/* #include "actor.h" #include "info.h" #include "a_pickups.h" #include "a_artifacts.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "a_action.h" #include "a_hexenglobal.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "thingdef/thingdef.h" #include "g_level.h" */ static FRandom pr_poisonbag ("PoisonBag"); static FRandom pr_poisoncloud ("PoisonCloud"); static FRandom pr_poisoncloudd ("PoisonCloudDamage"); DECLARE_ACTION(A_CheckThrowBomb) // Poison Bag Artifact (Flechette) ------------------------------------------ class AArtiPoisonBag : public AInventory { DECLARE_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBag, AInventory) public: bool HandlePickup (AInventory *item); AInventory *CreateCopy (AActor *other); void BeginPlay (); }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBag) // Poison Bag 1 (The Cleric's) ---------------------------------------------- class AArtiPoisonBag1 : public AArtiPoisonBag { DECLARE_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBag1, AArtiPoisonBag) public: bool Use (bool pickup); }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBag1) bool AArtiPoisonBag1::Use (bool pickup) { angle_t angle = Owner->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; AActor *mo; mo = Spawn ("PoisonBag", Owner->x+16*finecosine[angle], Owner->y+24*finesine[angle], Owner->z- Owner->floorclip+8*FRACUNIT, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo->target = Owner; return true; } return false; } // Poison Bag 2 (The Mage's) ------------------------------------------------ class AArtiPoisonBag2 : public AArtiPoisonBag { DECLARE_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBag2, AArtiPoisonBag) public: bool Use (bool pickup); }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBag2) bool AArtiPoisonBag2::Use (bool pickup) { angle_t angle = Owner->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; AActor *mo; mo = Spawn ("FireBomb", Owner->x+16*finecosine[angle], Owner->y+24*finesine[angle], Owner->z- Owner->floorclip+8*FRACUNIT, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo->target = Owner; return true; } return false; } // Poison Bag 3 (The Fighter's) --------------------------------------------- class AArtiPoisonBag3 : public AArtiPoisonBag { DECLARE_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBag3, AArtiPoisonBag) public: bool Use (bool pickup); }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBag3) bool AArtiPoisonBag3::Use (bool pickup) { AActor *mo; mo = Spawn("ThrowingBomb", Owner->x, Owner->y, Owner->z-Owner->floorclip+35*FRACUNIT + (Owner->player? Owner->player->crouchoffset : 0), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo->angle = Owner->angle + (((pr_poisonbag()&7) - 4) << 24); /* Original flight code from Hexen * mo->momz = 4*FRACUNIT+((player->lookdir)<<(FRACBITS-4)); * mo->z += player->lookdir<<(FRACBITS-4); * P_ThrustMobj(mo, mo->angle, mo->info->speed); * mo->momx += player->mo->momx>>1; * mo->momy += player->mo->momy>>1; */ // When looking straight ahead, it uses a z velocity of 4 while the xy velocity // is as set by the projectile. To accommodate this with a proper trajectory, we // aim the projectile ~20 degrees higher than we're looking at and increase the // speed we fire at accordingly. angle_t orgpitch = angle_t(-Owner->pitch) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; angle_t modpitch = angle_t(0xDC00000 - Owner->pitch) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; angle_t angle = mo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; fixed_t speed = fixed_t(sqrt((double)mo->Speed*mo->Speed + (4.0*65536*4*65536))); fixed_t xyscale = FixedMul(speed, finecosine[modpitch]); mo->velz = FixedMul(speed, finesine[modpitch]); mo->velx = FixedMul(xyscale, finecosine[angle]) + (Owner->velx >> 1); mo->vely = FixedMul(xyscale, finesine[angle]) + (Owner->vely >> 1); mo->z += FixedMul(mo->Speed, finesine[orgpitch]); mo->target = Owner; mo->tics -= pr_poisonbag()&3; P_CheckMissileSpawn(mo); return true; } return false; } // Poison Bag 4 (Generic Giver) ---------------------------------------------- class AArtiPoisonBagGiver : public AArtiPoisonBag { DECLARE_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBagGiver, AArtiPoisonBag) public: bool Use (bool pickup); }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBagGiver) bool AArtiPoisonBagGiver::Use (bool pickup) { const PClass *MissileType = PClass::FindClass((ENamedName) this->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt (ACMETA_MissileName, NAME_None)); if (MissileType != NULL) { AActor *mo = Spawn (MissileType, Owner->x, Owner->y, Owner->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo != NULL) { if (mo->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory))) { AInventory *inv = static_cast(mo); if (inv->CallTryPickup(Owner)) return true; } mo->Destroy(); // Destroy if not inventory or couldn't be picked up } } return false; } // Poison Bag 5 (Generic Thrower) ---------------------------------------------- class AArtiPoisonBagShooter : public AArtiPoisonBag { DECLARE_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBagShooter, AArtiPoisonBag) public: bool Use (bool pickup); }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBagShooter) bool AArtiPoisonBagShooter::Use (bool pickup) { const PClass *MissileType = PClass::FindClass((ENamedName) this->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt (ACMETA_MissileName, NAME_None)); if (MissileType != NULL) { AActor *mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile(Owner, MissileType); if (mo != NULL) { // automatic handling of seeker missiles if (mo->flags2 & MF2_SEEKERMISSILE) { mo->tracer = Owner->target; } // set the health value so that the missile works properly if (mo->flags4 & MF4_SPECTRAL) { mo->health = -2; } return true; } } return false; } //============================================================================ // // GetFlechetteType // //============================================================================ const PClass *GetFlechetteType(AActor *other) { const PClass *spawntype = NULL; if (other->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn))) { spawntype = static_cast(other)->FlechetteType; } if (spawntype == NULL) { // default fallback if nothing valid defined. spawntype = RUNTIME_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBag3); } return spawntype; } //============================================================================ // // AArtiPoisonBag :: HandlePickup // //============================================================================ bool AArtiPoisonBag::HandlePickup (AInventory *item) { // Only do special handling when picking up the base class if (item->GetClass() != RUNTIME_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBag)) { return Super::HandlePickup (item); } if (GetClass() == GetFlechetteType(Owner)) { if (Amount < MaxAmount) { Amount += item->Amount; if (Amount > MaxAmount) { Amount = MaxAmount; } item->ItemFlags |= IF_PICKUPGOOD; } return true; } if (Inventory != NULL) { return Inventory->HandlePickup (item); } return false; } //============================================================================ // // AArtiPoisonBag :: CreateCopy // //============================================================================ AInventory *AArtiPoisonBag::CreateCopy (AActor *other) { // Only the base class gets special handling if (GetClass() != RUNTIME_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBag)) { return Super::CreateCopy (other); } AInventory *copy; const PClass *spawntype = GetFlechetteType(other); copy = static_cast(Spawn (spawntype, 0, 0, 0, NO_REPLACE)); copy->Amount = Amount; copy->MaxAmount = MaxAmount; GoAwayAndDie (); return copy; } //============================================================================ // // AArtiPoisonBag :: BeginPlay // //============================================================================ void AArtiPoisonBag::BeginPlay () { Super::BeginPlay (); // If a subclass's specific icon is not defined, let it use the base class's. if (!Icon.isValid()) { AInventory *defbag; // Why doesn't this work? //defbag = GetDefault(); defbag = (AInventory *)GetDefaultByType (RUNTIME_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBag)); Icon = defbag->Icon; } } // Poison Cloud ------------------------------------------------------------- class APoisonCloud : public AActor { DECLARE_CLASS (APoisonCloud, AActor) public: int DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage); void BeginPlay (); }; IMPLEMENT_CLASS (APoisonCloud) void APoisonCloud::BeginPlay () { velx = 1; // missile objects must move to impact other objects special1 = 24+(pr_poisoncloud()&7); special2 = 0; } int APoisonCloud::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *victim, int damage) { if (victim->player) { bool mate = (target != NULL && victim->player != target->player && victim->IsTeammate (target)); bool dopoison; if (!mate) { dopoison = victim->player->poisoncount < 4; } else { dopoison = victim->player->poisoncount < (int)(4.f * level.teamdamage); } if (dopoison) { int damage = 15 + (pr_poisoncloudd()&15); if (mate) { damage = (int)((float)damage * level.teamdamage); } if (damage > 0) { P_PoisonDamage (victim->player, this, 15+(pr_poisoncloudd()&15), false); // Don't play painsound // If successful, play the posion sound. if (P_PoisonPlayer (victim->player, this, this->target, 50)) S_Sound (victim, CHAN_VOICE, "*poison", 1, ATTN_NORM); } } return -1; } else if (!(victim->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER)) { // only damage monsters/players with the poison cloud return -1; } return damage; } //=========================================================================== // // A_PoisonBagInit // //=========================================================================== DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_PoisonBagInit) { AActor *mo; mo = Spawn (self->x, self->y, self->z+28*FRACUNIT, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo->target = self->target; } } //=========================================================================== // // A_PoisonBagCheck // //=========================================================================== DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_PoisonBagCheck) { if (--self->special1 <= 0) { self->SetState (self->FindState ("Death")); } else { return; } } //=========================================================================== // // A_PoisonBagDamage // //=========================================================================== DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_PoisonBagDamage) { int bobIndex; P_RadiusAttack (self, self->target, 4, 40, self->DamageType, true); bobIndex = self->special2; self->z += FloatBobOffsets[bobIndex]>>4; self->special2 = (bobIndex+1)&63; } //=========================================================================== // // A_CheckThrowBomb // //=========================================================================== DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CheckThrowBomb) { if (--self->health <= 0) { self->SetState (self->FindState(NAME_Death)); } } //=========================================================================== // // A_CheckThrowBomb2 // //=========================================================================== DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_CheckThrowBomb2) { // [RH] Check using actual velocity, although the velz < 2 check still stands //if (abs(self->velx) < FRACUNIT*3/2 && abs(self->vely) < FRACUNIT*3/2 // && self->velz < 2*FRACUNIT) if (self->velz < 2*FRACUNIT && TMulScale32 (self->velx, self->velx, self->vely, self->vely, self->velz, self->velz) < (3*3)/(2*2)) { self->SetState (self->SpawnState + 6); self->z = self->floorz; self->velz = 0; self->BounceFlags = BOUNCE_None; self->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE; } CALL_ACTION(A_CheckThrowBomb, self); }