// //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright(C) 2004-2016 Christoph Oelckers // All rights reserved. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // /* ** gl_shader.cpp ** ** GLSL shader handling ** */ #include "gl/system/gl_system.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "name.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "doomerrors.h" #include "v_palette.h" #include "sc_man.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "gl/system/gl_interface.h" #include "gl/system/gl_debug.h" #include "gl/data/gl_data.h" #include "gl/data/gl_matrix.h" #include "gl/renderer/gl_renderer.h" #include "gl/renderer/gl_renderstate.h" #include "gl/system/gl_cvars.h" #include "gl/shaders/gl_shader.h" #include "gl/shaders/gl_shaderprogram.h" #include "gl/textures/gl_material.h" #include "gl/dynlights/gl_lightbuffer.h" //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== bool FShader::Load(const char * name, const char * vert_prog_lump, const char * frag_prog_lump, const char * proc_prog_lump, const char * defines) { static char buffer[10000]; FString error; int i_lump = Wads.CheckNumForFullName("shaders/glsl/shaderdefs.i"); if (i_lump == -1) I_Error("Unable to load 'shaders/glsl/shaderdefs.i'"); FMemLump i_data = Wads.ReadLump(i_lump); int vp_lump = Wads.CheckNumForFullName(vert_prog_lump); if (vp_lump == -1) I_Error("Unable to load '%s'", vert_prog_lump); FMemLump vp_data = Wads.ReadLump(vp_lump); int fp_lump = Wads.CheckNumForFullName(frag_prog_lump); if (fp_lump == -1) I_Error("Unable to load '%s'", frag_prog_lump); FMemLump fp_data = Wads.ReadLump(fp_lump); // // The following code uses GetChars on the strings to get rid of terminating 0 characters. Do not remove or the code may break! // FString vp_comb; assert(GLRenderer->mLights != NULL); // On the shader side there is no difference between LM_DEFERRED and LM_DIRECT, it only decides how the buffer is initialized. unsigned int lightbuffertype = GLRenderer->mLights->GetBufferType(); unsigned int lightbuffersize = GLRenderer->mLights->GetBlockSize(); if (lightbuffertype == GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER) { // This differentiation is for some Intel drivers which fail on #extension, so use of #version 140 is necessary if (gl.glslversion < 1.4f) { vp_comb.Format("#version 130\n#extension GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object : require\n#define NUM_UBO_LIGHTS %d\n", lightbuffersize); } else { vp_comb.Format("#version 140\n#define NUM_UBO_LIGHTS %d\n", lightbuffersize); } } else { vp_comb = "#version 400 core\n#extension GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object : require\n#define SHADER_STORAGE_LIGHTS\n"; } if (gl.buffermethod == BM_DEFERRED) { vp_comb << "#define USE_QUAD_DRAWER\n"; } vp_comb << defines << i_data.GetString().GetChars(); FString fp_comb = vp_comb; vp_comb << vp_data.GetString().GetChars() << "\n"; fp_comb << fp_data.GetString().GetChars() << "\n"; if (proc_prog_lump != NULL) { if (*proc_prog_lump != '#') { int pp_lump = Wads.CheckNumForFullName(proc_prog_lump); if (pp_lump == -1) I_Error("Unable to load '%s'", proc_prog_lump); FMemLump pp_data = Wads.ReadLump(pp_lump); if (pp_data.GetString().IndexOf("ProcessTexel") < 0) { // this looks like an old custom hardware shader. // We need to replace the ProcessTexel call to make it work. fp_comb.Substitute("vec4 frag = ProcessTexel();", "vec4 frag = Process(vec4(1.0));"); } fp_comb << pp_data.GetString().GetChars(); fp_comb.Substitute("gl_TexCoord[0]", "vTexCoord"); // fix old custom shaders. if (pp_data.GetString().IndexOf("ProcessLight") < 0) { int pl_lump = Wads.CheckNumForFullName("shaders/glsl/func_defaultlight.fp"); if (pl_lump == -1) I_Error("Unable to load '%s'", "shaders/glsl/func_defaultlight.fp"); FMemLump pl_data = Wads.ReadLump(pl_lump); fp_comb << "\n" << pl_data.GetString().GetChars(); } } else { // Proc_prog_lump is not a lump name but the source itself (from generated shaders) fp_comb << proc_prog_lump + 1; } } if (gl.flags & RFL_NO_CLIP_PLANES) { // On ATI's GL3 drivers we have to disable gl_ClipDistance because it's hopelessly broken. // This will cause some glitches and regressions but is the only way to avoid total display garbage. vp_comb.Substitute("gl_ClipDistance", "//"); } hVertProg = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); hFragProg = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); FGLDebug::LabelObject(GL_SHADER, hVertProg, vert_prog_lump); FGLDebug::LabelObject(GL_SHADER, hFragProg, frag_prog_lump); int