#include "jit.h" #include "jitintern.h" #include extern PString *TypeString; extern PStruct *TypeVector2; extern PStruct *TypeVector3; static void OutputJitLog(const asmjit::StringLogger &logger); static TArray JitBlocks; static size_t JitBlockPos = 0; static size_t JitBlockSize = 0; static asmjit::CodeInfo GetHostCodeInfo() { static bool firstCall = true; static asmjit::CodeInfo codeInfo; if (firstCall) { asmjit::JitRuntime rt; codeInfo = rt.getCodeInfo(); firstCall = false; } return codeInfo; } static void *AllocJitMemory(size_t size) { using namespace asmjit; if (JitBlockPos + size <= JitBlockSize) { uint8_t *p = JitBlocks[JitBlocks.Size() - 1]; p += JitBlockPos; JitBlockPos += size; return p; } else { size_t allocatedSize = 0; void *p = OSUtils::allocVirtualMemory(1024 * 1024, &allocatedSize, OSUtils::kVMWritable | OSUtils::kVMExecutable); if (!p) return nullptr; JitBlocks.Push((uint8_t*)p); JitBlockSize = allocatedSize; JitBlockPos = size; return p; } } #define UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL 0 #define UWOP_ALLOC_LARGE 1 #define UWOP_ALLOC_SMALL 2 #define UWOP_SET_FPREG 3 #define UWOP_SAVE_NONVOL 4 #define UWOP_SAVE_NONVOL_FAR 5 #define UWOP_SAVE_XMM128 8 #define UWOP_SAVE_XMM128_FAR 9 #define UWOP_PUSH_MACHFRAME 10 static TArray CreateUnwindInfo(asmjit::CCFunc *func) { using namespace asmjit; FuncFrameLayout layout; Error error = layout.init(func->getDetail(), func->getFrameInfo()); if (error != kErrorOk) I_FatalError("FuncFrameLayout.init failed"); // We need a dummy emitter for instruction size calculations CodeHolder code; code.init(GetHostCodeInfo()); X86Assembler assembler(&code); X86Emitter *emitter = assembler.asEmitter(); // Build UNWIND_CODE codes: TArray codes; uint32_t opoffset, opcode, opinfo; // Note: this must match exactly what X86Internal::emitProlog does X86Gp zsp = emitter->zsp(); // ESP|RSP register. X86Gp zbp = emitter->zsp(); // EBP|RBP register. zbp.setId(X86Gp::kIdBp); X86Gp gpReg = emitter->zsp(); // General purpose register (temporary). X86Gp saReg = emitter->zsp(); // Stack-arguments base register. uint32_t gpSaved = layout.getSavedRegs(X86Reg::kKindGp); if (layout.hasPreservedFP()) { // Emit: 'push zbp' // 'mov zbp, zsp'. gpSaved &= ~Utils::mask(X86Gp::kIdBp); emitter->push(zbp); opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset(); opcode = UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL; opinfo = X86Gp::kIdBp; codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12)); emitter->mov(zbp, zsp); } if (gpSaved) { for (uint32_t i = gpSaved, regId = 0; i; i >>= 1, regId++) { if (!(i & 0x1)) continue; // Emit: 'push gp' sequence. gpReg.setId(regId); emitter->push(gpReg); opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset(); opcode = UWOP_PUSH_NONVOL; opinfo = regId; codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12)); } } uint32_t stackArgsRegId = layout.getStackArgsRegId(); if (stackArgsRegId != Globals::kInvalidRegId && stackArgsRegId != X86Gp::kIdSp) { saReg.setId(stackArgsRegId); if (!