/* ** ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2018 ZZYZX ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include "p_spec.h" #include "g_levellocals.h" #include "p_destructible.h" #include "v_text.h" #include "actor.h" #include "p_trace.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "r_sky.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "p_maputl.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "serializer.h" #include "vm.h" #include "events.h" //========================================================================== // // [ZZ] Geometry damage logic callbacks // //========================================================================== void P_SetHealthGroupHealth(FHealthGroup* grp, int health) { if (!grp) return; grp->health = health; // now set health of all linked objects to the same as this one for (unsigned i = 0; i < grp->lines.Size(); i++) { line_t* lline = grp->lines[i]; lline->health = health; } // for (unsigned i = 0; i < grp->sectors.Size(); i++) { sector_t* lsector = grp->sectors[i]; if (lsector->healthceilinggroup == grp->id) lsector->healthceiling = health; if (lsector->healthfloorgroup == grp->id) lsector->healthfloor = health; if (lsector->health3dgroup == grp->id) lsector->health3d = health; } } void P_SetHealthGroupHealth(FLevelLocals *Level, int id, int health) { P_SetHealthGroupHealth(P_GetHealthGroup(Level, id), health); } void P_DamageHealthGroup(FHealthGroup* grp, void* object, AActor* source, int damage, FName damagetype, int side, int part, DVector3 position, bool isradius) { if (!grp) return; int group = grp->id; // now set health of all linked objects to the same as this one for (unsigned i = 0; i < grp->lines.Size(); i++) { line_t* lline = grp->lines[i]; if (lline == object) continue; lline->health = grp->health + damage; P_DamageLinedef(lline, source, damage, damagetype, side, position, isradius, false); } // for (unsigned i = 0; i < grp->sectors.Size(); i++) { sector_t* lsector = grp->sectors[i]; if (lsector->healthceilinggroup == group && (lsector != object || part != SECPART_Ceiling)) { lsector->healthceiling = grp->health + damage; P_DamageSector(lsector, source, damage, damagetype, SECPART_Ceiling, position, isradius, false); } if (lsector->healthfloorgroup == group && (lsector != object || part != SECPART_Floor)) { lsector->healthfloor = grp->health + damage; P_DamageSector(lsector, source, damage, damagetype, SECPART_Floor, position, isradius, false); } if (lsector->health3dgroup == group && (lsector != object || part != SECPART_3D)) { lsector->health3d = grp->health + damage; P_DamageSector(lsector, source, damage, damagetype, SECPART_3D, position, isradius, false); } } } void P_DamageLinedef(line_t* line, AActor* source, int damage, FName damagetype, int side, DVector3 position, bool isradius, bool dogroups) { if (damage < 0) damage = 0; if (dogroups) { damage = E_WorldLineDamaged(line, source, damage, damagetype, side, position, isradius); if (damage < 0) damage = 0; } if (!damage) return; line->health -= damage; if (line->health < 0) line->health = 0; // callbacks here // first off, call special if needed if ((line->activation & SPAC_Damage) || ((line->activation & SPAC_Death) && !line->health)) { int activateon = SPAC_Damage; if (!line->health) activateon |= SPAC_Death; P_ActivateLine(line, source, side, activateon&line->activation, &position); } if (dogroups && line->healthgroup) { FHealthGroup* grp = P_GetHealthGroup(line->GetLevel(), line->healthgroup); if (grp) grp->health = line->health; P_DamageHealthGroup(grp, line, source, damage, damagetype, side, -1, position, isradius); } //Printf("P_DamageLinedef: %d damage (type=%s, source=%p), new health = %d\n", damage, damagetype.GetChars(), source, line->health); } void P_DamageSector(sector_t* sector, AActor* source, int damage, FName damagetype, int part, DVector3 position, bool isradius, bool dogroups) { if (damage < 0) damage = 0; if (dogroups) { damage = E_WorldSectorDamaged(sector, source, damage, damagetype, part, position, isradius); if (damage < 0) damage = 0; } if (!damage) return; int* sectorhealth; int group; int dmg; int dth; switch (part) { case SECPART_Ceiling: sectorhealth = §or->healthceiling; group = sector->healthceilinggroup; dmg = SECSPAC_DamageCeiling; dth = SECSPAC_DeathCeiling; break; case SECPART_Floor: sectorhealth = §or->healthfloor; group = sector->healthfloorgroup; dmg = SECSPAC_DamageFloor; dth = SECSPAC_DeathFloor; break; case SECPART_3D: sectorhealth = §or->health3d; group = sector->health3dgroup; dmg = SECSPAC_Damage3D; dth = SECSPAC_Death3D; break; default: return; } int newhealth = *sectorhealth - damage; if (newhealth < 0) newhealth = 0; *sectorhealth = newhealth; // callbacks here if (sector->SecActTarget) { sector->TriggerSectorActions(source, dmg); if (newhealth == 0) sector->TriggerSectorActions(source, dth); } if (dogroups && group) { FHealthGroup* grp = P_GetHealthGroup(sector->Level, group); if (grp) grp->health = newhealth; P_DamageHealthGroup(grp, sector, source, damage, damagetype, 0, part, position, isradius); } //Printf("P_DamageSector: %d damage (type=%s, position=%s, source=%p), new health = %d\n", damage, damagetype.GetChars(), (part == SECPART_Ceiling) ? "ceiling" : "floor", source, newhealth); } //=========================================================================== // // // //=========================================================================== FHealthGroup* P_GetHealthGroup(FLevelLocals *Level, int id) { FHealthGroup* grp = Level->healthGroups.CheckKey(id); return grp; } FHealthGroup* P_GetHealthGroupOrNew(FLevelLocals *Level, int id, int health) { FHealthGroup* grp = Level->healthGroups.CheckKey(id); if (!grp) { FHealthGroup newgrp; newgrp.id = id; newgrp.health = health; grp = &(Level->healthGroups.Insert(id, newgrp)); } return grp; } void P_InitHealthGroups(FLevelLocals *Level) { Level->healthGroups.Clear(); TArray<int> groupsInError; for (unsigned i = 0; i < Level->lines.Size(); i++) { line_t* lline = &Level->lines[i]; if (lline->healthgroup > 0) { FHealthGroup* grp = P_GetHealthGroupOrNew(Level, lline->healthgroup, lline->health); if (grp->health != lline->health) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED "Warning: line %d in health group %d has different starting health (line health = %d, group health = %d)\n", i, lline->healthgroup, lline->health, grp->health); groupsInError.Push(lline->healthgroup); if (lline->health > grp->health) grp->health = lline->health; } grp->lines.Push(lline); } } for (unsigned i = 0; i < Level->sectors.Size(); i++) { sector_t* lsector = &Level->sectors[i]; if (lsector->healthceilinggroup > 0) { FHealthGroup* grp = P_GetHealthGroupOrNew(Level, lsector->healthceilinggroup, lsector->healthceiling); if (grp->health != lsector->healthceiling) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED "Warning: sector ceiling %d in health group %d has different starting health (ceiling health = %d, group health = %d)\n", i, lsector->healthceilinggroup, lsector->healthceiling, grp->health); groupsInError.Push(lsector->healthceilinggroup); if (lsector->healthceiling > grp->health) grp->health = lsector->healthceiling; } grp->sectors.Push(lsector); } if (lsector->healthfloorgroup > 0) { FHealthGroup* grp = P_GetHealthGroupOrNew(Level, lsector->healthfloorgroup, lsector->healthfloor); if (grp->health != lsector->healthfloor) { Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED "Warning: sector floor %d in health group %d has different starting health (floor health = %d, group health = %d)\n", i, lsector->healthfloorgroup, lsector->healthfloor, grp->health); groupsInError.Push(lsector->healthfloorgroup); if (lsector->healthfloor > grp->health) grp->health = lsector->healthfloor; } if (lsector->healthceilinggroup != lsector->healthfloorgroup) grp->sectors.Push(lsector); } } for (unsigned i = 0; i < groupsInError.Size(); i++) { FHealthGroup* grp = P_GetHealthGroup(Level, groupsInError[i]); Printf(TEXTCOLOR_GOLD "Health