/* args[0]: Bridge radius, in mapunits args[1]: Bridge height, in mapunits args[2]: Amount of bridge balls (if 0: Doom bridge) args[3]: Rotation speed of bridge balls, in byte angle per seconds, sorta: Since an arg is only a byte, it can only go from 0 to 255, while ZDoom's BAM go from 0 to 65535. Plus, it needs to be able to go either way. So, up to 128, it goes counterclockwise; 129-255 is clockwise, substracting 256 from it to get the angle. A few example values: 0: Hexen default 11: 15° / seconds 21: 30° / seconds 32: 45° / seconds 64: 90° / seconds 128: 180° / seconds 192: -90° / seconds 223: -45° / seconds 233: -30° / seconds 244: -15° / seconds This value only matters if args[2] is not zero. args[4]: Rotation radius of bridge balls, in bridge radius %. If 0, use Hexen default: ORBIT_RADIUS, regardless of bridge radius. This value only matters if args[2] is not zero. */ // Bridge ball ------------------------------------------------------------- class BridgeBall : Actor { default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOTELEPORT +NOGRAVITY } States { Spawn: TLGL A 2 Bright; TLGL A 1 Bright A_BridgeOrbit; Wait; } void A_BridgeOrbit() { if (target == NULL) { // Don't crash if somebody spawned this into the world // independantly of a Bridge actor. return; } // Set default values // Every five tics, Hexen moved the ball 3/256th of a revolution. double rotationspeed = 45. / 32 * 3 / 5; double rotationradius = CustomBridge.ORBIT_RADIUS; // If the bridge is custom, set non-default values if any. // Set angular speed; 1--128: counterclockwise rotation ~=1--180°; 129--255: clockwise rotation ~= 180--1° if (target.args[3] > 128) rotationspeed = 45. / 32 * (target.args[3] - 256) / TICRATE; else if (target.args[3] > 0) rotationspeed = 45. / 32 * (target.args[3]) / TICRATE; // Set rotation radius if (target.args[4]) rotationradius = ((target.args[4] * target.radius) / 100); Angle += rotationspeed; SetOrigin(target.Vec3Angle(rotationradius, Angle, 0), true); floorz = target.floorz; ceilingz = target.ceilingz; } } // The bridge itself ------------------------------------------------------- class CustomBridge : Actor { const ORBIT_RADIUS = 15; default { +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +NOLIFTDROP +ACTLIKEBRIDGE Radius 32; Height 2; RenderStyle "None"; } states { Spawn: TLGL ABCDE 3 Bright; Loop; See: TLGL A 2; TLGL A 2 A_BridgeInit; TLGL A -1; Stop; Death: TLGL A 2; TLGL A 300; Stop; } override void BeginPlay () { if (args[2]) // Hexen bridge if there are balls { SetState(SeeState); A_SetSize(args[0] ? args[0] : 32, args[1] ? args[1] : 2); } else // No balls? Then a Doom bridge. { A_SetSize(args[0] ? args[0] : 36, args[1] ? args[1] : 4); A_SetRenderStyle(1., STYLE_Normal); } } override void OnDestroy() { // Hexen originally just set a flag to make the bridge balls remove themselves in A_BridgeOrbit. // But this is not safe with custom bridge balls that do not necessarily call that function. // So the best course of action is to look for all bridge balls here and destroy them ourselves. let it = ThinkerIterator.Create("Actor"); Actor thing; while ((thing = Actor(it.Next()))) { if (thing.target == self) { thing.Destroy(); } } Super.OnDestroy(); } void A_BridgeInit(class<Actor> balltype = "BridgeBall") { if (balltype == NULL) { balltype = "BridgeBall"; } double startangle = random[orbit]() * (360./256.); // Spawn triad into world -- may be more than a triad now. int ballcount = args[2]==0 ? 3 : args[2]; for (int i = 0; i < ballcount; i++) { Actor ball = Spawn(balltype, Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); ball.Angle = startangle + (45./32) * (256/ballcount) * i; ball.target = self; double rotationradius = ORBIT_RADIUS; if (args[4]) rotationradius = (args[4] * radius) / 100; ball.SetOrigin(Vec3Angle(rotationradius, ball.Angle, 0), true); ball.floorz = floorz; ball.ceilingz = ceilingz; } } } // The Hexen bridge ------------------------------------------------------- class Bridge : CustomBridge { default { RenderStyle "None"; Args 32, 2, 3, 0; } } // The ZDoom bridge ------------------------------------------------------- class ZBridge : CustomBridge { default { Args 36, 4, 0, 0; } } // Invisible bridge -------------------------------------------------------- class InvisibleBridge : Actor { default { RenderStyle "None"; Radius 32; RenderRadius -1; Height 4; +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +NOLIFTDROP +ACTLIKEBRIDGE } States { Spawn: TNT1 A -1; Stop; } override void BeginPlay () { Super.BeginPlay (); if (args[0] || args[1]) { A_SetSize(args[0]? args[0] : radius, args[1]? args[1] : height); } } } // And some invisible bridges from Skull Tag ------------------------------- class InvisibleBridge32 : InvisibleBridge { default { Radius 32; Height 8; } } class InvisibleBridge16 : InvisibleBridge { default { Radius 16; Height 8; } } class InvisibleBridge8 : InvisibleBridge { default { Radius 8; Height 8; } }