(layout.hasPreservedFP() && stackArgsRegId == X86Gp::kIdBp)) { // Emit: 'mov saReg, zsp'. emitter->mov(saReg, zsp); } } if (layout.hasDynamicAlignment()) { // Emit: 'and zsp, StackAlignment'. emitter->and_(zsp, -static_cast(layout.getStackAlignment())); } if (layout.hasStackAdjustment()) { // Emit: 'sub zsp, StackAdjustment'. emitter->sub(zsp, layout.getStackAdjustment()); uint32_t stackadjust = layout.getStackAdjustment(); if (stackadjust <= 128) { opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset(); opcode = UWOP_ALLOC_SMALL; opinfo = stackadjust / 8 - 1; codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12)); } else if (stackadjust <= 512 * 1024 - 8) { opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset(); opcode = UWOP_ALLOC_LARGE; opinfo = 0; codes.Push(stackadjust / 8); codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12)); } else { opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset(); opcode = UWOP_ALLOC_LARGE; opinfo = 1; codes.Push((uint16_t)(stackadjust >> 16)); codes.Push((uint16_t)stackadjust); codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12)); } } if (layout.hasDynamicAlignment() && layout.hasDsaSlotUsed()) { // Emit: 'mov [zsp + dsaSlot], saReg'. X86Mem saMem = x86::ptr(zsp, layout._dsaSlot); emitter->mov(saMem, saReg); } uint32_t xmmSaved = layout.getSavedRegs(X86Reg::kKindVec); if (xmmSaved) { X86Mem vecBase = x86::ptr(zsp, layout.getVecStackOffset()); X86Reg vecReg = x86::xmm(0); bool avx = layout.isAvxEnabled(); bool aligned = layout.hasAlignedVecSR(); uint32_t vecInst = aligned ? (avx ? X86Inst::kIdVmovaps : X86Inst::kIdMovaps) : (avx ? X86Inst::kIdVmovups : X86Inst::kIdMovups); uint32_t vecSize = 16; for (uint32_t i = xmmSaved, regId = 0; i; i >>= 1, regId++) { if (!(i & 0x1)) continue; // Emit 'movaps|movups [zsp + X], xmm0..15'. vecReg.setId(regId); emitter->emit(vecInst, vecBase, vecReg); vecBase.addOffsetLo32(static_cast(vecSize)); if (vecBase.getOffsetLo32() / vecSize < (1 << 16)) { opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset(); opcode = UWOP_SAVE_XMM128; opinfo = regId; codes.Push(vecBase.getOffsetLo32() / vecSize); codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12)); } else { opoffset = (uint32_t)assembler.getOffset(); opcode = UWOP_SAVE_XMM128_FAR; opinfo = regId; codes.Push((uint16_t)(vecBase.getOffsetLo32() >> 16)); codes.Push((uint16_t)vecBase.getOffsetLo32()); codes.Push(opoffset | (opcode << 8) | (opinfo << 12)); } } } // Build the UNWIND_INFO structure: uint16_t version = 1, flags = 0, frameRegister = 0, frameOffset = 0; uint16_t sizeOfProlog = (uint16_t)assembler.getOffset(); uint16_t countOfCodes = (uint16_t)codes.Size(); TArray info; info.Push(version | (flags << 3) | (sizeOfProlog << 8)); info.Push(countOfCodes | (frameRegister << 8) | (frameOffset << 12)); for (unsigned int i = codes.Size(); i > 0; i--) info.Push(codes[i - 1]); if (codes.Size() % 2 == 1) info.Push(0); return info; } static void *AddJitFunction(asmjit::CodeHolder* code, asmjit::CCFunc *func) { using namespace asmjit; size_t codeSize = code->getCodeSize(); if (codeSize == 0) return nullptr; #ifdef _WIN64 TArray unwindInfo = CreateUnwindInfo(func); size_t unwindInfoSize = unwindInfo.Size() * sizeof(uint16_t); size_t functionTableSize = sizeof(RUNTIME_FUNCTION); #else size_t unwindInfoSize = 0; size_t functionTableSize = 0; #endif codeSize = (codeSize + 15) / 16 * 16; uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)AllocJitMemory(codeSize + unwindInfoSize + functionTableSize); if (!p) return nullptr; size_t relocSize = code->relocate(p); if (relocSize == 0) return nullptr; size_t unwindStart = relocSize; unwindStart = (unwindStart + 15) / 16 * 16; JitBlockPos -= codeSize - unwindStart; #ifdef _WIN64 uint8_t *baseaddr = JitBlocks.Last(); uint8_t *startaddr = p; uint8_t *endaddr = p + relocSize; uint8_t *unwindptr = p + unwindStart; memcpy(unwindptr, &unwindInfo[0], unwindInfoSize); RUNTIME_FUNCTION *table = (RUNTIME_FUNCTION*)(unwindptr + unwindInfoSize); table[0].BeginAddress = (DWORD)(ptrdiff_t)(startaddr - baseaddr); table[0].EndAddress = (DWORD)(ptrdiff_t)(endaddr - baseaddr); table[0].UnwindInfoAddress = (DWORD)(ptrdiff_t)(unwindptr - baseaddr); BOOLEAN result = RtlAddFunctionTable(table, 1, (DWORD64)baseaddr); if (result == 0) I_FatalError("RtlAddFunctionTable failed"); #endif return p; } JitFuncPtr JitCompile(VMScriptFunction *sfunc) { #if 0 if (strcmp(sfunc->PrintableName.GetChars(), "StatusScreen.drawNum") != 0) return nullptr; #endif using namespace asmjit; StringLogger logger; try { ThrowingErrorHandler errorHandler; CodeHolder code; code.init(GetHostCodeInfo()); code.setErrorHandler(&errorHandler); code.setLogger(&logger); JitCompiler compiler(&code, sfunc); CCFunc *func = compiler.Codegen(); return reinterpret_cast(AddJitFunction(&code, func)); } catch (const std::exception &e) { OutputJitLog(logger); I_FatalError("Unexpected JIT error: %s\n", e.what()); return nullptr; } } void JitDumpLog(FILE *file, VMScriptFunction *sfunc) { using namespace asmjit; StringLogger logger; try { ThrowingErrorHandler errorHandler; CodeHolder code; code.init(GetHostCodeInfo()); code.setErrorHandler(&errorHandler); code.setLogger(&logger); JitCompiler compiler(&code, sfunc); compiler.Codegen(); fwrite(logger.getString(), logger.getLength(), 1, file); } catch (const std::exception &e) { fwrite(logger.getString(), logger.getLength(), 1, file); FString err; err.Format("Unexpected JIT error: %s\n", e.what()); fwrite(err.GetChars(), err.Len(), 1, file); fclose(file); I_FatalError("Unexpected JIT error: %s\n", e.what()); } } static void OutputJitLog(const asmjit::StringLogger &logger) { // Write line by line since I_FatalError seems to cut off long strings const char *pos = logger.getString(); const char *end = pos; while (*end) { if (*end == '\n') { FString substr(pos, (int)(ptrdiff_t)(end - pos)); Printf("%s\n", substr.GetChars()); pos = end + 1; } end++; } if (pos != end) Printf("%s\n", pos); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const char *OpNames[NUM_OPS] = { #define xx(op, name, mode, alt, kreg, ktype) #op, #include "vmops.h" #undef xx }; asmjit::CCFunc *JitCompiler::Codegen() { Setup(); pc = sfunc->Code; auto end = pc + sfunc->CodeSize; while (pc != end) { int i = (int)(ptrdiff_t)(pc - sfunc->Code); op = pc->op; if (op != OP_PARAM && op != OP_PARAMI && op != OP_VTBL) { FString lineinfo; lineinfo.Format("; line %d: %02x%02x%02x%02x %s", sfunc->PCToLine(pc), pc->op, pc->a, pc->b, pc->c, OpNames[op]); cc.comment("", 0); cc.comment(lineinfo.GetChars(), lineinfo.Len()); } labels[i].cursor = cc.getCursor(); ResetTemp(); EmitOpcode(); pc++; } BindLabels(); cc.endFunc(); cc.finalize(); return func; } void JitCompiler::EmitOpcode() { switch (op) { #define xx(op, name, mode, alt, kreg, ktype) case OP_##op: Emit##op(); break; #include "vmops.h" #undef xx default: I_FatalError("JIT error: Unknown VM opcode %d\n", op); break; } } void JitCompiler::BindLabels() { asmjit::CBNode *cursor = cc.getCursor(); unsigned int size = labels.Size(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) { const OpcodeLabel &label = labels[i]; if (label.inUse) { cc.setCursor(label.cursor); cc.bind(label.label); } } cc.setCursor(cursor); } void JitCompiler::Setup() { using namespace asmjit; ResetTemp(); static const char *marks = "======================================================="; cc.comment("", 0); cc.comment(marks, 56); FString funcname; funcname.Format("Function: %s", sfunc->PrintableName.GetChars()); cc.comment(funcname.GetChars(), funcname.Len()); cc.comment(marks, 56); cc.comment("", 0); auto unusedFunc = cc.newIntPtr("func"); // VMFunction* args = cc.newIntPtr("args"); // VMValue *params numargs = cc.newInt32("numargs"); // int numargs ret = cc.newIntPtr("ret"); // VMReturn *ret numret = cc.newInt32("numret"); // int numret func = cc.addFunc(FuncSignature5()); cc.setArg(0, unusedFunc); cc.setArg(1, args); cc.setArg(2, numargs); cc.setArg(3, ret); cc.setArg(4, numret); auto stackalloc = cc.newStack(sizeof(VMReturn) * MAX_RETURNS, alignof(VMReturn), "stackalloc"); callReturns = cc.newIntPtr("callReturns"); cc.lea(callReturns, stackalloc); konstd = sfunc->KonstD; konstf = sfunc->KonstF; konsts = sfunc->KonstS; konsta = sfunc->KonstA; labels.Resize(sfunc->CodeSize); CreateRegisters(); IncrementVMCalls(); SetupFrame(); } void JitCompiler::SetupFrame() { // the VM version reads this from the stack, but it is constant data offsetParams = ((int)sizeof(VMFrame) + 15) & ~15; offsetF = offsetParams + (int)(sfunc->MaxParam * sizeof(VMValue)); offsetS = offsetF + (int)(sfunc->NumRegF * sizeof(double)); offsetA = offsetS + (int)(sfunc->NumRegS * sizeof(FString)); offsetD = offsetA + (int)(sfunc->NumRegA * sizeof(void*)); offsetExtra = (offsetD + (int)(sfunc->NumRegD * sizeof(int32_t)) + 15) & ~15; vmframe = cc.newIntPtr("vmframe"); if (sfunc->SpecialInits.Size() == 0 && sfunc->NumRegS == 0) { SetupSimpleFrame(); } else { SetupFullVMFrame(); } } void JitCompiler::SetupSimpleFrame() { using namespace asmjit; // This is a simple frame with no constructors or destructors. Allocate it on the stack ourselves. auto vmstack = cc.newStack(sfunc->StackSize, 16, "vmstack"); cc.lea(vmframe, vmstack); int argsPos = 0; int regd = 0, regf = 0, rega = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sfunc->Proto->ArgumentTypes.Size(); i++) { const PType *type = sfunc->Proto->ArgumentTypes[i]; if (sfunc->ArgFlags[i] & (VARF_Out | VARF_Ref)) { cc.mov(regA[rega++], x86::ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, a))); } else if (type == TypeVector2) { cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f))); cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f))); } else if (type == TypeVector3) { cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f))); cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f))); cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f))); } else if (type == TypeFloat64) { cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f))); } else if (type == TypeString) { I_FatalError("JIT: Strings are not supported yet for simple frames"); } else if (type->isIntCompatible()) { cc.mov(regD[regd++], x86::dword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, i))); } else { cc.mov(regA[rega++], x86::ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, a))); } } if (sfunc->NumArgs != argsPos || regd > sfunc->NumRegD || regf > sfunc->NumRegF || rega > sfunc->NumRegA) I_FatalError("JIT: sfunc->NumArgs != argsPos || regd > sfunc->NumRegD || regf > sfunc->NumRegF || rega > sfunc->NumRegA"); for (int i = regd; i < sfunc->NumRegD; i++) cc.xor_(regD[i], regD[i]); for (int i = regf; i < sfunc->NumRegF; i++) cc.xorpd(regF[i], regF[i]); for (int i = rega; i < sfunc->NumRegA; i++) cc.xor_(regA[i], regA[i]); } static VMFrameStack *CreateFullVMFrame(VMScriptFunction *func, VMValue *args, int numargs) { try { VMFrameStack *stack = &GlobalVMStack; VMFrame *newf = stack->AllocFrame(func); CurrentJitExceptInfo->vmframes++; VMFillParams(args, newf, numargs); return stack; } catch (...) { VMThrowException(std::current_exception()); return nullptr; } } void JitCompiler::SetupFullVMFrame() { using namespace asmjit; stack = cc.newIntPtr("stack"); auto allocFrame = CreateCall(CreateFullVMFrame); allocFrame->setRet(0, stack); allocFrame->setArg(0, imm_ptr(sfunc)); allocFrame->setArg(1, args); allocFrame->setArg(2, numargs); cc.mov(vmframe, x86::ptr(stack)); // stack->Blocks cc.mov(vmframe, x86::ptr(vmframe, VMFrameStack::OffsetLastFrame())); // Blocks->LastFrame for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegD; i++) cc.mov(regD[i], x86::dword_ptr(vmframe, offsetD + i * sizeof(int32_t))); for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegF; i++) cc.movsd(regF[i], x86::qword_ptr(vmframe, offsetF + i * sizeof(double))); for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegS; i++) cc.lea(regS[i], x86::ptr(vmframe, offsetS + i * sizeof(FString))); for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegA; i++) cc.mov(regA[i], x86::ptr(vmframe, offsetA + i * sizeof(void*))); } static void PopFullVMFrame(VMFrameStack *stack) { try { stack->PopFrame(); CurrentJitExceptInfo->vmframes--; } catch (...) { VMThrowException(std::current_exception()); } } void JitCompiler::EmitPopFrame() { if (sfunc->SpecialInits.Size() != 0 || sfunc->NumRegS != 0) { auto popFrame = CreateCall(PopFullVMFrame); popFrame->setArg(0, stack); } } void JitCompiler::IncrementVMCalls() { // VMCalls[0]++ auto vmcallsptr = newTempIntPtr(); auto vmcalls = newTempInt32(); cc.mov(vmcallsptr, asmjit::imm_ptr(VMCalls)); cc.mov(vmcalls, asmjit::x86::dword_ptr(vmcallsptr)); cc.add(vmcalls, (int)1); cc.mov(asmjit::x86::dword_ptr(vmcallsptr), vmcalls); } void JitCompiler::CreateRegisters() { regD.Resize(sfunc->NumRegD); regF.Resize(sfunc->NumRegF); regA.Resize(sfunc->NumRegA); regS.Resize(sfunc->NumRegS); for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegD; i++) { regname.Format("regD%d", i); regD[i] = cc.newInt32(regname.GetChars()); } for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegF; i++) { regname.Format("regF%d", i); regF[i] = cc.newXmmSd(regname.GetChars()); } for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegS; i++) { regname.Format("regS%d", i); regS[i] = cc.newIntPtr(regname.GetChars()); } for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegA; i++) { regname.Format("regA%d", i); regA[i] = cc.newIntPtr(regname.GetChars()); } } void JitCompiler::EmitNullPointerThrow(int index, EVMAbortException reason) { auto label = EmitThrowExceptionLabel(reason); cc.test(regA[index], regA[index]); cc.je(label); } void JitCompiler::ThrowException(VMScriptFunction *func, VMOP *line, int reason) { try { ThrowAbortException(func, line, (EVMAbortException)reason, nullptr); } catch (...) { VMThrowException(std::current_exception()); } } void JitCompiler::EmitThrowException(EVMAbortException reason) { auto call = CreateCall(&JitCompiler::ThrowException); call->setArg(0, asmjit::imm_ptr(sfunc)); call->setArg(1, asmjit::imm_ptr(pc)); call->setArg(2, asmjit::imm(reason)); } asmjit::Label JitCompiler::EmitThrowExceptionLabel(EVMAbortException reason) { auto label = cc.newLabel(); auto