group %d is using the highest found health value of %d", groupsInError[i], grp->health); } } //========================================================================== // // P_GeometryLineAttack // // Applies hitscan damage to geometry (lines and sectors with health>0) //========================================================================== void P_GeometryLineAttack(FTraceResults& trace, AActor* thing, int damage, FName damageType) { // [ZZ] hitscan geometry damage logic // // check 3d floor, but still allow the wall to take generic damage if (trace.HitType == TRACE_HitWall && trace.Tier == TIER_FFloor) { if (trace.ffloor && trace.ffloor->model && trace.ffloor->model->health3d) P_DamageSector(trace.ffloor->model, thing, damage, damageType, SECPART_3D, trace.HitPos, false, true); } if (trace.HitType == TRACE_HitWall && P_CheckLinedefVulnerable(trace.Line, trace.Side)) { if (trace.Tier == TIER_Lower || trace.Tier == TIER_Upper) // process back sector health if any { sector_t* backsector = (trace.Line->sidedef[!trace.Side] ? trace.Line->sidedef[!trace.Side]->sector : nullptr); int sectorhealth = 0; if (backsector && trace.Tier == TIER_Lower && backsector->healthfloor > 0 && P_CheckLinedefVulnerable(trace.Line, trace.Side, SECPART_Floor)) sectorhealth = backsector->healthfloor; if (backsector && trace.Tier == TIER_Upper && backsector->healthceiling > 0 && P_CheckLinedefVulnerable(trace.Line, trace.Side, SECPART_Ceiling)) sectorhealth = backsector->healthceiling; if (sectorhealth > 0) { P_DamageSector(backsector, thing, damage, damageType, (trace.Tier == TIER_Upper) ? SECPART_Ceiling : SECPART_Floor, trace.HitPos, false, true); } } // always process linedef health if any if (trace.Line->health > 0) { P_DamageLinedef(trace.Line, thing, damage, damageType, trace.Side, trace.HitPos, false, true); } // fake floors are not handled } else if (trace.HitType == TRACE_HitFloor || trace.HitType == TRACE_HitCeiling) { // check for 3d floors. if a 3d floor was hit, it'll block any interaction with the sector planes at the same point, if present. // i.e. if there are 3d floors at the same height as the sector's real floor/ceiling, and they blocked the shot, then it won't damage. bool hit3dfloors = false; sector_t* sector = trace.Sector; for (auto f : sector->e->XFloor.ffloors) { if (!(f->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue; if (!(f->flags & FF_SOLID) || (f->flags & FF_SHOOTTHROUGH)) continue; if (!f->model) continue; if (trace.HitType == TRACE_HitFloor && fabs(f->top.plane->ZatPoint(trace.HitPos.XY())-trace.HitPos.Z) <= EQUAL_EPSILON) { if (f->model->health3d) P_DamageSector(f->model, thing, damage, damageType, SECPART_3D, trace.HitPos, false, true); hit3dfloors = true; } else if (trace.HitType == TRACE_HitCeiling && fabs(f->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(trace.HitPos.XY())-trace.HitPos.Z) <= EQUAL_EPSILON) { if (f->model->health3d) P_DamageSector(f->model, thing, damage, damageType, SECPART_3D, trace.HitPos, false, true); hit3dfloors = true; } } if (hit3dfloors) return; int sectorhealth = 0; if (trace.HitType == TRACE_HitFloor && trace.Sector->healthfloor > 0 && P_CheckSectorVulnerable(trace.Sector, SECPART_Floor)) sectorhealth = trace.Sector->healthfloor; if (trace.HitType == TRACE_HitCeiling && trace.Sector->healthceiling > 0 && P_CheckSectorVulnerable(trace.Sector, SECPART_Ceiling)) sectorhealth = trace.Sector->healthceiling; if (sectorhealth > 0) { P_DamageSector(trace.Sector, thing, damage, damageType, (trace.HitType == TRACE_HitCeiling) ? SECPART_Ceiling : SECPART_Floor, trace.HitPos, false, true); } } } //========================================================================== // // P_GeometryRadiusAttack // // Applies radius damage to destructible geometry (lines and sectors with health>0) //========================================================================== struct pgra_data_t { DVector3 pos; line_t* line; sector_t* sector; int secpart; }; // we use this horizontally for 2D wall