adapt this. // if (statcopy) // memcpy (statcopy, &wminfo, sizeof(wminfo)); WI_Start (&staticWmInfo); } } //========================================================================== // // Prepare the level to be exited and // set up the wminfo struct for the coming intermission screen // //========================================================================== bool FLevelLocals::DoCompleted (FString nextlevel, wbstartstruct_t &wminfo) { int i; // [RH] Mark this level as having been visited if (!(flags & LEVEL_CHANGEMAPCHEAT)) FindLevelInfo (MapName)->flags |= LEVEL_VISITED; uint32_t langtable[2] = {}; wminfo.finished_ep = cluster - 1; wminfo.LName0 = TexMan.CheckForTexture(info->PName, ETextureType::MiscPatch); wminfo.thisname = info->LookupLevelName(&langtable[0]); // re-get the name so we have more info about its origin. wminfo.current = MapName; if (deathmatch && (*dmflags & DF_SAME_LEVEL) && !(flags & LEVEL_CHANGEMAPCHEAT)) { wminfo.next = MapName; wminfo.LName1 = wminfo.LName0; wminfo.nextname = wminfo.thisname; } else { level_info_t *nextinfo = FindLevelInfo (nextlevel, false); if (nextinfo == NULL || strncmp (nextlevel, "enDSeQ", 6) == 0) { wminfo.next = ""; wminfo.LName1.SetInvalid(); wminfo.nextname = ""; } else { wminfo.next = nextinfo->MapName; wminfo.LName1 = TexMan.CheckForTexture(nextinfo->PName, ETextureType::MiscPatch); wminfo.nextname = nextinfo->LookupLevelName(&langtable[1]); } } // This cannot use any common localization logic because it may not replace user content at all. // Unlike the menus, replacements here do not merely change the style but also the content. // On the other hand, the IWAD lumps may always be replaced with text, because they are the same style as the BigFont. if (gameinfo.flags & GI_IGNORETITLEPATCHES) { FTextureID *texids[] = { &wminfo.LName0, &wminfo.LName1 }; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (texids[i]->isValid() && langtable[i] != FStringTable::default_table) { FTexture *tex = TexMan.GetTexture(*texids[i]); if (tex != nullptr) { int filenum = Wads.GetLumpFile(tex->GetSourceLump()); if (filenum >= 0 && filenum <= Wads.GetIwadNum()) { texids[i]->SetInvalid(); } } } } } CheckWarpTransMap (wminfo.next, true); nextlevel = wminfo.next; wminfo.next_ep = FindLevelInfo (wminfo.next)->cluster - 1; wminfo.maxkills = total_monsters; wminfo.maxitems = total_items; wminfo.maxsecret = total_secrets; wminfo.maxfrags = 0; wminfo.partime = TICRATE * partime; wminfo.sucktime = sucktime; wminfo.pnum = consoleplayer; wminfo.totaltime = totaltime; for (i=0 ; ikillcount; wminfo.plyr[i].sitems = Players[i]->itemcount; wminfo.plyr[i].ssecret = Players[i]->secretcount; wminfo.plyr[i].stime = time; memcpy (wminfo.plyr[i].frags, Players[i]->frags, sizeof(wminfo.plyr[i].frags)); wminfo.plyr[i].fragcount = Players[i]->fragcount; } // [RH] If we're in a hub and staying within that hub, take a snapshot. // If we're traveling to a new hub, take stuff from // the player and clear the world vars. If this is just an // ordinary cluster (not a hub), take stuff from the player, but // leave the world vars alone. cluster_info_t *thiscluster = FindClusterInfo (cluster); cluster_info_t *nextcluster = FindClusterInfo (wminfo.next_ep+1); // next_ep is cluster-1 EFinishLevelType mode; if (thiscluster != nextcluster || deathmatch || !(thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_HUB)) { if (nextcluster->flags & CLUSTER_HUB) { mode = FINISH_NextHub; } else { mode = FINISH_NoHub; } } else { mode = FINISH_SameHub; } // Intermission stats for entire hubs G_LeavingHub(this, mode, thiscluster, &wminfo); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { // take away appropriate inventory G_PlayerFinishLevel (i, mode, changeflags); } } if (mode == FINISH_SameHub) { // Remember the level's state for re-entry. if (!