cursor = cc.getCursor(); cc.bind(label); EmitThrowException(reason); cc.setCursor(cursor); return label; } asmjit::X86Gp JitCompiler::CheckRegD(int r0, int r1) { if (r0 != r1) { return regD[r0]; } else { auto copy = newTempInt32(); cc.mov(copy, regD[r0]); return copy; } } asmjit::X86Xmm JitCompiler::CheckRegF(int r0, int r1) { if (r0 != r1) { return regF[r0]; } else { auto copy = newTempXmmSd(); cc.movsd(copy, regF[r0]); return copy; } } asmjit::X86Xmm JitCompiler::CheckRegF(int r0, int r1, int r2) { if (r0 != r1 && r0 != r2) { return regF[r0]; } else { auto copy = newTempXmmSd(); cc.movsd(copy, regF[r0]); return copy; } } asmjit::X86Xmm JitCompiler::CheckRegF(int r0, int r1, int r2, int r3) { if (r0 != r1 && r0 != r2 && r0 != r3) { return regF[r0]; } else { auto copy = newTempXmmSd(); cc.movsd(copy, regF[r0]); return copy; } } asmjit::X86Gp JitCompiler::CheckRegS(int r0, int r1) { if (r0 != r1) { return regS[r0]; } else { auto copy = newTempIntPtr(); cc.mov(copy, regS[r0]); return copy; } } asmjit::X86Gp JitCompiler::CheckRegA(int r0, int r1) { if (r0 != r1) { return regA[r0]; } else { auto copy = newTempIntPtr(); cc.mov(copy, regA[r0]); return copy; } } void JitCompiler::EmitNOP() { cc.nop(); } #if 0 void JitCompiler::SetupNative() { using namespace asmjit; ResetTemp(); static const char *marks = "======================================================="; cc.comment("", 0); cc.comment(marks, 56); FString funcname; funcname.Format("Function: %s", sfunc->PrintableName.GetChars()); cc.comment(funcname.GetChars(), funcname.Len()); cc.comment(marks, 56); cc.comment("", 0); konstd = sfunc->KonstD; konstf = sfunc->KonstF; konsts = sfunc->KonstS; konsta = sfunc->KonstA; CreateRegisters(); func = cc.addFunc(CreateFuncSignature(sfunc)); int argsPos = 0; int regd = 0, regf = 0, regs = 0, rega = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sfunc->Proto->ArgumentTypes.Size(); i++) { const PType *type = sfunc->Proto->ArgumentTypes[i]; if (sfunc->ArgFlags[i] & (VARF_Out | VARF_Ref)) { cc.setArg(argsPos++, regA[rega++]); } else if (type == TypeVector2) { cc.setArg(argsPos++, regF[regf++]); cc.setArg(argsPos++, regF[regf++]); } else if (type == TypeVector3) { cc.setArg(argsPos++, regF[regf++]); cc.setArg(argsPos++, regF[regf++]); cc.setArg(argsPos++, regF[regf++]); } else if (type == TypeFloat64) { cc.setArg(argsPos++, regF[regf++]); } else if (type == TypeString) { cc.setArg(argsPos++, regS[regs++]); } else if (type->isIntCompatible()) { cc.setArg(argsPos++, regA[regd++]); } else { cc.setArg(argsPos++, regA[rega++]); } } if (sfunc->NumArgs != argsPos || regd > sfunc->NumRegD || regf > sfunc->NumRegF || regs > sfunc->NumRegS || rega > sfunc->NumRegA) I_FatalError("JIT: sfunc->NumArgs != argsPos || regd > sfunc->NumRegD || regf > sfunc->NumRegF || regs > sfunc->NumRegS || rega > sfunc->NumRegA"); for (int i = regd; i < sfunc->NumRegD; i++) cc.xor_(regD[i], regD[i]); for (int i = regf; i < sfunc->NumRegF; i++) cc.xorpd(regF[i], regF[i]); for (int i = regs; i < sfunc->NumRegS; i++) cc.xor_(regS[i], regS[i]); for (int i = rega; i < sfunc->NumRegA; i++) cc.xor_(regA[i], regA[i]); labels.Resize(sfunc->CodeSize); IncrementVMCalls(); } asmjit::CCFunc *JitCompiler::CodegenThunk(asmjit::X86Compiler &cc, VMScriptFunction *sfunc, void *nativefunc) { using namespace asmjit; static const char *marks = "======================================================="; cc.comment("", 0); cc.comment(marks, 56); FString