distance, and in a bit fancier way for 3D wall distance static DVector2 PGRA_ClosestPointOnLine2D(DVector2 x, DVector2 p1, DVector2 p2) { DVector2 p2p1 = (p2 - p1); DVector2 xp1 = (x - p1); double r = p2p1 | xp1; double len = p2p1.Length(); r /= len; if (r < 0) return p1; if (r > len) return p2; return p1 + p2p1.Unit() * r; } static bool PGRA_CheckExplosionBlocked(DVector3 pt, DVector3 check, sector_t* checksector) { // simple solid geometry sight check between "check" and "pt" // expected - Trace hits nothing check.Z += EQUAL_EPSILON; // this is so that floor under the rocket doesn't block explosion DVector3 ptVec = (pt - check); double ptDst = ptVec.Length() - 0.5; ptVec.MakeUnit(); FTraceResults res; bool isblocked = Trace(check, checksector, ptVec, ptDst, 0, ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING, nullptr, res); return isblocked; } static void PGRA_InsertIfCloser(TMap<int, pgra_data_t>& damageGroupPos, int group, DVector3 pt, DVector3 check, sector_t* checksector, sector_t* sector, line_t* line, int secpart) { if (PGRA_CheckExplosionBlocked(pt, check, checksector)) return; pgra_data_t* existing = damageGroupPos.CheckKey(group); // not present or distance is closer if (!existing || (((*existing).pos - check).Length() > (pt - check).Length())) { if (!existing) existing = &damageGroupPos.Insert(group, pgra_data_t()); existing->pos = pt; existing->line = line; existing->sector = sector; existing->secpart = secpart; } } EXTERN_CVAR(Float, splashfactor); void P_GeometryRadiusAttack(AActor* bombspot, AActor* bombsource, int bombdamage, int bombdistance, FName damagetype, int fulldamagedistance) { TMap<int, pgra_data_t> damageGroupPos; double bombdistancefloat = 1. / (double)(bombdistance - fulldamagedistance); // now, this is not entirely correct... but sector actions still _do_ require a valid source actor to trigger anything if (!bombspot) return; if (!bombsource) bombsource = bombspot; // check current sector floor and ceiling. this is the only *sector* checked, otherwise only use lines // a bit imprecise, but should work sector_t* srcsector = bombspot->Sector; if (srcsector->healthceiling > 0) { double dstceiling = srcsector->ceilingplane.Normal() | (bombspot->Pos() + srcsector->ceilingplane.Normal()*srcsector->ceilingplane.D); DVector3 spotTo = bombspot->Pos() - srcsector->ceilingplane.Normal() * dstceiling; int grp = srcsector->healthceilinggroup; if (grp <= 0) grp = 0x80000000 | (srcsector->sectornum & 0x0FFFFFFF); PGRA_InsertIfCloser(damageGroupPos, grp, spotTo, bombspot->Pos(), srcsector, srcsector, nullptr, SECPART_Ceiling); } if (srcsector->healthfloor > 0) { double dstfloor = srcsector->floorplane.Normal() | (bombspot->Pos() + srcsector->floorplane.Normal()*srcsector->floorplane.D); DVector3 spotTo = bombspot->Pos() - srcsector->floorplane.Normal() * dstfloor; int grp = srcsector->healthfloorgroup; if (grp <= 0) grp = 0x40000000 | (srcsector->sectornum & 0x0FFFFFFF); PGRA_InsertIfCloser(damageGroupPos, grp, spotTo, bombspot->Pos(), srcsector, srcsector, nullptr, SECPART_Floor); } for (auto f : srcsector->e->XFloor.ffloors) { if (!(f->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue; if (!(f->flags & FF_SOLID)) continue; if (!f->model || !f->model->health3d) continue; double ff_top = f->top.plane->ZatPoint(bombspot->Pos()); double ff_bottom = f->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(bombspot->Pos()); if (ff_top < ff_bottom) // ignore eldritch geometry continue; int grp = f->model->health3dgroup; if (grp <= 0) grp = 0x20000000 | (f->model->sectornum & 0x0FFFFFFF); DVector3 spotTo; if (bombspot->Z() < ff_bottom) // use bottom plane { double dst = f->bottom.plane->Normal() | (bombspot->Pos() + f->bottom.plane->Normal()*f->bottom.plane->D); spotTo = bombspot->Pos() - f->bottom.plane->Normal() * dst; } else if (bombspot->Z() > ff_top) // use top plane { double dst = f->top.plane->Normal() | (bombspot->Pos() + f->top.plane->Normal()*f->top.plane->D); spotTo = bombspot->Pos() - f->top.plane->Normal() * dst; } else // explosion right inside the floor. do 100% damage { spotTo = bombspot->Pos(); } PGRA_InsertIfCloser(damageGroupPos, grp, spotTo, bombspot->Pos(), srcsector, f->model, nullptr, SECPART_3D); } // enumerate all lines around FBoundingBox bombbox(bombspot->X(), bombspot->Y(), bombdistance); FBlockLinesIterator it(bombbox); line_t* ln; int vc = validcount; TArray<line_t*> lines; while ((ln = it.Next())) // iterator and Trace both use validcount and interfere with each other lines.Push(ln); for (unsigned i = 0; i < lines.Size(); i++) { ln = lines[i]; DVector2 pos2d = bombspot->Pos().XY(); int sd = P_PointOnLineSide(pos2d, ln); side_t* side = ln->sidedef[sd]; if (!side) continue; sector_t* sector = side->sector; side_t* otherside = ln->sidedef[!sd]; sector_t* othersector = otherside ? otherside->sector : nullptr; if (!ln->health && (!othersector || (!othersector->healthfloor && !othersector->healthceiling && !othersector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size()))) continue; // non-interactive geometry DVector2 to2d = PGRA_ClosestPointOnLine2D(bombspot->Pos().XY(), side->V1()->p, side->V2()->p); // this gives us x/y double distto2d = (to2d - pos2d).Length(); double z_top1, z_top2, z_bottom1, z_bottom2; // here, z_top1 is closest to the ceiling, and z_bottom1 is closest to the floor. z_top1 = sector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(to2d); z_top2 = othersector ? othersector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(to2d) : z_top1; z_bottom1 = sector->floorplane.ZatPoint(to2d); z_bottom2 = othersector ? othersector->floorplane.ZatPoint(to2d) : z_bottom1; DVector3 to3d_fullheight(to2d.X, to2d.Y, clamp(bombspot->Z(), z_bottom1, z_top1)); if (ln->health && P_CheckLinedefVulnerable(ln, sd)) { bool cantdamage = false; bool linefullheight = !othersector || !!(ln->flags & (ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING)); // decide specific position to affect on a line. if (!linefullheight) { z_top2 = othersector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(to2d); z_bottom2 = othersector->floorplane.ZatPoint(to2d); double bombz = bombspot->Z(); if (z_top2 > z_top1) z_top2 = z_top1; if (z_bottom2 < z_bottom1) z_bottom2 = z_bottom1; if (bombz <= z_top2 && bombz >= z_bottom2) // between top and bottom opening to3d_fullheight.Z = (z_top2 - bombz < bombz - z_bottom2) ? z_top2 : z_bottom2; else if (bombz < z_bottom2 && bombz >= z_bottom1) to3d_fullheight.Z = clamp(bombz, z_bottom1, z_bottom2); else if (bombz > z_top2 && bombz <= z_top1) to3d_fullheight.Z = clamp(bombz, z_top2, z_top1); else cantdamage = true; } if (!cantdamage) { if (ln->healthgroup) { PGRA_InsertIfCloser(damageGroupPos, ln->healthgroup, to3d_fullheight, bombspot->Pos(), srcsector, nullptr, ln, -1); } else if (!PGRA_CheckExplosionBlocked(to3d_fullheight, bombspot->Pos(), srcsector)) { // otherwise just damage line double dst = (to3d_fullheight - bombspot->Pos()).Length(); int damage = 0; if (dst < bombdistance) { dst = clamp<double>(dst - (double)fulldamagedistance, 0, dst); damage = (int)((double)bombdamage * (1. - dst * bombdistancefloat)); if (bombsource == bombspot) damage = (int)(damage * splashfactor); } P_DamageLinedef(ln, bombsource, damage, damagetype, sd, to3d_fullheight, true, true); } } } if (othersector && othersector->healthceiling && P_CheckLinedefVulnerable(ln, sd, SECPART_Ceiling)) { if (z_top2 < z_top1) // we have front side to hit against { DVector3 to3d_upper(to2d.X, to2d.Y, clamp(bombspot->Z(), z_top2, z_top1)); int grp = othersector->healthceilinggroup; if (grp <= 0) grp = 0x80000000 | (othersector->sectornum & 0x0FFFFFFF); PGRA_InsertIfCloser(damageGroupPos, grp, to3d_upper, bombspot->Pos(), srcsector, othersector, nullptr, SECPART_Ceiling); } } if (othersector && othersector->healthfloor && P_CheckLinedefVulnerable(ln, sd, SECPART_Floor)) { if (z_bottom2 > z_bottom1) // we have front side to hit against { DVector3 to3d_lower(to2d.X, to2d.Y, clamp(bombspot->Z(), z_bottom1, z_bottom2)); int grp = othersector->healthfloorgroup; if (grp <= 0) grp = 0x40000000 | (othersector->sectornum & 0x0FFFFFFF); PGRA_InsertIfCloser(damageGroupPos, grp, to3d_lower, bombspot->Pos(), srcsector, othersector, nullptr, SECPART_Floor); } } // check 3d floors if (othersector) { for (auto f : othersector->e->XFloor.ffloors) { if (!