vp_size = (int)vp_comb.Len(); int fp_size = (int)fp_comb.Len(); const char *vp_ptr = vp_comb.GetChars(); const char *fp_ptr = fp_comb.GetChars(); glShaderSource(hVertProg, 1, &vp_ptr, &vp_size); glShaderSource(hFragProg, 1, &fp_ptr, &fp_size); glCompileShader(hVertProg); glCompileShader(hFragProg); hShader = glCreateProgram(); FGLDebug::LabelObject(GL_PROGRAM, hShader, name); glAttachShader(hShader, hVertProg); glAttachShader(hShader, hFragProg); glBindAttribLocation(hShader, VATTR_VERTEX, "aPosition"); glBindAttribLocation(hShader, VATTR_TEXCOORD, "aTexCoord"); glBindAttribLocation(hShader, VATTR_COLOR, "aColor"); glBindAttribLocation(hShader, VATTR_VERTEX2, "aVertex2"); glBindAttribLocation(hShader, VATTR_NORMAL, "aNormal"); glBindFragDataLocation(hShader, 0, "FragColor"); glBindFragDataLocation(hShader, 1, "FragFog"); glBindFragDataLocation(hShader, 2, "FragNormal"); glLinkProgram(hShader); glGetShaderInfoLog(hVertProg, 10000, NULL, buffer); if (*buffer) { error << "Vertex shader:\n" << buffer << "\n"; } glGetShaderInfoLog(hFragProg, 10000, NULL, buffer); if (*buffer) { error << "Fragment shader:\n" << buffer << "\n"; } glGetProgramInfoLog(hShader, 10000, NULL, buffer); if (*buffer) { error << "Linking:\n" << buffer << "\n"; } int linked; glGetProgramiv(hShader, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linked); if (linked == 0) { // only print message if there's an error. I_Error("Init Shader '%s':\n%s\n", name, error.GetChars()); } muDesaturation.Init(hShader, "uDesaturationFactor"); muFogEnabled.Init(hShader, "uFogEnabled"); muTextureMode.Init(hShader, "uTextureMode"); muCameraPos.Init(hShader, "uCameraPos"); muLightParms.Init(hShader, "uLightAttr"); muClipSplit.Init(hShader, "uClipSplit"); muColormapStart.Init(hShader, "uFixedColormapStart"); muColormapRange.Init(hShader, "uFixedColormapRange"); muLightIndex.Init(hShader, "uLightIndex"); muFogColor.Init(hShader, "uFogColor"); muDynLightColor.Init(hShader, "uDynLightColor"); muObjectColor.Init(hShader, "uObjectColor"); muGlowBottomColor.Init(hShader, "uGlowBottomColor"); muGlowTopColor.Init(hShader, "uGlowTopColor"); muGlowBottomPlane.Init(hShader, "uGlowBottomPlane"); muGlowTopPlane.Init(hShader, "uGlowTopPlane"); muSplitBottomPlane.Init(hShader, "uSplitBottomPlane"); muSplitTopPlane.Init(hShader, "uSplitTopPlane"); muClipLine.Init(hShader, "uClipLine"); muFixedColormap.Init(hShader, "uFixedColormap"); muInterpolationFactor.Init(hShader, "uInterpolationFactor"); muClipHeight.Init(hShader, "uClipHeight"); muClipHeightDirection.Init(hShader, "uClipHeightDirection"); muAlphaThreshold.Init(hShader, "uAlphaThreshold"); muTimer.Init(hShader, "timer"); lights_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "lights"); fakevb_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "fakeVB"); projectionmatrix_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "ProjectionMatrix"); viewmatrix_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "ViewMatrix"); modelmatrix_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "ModelMatrix"); texturematrix_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "TextureMatrix"); vertexmatrix_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "uQuadVertices"); texcoordmatrix_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "uQuadTexCoords"); normalviewmatrix_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "NormalViewMatrix"); normalmodelmatrix_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "NormalModelMatrix"); quadmode_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "uQuadMode"); if (!gl.legacyMode && !(gl.flags & RFL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER)) { int tempindex = glGetUniformBlockIndex(hShader, "LightBufferUBO"); if (tempindex != -1) glUniformBlockBinding(hShader, tempindex, LIGHTBUF_BINDINGPOINT); } glUseProgram(hShader); if (quadmode_index > 0) glUniform1i(quadmode_index, 0); // set up other texture units (if needed by the shader) for (int i = 2; i<16; i++) { char stringbuf[20]; mysnprintf(stringbuf, 20, "texture%d", i); int tempindex = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, stringbuf); if (tempindex > 0) glUniform1i(tempindex, i - 1); } glUseProgram(0); return !!linked; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FShader::~FShader() { glDeleteProgram(hShader); glDeleteShader(hVertProg); glDeleteShader(hFragProg); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== bool FShader::Bind() { GLRenderer->mShaderManager->SetActiveShader(this); return