funcname; funcname.Format("Thunk: %s", sfunc->PrintableName.GetChars()); cc.comment(funcname.GetChars(), funcname.Len()); cc.comment(marks, 56); cc.comment("", 0); auto unusedFunc = cc.newIntPtr("func"); // VMFunction* auto args = cc.newIntPtr("args"); // VMValue *params auto numargs = cc.newInt32("numargs"); // int numargs auto ret = cc.newIntPtr("ret"); // VMReturn *ret auto numret = cc.newInt32("numret"); // int numret CCFunc *func = cc.addFunc(FuncSignature5()); cc.setArg(0, unusedFunc); cc.setArg(1, args); cc.setArg(2, numargs); cc.setArg(3, ret); cc.setArg(4, numret); TArray callArgs; int argsPos = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sfunc->Proto->ArgumentTypes.Size(); i++) { const PType *type = sfunc->Proto->ArgumentTypes[i]; if (sfunc->ArgFlags[i] & (VARF_Out | VARF_Ref)) { auto reg = cc.newIntPtr(); cc.mov(reg, x86::ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, a))); callArgs.Push(reg); } else if (type == TypeVector2) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { auto reg = cc.newXmmSd(); cc.movsd(reg, x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f))); callArgs.Push(reg); } } else if (type == TypeVector3) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { auto reg = cc.newXmmSd(); cc.movsd(reg, x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f))); callArgs.Push(reg); } } else if (type == TypeFloat64) { auto reg = cc.newXmmSd(); cc.movsd(reg, x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f))); callArgs.Push(reg); } else if (type == TypeString) { auto reg = cc.newIntPtr(); cc.mov(reg, x86::ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, a))); callArgs.Push(reg); } else if (type->isIntCompatible()) { auto reg = cc.newInt32(); cc.mov(reg, x86::dword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, i))); callArgs.Push(reg); } else { auto reg = cc.newIntPtr(); cc.mov(reg, x86::ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, a))); callArgs.Push(reg); } } auto call = cc.call(imm_ptr(nativefunc), CreateFuncSignature(sfunc)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < callArgs.Size(); i++) call->setArg(i, callArgs[i]); cc.ret(numret); return func; } asmjit::FuncSignature JitCompiler::CreateFuncSignature(VMScriptFunction *sfunc) { using namespace asmjit; TArray args; FString key; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sfunc->Proto->ArgumentTypes.Size(); i++) { const PType *type = sfunc->Proto->ArgumentTypes[i]; if (sfunc->ArgFlags[i] & (VARF_Out | VARF_Ref)) { args.Push(TypeIdOf::kTypeId); key += "v"; } else if (type == TypeVector2) { args.Push(TypeIdOf::kTypeId); args.Push(TypeIdOf::kTypeId); key += "ff"; } else if (type == TypeVector3) { args.Push(TypeIdOf::kTypeId); args.Push(TypeIdOf::kTypeId); args.Push(TypeIdOf::kTypeId); key += "fff"; } else if (type == TypeFloat64) { args.Push(TypeIdOf::kTypeId); key += "f"; } else if (type == TypeString) { args.Push(TypeIdOf::kTypeId); key += "s"; } else if (type->isIntCompatible()) { args.Push(TypeIdOf::kTypeId); key += "i"; } else { args.Push(TypeIdOf::kTypeId); key += "v"; } } // FuncSignature only keeps a pointer to its args array. Keep a copy of each args array variant. static std::map>> argsCache; std::unique_ptr> &cachedArgs = argsCache[key]; if (!cachedArgs) cachedArgs.reset(new TArray(args)); FuncSignature signature; signature.init(CallConv::kIdHost, TypeIdOf::kTypeId, cachedArgs->Data(), cachedArgs->Size()); return signature; } #endif