(f->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue; if (!(f->flags & FF_SOLID)) continue; if (!f->model || !f->model->health3d) continue; // 3d floors over real ceiling, or under real floor, are ignored double z_ff_top = clamp(f->top.plane->ZatPoint(to2d), z_bottom2, z_top2); double z_ff_bottom = clamp(f->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(to2d), z_bottom2, z_top2); if (z_ff_top < z_ff_bottom) continue; // also ignore eldritch geometry DVector3 to3d_ffloor(to2d.X, to2d.Y, clamp(bombspot->Z(), z_ff_bottom, z_ff_top)); int grp = f->model->health3dgroup; if (grp <= 0) grp = 0x20000000 | (f->model->sectornum & 0x0FFFFFFF); PGRA_InsertIfCloser(damageGroupPos, grp, to3d_ffloor, bombspot->Pos(), srcsector, f->model, nullptr, SECPART_3D); } } } // damage health groups and sectors. // if group & 0x80000000, this is sector ceiling without health group // if grpup & 0x40000000, this is sector floor without health group // otherwise this is some object in health group TMap<int, pgra_data_t>::ConstIterator damageGroupIt(damageGroupPos); TMap<int, pgra_data_t>::ConstPair* damageGroupPair; while (damageGroupIt.NextPair(damageGroupPair)) { DVector3 pos = damageGroupPair->Value.pos; double dst = (pos - bombspot->Pos()).Length(); int damage = 0; if (dst < bombdistance) { dst = clamp<double>(dst - (double)fulldamagedistance, 0, dst); damage = (int)((double)bombdamage * (1. - dst * bombdistancefloat)); if (bombsource == bombspot) damage = (int)(damage * splashfactor); } // for debug //P_SpawnParticle(damageGroupPair->Value.pos, DVector3(), DVector3(), PalEntry(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00), 1.0, 35, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0); int grp = damageGroupPair->Key; if (grp & 0x80000000) // sector ceiling { assert(damageGroupPair->Value.sector != nullptr); P_DamageSector(damageGroupPair->Value.sector, bombsource, damage, damagetype, SECPART_Ceiling, pos, true, true); } else if (grp & 0x40000000) // sector floor { assert(damageGroupPair->Value.sector != nullptr); P_DamageSector(damageGroupPair->Value.sector, bombsource, damage, damagetype, SECPART_Floor, pos, true, true); } else if (grp & 0x20000000) // sector 3d { assert(damageGroupPair->Value.sector != nullptr); P_DamageSector(damageGroupPair->Value.sector, bombsource, damage, damagetype, SECPART_3D, pos, true, true); } else { assert((damageGroupPair->Value.sector != nullptr) != (damageGroupPair->Value.line != nullptr)); if (damageGroupPair->Value.line != nullptr) P_DamageLinedef(damageGroupPair->Value.line, bombsource, damage, damagetype, P_PointOnLineSide(pos.XY(), damageGroupPair->Value.line), pos, true, true); else P_DamageSector(damageGroupPair->Value.sector, bombsource, damage, damagetype, damageGroupPair->Value.secpart, pos, true, true); } } } //========================================================================== // // P_ProjectileHitLinedef // // Called if P_ExplodeMissile was called against a wall. //========================================================================== bool P_ProjectileHitLinedef(AActor* mo, line_t* line) { bool washit = false; // detect 3d floor hit if (mo->Blocking3DFloor) { if (mo->Blocking3DFloor->health3d > 0) { P_DamageSector(mo->Blocking3DFloor, mo, mo->GetMissileDamage((mo->flags4 & MF4_STRIFEDAMAGE) ? 