cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8.7 ) if( WIN32 ) if( MSVC_VERSION GREATER 1399 ) # VC 8+ adds a manifest automatically to the executable. We need to # merge ours with it. set( MT_MERGE ON ) else() set( TRUSTINFO trustinfo.rc ) endif() else( WIN32 ) set( TRUSTINFO "" ) endif() if( NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING ) add_executable( updaterevision updaterevision.c ${TRUSTINFO} ) set( CROSS_EXPORTS ${CROSS_EXPORTS} updaterevision PARENT_SCOPE ) endif() if( MT_MERGE ) add_custom_command(TARGET updaterevision POST_BUILD COMMAND mt -inputresource:$<TARGET_FILE:updaterevision> -manifest ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/trustinfo.txt -outputresource:$<TARGET_FILE:updaterevision> -nologo COMMENT "Embedding trustinfo into updaterevision" ) endif()