/* #include "actor.h" #include "gi.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "a_action.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "a_action.h" #include "p_pspr.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "a_hexenglobal.h" #include "thingdef/thingdef.h" */ #define AXERANGE ((fixed_t)(2.25*MELEERANGE)) static FRandom pr_axeatk ("FAxeAtk"); void A_FAxeCheckReady (AActor *actor); void A_FAxeCheckUp (AActor *actor); void A_FAxeCheckAtk (AActor *actor); void A_FAxeCheckReadyG (AActor *actor); void A_FAxeCheckUpG (AActor *actor); void A_FAxeAttack (AActor *actor); extern void AdjustPlayerAngle (AActor *pmo, AActor *linetarget); EXTERN_CVAR (Int, cl_bloodtype) // The Fighter's Axe -------------------------------------------------------- class AFWeapAxe : public AFighterWeapon { DECLARE_CLASS (AFWeapAxe, AFighterWeapon) public: FState *GetUpState (); FState *GetDownState (); FState *GetReadyState (); FState *GetAtkState (bool hold); }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS (AFWeapAxe) FState *AFWeapAxe::GetUpState () { return Ammo1->Amount ? FindState ("SelectGlow") : Super::GetUpState(); } FState *AFWeapAxe::GetDownState () { return Ammo1->Amount ? FindState ("DeselectGlow") : Super::GetDownState(); } FState *AFWeapAxe::GetReadyState () { return Ammo1->Amount ? FindState ("ReadyGlow") : Super::GetReadyState(); } FState *AFWeapAxe::GetAtkState (bool hold) { return Ammo1->Amount ? FindState ("FireGlow") : Super::GetAtkState(hold); } //============================================================================ // // A_FAxeCheckReady // //============================================================================ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FAxeCheckReady) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = self->player)) { return 0; } if (player->ReadyWeapon->Ammo1->Amount) { P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, player->ReadyWeapon->FindState ("ReadyGlow")); } else { DoReadyWeapon(self); } return 0; } //============================================================================ // // A_FAxeCheckReadyG // //============================================================================ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FAxeCheckReadyG) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = self->player)) { return 0; } if (player->ReadyWeapon->Ammo1->Amount <= 0) { P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, player->ReadyWeapon->FindState ("Ready")); } else { DoReadyWeapon(self); } return 0; } //============================================================================ // // A_FAxeCheckUp // //============================================================================ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FAxeCheckUp) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = self->player)) { return 0; } if (player->ReadyWeapon->Ammo1->Amount) { P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, player->ReadyWeapon->FindState ("ReadyGlow")); } else { CALL_ACTION(A_Raise, self); } return 0; } //============================================================================ // // A_FAxeCheckUpG // //============================================================================ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FAxeCheckUpG) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = self->player)) { return 0; } if (player->ReadyWeapon->Ammo1->Amount <= 0) { P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, player->ReadyWeapon->FindState ("Select")); } else { CALL_ACTION(A_Raise, self); } return 0; } //============================================================================ // // A_FAxeCheckAtk // //============================================================================ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FAxeCheckAtk) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = self->player)) { return 0; } if (player->ReadyWeapon->Ammo1->Amount) { P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, player->ReadyWeapon->FindState ("FireGlow")); } return 0; } //============================================================================ // // A_FAxeAttack // //============================================================================ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_FAxeAttack) { PARAM_ACTION_PROLOGUE; angle_t angle; fixed_t power; int damage; int slope; int i; int useMana; player_t *player; AWeapon *weapon; const PClass *pufftype; AActor *linetarget; if (NULL == (player = self->player)) { return 0; } AActor *pmo=player->mo; damage = 40+(pr_axeatk()&15); damage += pr_axeatk()&7; power = 0; weapon = player->ReadyWeapon; if (player->ReadyWeapon->Ammo1->Amount > 0) { damage <<= 1; power = 6*FRACUNIT; pufftype = PClass::FindClass ("AxePuffGlow"); useMana = 1; } else { pufftype = PClass::FindClass ("AxePuff"); useMana = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { angle = pmo->angle+i*(ANG45/16); slope = P_AimLineAttack (pmo, angle, AXERANGE, &linetarget); if (linetarget) { P_LineAttack (pmo, angle, AXERANGE, slope, damage, NAME_Melee, pufftype, true); if (linetarget->flags3&MF3_ISMONSTER || linetarget->player) { P_ThrustMobj (linetarget, angle, power); } AdjustPlayerAngle (pmo, linetarget); useMana++; goto axedone; } angle = pmo->angle-i*(ANG45/16); slope = P_AimLineAttack (pmo, angle, AXERANGE, &linetarget); if (linetarget) { P_LineAttack (pmo, angle, AXERANGE, slope, damage, NAME_Melee, pufftype, true); if (linetarget->flags3&MF3_ISMONSTER) { P_ThrustMobj (linetarget, angle, power); } AdjustPlayerAngle (pmo, linetarget); useMana++; goto axedone; } } // didn't find any creatures, so try to strike any walls pmo->special1 = 0; angle = pmo->angle; slope = P_AimLineAttack (pmo, angle, MELEERANGE, &linetarget); P_LineAttack (pmo, angle, MELEERANGE, slope, damage, NAME_Melee, pufftype, true); axedone: if (useMana == 2) { AWeapon *weapon = player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire, false); if ((weapon->Ammo1 == NULL || weapon->Ammo1->Amount == 0) && (!(weapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_PRIMARY_USES_BOTH) || weapon->Ammo2 == NULL || weapon->Ammo2->Amount == 0)) { P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, player->ReadyWeapon->FindState ("Fire") + 5); } } } return 0; }