#ifndef _PORTALS_H_ #define _PORTALS_H_ #include "basictypes.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "m_bbox.h" struct FPortalGroupArray; struct portnode_t; //============================================================================ // // This table holds the offsets for the different parts of a map // that are connected by portals. // The idea here is basically the same as implemented in Eternity Engine: // // - each portal creates two sector groups in the map // which are offset by the displacement of the portal anchors // // - for two or multiple groups the displacement is calculated by // adding the displacements between intermediate groups which // have to be traversed to connect the two // // - any sector not connected to any portal is assigned to group 0 // Group 0 has no displacement to any other group in the level. // //============================================================================ struct FDisplacement { DVector2 pos; bool isSet; uint8_t indirect; // just for illustration. }; struct FDisplacementTable { TArray<FDisplacement> data; int size; FDisplacementTable() { Create(1); } void Create(int numgroups) { data.Resize(numgroups*numgroups); memset(&data[0], 0, numgroups*numgroups*sizeof(data[0])); size = numgroups; } FDisplacement &operator()(int x, int y) { return data[x + size*y]; } DVector2 getOffset(int x, int y) const { if (x == y) { DVector2 nulvec = { 0,0 }; return nulvec; // shortcut for the most common case } return data[x + size*y].pos; } void MoveGroup(int grp, DVector2 delta) { for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { data[grp + size*i].pos -= delta; data[i + grp*size].pos += delta; } } }; extern FDisplacementTable Displacements; //============================================================================ // // A blockmap that only contains crossable portals // This is used for quick checks if a vector crosses through one. // //============================================================================ struct FPortalBlock { bool neighborContainsLines; // this is for skipping the traverser and exiting early if we can quickly decide that there's no portals nearby. bool containsLinkedPortals; // this is for sight check optimization. We can't early-out on an impenetrable line if there may be portals being found in the same block later on. TArray<line_t*> portallines; FPortalBlock() { neighborContainsLines = false; containsLinkedPortals = false; } }; struct FPortalBlockmap { TArray<FPortalBlock> data; int dx, dy; bool containsLines; bool hasLinkedSectorPortals; // global flag to shortcut portal checks if the map has none. bool hasLinkedPolyPortals; // this means that any early-outs in P_CheckSight need to be disabled if a block contains polyobjects. void Create(int blockx, int blocky) { data.Resize(blockx*blocky); dx = blockx; dy = blocky; } void Clear() { data.Clear(); data.ShrinkToFit(); dx = dy = 0; containsLines = false; hasLinkedPolyPortals = false; hasLinkedSectorPortals = false; } FPortalBlock &operator()(int x, int y) { return data[x + dx*y]; } }; extern FPortalBlockmap PortalBlockmap; //============================================================================ // // Flags and types for linedef portals // //============================================================================ enum { PORTF_VISIBLE = 1, PORTF_PASSABLE = 2, PORTF_SOUNDTRAVERSE = 4, PORTF_INTERACTIVE = 8, PORTF_POLYOBJ = 16, PORTF_TYPETELEPORT = PORTF_VISIBLE | PORTF_PASSABLE | PORTF_SOUNDTRAVERSE, PORTF_TYPEINTERACTIVE = PORTF_VISIBLE | PORTF_PASSABLE | PORTF_SOUNDTRAVERSE | PORTF_INTERACTIVE, }; enum { PORTT_VISUAL, PORTT_TELEPORT, PORTT_INTERACTIVE, PORTT_LINKED, PORTT_LINKEDEE // Eternity compatible definition which uses only one line ID and a different anchor type to link to. }; enum { PORG_ABSOLUTE, // does not align at all. z-ccoordinates must match. PORG_FLOOR, PORG_CEILING, }; enum { PCOLL_NOTLINKED = 1, PCOLL_LINKED = 2 }; //============================================================================ // // All information about a line-to-line portal (all types) // //============================================================================ struct FLinePortal { line_t *mOrigin; line_t *mDestination; DVector2 mDisplacement; uint8_t mType; uint8_t mFlags; uint8_t mDefFlags; uint8_t mAlign; DAngle mAngleDiff; double mSinRot; double mCosRot; portnode_t *lineportal_thinglist; }; extern TArray<FLinePortal> linePortals; //============================================================================ // // All information about a sector plane portal // //============================================================================ enum { PORTS_SKYVIEWPOINT = 0, // a regular skybox PORTS_STACKEDSECTORTHING, // stacked sectors with the thing method PORTS_PORTAL, // stacked sectors with Sector_SetPortal PORTS_LINKEDPORTAL, // linked portal (interactive) PORTS_PLANE, // EE-style plane portal (not implemented in SW renderer) PORTS_HORIZON, // EE-style horizon portal (not implemented in SW renderer) }; enum { PORTSF_SKYFLATONLY = 1, // portal is only active on skyflatnum PORTSF_INSKYBOX = 2, // to avoid recursion }; struct FSectorPortal { int mType; int mFlags; unsigned mPartner; int mPlane; sector_t *mOrigin; sector_t *mDestination; DVector2 mDisplacement; double mPlaneZ; TObjPtr<AActor*> mSkybox; bool MergeAllowed() const { // For thing based stack sectors and regular skies the portal has no relevance for merging visplanes. return (mType == PORTS_STACKEDSECTORTHING || (mType == PORTS_SKYVIEWPOINT && (mFlags & PORTSF_SKYFLATONLY))); } }; //============================================================================ // // Functions // //============================================================================ void P_ClearPortals(); void P_SpawnLinePortal(line_t* line); void P_FinalizePortals(); bool P_ChangePortal(line_t *ln, int thisid, int destid); void P_CreateLinkedPortals(); bool P_CollectConnectedGroups(int startgroup, const DVector3 &position, double upperz, double checkradius, FPortalGroupArray &out); void P_CollectLinkedPortals(); inline int P_NumPortalGroups() { return Displacements.size; } unsigned P_GetSkyboxPortal(AActor *actor); unsigned P_GetPortal(int type, int plane, sector_t *orgsec, sector_t *destsec, const DVector2 &displacement); unsigned P_GetStackPortal(AActor *point, int plane); /* code ported from prototype */ bool P_ClipLineToPortal(line_t* line, line_t* portal, DVector2 view, bool partial = true, bool samebehind = true); void P_TranslatePortalXY(line_t* src, double& vx, double& vy); void P_TranslatePortalVXVY(line_t* src, double &velx, double &vely); void P_TranslatePortalAngle(line_t* src, DAngle& angle); void P_TranslatePortalZ(line_t* src, double& vz); DVector2 P_GetOffsetPosition(double x, double y, double dx, double dy); #endif