(flags2 & LEVEL2_FORGETSTATE)) { SnapshotLevel (); // Do not free any global strings this level might reference // while it's not loaded. Behaviors.LockLevelVarStrings(levelnum); } else { // Make sure we don't have a snapshot lying around from before. info->Snapshot.Clean(); } } else { // Forget the states of all existing levels. G_ClearSnapshots (); if (mode == FINISH_NextHub) { // Reset world variables for the new hub. P_ClearACSVars(false); } time = 0; maptime = 0; spawnindex = 0; } finishstate = mode; if (!deathmatch && ((flags & LEVEL_NOINTERMISSION) || ((nextcluster == thiscluster) && (thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_HUB) && !(thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_ALLOWINTERMISSION)))) { WorldDone (); return false; } return true; } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== class DAutosaver : public DThinker { DECLARE_CLASS (DAutosaver, DThinker) public: void Construct() {} void Tick (); }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DAutosaver, false, false) void DAutosaver::Tick () { Net_WriteByte (DEM_CHECKAUTOSAVE); Destroy (); } //========================================================================== // // G_DoLoadLevel // //========================================================================== extern gamestate_t wipegamestate; void G_DoLoadLevel(const FString &nextmapname, int position, bool autosave, bool newGame) { gamestate_t oldgs = gamestate; // Here the new level needs to be allocated. primaryLevel->DoLoadLevel(nextmapname, position, autosave, newGame); // Reset the global state for the new level. if (wipegamestate == GS_LEVEL) wipegamestate = GS_FORCEWIPE; if (gamestate != GS_TITLELEVEL) { gamestate = GS_LEVEL; } gameaction = ga_nothing; // clear cmd building stuff ResetButtonStates(); SendItemUse = nullptr; SendItemDrop = nullptr; mousex = mousey = 0; sendpause = sendsave = sendturn180 = SendLand = false; LocalViewAngle = 0; LocalViewPitch = 0; paused = 0; if (demoplayback || oldgs == GS_STARTUP || oldgs == GS_TITLELEVEL) C_HideConsole(); C_FlushDisplay(); P_ResetSightCounters(true); } void FLevelLocals::DoLoadLevel(const FString &nextmapname, int position, bool autosave, bool newGame) { MapName = nextmapname; static int lastposition = 0; int i; if (NextSkill >= 0) { UCVarValue val; val.Int = NextSkill; gameskill.ForceSet (val, CVAR_Int); NextSkill = -1; } if (position == -1) position = lastposition; else lastposition = position; Init(); StatusBar->DetachAllMessages (); // Force 'teamplay' to 'true' if need be. if (flags2 & LEVEL2_FORCETEAMPLAYON) teamplay = true; // Force 'teamplay' to 'false' if need be. if (flags2 & LEVEL2_FORCETEAMPLAYOFF) teamplay = false; if (isPrimaryLevel()) { FString mapname = nextmapname; mapname.ToUpper(); Printf("\n%s\n\n" TEXTCOLOR_BOLD "%s - %s\n\n", console_bar, mapname.GetChars(), LevelName.GetChars()); } // Set the sky map. // First thing, we have a dummy sky texture name, // a flat. The data is in the WAD only because // we look for an actual index, instead of simply // setting one. skyflatnum = TexMan.GetTextureID (gameinfo.SkyFlatName, ETextureType::Flat, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable); // [RH] Set up details about sky rendering InitSkyMap (this); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (PlayerInGame(i) && (deathmatch || Players[i]->playerstate == PST_DEAD)) Players[i]->playerstate = PST_ENTER; // [BC] memset (Players[i]->frags,0,sizeof(Players[i]->frags)); if (!(dmflags2 & DF2_YES_KEEPFRAGS) && (alwaysapplydmflags || deathmatch)) Players[i]->fragcount = 0; } if (changeflags & CHANGELEVEL_NOMONSTERS) { flags2 |= LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS; } else { flags2 &= ~LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS; } if (changeflags & CHANGELEVEL_PRERAISEWEAPON) { flags2 |= LEVEL2_PRERAISEWEAPON; } maptime = 0; if (newGame) { staticEventManager.NewGame(); } P_SetupLevel (this, position, newGame); //Added by MC: Initialize bots. if (deathmatch) { BotInfo.Init (); } if (timingdemo) { static bool firstTime = true; if (firstTime) { starttime = I_GetTime (); firstTime = false; } } starttime = gametic; UnSnapshotLevel (!savegamerestore); // [RH] Restore the state of the int pnumerr = FinishTravel (); if (!FromSnapshot) { for (int i = 0; imo != nullptr) P_PlayerStartStomp(Players[i]->mo); } } // For each player, if they are viewing through a