struct VisStyle { bool Invert; float Alpha; int RenderStyle; } class Inventory : Actor { const BLINKTHRESHOLD = (4*32); const BONUSADD = 6; deprecated("3.7") private int ItemFlags; Actor Owner; // Who owns this item? NULL if it's still a pickup. int Amount; // Amount of item this instance has int MaxAmount; // Max amount of item this instance can have int InterHubAmount; // Amount of item that can be kept between hubs or levels int RespawnTics; // Tics from pickup time to respawn time TextureID Icon; // Icon to show on status bar or HUD TextureID AltHUDIcon; int DropTime; // Countdown after dropping Class<Actor> SpawnPointClass; // For respawning like Heretic's mace Class<Actor> PickupFlash; // actor to spawn as pickup flash Sound PickupSound; bool bPickupGood; bool bCreateCopyMoved; bool bInitEffectFailed; meta String PickupMsg; meta int GiveQuest; meta array<class<Actor> > ForbiddenToPlayerClass; meta array<class<Actor> > RestrictedToPlayerClass; property PickupMessage: PickupMsg; property GiveQuest: GiveQuest; property Amount: Amount; property InterHubAmount: InterHubAmount; property MaxAmount: MaxAmount; property PickupFlash: PickupFlash; property PickupSound: PickupSound; property UseSound: UseSound; property RespawnTics: RespawnTics; flagdef Quiet: ItemFlags, 0; flagdef Autoactivate: ItemFlags, 1; flagdef Undroppable: ItemFlags, 2; flagdef Invbar: ItemFlags, 3; flagdef HubPower: ItemFlags, 4; flagdef Untossable: ItemFlags, 5; flagdef AdditiveTime: ItemFlags, 6; flagdef FancyPickupSound: ItemFlags, 7; flagdef BigPowerup: ItemFlags, 8; flagdef KeepDepleted: ItemFlags, 9; flagdef IgnoreSkill: ItemFlags, 10; flagdef NoAttenPickupSound: ItemFlags, 11; flagdef PersistentPower : ItemFlags, 12; flagdef RestrictAbsolutely: ItemFlags, 13; flagdef NeverRespawn: ItemFlags, 14; flagdef NoScreenFlash: ItemFlags, 15; flagdef Tossed: ItemFlags, 16; flagdef AlwaysRespawn: ItemFlags, 17; flagdef Transfer: ItemFlags, 18; flagdef NoTeleportFreeze: ItemFlags, 19; flagdef NoScreenBlink: ItemFlags, 20; flagdef IsArmor: ItemFlags, 21; flagdef IsHealth: ItemFlags, 22; flagdef AlwaysPickup: ItemFlags, 23; flagdef Unclearable: ItemFlags, 24; flagdef ForceRespawnInSurvival: none, 0; flagdef PickupFlash: none, 6; flagdef InterHubStrip: none, 12; Default { Inventory.Amount 1; Inventory.MaxAmount 1; Inventory.InterHubAmount 1; Inventory.UseSound "misc/invuse"; Inventory.PickupSound "misc/i_pkup"; Inventory.PickupMessage "$TXT_DEFAULTPICKUPMSG"; } //native override void Tick(); override void Tick() { if (Owner == null) { // AActor::Tick is only handling interaction with the world // and we don't want that for owned inventory items. Super.Tick(); } else if (tics != -1) // ... but at least we have to advance the states { tics--; // you can cycle through multiple states in a tic // [RH] Use <= 0 instead of == 0 so that spawnstates // of 0 tics work as expected. if (tics <= 0) { if (curstate == null) { Destroy(); return; } if (!SetState (curstate.NextState)) return; // freed itself } } if (DropTime) { if (--DropTime == 0) { bSpecial = default.bSpecial; bSolid = default.bSolid; } } } native static void PrintPickupMessage (bool localview, String str); States(Actor) { HideDoomish: TNT1 A 1050; TNT1 A 0 A_RestoreSpecialPosition; TNT1 A 1 A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing; Stop; HideSpecial: ACLO E 1400; ACLO A 0 A_RestoreSpecialPosition; ACLO A 4 A_RestoreSpecialThing1; ACLO BABCBCDC 4; ACLO D 4 A_RestoreSpecialThing2; Stop; Held: TNT1 A -1; Stop; HoldAndDestroy: TNT1 A 1; Stop; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: MarkPrecacheSounds // //=========================================================================== override void MarkPrecacheSounds() { Super.MarkPrecacheSounds(); MarkSound(PickupSound); } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: BeginPlay // //=========================================================================== override void BeginPlay () { Super.BeginPlay (); bDropped = true; // [RH] Items are dropped by default } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: Destroy // //=========================================================================== override void OnDestroy () { if (Owner != NULL) { Owner.RemoveInventory (self); } Inv = NULL; Super.OnDestroy(); } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: ShouldSpawn // //=========================================================================== override bool ShouldSpawn() { // [RH] Other things that shouldn't be spawned depending on dmflags if (deathmatch || alwaysapplydmflags) { if (sv_nohealth && bIsHealth) return false; if (sv_noarmor && bIsArmor) return false; } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_RestoreSpecialThing1 // // Make a special thing visible again. