#include "i_musicinterns.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "i_music.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "templates.h" #include "v_text.h" #include "m_menu.h" static DWORD nummididevices; static bool nummididevicesset; #ifdef _WIN32 UINT mididevice; CUSTOM_CVAR (Int, snd_mididevice, -1, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) { UINT oldmididev = mididevice; if (!nummididevicesset) return; if ((self >= (signed)nummididevices) || (self < -4)) { Printf ("ID out of range. Using default device.\n"); self = 0; return; } else if (self < 0) { mididevice = 0; } else { mididevice = self; } // If a song is playing, move it to the new device. if (oldmididev != mididevice && currSong != NULL && currSong->IsMIDI()) { MusInfo *song = currSong; if (song->m_Status == MusInfo::STATE_Playing) { I_StopSong (song); I_PlaySong (song, song->m_Looping); } } } void I_InitMusicWin32 () { nummididevices = midiOutGetNumDevs (); nummididevicesset = true; snd_mididevice.Callback (); } void I_ShutdownMusicWin32 () { // Ancient bug a saw on NT 4.0 and an old version of FMOD 3: If waveout // is used for sound and a MIDI is also played, then when I quit, the OS // tells me a free block was modified after being freed. This is // apparently a synchronization issue between two threads, because if I // put this Sleep here after stopping the music but before shutting down // the entire sound system, the error does not happen. Observed with a // Vortex 2 (may Aureal rest in peace) and an Audigy (damn you, Creative!). // I no longer have a system with NT4 drivers, so I don't know if this // workaround is still needed or not. if (OSPlatform == os_WinNT4) { Sleep(50); } } void I_BuildMIDIMenuList (struct value_t **outValues, float *numValues) { if (*outValues == NULL) { int count = 3 + nummididevices; value_t *values; UINT id; int p; *outValues = values = new value_t[count]; values[0].name = "OPL Synth Emulation"; values[0].value = -3.0; values[1].name = "TiMidity++"; values[1].value = -2.0; values[2].name = "Sound System"; values[2].value = -1.0; for (id = 0, p = 3; id < nummididevices; ++id) { MIDIOUTCAPS caps; MMRESULT res; res = midiOutGetDevCaps (id, &caps, sizeof(caps)); if (res == MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { size_t len = strlen (caps.szPname) + 1; char *name = new char[len]; memcpy (name, caps.szPname, len); values[p].name = name; values[p].value = (float)id; ++p; } } assert(p == count); *numValues = float(count); } } static void PrintMidiDevice (int id, const char *name, WORD tech, DWORD support) { if (id == snd_mididevice) { Printf (TEXTCOLOR_BOLD); } Printf ("% 2d. %s : ", id, name); switch (tech) { case MOD_MIDIPORT: Printf ("MIDIPORT"); break; case MOD_SYNTH: Printf ("SYNTH"); break; case MOD_SQSYNTH: Printf ("SQSYNTH"); break; case MOD_FMSYNTH: Printf ("FMSYNTH"); break; case MOD_MAPPER: Printf ("MAPPER"); break; case MOD_WAVETABLE: Printf ("WAVETABLE"); break; case MOD_SWSYNTH: Printf ("SWSYNTH"); break; } if (support & MIDICAPS_CACHE) { Printf (" CACHE"); } if (support & MIDICAPS_LRVOLUME) { Printf (" LRVOLUME"); } if (support & MIDICAPS_STREAM) { Printf (" STREAM"); } if (support & MIDICAPS_VOLUME) { Printf (" VOLUME"); } Printf (TEXTCOLOR_NORMAL "\n"); } CCMD (snd_listmididevices) { UINT id; MIDIOUTCAPS caps; MMRESULT res; PrintMidiDevice (-3, "Emulated OPL FM Synth", MOD_FMSYNTH, 0); PrintMidiDevice (-2, "TiMidity++", 0, MOD_SWSYNTH); PrintMidiDevice (-1, "Sound System", 0, MOD_SWSYNTH); if (nummididevices != 0) { for (id = 0; id < nummididevices; ++id) { res = midiOutGetDevCaps (id, &caps, sizeof(caps)); if (res == MMSYSERR_NODRIVER) strcpy (caps.szPname, ""); else if (res == MMSYSERR_NOMEM) strcpy (caps.szPname, ""); else if (res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) continue; PrintMidiDevice (id, caps.szPname, caps.wTechnology, caps.dwSupport); } } } #else // Everything but Windows uses this code. CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, snd_mididevice, -1, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) { if (self < -3) self = -3; else if (self > -1) self = -1; } void I_BuildMIDIMenuList (struct value_t **outValues, float *numValues) { if (*outValues == NULL) { value_t *values; *outValues = values = new value_t[3]; values[0].name = "OPL Synth Emulation"; values[0].value = -3.0; values[1].name = "TiMidity++"; values[1].value = -2.0; values[2].name = "Sound System"; values[2].value = -1.0; *numValues = 3.f; } } CCMD (snd_listmididevices) { Printf("%s-3. Emulated OPL FM Synth\n", -3 == snd_mididevice ? TEXTCOLOR_BOLD : ""); Printf("%s-2. TiMidity++\n", -2 == snd_mididevice ? TEXTCOLOR_BOLD : ""); Printf("%s-1. Sound System\n", -1 == snd_mididevice ? TEXTCOLOR_BOLD : ""); } #endif