player, make sure it is themselves. for (int ii = 0; ii < MAXPLAYERS; ++ii) { if (PlayerInGame(ii)) { if (Players[ii]->camera == nullptr || Players[ii]->camera->player != nullptr) { Players[ii]->camera = Players[ii]->mo; } if (savegamerestore) { continue; } const bool fromSnapshot = FromSnapshot; localEventManager->PlayerEntered(ii, fromSnapshot && finishstate == FINISH_SameHub); if (fromSnapshot) { // ENTER scripts are being handled when the player gets spawned, this cannot be changed due to its effect on voodoo dolls. Behaviors.StartTypedScripts(SCRIPT_Return, Players[ii]->mo, true); } } } if (FromSnapshot) { // [Nash] run REOPEN scripts upon map re-entry Behaviors.StartTypedScripts(SCRIPT_Reopen, NULL, false); } StatusBar->AttachToPlayer (&players[consoleplayer]); // unsafe world load staticEventManager.WorldLoaded(); // regular world load (savegames are handled internally) localEventManager->WorldLoaded(); DoDeferedScripts (); // [RH] Do script actions that were triggered on another map. // [RH] Always save the game when entering a new if (autosave && !savegamerestore && disableautosave < 1) { CreateThinker(); } if (pnumerr > 0) { I_Error("no start for player %d found.", pnumerr); } } //========================================================================== // // G_WorldDone // //========================================================================== void FLevelLocals::WorldDone (void) { cluster_info_t *nextcluster; cluster_info_t *thiscluster; gameaction = ga_worlddone; //Added by mc if (deathmatch) { BotInfo.RemoveAllBots(this, consoleplayer != Net_Arbitrator); } if (flags & LEVEL_CHANGEMAPCHEAT) return; thiscluster = FindClusterInfo (cluster); if (strncmp (nextlevel, "enDSeQ", 6) == 0) { FName endsequence = ENamedName(strtoll(nextlevel.GetChars()+6, NULL, 16)); // Strife needs a special case here to choose between good and sad ending. Bad is handled elsewhere. if (endsequence == NAME_Inter_Strife) { if (Players[0]->mo->FindInventory (NAME_QuestItem25) || Players[0]->mo->FindInventory (NAME_QuestItem28)) { endsequence = NAME_Inter_Strife_Good; } else { endsequence = NAME_Inter_Strife_Sad; } } auto ext = info->ExitMapTexts.CheckKey(flags3 & LEVEL3_EXITSECRETUSED ? NAME_Secret : NAME_Normal); if (ext != nullptr && (ext->mDefined & FExitText::DEF_TEXT)) { F_StartFinale(ext->mDefined & FExitText::DEF_MUSIC ? ext->mMusic : gameinfo.finaleMusic, ext->mDefined & FExitText::DEF_MUSIC ? ext->mOrder : gameinfo.finaleOrder, -1, 0, ext->mDefined & FExitText::DEF_BACKDROP ? ext->mBackdrop : gameinfo.FinaleFlat, ext->mText, false, ext->mDefined & FExitText::DEF_PIC, ext->mDefined & FExitText::DEF_LOOKUP, true, endsequence); } else if (!(info->flags2 & LEVEL2_NOCLUSTERTEXT)) { F_StartFinale(thiscluster->MessageMusic, thiscluster->musicorder, thiscluster->cdtrack, thiscluster->cdid, thiscluster->FinaleFlat, thiscluster->ExitText, thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_EXITTEXTINLUMP, thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_FINALEPIC, thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_LOOKUPEXITTEXT, true, endsequence); } } else if (!deathmatch) { FExitText *ext = nullptr; if (flags3 & LEVEL3_EXITSECRETUSED) ext = info->ExitMapTexts.CheckKey(NAME_Secret); else if (flags3 & LEVEL3_EXITNORMALUSED) ext = info->ExitMapTexts.CheckKey(NAME_Normal); if (ext == nullptr) ext = info->ExitMapTexts.CheckKey(nextlevel); if (ext != nullptr) { if ((ext->mDefined & FExitText::DEF_TEXT)) { F_StartFinale(ext->mDefined & FExitText::DEF_MUSIC ? ext->mMusic : gameinfo.finaleMusic, ext->mDefined & FExitText::DEF_MUSIC ? ext->mOrder : gameinfo.finaleOrder, -1, 0, ext->mDefined & FExitText::DEF_BACKDROP ? ext->mBackdrop : gameinfo.FinaleFlat, ext->mText, false, ext->mDefined & FExitText::DEF_PIC, ext->mDefined & FExitText::DEF_LOOKUP, false); } return; } nextcluster = FindClusterInfo (FindLevelInfo (nextlevel)->cluster); if (nextcluster->cluster != cluster && !