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_RestoreSpecialThing1() { bInvisible = false; if (DoRespawn ()) { A_StartSound ("misc/spawn", CHAN_VOICE); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_RestoreSpecialThing2 // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_RestoreSpecialThing2() { bSpecial = true; if (!Default.bNoGravity) { bNoGravity = false; } SetState (SpawnState); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing() { bInvisible = false; bSpecial = true; if (!Default.bNoGravity) { bNoGravity = false; } if (DoRespawn ()) { SetState (SpawnState); A_StartSound ("misc/spawn", CHAN_VOICE); Spawn ("ItemFog", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); } } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: DoRespawn // //=========================================================================== bool DoRespawn () { if (SpawnPointClass != NULL) { Actor spot = NULL; let state = Level.GetSpotState(); if (state != NULL) spot = state.GetRandomSpot(SpawnPointClass, false); if (spot != NULL) { SetOrigin (spot.Pos, false); SetZ(floorz); } } return true; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: Grind // //=========================================================================== override bool Grind(bool items) { // Does this grind request even care about items? if (!items) { return false; } // Dropped items are normally destroyed by crushers. Set the DONTGIB flag, // and they'll act like corpses with it set and be immune to crushers. if (bDropped) { if (!bDontGib) { Destroy(); } return false; } // Non-dropped items call the super method for compatibility. return Super.Grind(items); } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: BecomeItem // // Lets this actor know that it's about to be placed in an inventory. // //=========================================================================== void BecomeItem () { if (!bNoBlockmap || !bNoSector) { A_ChangeLinkFlags(1, 1); } ChangeTid(0); bSpecial = false; // if the item was turned into a monster through Dehacked, undo that here. bCountkill = false; bIsMonster = false; ChangeStatNum(STAT_INVENTORY); // stop all sounds this item is playing. A_StopAllSounds(); SetState (FindState("Held")); } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: BecomePickup // // Lets this actor know it should wait to be picked up. // //=========================================================================== void BecomePickup () { if (Owner != NULL) { Owner.RemoveInventory (self); } if (bNoBlockmap || bNoSector) { A_ChangeLinkFlags(0, 0); FindFloorCeiling(); } bSpecial = true; bDropped = true; bCountItem = false; bInvisible = false; ChangeStatNum(STAT_DEFAULT); SetState (SpawnState); } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: CreateCopy // // Returns an actor suitable for placing in an inventory, either itself or // a copy based on whether it needs to respawn or not. Returning NULL // indicates the item should not be picked up. // //=========================================================================== virtual Inventory CreateCopy (Actor other) { Inventory copy; Amount = MIN(Amount, MaxAmount); if (GoAway ()) { copy = Inventory(Spawn (GetClass())); copy.Amount = Amount; copy.MaxAmount = MaxAmount; } else { copy = self; } return copy; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: HandlePickup // // Returns true if the pickup was handled (or should not happen at all), // false if not. // //=========================================================================== virtual bool HandlePickup (Inventory item) { if (item.GetClass() == GetClass()) { if (Amount < MaxAmount || (sv_unlimited_pickup && !item.ShouldStay())) { if (Amount > 0 && Amount + item.Amount < 0) { Amount = 0x7fffffff; } else { Amount += item.Amount; } if (Amount > MaxAmount && !sv_unlimited_pickup) { Amount = MaxAmount; } item.bPickupGood = true; } return true; } return false; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: CallHandlePickup // // Runs all HandlePickup methods in the chain // //=========================================================================== private bool CallHandlePickup(Inventory item) { let me = self; while (me != null) { if (me.HandlePickup(item)) return true; me = me.Inv; } return false; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: TryPickup // //=========================================================================== virtual protected bool TryPickup (in out Actor toucher) { Actor newtoucher = toucher; // in case changed by the powerup // If HandlePickup() returns true, it will set the IF_PICKUPGOOD flag // to indicate that self item has been picked up. If the item cannot be // picked up, then it leaves the flag cleared. bPickupGood = false; if (toucher.Inv != NULL && toucher.Inv.CallHandlePickup (self)) { // Let something else the player is holding intercept the pickup. if (!bPickupGood) { return false; } bPickupGood = false; GoAwayAndDie (); } else if (MaxAmount > 0) { // Add the item to the inventory. It is not already there, or HandlePickup // would have already taken care of it. let copy = CreateCopy (toucher); if (copy == NULL) { return false; } // Some powerups cannot activate absolutely, for // example, PowerMorph; fail the pickup if so. if (copy.bInitEffectFailed) { if (copy != self) copy.Destroy(); else bInitEffectFailed = false; return false; } // Handle owner-changing powerups if (copy.bCreateCopyMoved) { newtoucher = copy.Owner; copy.Owner = NULL; bCreateCopyMoved = false; } // Continue onwards with the rest copy.AttachToOwner (newtoucher); if (bAutoActivate) { if (copy.Use (true)) { if (--copy.Amount <= 0) { copy.bSpecial = false; copy.SetStateLabel ("HoldAndDestroy"); } } } } else if (bAutoActivate) { // Special case: If an item's MaxAmount is 0, you can still pick it // up if it is autoactivate-able. // The item is placed in the inventory just long enough to be used. toucher.AddInventory(self); bool usegood = Use(true); // Handle potential change of toucher/owner because of morph if (usegood && self.owner) { toucher = self.owner; } toucher.RemoveInventory(self); if (usegood) { GoAwayAndDie(); } else { return false; } } return true; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: GiveQuest // //=========================================================================== void GiveQuestItem (Actor toucher) { if (GiveQuest > 0) { String qname = "QuestItem" .. GiveQuest; class<Inventory> type = qname; if (type != null) { toucher.GiveInventoryType (type); } } } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: CanPickup // //=========================================================================== virtual bool CanPickup(Actor toucher) { if (toucher == null) return false; int rsize = RestrictedToPlayerClass.Size(); if (rsize > 0) { for (int i=0; i < rsize; i++) { if (toucher is RestrictedToPlayerClass[i]) return true; } return false; } rsize = ForbiddenToPlayerClass.Size(); if (rsize > 0) { for (int i=0; i < rsize; i++) { if (toucher is ForbiddenToPlayerClass[i]) return false; } } return true; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: CallTryPickup // // In this case the caller function is more than a simple wrapper around the virtual method and // is what must be actually called to pick up an item. // //=========================================================================== bool, Actor CallTryPickup(Actor toucher) { let saved_toucher = toucher; let Invstack = Inv; // A pointer of the inventories item stack. // unmorphed versions of a currently morphed actor cannot pick up anything. if (bUnmorphed) return false, null; bool res; if (CanPickup(toucher)) { res = TryPickup(toucher); } else if (!bRestrictAbsolutely) { // let an item decide for itself how it will handle this res = TryPickupRestricted(toucher); } else return false, null; if (!res && (bAlwaysPickup) && !ShouldStay()) { res = true; GoAwayAndDie(); } if (res) { GiveQuestItem(toucher); // Transfer all inventory across that the old object had, if requested. if (bTransfer) { while (Invstack) { let titem = Invstack; Invstack = titem.Inv; if (titem.Owner == self) { if (!titem.CallTryPickup(toucher)) // The object no longer can exist { titem.Destroy(); } } } } } return res, toucher; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: ShouldStay // // Returns true if the item should not disappear, even temporarily. // //=========================================================================== virtual bool ShouldStay () { return false; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: TryPickupRestricted // //=========================================================================== virtual bool TryPickupRestricted (in out Actor toucher) { return false; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: AttachToOwner // //=========================================================================== virtual void AttachToOwner (Actor other) { BecomeItem (); other.AddInventory (self); } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: DetachFromOwner // // Performs any special work needed when the item leaves an inventory, // either through destruction or becoming a pickup. // //=========================================================================== virtual void DetachFromOwner () { } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory::CreateTossable // // Creates a copy of the item suitable for dropping. If this actor embodies // only one item, then it is tossed out itself. Otherwise, the count drops // by one and a new item with an amount of 1 is spawned. // //=========================================================================== virtual