true; } //========================================================================== // // Since all shaders are REQUIRED, any error here needs to be fatal // //========================================================================== FShader *FShaderCollection::Compile (const char *ShaderName, const char *ShaderPath, bool usediscard, EPassType passType) { FString defines; // this can't be in the shader code due to ATI strangeness. if (gl.MaxLights() == 128) defines += "#define MAXLIGHTS128\n"; if (!usediscard) defines += "#define NO_ALPHATEST\n"; if (passType == GBUFFER_PASS) defines += "#define GBUFFER_PASS\n"; FShader *shader = NULL; try { shader = new FShader(ShaderName); if (!shader->Load(ShaderName, "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/main.fp", ShaderPath, defines.GetChars())) { I_FatalError("Unable to load shader %s\n", ShaderName); } } catch(CRecoverableError &err) { if (shader != NULL) delete shader; shader = NULL; I_FatalError("Unable to load shader %s:\n%s\n", ShaderName, err.GetMessage()); } return shader; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FShader::ApplyMatrices(VSMatrix *proj, VSMatrix *view, VSMatrix *norm) { Bind(); glUniformMatrix4fv(projectionmatrix_index, 1, false, proj->get()); glUniformMatrix4fv(viewmatrix_index, 1, false, view->get()); glUniformMatrix4fv(normalviewmatrix_index, 1, false, norm->get()); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== struct FDefaultShader { const char * ShaderName; const char * gettexelfunc; }; // Note: the FIRST_USER_SHADER constant in gl_shader.h needs // to be updated whenever the size of this array is modified. static const FDefaultShader defaultshaders[]= { {"Default", "shaders/glsl/func_normal.fp"}, {"Warp 1", "shaders/glsl/func_warp1.fp"}, {"Warp 2", "shaders/glsl/func_warp2.fp"}, {"Brightmap","shaders/glsl/func_brightmap.fp"}, {"No Texture", "shaders/glsl/func_notexture.fp"}, {"Basic Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_standard.fp"}, {"Smooth Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_smooth.fp"}, {"Swirly Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_swirly.fp"}, {"Translucent Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_smoothtranslucent.fp"}, {"Jagged Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_jagged.fp"}, {"Noise Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_noise.fp"}, {"Smooth Noise Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_smoothnoise.fp"}, {NULL,NULL} }; static TArray usershaders; struct FEffectShader { const char *ShaderName; const char *vp; const char *fp1; const char *fp2; const char *defines; }; static const FEffectShader effectshaders[]= { { "fogboundary", "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/fogboundary.fp", NULL, "#define NO_ALPHATEST\n" }, { "spheremap", "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/main.fp", "shaders/glsl/func_normal.fp", "#define SPHEREMAP\n#define NO_ALPHATEST\n" }, { "burn", "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/burn.fp", NULL, "#define SIMPLE\n#define NO_ALPHATEST\n" }, { "stencil", "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/stencil.fp", NULL, "#define SIMPLE\n#define NO_ALPHATEST\n" }, }; FShaderManager::FShaderManager() { if (!gl.legacyMode) { for (int passType = 0; passType < MAX_PASS_TYPES; passType++) mPassShaders.Push(new FShaderCollection((EPassType)passType)); } } FShaderManager::~FShaderManager() { if (!gl.legacyMode) { glUseProgram(0); mActiveShader = NULL; for (auto collection : mPassShaders) delete collection; } } void FShaderManager::SetActiveShader(FShader *sh) { if (mActiveShader != sh) { glUseProgram(sh!= NULL? sh->GetHandle() : 0); mActiveShader = sh; } } FShader *FShaderManager::BindEffect(int effect, EPassType passType) { if (passType < mPassShaders.Size()) return mPassShaders[passType]->BindEffect(effect); else return nullptr; } FShader *FShaderManager::Get(unsigned int eff, bool alphateston, EPassType passType) { if (passType < mPassShaders.Size()) return mPassShaders[passType]->Get(eff, alphateston); else return nullptr; } void FShaderManager::ApplyMatrices(VSMatrix *proj, VSMatrix *view, EPassType passType) { if (gl.legacyMode) { glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadMatrixf(proj->get()); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadMatrixf(view->get()); } else { if (passType < mPassShaders.Size()) mPassShaders[passType]->ApplyMatrices(proj, view); if (mActiveShader) mActiveShader->Bind(); } } void FShaderManager::ResetFixedColormap() { for (auto &collection : mPassShaders) collection->ResetFixedColormap(); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FShaderCollection::FShaderCollection(EPassType passType) { CompileShaders(passType); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FShaderCollection::~FShaderCollection() { Clean(); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FShaderCollection::CompileShaders(EPassType passType) { mTextureEffects.Clear(); mTextureEffectsNAT.