(info->flags2 & LEVEL2_NOCLUSTERTEXT)) { // Only start the finale if the next level's cluster is different // than the current one and we're not in deathmatch. if (nextcluster->EnterText.IsNotEmpty()) { F_StartFinale (nextcluster->MessageMusic, nextcluster->musicorder, nextcluster->cdtrack, nextcluster->cdid, nextcluster->FinaleFlat, nextcluster->EnterText, nextcluster->flags & CLUSTER_ENTERTEXTINLUMP, nextcluster->flags & CLUSTER_FINALEPIC, nextcluster->flags & CLUSTER_LOOKUPENTERTEXT, false); } else if (thiscluster->ExitText.IsNotEmpty()) { F_StartFinale (thiscluster->MessageMusic, thiscluster->musicorder, thiscluster->cdtrack, nextcluster->cdid, thiscluster->FinaleFlat, thiscluster->ExitText, thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_EXITTEXTINLUMP, thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_FINALEPIC, thiscluster->flags & CLUSTER_LOOKUPEXITTEXT, false); } } } } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(FLevelLocals, WorldDone) { primaryLevel->WorldDone(); return 0; } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void G_DoWorldDone (void) { gamestate = GS_LEVEL; if (nextlevel.IsEmpty()) { // Don't crash if no next map is given. Just repeat the current one. Printf ("No next map specified.\n"); nextlevel = primaryLevel->MapName; } primaryLevel->StartTravel (); G_DoLoadLevel (nextlevel, startpos, true, false); startpos = 0; gameaction = ga_nothing; viewactive = true; } //========================================================================== // // G_StartTravel // // Moves players (and eventually their inventory) to a different statnum, // so they will not be destroyed when switching levels. This only applies // to real players, not voodoo dolls. // //========================================================================== void FLevelLocals::StartTravel () { if (deathmatch) return; for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i]) { AActor *pawn = Players[i]->mo; AActor *inv; Players[i]->camera = nullptr; // Only living players travel. Dead ones get a new body on the new level. if (Players[i]->health > 0) { pawn->UnlinkFromWorld (nullptr); int tid = pawn->tid; // Save TID pawn->SetTID(0); pawn->tid = tid; // Restore TID (but no longer linked into the hash chain) pawn->ChangeStatNum (STAT_TRAVELLING); pawn->DeleteAttachedLights(); for (inv = pawn->Inventory; inv != NULL; inv = inv->Inventory) { inv->ChangeStatNum (STAT_TRAVELLING); inv->UnlinkFromWorld (nullptr); inv->DeleteAttachedLights(); } } } } BotInfo.StartTravel (); } //========================================================================== // // G_FinishTravel // // Moves any travelling players so that they occupy their newly-spawned // copies' locations, destroying the new players in the process (because // they are really fake placeholders to show where the travelling players // should go). // //========================================================================== int FLevelLocals::FinishTravel () { auto it = GetThinkerIterator(NAME_PlayerPawn, STAT_TRAVELLING); AActor *pawn, *pawndup, *oldpawn, *next; AActor *inv; FPlayerStart *start; int pnum; int failnum = 0; // AActor* pawns[MAXPLAYERS]; int pawnsnum = 0; next = it.Next (); while ( (pawn = next) != NULL) { next = it.Next (); pnum = int(pawn->player - players); pawn->ChangeStatNum (STAT_PLAYER); pawndup = pawn->player->mo; assert (pawn != pawndup); start = PickPlayerStart(pnum, 0); if (start == NULL) { if (pawndup != nullptr) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED "No player %d start to travel to!\n", pnum + 1); // Move to the coordinates this player had when they left the level. pawn->SetXYZ(pawndup->Pos()); } else { // Could not find a start for this player at all. This really should never happen but if it does, let's better abort. if (failnum == 0) failnum = pnum + 1; } } oldpawn = pawndup; // The player being spawned here is a short lived dummy and // must not start any ENTER script or big problems will happen. pawndup = SpawnPlayer(start, pnum, SPF_TEMPPLAYER); if (pawndup != NULL) { if (!