class Minotaur : Actor { const MAULATORTICS = 25 * TICRATE; const MNTR_CHARGE_SPEED =13.; const MINOTAUR_LOOK_DIST = 16*54.; Default { Health 3000; Radius 28; Height 100; Mass 800; Speed 16; Damage 7; Painchance 25; Monster; +DROPOFF +FLOORCLIP +BOSS +NORADIUSDMG +DONTMORPH +NOTARGET +BOSSDEATH SeeSound "minotaur/sight"; AttackSound "minotaur/attack1"; PainSound "minotaur/pain"; DeathSound "minotaur/death"; ActiveSound "minotaur/active"; DropItem "ArtiSuperHealth", 51; DropItem "PhoenixRodAmmo", 84, 10; Obituary "$OB_MINOTAUR"; HitObituary "$OB_MINOTAURHIT"; Tag "$FN_MINOTAUR"; } States { Spawn: MNTR AB 10 A_MinotaurLook; Loop; Roam: MNTR ABCD 5 A_MinotaurRoam; Loop; See: MNTR ABCD 5 A_MinotaurChase; Loop; Melee: MNTR V 10 A_FaceTarget; MNTR W 7 A_FaceTarget; MNTR X 12 A_MinotaurAtk1; Goto See; Missile: MNTR V 10 A_MinotaurDecide; MNTR Y 4 A_FaceTarget; MNTR Z 9 A_MinotaurAtk2; Goto See; Hammer: MNTR V 10 A_FaceTarget; MNTR W 7 A_FaceTarget; MNTR X 12 A_MinotaurAtk3; Goto See; HammerLoop: MNTR X 12; Goto Hammer; Charge: MNTR U 2 A_MinotaurCharge; Loop; Pain: MNTR E 3; MNTR E 6 A_Pain; Goto See; Death: MNTR F 6 A_MinotaurDeath; MNTR G 5; MNTR H 6 A_Scream; MNTR I 5; MNTR J 6; MNTR K 5; MNTR L 6; MNTR M 5 A_NoBlocking; MNTR N 6; MNTR O 5; MNTR P 6; MNTR Q 5; MNTR R 6; MNTR S 5; MNTR T -1 A_BossDeath; Stop; FadeOut: MNTR E 6; MNTR E 2 A_Scream; MNTR E 5 A_SpawnItemEx("MinotaurSmokeExit"); MNTR E 5; MNTR E 5 A_NoBlocking; MNTR E 5; MNTR E 5 A_SetTranslucent(0.66, 0); MNTR E 5 A_SetTranslucent(0.33, 0); MNTR E 10 A_BossDeath; Stop; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_MinotaurSlam // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MinotaurSlam (Actor target) { double ang = AngleTo(target); double thrust = 16 + random[MinotaurSlam]() / 64.; target.VelFromAngle(ang, thrust); int damage = random[MinotaurSlam](1, 8) * (bSummonedMonster? 4 : 6); int newdam = target.DamageMobj (null, null, damage, 'Melee'); target.TraceBleedAngle (newdam > 0 ? newdam : damage, ang, 0.); if (target.player) { target.reactiontime = random[MinotaurSlam](14, 21); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- override void Tick () { Super.Tick (); // The unfriendly Minotaur (Heretic's) is invulnerable while charging if (!bSummonedMonster) { bInvulnerable = bSkullFly; } } override bool Slam (Actor thing) { // Slamming minotaurs shouldn't move non-creatures if (!thing.bIsMonster && !thing.player) { return false; } return Super.Slam (thing); } override int DoSpecialDamage (Actor target, int damage, Name damagetype) { damage = Super.DoSpecialDamage (target, damage, damagetype); if (damage != -1 && bSkullFly) { // Slam only when in charge mode MinotaurSlam (target); return -1; } return damage; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MinotaurAtk1 // // Melee attack. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MinotaurAtk1() { let targ = target; if (!targ) { return; } A_StartSound ("minotaur/melee", CHAN_WEAPON); if (CheckMeleeRange()) { PlayerInfo player = targ.player; int damage = random[MinotaurAtk1](1, 8) * 4; int newdam = targ.DamageMobj (self, self, damage, 'Melee'); targ.TraceBleed (newdam > 0 ? newdam : damage, self); if (player != null && == targ) { // Squish the player player.deltaviewheight = -16; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MinotaurDecide // // Choose a missile attack. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MinotaurDecide() { bool friendly = bSummonedMonster; if (!target) { return; } if (!friendly) { A_StartSound ("minotaur/sight", CHAN_WEAPON); } double dist = Distance2D(target); if (target.pos.z + target.height > pos.z && target.pos.z + target.height < pos.z + height && dist < (friendly ? 16*64. : 8*64.) && dist > 1*64. && random[MinotaurDecide]() < 150) { // Charge attack // Don't call the state function right away SetStateLabel("Charge", true); bSkullFly = true; if (!friendly) { // Heretic's Minotaur is invulnerable during charge attack bInvulnerable = true; } A_FaceTarget (); VelFromAngle(MNTR_CHARGE_SPEED); special1 = TICRATE/2; // Charge duration } else if (target.pos.z == target.floorz && dist < 9*64. && random[MinotaurDecide]() < (friendly ? 100 : 220)) { // Floor fire attack SetStateLabel("Hammer"); special2 = 0; } else { // Swing attack A_FaceTarget (); // Don't need to call P_SetMobjState because the current state // falls through to the swing attack } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MinotaurCharge // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MinotaurCharge() { if (target == null) { return; } if (special1 > 0) { Class<Actor> type; if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic) { type = "PhoenixPuff"; } else { type = "PunchPuff"; } Actor puff = Spawn (type, Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (puff != null) puff.Vel.Z = 2; special1--; } else { bSkullFly = false; bInvulnerable = false; SetState (SeeState); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MinotaurAtk2 // // Swing attack. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MinotaurAtk2() { bool friendly = bSummonedMonster; let targ = target; if (targ == null) { return; } A_StartSound ("minotaur/attack2", CHAN_WEAPON); if (CheckMeleeRange()) { int damage = random[MinotaurAtk2](1, 8) * (friendly ? 3 : 5); int newdam = targ.DamageMobj (self, self, damage, 'Melee'); targ.TraceBleed (newdam > 0 ? newdam : damage, self); return; } double z = pos.z + 40; Class<Actor> fx = "MinotaurFX1"; Actor mo = SpawnMissileZ (z, targ, fx); if (mo != null) { // S_Sound (mo, CHAN_WEAPON, "minotaur/attack2", 1, ATTN_NORM); double vz = mo.Vel.Z; double ang = mo.angle; SpawnMissileAngleZ (z, fx, ang-(45./8), vz); SpawnMissileAngleZ (z, fx, ang+(45./8), vz); SpawnMissileAngleZ (z, fx, ang-(45./16), vz); SpawnMissileAngleZ (z, fx, ang+(45./16), vz); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MinotaurAtk3 // // Floor fire attack. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MinotaurAtk3() { bool friendly = bSummonedMonster; let targ = target; if (!targ) { return; } A_StartSound ("minotaur/attack3", CHAN_VOICE); if (CheckMeleeRange()) { PlayerInfo player = targ.player; int damage = random[MinotaurAtk3](1, 8) * (friendly ? 3 : 5); int newdam = targ.DamageMobj (self, self, damage, 'Melee'); targ.TraceBleed (newdam > 0 ? newdam : damage, self); if (player != null && == targ) { // Squish the player player.deltaviewheight = -16; } } else { if (Floorclip > 0 && (Level.compatflags & COMPATF_MINOTAUR)) { // only play the sound. A_StartSound ("minotaur/fx2hit", CHAN_WEAPON); } else { Actor mo = SpawnMissile (target, "MinotaurFX2"); if (mo != null) { mo.A_StartSound ("minotaur/attack1", CHAN_WEAPON); } } } if (random[MinotaurAtk3]() < 192 && special2 == 0) { SetStateLabel ("HammerLoop"); special2 = 1; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MinotaurDeath // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MinotaurDeath() { if (Wads.CheckNumForName ("MNTRF1", Wads.ns_sprites) < 0 && Wads.CheckNumForName ("MNTRF0", Wads.ns_sprites) < 0) SetStateLabel("FadeOut"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // A_MinotaurRoam // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MinotaurRoam() { // In case pain caused him to skip his fade in. A_SetRenderStyle(1, STYLE_Normal); let mf = MinotaurFriend(self); if (mf) { if (mf.StartTime >= 0 && (level.maptime - mf.StartTime) >= MAULATORTICS) { DamageMobj (null, null, TELEFRAG_DAMAGE, 'None'); return; } } if (random[MinotaurRoam]() < 30) A_MinotaurLook(); // adjust to closest target if (random[MinotaurRoam]() < 6) { //Choose new direction movedir = random[MinotaurRoam](0, 7); FaceMovementDirection (); } if (!MonsterMove()) { // Turn if (random[MinotaurRoam](0, 1)) movedir = (movedir + 1) % 8; else movedir = (movedir + 7) % 8; FaceMovementDirection (); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MinotaurLook // // Look for enemy of player //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MinotaurLook() { if (!(self is "MinotaurFriend")) { A_Look(); return; } Actor mo = null; PlayerInfo player; double dist; Actor master = tracer; target = null; if (deathmatch) // Quick search for players { for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; player = players[i]; mo =; if (mo == master) continue; if ( <= 0) continue; dist = Distance2D(mo); if (dist > MINOTAUR_LOOK_DIST) continue; target = mo; break; } } if (!target) // Near player monster search { if (master && ( > 0) && (master.player)) mo = master.RoughMonsterSearch(20); else mo = RoughMonsterSearch(20); target = mo; } if (!target) // Normal monster search { ThinkerIterator it = ThinkerIterator.Create("Actor"); while ((mo = Actor(it.Next())) != null) { if (!mo.bIsMonster) continue; if ( <= 0) continue; if (!mo.bShootable) continue; dist = Distance2D(mo); if (dist > MINOTAUR_LOOK_DIST) continue; if (mo == master || mo == self) continue; if (mo.bSummonedMonster && mo.tracer == master) continue; target = mo; break; // Found actor to attack } } if (target) { SetState (SeeState, true); } else { SetStateLabel ("Roam", true); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MinotaurChase // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MinotaurChase() { let mf = MinotaurFriend(self); if (!mf) { A_Chase(); return; } // In case pain caused him to skip his fade in. A_SetRenderStyle(1, STYLE_Normal); if (mf.StartTime >= 0 && (level.maptime - mf.StartTime) >= MAULATORTICS) { DamageMobj (null, null, TELEFRAG_DAMAGE, 'None'); return; } if (random[MinotaurChase]() < 30) A_MinotaurLook(); // adjust to closest target if (!target || ( <= 0) || !target.bShootable) { // look for a new target SetIdle(); return; } FaceMovementDirection (); reactiontime = 0; // Melee attack if (MeleeState && CheckMeleeRange ()) { if (AttackSound) { A_StartSound (AttackSound, CHAN_WEAPON); } SetState (MeleeState); return; } // Missile attack if (MissileState && CheckMissileRange()) { SetState (MissileState); return; } // chase towards target if (!MonsterMove ()) { NewChaseDir (); FaceMovementDirection (); } // Active sound if (random[MinotaurChase]() < 6) { PlayActiveSound (); } } } class MinotaurFriend : Minotaur { int StartTime; Default { Health 2500; -DROPOFF -BOSS -DONTMORPH +FRIENDLY +NOTARGETSWITCH +STAYMORPHED +TELESTOMP +SUMMONEDMONSTER RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.3333; DropItem "None"; } States { Spawn: MNTR A 15; MNTR A 15 A_SetTranslucent(0.66, 0); MNTR A 3 A_SetTranslucent(1, 0); Goto Super::Spawn; Idle: Goto Super::Spawn; Death: Goto FadeOut; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- override void BeginPlay () { Super.BeginPlay (); StartTime = -1; } override void Die (Actor source, Actor inflictor, int dmgflags, Name MeansOfDeath) { Super.Die (source, inflictor, dmgflags, MeansOfDeath); if (tracer && > 0 && tracer.player) { // Search thinker list for minotaur ThinkerIterator it = ThinkerIterator.Create("MinotaurFriend"); MinotaurFriend mo; while ((mo = MinotaurFriend(it.Next())) != null) { if ( <= 0) continue; // [RH] Minotaurs can't be morphed, so this isn't needed //if (!(mo.flags&MF_COUNTKILL)) continue; // for morphed minotaurs if (mo.bCorpse) continue; if (mo.StartTime >= 0 && (level.maptime - StartTime) >= MAULATORTICS) continue; if (mo.tracer != null && mo.tracer.player == tracer.player) break; } if (mo == null) { Inventory power = tracer.FindInventory("PowerMinotaur"); if (power != null) { power.Destroy (); } } } } } // Minotaur FX 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ class MinotaurFX1 : Actor { Default { Radius 10; Height 6; Speed 20; FastSpeed 26; Damage 3; DamageType "Fire"; Projectile; -ACTIVATEIMPACT -ACTIVATEPCROSS +ZDOOMTRANS RenderStyle "Add"; } States { Spawn: FX12 AB 6 Bright; Loop; Death: FX12 CDEFGH 5 Bright; Stop; } } // Minotaur FX 2 ------------------------------------------------------------ class MinotaurFX2 : MinotaurFX1 { Default { Radius 5; Height 12; Speed 14; FastSpeed 20; Damage 4; +FLOORHUGGER ExplosionDamage 24; DeathSound "minotaur/fx2hit"; } states { Spawn: FX13 A 2 Bright A_MntrFloorFire; Loop; Death: FX13 I 4 Bright A_Explode; FX13 JKLM 4 Bright; Stop; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MntrFloorFire // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MntrFloorFire() { SetZ(floorz); double x = Random2[MntrFloorFire]() / 64.; double y = Random2[MntrFloorFire]() / 64.; Actor mo = Spawn("MinotaurFX3", Vec2OffsetZ(x, y, floorz), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo != null) { = target; mo.Vel.X = MinVel; // Force block checking mo.CheckMissileSpawn (radius); } } } // Minotaur FX 3 ------------------------------------------------------------ class MinotaurFX3 : MinotaurFX2 { Default { Radius 8; Height 16; Speed 0; DeathSound "minotaur/fx3hit"; ExplosionDamage 128; } States { Spawn: FX13 DC 4 Bright; FX13 BCDE 5 Bright; FX13 FGH 4 Bright; Stop; } } // Minotaur Smoke Exit ------------------------------------------------------ class MinotaurSmokeExit : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOTELEPORT RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.4; } States { Spawn: MNSM ABCDEFGHIJIHGFEDCBA 3; Stop; } } extend class Actor { enum dirtype_t { DI_EAST, DI_NORTHEAST, DI_NORTH, DI_NORTHWEST, DI_WEST, DI_SOUTHWEST, DI_SOUTH, DI_SOUTHEAST, DI_NODIR, NUMDIRS }; void FaceMovementDirection() { switch (movedir) { case DI_EAST: angle = 0.; break; case DI_NORTHEAST: angle = 45.; break; case DI_NORTH: angle = 90.; break; case DI_NORTHWEST: angle = 135.; break; case DI_WEST: angle = 180.; break; case DI_SOUTHWEST: angle = 225.; break; case DI_SOUTH: angle = 270.; break; case DI_SOUTHEAST: angle = 315.; break; } } }