Inventory CreateTossable (int amt = -1) { // If self actor lacks a SpawnState, don't drop it. (e.g. A base weapon // like the fist can't be dropped because you'll never see it.) if (SpawnState == GetDefaultByType("Actor").SpawnState || SpawnState == NULL) { return NULL; } if (bUndroppable || bUntossable || Owner == NULL || Amount <= 0 || amt == 0) { return NULL; } if (Amount == 1 && !bKeepDepleted) { BecomePickup (); DropTime = 30; bSpecial = bSolid = false; return self; } let copy = Inventory(Spawn (GetClass(), Owner.Pos, NO_REPLACE)); if (copy != NULL) { amt = clamp(amt, 1, Amount); copy.MaxAmount = MaxAmount; copy.Amount = amt; copy.DropTime = 30; copy.bSpecial = copy.bSolid = false; Amount -= amt; } return copy; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: PickupMessage // // Returns the message to print when this actor is picked up. // //=========================================================================== virtual String PickupMessage () { return PickupMsg; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: Touch // // Handles collisions from another actor, possible adding itself to the // collider's inventory. // //=========================================================================== override void Touch (Actor toucher) { let player = toucher.player; // If a voodoo doll touches something, pretend the real player touched it instead. if (player != NULL) { toucher =; } bool localview = toucher.CheckLocalView(); if (!toucher.CanTouchItem(self)) return; bool res; [res, toucher] = CallTryPickup(toucher); if (!res) return; // This is the only situation when a pickup flash should ever play. if (PickupFlash != NULL && !ShouldStay()) { Spawn(PickupFlash, Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); } if (!bQuiet) { PrintPickupMessage(localview, PickupMessage ()); // Special check so voodoo dolls picking up items cause the // real player to make noise. if (player != NULL) { PlayPickupSound (; if (!bNoScreenFlash && player.playerstate != PST_DEAD) { player.bonuscount = BONUSADD; } } else { PlayPickupSound (toucher); } } // [RH] Execute an attached special (if any) DoPickupSpecial (toucher); if (bCountItem) { if (player != NULL) { player.itemcount++; } level.found_items++; } if (bCountSecret) { Actor ac = player != NULL? Actor( : toucher; ac.GiveSecret(true, true); } //Added by MC: Check if item taken was the roam destination of any bot for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (players[i].Bot != NULL && self == players[i].Bot.dest) players[i].Bot.dest = NULL; } } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: DepleteOrDestroy // // If the item is depleted, just change its amount to 0, otherwise it's destroyed. // //=========================================================================== virtual void DepleteOrDestroy () { // If it's not ammo or an internal armor, destroy it. // Ammo needs to stick around, even when it's zero for the benefit // of the weapons that use it and to maintain the maximum ammo // amounts a backpack might have given. // Armor shouldn't be removed because they only work properly when // they are the last items in the inventory. if (bKeepDepleted) { Amount = 0; } else { Destroy(); } } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: PreTravelled // // Called when an item in somebody's inventory is about to be carried // over to another map, in case it needs to do special clean-up. // //=========================================================================== virtual void PreTravelled() {} //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: Travelled // // Called when an item in somebody's inventory is carried over to another // map, in case it needs to do special reinitialization. // //=========================================================================== virtual void Travelled() {} //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: DoEffect // // Handles any effect an item might apply to its owner // Normally only used by subclasses of Powerup // //=========================================================================== virtual void DoEffect() {} //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: Hide // // Hides this actor until it's time to respawn again. // //=========================================================================== virtual void Hide () { State HideSpecialState = NULL, HideDoomishState = NULL; bSpecial = false; bNoGravity = true; bInvisible = true; if (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_Raven) { HideSpecialState = FindState("HideSpecial"); if (HideSpecialState == NULL) { HideDoomishState = FindState("HideDoomish"); } } else { HideDoomishState = FindState("HideDoomish"); if (HideDoomishState == NULL) { HideSpecialState = FindState("HideSpecial"); } } if (HideSpecialState != NULL) { SetState (HideSpecialState); tics = 1400; if (PickupFlash != NULL) tics += 30; } else if (HideDoomishState != NULL) { SetState (HideDoomishState); tics = 1050; } if (RespawnTics != 0) { tics = RespawnTics; } } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: ShouldRespawn // // Returns true if the item should hide itself and reappear later when picked // up. // //=========================================================================== virtual bool ShouldRespawn () { if (bBigPowerup && !sv_respawnsuper) return false; if (bNeverRespawn) return false; return sv_itemrespawn || bAlwaysRespawn; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: GoAway // // Returns true if you must create a copy of this item to give to the player // or false if you can use this one instead. // //=========================================================================== protected bool GoAway () { // Dropped items never stick around if (bDropped) { return false; } if (!ShouldStay ()) { Hide (); if (ShouldRespawn ()) { return true; } return false; } return true; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: GoAwayAndDie // // Like GoAway but used by items that don't insert themselves into the // inventory. If they won't be respawning, then they can destroy themselves. // //=========================================================================== protected void GoAwayAndDie () { if (!GoAway ()) { bSpecial = false; if (!bNoBlockmap || !bNoSector) // make sure that the item no longer interacts with the world for the short rest of its life. { A_ChangeLinkFlags(1, 1); } SetStateLabel("HoldAndDestroy"); } } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: ModifyDamage // // Allows inventory items to manipulate the amount of damage // inflicted. Damage is the amount of damage that would be done without manipulation, // and newdamage is the amount that should be done after the item has changed // it. // 'active' means it is called by the inflictor, 'passive' by the target. // It may seem that this is redundant and AbsorbDamage is the same. However, // AbsorbDamage is called only for players and also depends on other settings // which are undesirable for a protection artifact. // //=========================================================================== virtual void ModifyDamage(int damage, Name damageType, out int newdamage, bool passive, Actor inflictor = null, Actor source = null, int flags = 0) {} virtual bool Use (bool pickup) { return false; } virtual double GetSpeedFactor() { return 1; } virtual bool GetNoTeleportFreeze() { return false; } virtual version("2.4") ui void AlterWeaponSprite(VisStyle vis, in out int changed) {} virtual void OwnerDied() {} virtual Color GetBlend () { return 0; } virtual void UseAll(Actor user) { if (bInvBar) user.UseInventory(self); } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: DoPickupSpecial // // Executes this actor's special when it is picked up. // //=========================================================================== virtual void DoPickupSpecial (Actor toucher) { if (special) { toucher.A_CallSpecial(special, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); special = 0; } } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: PlayPickupSound // //=========================================================================== virtual void PlayPickupSound (Actor toucher) { double atten; int chan; int flags = 0; if (bNoAttenPickupSound) { atten = ATTN_NONE; } /* else if ((ItemFlags & IF_FANCYPICKUPSOUND) && (toucher == NULL || toucher->CheckLocalView())) { atten = ATTN_NONE; } */ else { atten = ATTN_NORM; } if (toucher != NULL && toucher.CheckLocalView()) { chan = CHAN_ITEM; flags = CHANF_NOPAUSE | CHANF_MAYBE_LOCAL; } else { chan = CHAN_ITEM; flags = CHANF_MAYBE_LOCAL; } toucher.A_StartSound(PickupSound, chan, flags, 1, atten); } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: DrawPowerup // // This has been deprecated because it is not how this should be done // Use GetPowerupIcon instead! // //=========================================================================== virtual ui version("2.4") bool DrawPowerup(int x, int y) { return false; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: AbsorbDamage // // Allows inventory items (primarily armor) to reduce the amount of damage // taken. Damage is the amount of damage that would be done without armor, // and newdamage is the amount that should be done after the armor absorbs // it. // //=========================================================================== virtual void AbsorbDamage (int damage, Name damageType, out int newdamage, Actor inflictor = null, Actor source = null, int flags = 0) {} //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: SpecialDropAction // // Called by P_DropItem. Return true to prevent the standard drop tossing. // A few Strife items that are meant to trigger actions rather than be // picked up use this. Normal items shouldn't need it. // //=========================================================================== virtual bool SpecialDropAction (Actor dropper) { return false; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: NextInv // // Returns the next item with IF_INVBAR set. // //=========================================================================== clearscope Inventory NextInv () const { Inventory item = Inv; while (item != NULL && !item.bInvBar) { item = item.Inv; } return item; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: PrevInv // // Returns the previous item with IF_INVBAR set. // //=========================================================================== clearscope Inventory PrevInv () { Inventory lastgood = NULL; Inventory item = Owner.Inv; while (item != NULL && item != self) { if (item.bInvBar) { lastgood = item; } item = item.Inv; } return lastgood; } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory :: OnDrop // // Called by AActor::DropInventory. Allows items to modify how they behave // after being dropped. // //=========================================================================== virtual void OnDrop (Actor dropper) {} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Modifies the drop amount of this item according to the current skill's // settings (also called by ADehackedPickup::TryPickup) // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void ModifyDropAmount(int dropamount) { if (dropamount > 0) { Amount = dropamount; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Modifies the amount based on what an item should contain if given // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void SetGiveAmount(Actor receiver, int amount, bool givecheat) { if (givecheat) { let haveitem = receiver.FindInventory(GetClass()); self.Amount = MIN(amount, haveitem == null? self.Default.MaxAmount : haveitem.MaxAmount); } else { self.Amount = amount; } } } //=========================================================================== // // // //=========================================================================== class DehackedPickup : Inventory { Inventory RealPickup; bool droppedbymonster; private native class<Inventory> DetermineType(); override bool TryPickup (in out Actor toucher) { let type = DetermineType (); if (type == NULL) { return false; } RealPickup = Inventory(Spawn (type, Pos, NO_REPLACE)); if (RealPickup != NULL) { // The internally spawned item should never count towards statistics. RealPickup.ClearCounters(); if (!bDropped) { RealPickup.bDropped = false; } // If this item has been dropped by a monster the // amount of ammo this gives must be adjusted. if (droppedbymonster) { RealPickup.ModifyDropAmount(0); } if (!RealPickup.CallTryPickup (toucher)) { RealPickup.Destroy (); RealPickup = NULL; return false; } GoAwayAndDie (); return true; } return false; } override String PickupMessage () { if (RealPickup != null) return RealPickup.PickupMessage (); else return ""; } override bool ShouldStay () { if (RealPickup != null) return RealPickup.ShouldStay (); else return true; } override bool ShouldRespawn () { if (RealPickup != null) return RealPickup.ShouldRespawn (); else return false; } override void PlayPickupSound (Actor toucher) { if (RealPickup != null) RealPickup.PlayPickupSound (toucher); } override void DoPickupSpecial (Actor toucher) { Super.DoPickupSpecial (toucher); // If the real pickup hasn't joined the toucher's inventory, make sure it // doesn't stick around. if (RealPickup != null && RealPickup.Owner != toucher) { RealPickup.Destroy (); } RealPickup = null; } override void OnDestroy () { if (RealPickup != null) { RealPickup.Destroy (); RealPickup = null; } Super.OnDestroy(); } override void ModifyDropAmount(int dropamount) { // Must forward the adjustment to the real item. // dropamount is not relevant here because Dehacked cannot change it. droppedbymonster = true; } } //=========================================================================== // // // //=========================================================================== class FakeInventory : Inventory { bool Respawnable; property respawns: Respawnable; override bool ShouldRespawn () { return Respawnable && Super.ShouldRespawn(); } override bool TryPickup (in out Actor toucher) { let success = toucher.A_CallSpecial(special, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); if (success) { GoAwayAndDie (); return true; } return false; } override void DoPickupSpecial (Actor toucher) { // The special was already executed by TryPickup, so do nothing here } }