(changeflags & CHANGELEVEL_KEEPFACING)) { pawn->Angles = pawndup->Angles; } pawn->SetXYZ(pawndup->Pos()); pawn->Vel = pawndup->Vel; pawn->Sector = pawndup->Sector; pawn->floorz = pawndup->floorz; pawn->ceilingz = pawndup->ceilingz; pawn->dropoffz = pawndup->dropoffz; pawn->floorsector = pawndup->floorsector; pawn->floorpic = pawndup->floorpic; pawn->floorterrain = pawndup->floorterrain; pawn->ceilingsector = pawndup->ceilingsector; pawn->ceilingpic = pawndup->ceilingpic; pawn->Floorclip = pawndup->Floorclip; pawn->waterlevel = pawndup->waterlevel; } else if (failnum == 0) // In the failure case this may run into some undefined data. { P_FindFloorCeiling(pawn); } pawn->target = nullptr; pawn->lastenemy = nullptr; pawn->player->mo = pawn; pawn->player->camera = pawn; pawn->player->viewheight = pawn->player->DefaultViewHeight(); pawn->flags2 &= ~MF2_BLASTED; if (oldpawn != nullptr) { DObject::StaticPointerSubstitution (oldpawn, pawn); oldpawn->Destroy(); } if (pawndup != NULL) { pawndup->Destroy(); } pawn->LinkToWorld (nullptr); pawn->ClearInterpolation(); const int tid = pawn->tid; // Save TID (actor isn't linked into the hash chain yet) pawn->tid = 0; // Reset TID pawn->SetTID(tid); // Set TID (and link actor into the hash chain) pawn->SetState(pawn->SpawnState); pawn->player->SendPitchLimits(); for (inv = pawn->Inventory; inv != NULL; inv = inv->Inventory) { inv->ChangeStatNum (STAT_INVENTORY); inv->LinkToWorld (nullptr); IFVIRTUALPTRNAME(inv, NAME_Inventory, Travelled) { VMValue params[1] = { inv }; VMCall(func, params, 1, nullptr, 0); } } if (ib_compatflags & BCOMPATF_RESETPLAYERSPEED) { pawn->Speed = pawn->GetDefault()->Speed; } // [ZZ] we probably don't want to fire any scripts before all players are in, especially with runNow = true. pawns[pawnsnum++] = pawn; } BotInfo.FinishTravel (); // make sure that, after travelling has completed, no travelling thinkers are left. // Since this list is excluded from regular thinker cleaning, anything that may survive through here // will endlessly multiply and severely break the following savegames or just simply crash on broken pointers. Thinkers.DestroyThinkersInList(STAT_TRAVELLING); return failnum; } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== FLevelLocals::FLevelLocals() : Behaviors(this), tagManager(this) { // Make sure that these point to the right data all the time. // This will be needed for as long as it takes to completely separate global UI state from per-level play state. for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { Players[i] = &players[i]; } localEventManager = new EventManager(this); } FLevelLocals::~FLevelLocals() { if (localEventManager) delete localEventManager; } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void FLevelLocals::Init() { P_InitParticles(this); P_ClearParticles(this); BaseBlendA = 0.0f; // Remove underwater blend effect, if any gravity = sv_gravity * 35/TICRATE; aircontrol = sv_aircontrol; AirControlChanged(); teamdamage = ::teamdamage; flags = 0; flags2 = 0; flags3 = 0; ImpactDecalCount = 0; info = FindLevelInfo (MapName); skyspeed1 = info->skyspeed1; skyspeed2 = info->skyspeed2; skytexture1 = TexMan.GetTextureID(info->SkyPic1, ETextureType::Wall, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable | FTextureManager::TEXMAN_ReturnFirst); skytexture2 = TexMan.GetTextureID(info->SkyPic2, ETextureType::Wall, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable | FTextureManager::TEXMAN_ReturnFirst); fadeto = info->fadeto; cdtrack = info->cdtrack; cdid = info->cdid; FromSnapshot = false; if (fadeto == 0) { if (strnicmp (info->FadeTable, "COLORMAP", 8) != 0) { flags |= LEVEL_HASFADETABLE; } } airsupply = info->airsupply*TICRATE; outsidefog = info->outsidefog; WallVertLight = info->WallVertLight*2; WallHorizLight = info->WallHorizLight*2; if (info->gravity != 0.f) { gravity = info->gravity * 35/TICRATE; } if (info->aircontrol != 0.f) { aircontrol = info->aircontrol; } if (info->teamdamage != 0.f) { teamdamage = info->teamdamage; } AirControlChanged (); cluster_info_t *clus = FindClusterInfo (info->cluster); partime = info->partime; sucktime = info->sucktime; cluster = info->cluster; clusterflags = clus ? clus->flags : 0; flags |= info->flags; flags2 |= info->flags2; flags3 |= info->flags3; levelnum = info->levelnum; Music = info->Music; musicorder = info->musicorder; MusicVolume = 1.f; HasHeightSecs = false; LevelName = info->LookupLevelName(); NextMap = info->NextMap; NextSecretMap = info->NextSecretMap; F1Pic = info->F1Pic; hazardcolor = info->hazardcolor; hazardflash = info->hazardflash; // GL fog stuff modifiable by SetGlobalFogParameter. fogdensity = info->fogdensity; outsidefogdensity = info->outsidefogdensity; skyfog = info->skyfog; deathsequence = info->deathsequence; pixelstretch = info->pixelstretch; compatflags.Callback(); compatflags2.Callback(); DefaultEnvironment = info->DefaultEnvironment; lightMode = info->lightmode == ELightMode::NotSet? (ELightMode)*gl_lightmode : info->lightmode; brightfog = info->brightfog < 0? gl_brightfog : !!info->brightfog; lightadditivesurfaces = info->lightadditivesurfaces < 0 ? gl_lightadditivesurfaces : !!info->lightadditivesurfaces; notexturefill = info->notexturefill < 0 ? gl_notexturefill : !!info->notexturefill; } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== FString CalcMapName (int episode, int level) { FString lumpname; if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx) { lumpname.Format("MAP%02d", level); } else { lumpname = ""; lumpname << 'E' << ('0' + episode) << 'M' << ('0' + level); } return lumpname; } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void FLevelLocals::AirControlChanged () { if (aircontrol <= 1/256.) { airfriction = 1.; } else { // Friction is inversely proportional to the amount of control airfriction = aircontrol * -0.0941 + 1.0004; } } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void G_WriteSnapshots(TArray &filenames, TArray &buffers) { unsigned int i; FString filename; for (i = 0; i < wadlevelinfos.Size(); i++) { if (wadlevelinfos[i].Snapshot.mCompressedSize > 0) { filename.Format("%s.map.json", wadlevelinfos[i].MapName.GetChars()); filename.ToLower(); filenames.Push(filename); buffers.Push(wadlevelinfos[i].Snapshot); } } if (TheDefaultLevelInfo.Snapshot.mCompressedSize > 0) { filename.Format("%s.mapd.json", TheDefaultLevelInfo.MapName.GetChars()); filename.ToLower(); filenames.Push(filename); buffers.Push(TheDefaultLevelInfo.Snapshot); } } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void G_WriteVisited(FSerializer &arc) { if (arc.BeginArray("visited")) { // Write out which levels have been visited for (auto & wi : wadlevelinfos) { if (wi.flags & LEVEL_VISITED) { arc.AddString(nullptr, wi.MapName); } } arc.EndArray(); } // Store player classes to be used when spawning a random class if (multiplayer) { arc.Array("randomclasses", SinglePlayerClass, MAXPLAYERS); } if (arc.BeginObject("playerclasses")) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i]) { FString key; key.Format("%d", i); arc(key, players[i].cls); } } arc.EndObject(); } } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void G_ReadSnapshots(FResourceFile *resf) { FString MapName; level_info_t *i; G_ClearSnapshots(); for (unsigned j = 0; j < resf->LumpCount(); j++) { FResourceLump * resl = resf->GetLump(j); if (resl != nullptr) { auto ptr = strstr(resl->FullName, ".map.json"); if (ptr != nullptr) { ptrdiff_t maplen = ptr - resl->FullName.GetChars(); FString mapname(resl->FullName.GetChars(), (size_t)maplen); i = FindLevelInfo(mapname); if (i != nullptr) { i->Snapshot = resl->GetRawData(); } } else { auto ptr = strstr(resl->FullName, ".mapd.json"); if (ptr != nullptr) { ptrdiff_t maplen = ptr - resl->FullName.GetChars(); FString mapname(resl->FullName.GetChars(), (size_t)maplen); TheDefaultLevelInfo.Snapshot = resl->GetRawData(); } } } } } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void G_ReadVisited(FSerializer &arc) { if (arc.BeginArray("visited")) { for (int s = arc.ArraySize(); s > 0; s--) { FString str; arc(nullptr, str); auto i = FindLevelInfo(str); if (i != nullptr) i->flags |= LEVEL_VISITED; } arc.EndArray(); } arc.Array("randomclasses", SinglePlayerClass, MAXPLAYERS); if (arc.BeginObject("playerclasses")) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { FString key; key.Format("%d", i); arc(key, players[i].cls); } arc.EndObject(); } } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void