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++) { mEffectShaders[i] = NULL; } for(int i=0;defaultshaders[i].ShaderName != NULL;i++) { FShader *shc = Compile(defaultshaders[i].ShaderName, defaultshaders[i].gettexelfunc, true, passType); mTextureEffects.Push(shc); if (i <= 3) { FShader *shc = Compile(defaultshaders[i].ShaderName, defaultshaders[i].gettexelfunc, false, passType); mTextureEffectsNAT.Push(shc); } } for(unsigned i = 0; i < usershaders.Size(); i++) { FString name = ExtractFileBase(usershaders[i]); FName sfn = name; FShader *shc = Compile(sfn, usershaders[i], true, passType); mTextureEffects.Push(shc); } for(int i=0;iLoad(effectshaders[i].ShaderName, effectshaders[i].vp, effectshaders[i].fp1, effectshaders[i].fp2, effectshaders[i].defines)) { delete eff; } else mEffectShaders[i] = eff; } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void FShaderCollection::Clean() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mTextureEffectsNAT.Size(); i++) { if (mTextureEffectsNAT[i] != NULL) delete mTextureEffectsNAT[i]; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mTextureEffects.Size(); i++) { if (mTextureEffects[i] != NULL) delete mTextureEffects[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++) { if (mEffectShaders[i] != NULL) delete mEffectShaders[i]; mEffectShaders[i] = NULL; } mTextureEffects.Clear(); mTextureEffectsNAT.Clear(); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== int FShaderCollection::Find(const char * shn) { FName sfn = shn; for(unsigned int i=0;imName == sfn) { return i; } } return -1; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== FShader *FShaderCollection::BindEffect(int effect) { if (effect >= 0 && effect < MAX_EFFECTS && mEffectShaders[effect] != NULL) { mEffectShaders[effect]->Bind(); return mEffectShaders[effect]; } return NULL; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== EXTERN_CVAR(Int, gl_fuzztype) void FShaderCollection::ApplyMatrices(VSMatrix *proj, VSMatrix *view) { VSMatrix norm; norm.computeNormalMatrix(*view); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { mTextureEffects[i]->ApplyMatrices(proj, view, &norm); mTextureEffectsNAT[i]->ApplyMatrices(proj, view, &norm); } mTextureEffects[4]->ApplyMatrices(proj, view, &norm); if (gl_fuzztype != 0) { mTextureEffects[4 + gl_fuzztype]->ApplyMatrices(proj, view, &norm); } for (unsigned i = 12; i < mTextureEffects.Size(); i++) { mTextureEffects[i]->ApplyMatrices(proj, view, &norm); } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++) { mEffectShaders[i]->ApplyMatrices(proj, view, &norm); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void gl_DestroyUserShaders() { // todo } //========================================================================== // // Parses a shader definition // //========================================================================== void gl_ParseHardwareShader(FScanner &sc, int deflump) { int type = FTexture::TEX_Any; bool disable_fullbright=false; bool thiswad = false; bool iwad = false; int maplump = -1; FString maplumpname; float speed = 1.f; sc.MustGetString(); if (sc.Compare("texture")) type = FTexture::TEX_Wall; else if (sc.Compare("flat")) type = FTexture::TEX_Flat; else if (sc.Compare("sprite")) type = FTexture::TEX_Sprite; else sc.UnGet(); sc.MustGetString(); FTextureID no = TexMan.CheckForTexture(sc.String, type); FTexture *tex = TexMan[no]; sc.MustGetToken('{'); while (!sc.CheckToken('}')) { sc.MustGetString(); if (sc.Compare("shader")) { sc.MustGetString(); maplumpname = sc.String; } else if (sc.Compare("speed")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); speed = float(sc.Float); } } if (!tex) { return; } if (maplumpname.IsNotEmpty()) { if (tex->bWarped != 0) { Printf("Cannot combine warping with hardware shader on texture '%s'\n", tex->Name.GetChars()); return; } tex->gl_info.shaderspeed = speed; for(unsigned i=0;igl_info.shaderindex = i + FIRST_USER_SHADER; return; } } tex->gl_info.shaderindex = usershaders.Push(maplumpname) + FIRST_USER_SHADER; } }