P_WriteACSDefereds (FSerializer &arc) { bool found = false; // only write this stuff if needed for (auto &wi : wadlevelinfos) { if (wi.deferred.Size() > 0) { found = true; break; } } if (found && arc.BeginObject("deferred")) { for (auto &wi : wadlevelinfos) { if (wi.deferred.Size() > 0) { if (wi.deferred.Size() > 0) { arc(wi.MapName, wi.deferred); } } } arc.EndObject(); } } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void P_ReadACSDefereds (FSerializer &arc) { FString MapName; P_RemoveDefereds (); if (arc.BeginObject("deferred")) { const char *key; while ((key = arc.GetKey())) { level_info_t *i = FindLevelInfo(key); if (i == NULL) { I_Error("Unknown map '%s' in savegame", key); } arc(nullptr, i->deferred); } arc.EndObject(); } } //========================================================================== // // This object is responsible for marking sectors during the propagate // stage. In case there are many, many sectors, it lets us break them // up instead of marking them all at once. // //========================================================================== class DSectorMarker : public DObject { enum { SECTORSTEPSIZE = 32, POLYSTEPSIZE = 120, SIDEDEFSTEPSIZE = 240 }; DECLARE_CLASS(DSectorMarker, DObject) public: DSectorMarker(FLevelLocals *l) : Level(l), SecNum(0),PolyNum(0),SideNum(0) {} size_t PropagateMark(); FLevelLocals *Level; int SecNum; int PolyNum; int SideNum; }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DSectorMarker, true, false) //========================================================================== // // DSectorMarker :: PropagateMark // // Propagates marks across a few sectors and reinserts itself into the // gray list if it didn't do them all. // //========================================================================== size_t DSectorMarker::PropagateMark() { int i; int marked = 0; bool moretodo = false; int numsectors = Level->sectors.Size(); for (i = 0; i < SECTORSTEPSIZE && SecNum + i < numsectors; ++i) { sector_t *sec = &Level->sectors[SecNum + i]; GC::Mark(sec->SoundTarget); GC::Mark(sec->SecActTarget); GC::Mark(sec->floordata); GC::Mark(sec->ceilingdata); GC::Mark(sec->lightingdata); for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) GC::Mark(sec->interpolations[j]); } marked += i * sizeof(sector_t); if (SecNum + i < numsectors) { SecNum += i; moretodo = true; } if (!moretodo && Level->Polyobjects.Size() > 0) { for (i = 0; i < POLYSTEPSIZE && PolyNum + i < (int)Level->Polyobjects.Size(); ++i) { GC::Mark(Level->Polyobjects[PolyNum + i].interpolation); } marked += i * sizeof(FPolyObj); if (PolyNum + i < (int)Level->Polyobjects.Size()) { PolyNum += i; moretodo = true; } } if (!moretodo && Level->sides.Size() > 0) { for (i = 0; i < SIDEDEFSTEPSIZE && SideNum + i < (int)Level->sides.Size(); ++i) { side_t *side = &Level->sides[SideNum + i]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) GC::Mark(side->textures[j].interpolation); } marked += i * sizeof(side_t); if (SideNum + i < (int)Level->sides.Size()) { SideNum += i; moretodo = true; } } // If there are more items to mark, put ourself back into the gray list. if (moretodo) { Black2Gray(); GCNext = GC::Gray; GC::Gray = this; } return marked; } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void FLevelLocals::Tick () { // Reset carry sectors if (Scrolls.Size() > 0) { memset (&Scrolls[0], 0, sizeof(Scrolls[0])*Scrolls.Size()); } } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void FLevelLocals::Mark() { if (SectorMarker == nullptr && (sectors.Size() > 0 || Polyobjects.Size() > 0 || sides.Size() > 0)) { SectorMarker = Create(this); } else if (sectors.Size() == 0 && Polyobjects.Size() == 0 && sides.Size() == 0) { SectorMarker = nullptr; } else { SectorMarker->SecNum = 0; } GC::Mark(SectorMarker); GC::Mark(SpotState); GC::Mark(FraggleScriptThinker); GC::Mark(ACSThinker); GC::Mark(automap); GC::Mark(interpolator.Head); GC::Mark(SequenceListHead); GC::Mark(BotInfo.firstthing); GC::Mark(BotInfo.body1); GC::Mark(BotInfo.body2); if (localEventManager) { GC::Mark(localEventManager->FirstEventHandler); GC::Mark(localEventManager->LastEventHandler); } Thinkers.MarkRoots(); canvasTextureInfo.Mark(); for (auto &c : CorpseQueue) { GC::Mark(c); } for (auto &s : sectorPortals) { GC::Mark(s.mSkybox); } // Mark dead bodies. for (auto &p : bodyque) { GC::Mark(p); } } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void FLevelLocals::AddScroller (int secnum) { if (secnum < 0) { return; } if (Scrolls.Size() == 0) { Scrolls.Resize(sectors.Size()); memset(&Scrolls[0], 0, sizeof(Scrolls[0])*Scrolls.Size()); } } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void FLevelLocals::SetInterMusic(const char *nextmap) { auto mus = info->MapInterMusic.CheckKey(nextmap); if (mus != nullptr) S_ChangeMusic(mus->first, mus->second); else if (info->InterMusic.IsNotEmpty()) S_ChangeMusic(info->InterMusic, info->intermusicorder); else S_ChangeMusic(gameinfo.intermissionMusic.GetChars(), gameinfo.intermissionOrder); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(FLevelLocals, SetInterMusic) { PARAM_SELF_STRUCT_PROLOGUE(FLevelLocals); PARAM_STRING(map); self->SetInterMusic(map); return 0; } //========================================================================== // // //========================================================================== void FLevelLocals::SetMusicVolume(float f) { MusicVolume = f; I_SetMusicVolume(f); } //============================================================================ // // // //============================================================================ int FLevelLocals::GetInfighting() { if (flags2 & LEVEL2_TOTALINFIGHTING) return 1; if (flags2 & LEVEL2_NOINFIGHTING) return -1; return G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_Infight); } //============================================================================ // // transfers the compatiblity flag for old PointOnLineSide to each line. // This gets checked in a frequently called worker function and the closer // this info is to the data this function works on, the better. // //============================================================================ void FLevelLocals::SetCompatLineOnSide(bool state) { int on = (state && (i_compatflags2 & COMPATF2_POINTONLINE)); if (on) for (auto &l : lines) l.flags |= ML_COMPATSIDE; else for (auto &l : lines) l.flags &= ~ML_COMPATSIDE; } int FLevelLocals::GetCompatibility(int mask) { if (info == nullptr) return mask; else return (mask & ~info->compatmask) | (info->compatflags & info->compatmask); } int FLevelLocals::GetCompatibility2(int mask) { return (info == nullptr) ? mask : (mask & ~info->compatmask2) | (info->compatflags2 & info->compatmask2); } void FLevelLocals::ApplyCompatibility() { int old = i_compatflags; i_compatflags = GetCompatibility(compatflags) | ii_compatflags; if ((old ^ i_compatflags) & COMPATF_POLYOBJ) { ClearAllSubsectorLinks(); } } void FLevelLocals::ApplyCompatibility2() { i_compatflags2 = GetCompatibility2(compatflags2) | ii_compatflags2; } //========================================================================== // IsPointInMap // // Checks to see if a point is inside the void or not. // Made by dpJudas, modified and implemented by Major Cooke //========================================================================== int IsPointInMap(FLevelLocals *Level, double x, double y, double z) { // This uses the render nodes because those are guaranteed to be GL nodes, meaning all subsectors are closed. subsector_t *subsector = Level->PointInRenderSubsector(FLOAT2FIXED(x), FLOAT2FIXED(y)); if (!subsector) return false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subsector->numlines; i++) { // Skip double sided lines. seg_t *seg = subsector->firstline + i; if (seg->backsector != nullptr || seg->linedef == nullptr) continue; divline_t dline; P_MakeDivline(seg->linedef, &dline); bool pol = P_PointOnDivlineSide(x, y, &dline) < 1; if (!pol) return false; } double ceilingZ = subsector->sector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(x, y); if (z > ceilingZ) return false; double floorZ = subsector->sector->floorplane.ZatPoint(x, y); if (z < floorZ) return false; return true; }