3 : 7, 1), mo->DamageType, SECPART_3D, mo->Pos(), false, true); washit = true; } } int wside = P_PointOnLineSide(mo->Pos(), line); int oside = !wside; side_t* otherside = line->sidedef[oside]; // check if hit upper or lower part if (otherside) { sector_t* othersector = otherside->sector; // find closest pos from line to MO. // this logic is so that steep slopes work correctly (value at the line is used, instead of value below the rocket actor) DVector2 moRelPos = line->v1->p - mo->Pos().XY(); DVector2 lineNormal = line->delta.Rotated90CW().Unit(); double moRelDst = lineNormal | moRelPos; DVector2 moPos = mo->Pos().XY() - lineNormal*fabs(moRelDst); double otherfloorz = othersector->floorplane.ZatPoint(moPos); double otherceilingz = othersector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(moPos); double zbottom = mo->Pos().Z; double ztop = mo->Pos().Z + mo->Height; if (zbottom < (otherfloorz + EQUAL_EPSILON) && othersector->healthfloor > 0 && P_CheckLinedefVulnerable(line, wside, SECPART_Floor)) { P_DamageSector(othersector, mo, mo->GetMissileDamage((mo->flags4 & MF4_STRIFEDAMAGE) ? 3 : 7, 1), mo->DamageType, SECPART_Floor, mo->Pos(), false, true); washit = true; } if (ztop > (otherceilingz - EQUAL_EPSILON) && othersector->healthceiling > 0 && P_CheckLinedefVulnerable(line, wside, SECPART_Ceiling)) { P_DamageSector(othersector, mo, mo->GetMissileDamage((mo->flags4 & MF4_STRIFEDAMAGE) ? 3 : 7, 1), mo->DamageType, SECPART_Ceiling, mo->Pos(), false, true); washit = true; } } if (line->health > 0 && P_CheckLinedefVulnerable(line, wside)) { P_DamageLinedef(line, mo, mo->GetMissileDamage((mo->flags4 & MF4_STRIFEDAMAGE) ? 3 : 7, 1), mo->DamageType, wside, mo->Pos(), false, true); washit = true; } return washit; } // part = -1 means "detect from blocking" bool P_ProjectileHitPlane(AActor* mo, int part) { if (part < 0) { if (mo->BlockingCeiling) part = SECPART_Ceiling; else if (mo->BlockingFloor) part = SECPART_Floor; } // detect 3d floor hit if (mo->Blocking3DFloor) { if (mo->Blocking3DFloor->health3d > 0) { P_DamageSector(mo->Blocking3DFloor, mo, mo->GetMissileDamage((mo->flags4 & MF4_STRIFEDAMAGE) ? 3 : 7, 1), mo->DamageType, SECPART_3D, mo->Pos(), false, true); return true; } return false; } if (part == SECPART_Floor && mo->Sector->healthfloor > 0 && P_CheckSectorVulnerable(mo->Sector, SECPART_Floor)) { P_DamageSector(mo->Sector, mo, mo->GetMissileDamage((mo->flags4 & MF4_STRIFEDAMAGE) ? 3 : 7, 1), mo->DamageType, SECPART_Floor, mo->Pos(), false, true); return true; } else if (part == SECPART_Ceiling && mo->Sector->healthceiling > 0 && P_CheckSectorVulnerable(mo->Sector, SECPART_Ceiling)) { P_DamageSector(mo->Sector, mo, mo->GetMissileDamage((mo->flags4 & MF4_STRIFEDAMAGE) ? 3 : 7, 1), mo->DamageType, SECPART_Ceiling, mo->Pos(), false, true); return true; } return false; } //========================================================================== // // P_CheckLinedefVulnerable // // If sectorpart is <0: returns if linedef is damageable directly // If sectorpart is valid (SECPART_ enum): returns if sector on sidedef is // damageable through this line at specified sectorpart //========================================================================== bool P_CheckLinedefVulnerable(line_t* line, int side, int sectorpart) { if (line->special == Line_Horizon) return false; side_t* sidedef = line->sidedef[side]; if (!sidedef) return false; return true; } //========================================================================== // // P_CheckSectorVulnerable // // Returns true if sector's floor or ceiling is directly damageable //========================================================================== bool P_CheckSectorVulnerable(sector_t* sector, int part) { if (part == SECPART_3D) return true; FTextureID texture = sector->GetTexture((part == SECPART_Ceiling) ? sector_t::ceiling : sector_t::floor); secplane_t* plane = (part == SECPART_Ceiling) ? §or->ceilingplane : §or->floorplane; if (texture == skyflatnum) return false; return true; } /// FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, FHealthGroup& g, FHealthGroup *def) { if (arc.BeginObject(key)) { arc("id", g.id) ("health", g.health) .EndObject(); } return arc; } void P_SerializeHealthGroups(FSerializer& arc) { // todo : stuff if (arc.BeginArray("healthgroups")) { if (arc.isReading()) { TArray<FHealthGroup> readGroups; int sz = arc.ArraySize(); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { FHealthGroup grp; arc(nullptr, grp); FHealthGroup* existinggrp = P_GetHealthGroup(grp.id); if (!existinggrp) continue; existinggrp->health = grp.health; } } else { TMap<int, FHealthGroup>::ConstIterator it(level.healthGroups); TMap<int, FHealthGroup>::ConstPair* pair; while (it.NextPair(pair)) { FHealthGroup grp = pair->Value; arc(nullptr, grp); } } arc.EndArray(); } } // ===================== zscript interface ===================== // // ============================================================= DEFINE_FIELD_X(HealthGroup, FHealthGroup, id) DEFINE_FIELD_X(HealthGroup, FHealthGroup, health) DEFINE_FIELD_X(HealthGroup, FHealthGroup, sectors) DEFINE_FIELD_X(HealthGroup, FHealthGroup, lines) DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(FHealthGroup, Find) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_INT(id); FHealthGroup* grp = P_GetHealthGroup(id); ACTION_RETURN_POINTER(grp); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(FHealthGroup, SetHealth) { PARAM_SELF_STRUCT_PROLOGUE(FHealthGroup); PARAM_INT(health); P_SetHealthGroupHealth(self, health); return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(FDestructible, DamageSector) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_POINTER(sec, sector_t); PARAM_OBJECT(source, AActor); PARAM_INT(damage); PARAM_NAME(damagetype); PARAM_INT(part); PARAM_FLOAT(position_x); PARAM_FLOAT(position_y); PARAM_FLOAT(position_z); PARAM_BOOL(isradius); P_DamageSector(sec, source, damage, damagetype, part, DVector3(position_x, position_y, position_z), isradius, true); return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(FDestructible, DamageLinedef) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_POINTER(def, line_t); PARAM_OBJECT(source, AActor); PARAM_INT(damage); PARAM_NAME(damagetype); PARAM_INT(side); PARAM_FLOAT(position_x); PARAM_FLOAT(position_y); PARAM_FLOAT(position_z); PARAM_BOOL(isradius); P_DamageLinedef(def, source, damage, damagetype, side, DVector3(position_x, position_y, position_z), isradius, true); return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(FDestructible, GeometryLineAttack) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_POINTER(trace, FTraceResults); PARAM_OBJECT(thing, AActor); PARAM_INT(damage); PARAM_NAME(damagetype); P_GeometryLineAttack(*trace, thing, damage, damagetype); return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(FDestructible, GeometryRadiusAttack) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_OBJECT(bombspot, AActor); PARAM_OBJECT(bombsource, AActor); PARAM_INT(bombdamage); PARAM_INT(bombdistance); PARAM_NAME(damagetype); PARAM_INT(fulldamagedistance); P_GeometryRadiusAttack(bombspot, bombsource, bombdamage, bombdistance, damagetype, fulldamagedistance); return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(FDestructible, ProjectileHitLinedef) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_OBJECT(projectile, AActor); PARAM_POINTER(def, line_t); ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(P_ProjectileHitLinedef(projectile, def)); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(FDestructible, ProjectileHitPlane) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_OBJECT(projectile, AActor); PARAM_INT(part); ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(P_ProjectileHitPlane(projectile, part)); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(FDestructible, CheckLinedefVulnerable) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_POINTER(def, line_t); PARAM_INT(side); PARAM_INT(part); ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(P_CheckLinedefVulnerable(def, side, part)); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(FDestructible, CheckSectorVulnerable) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_POINTER(sec, sector_t); PARAM_INT(part); ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(P_CheckSectorVulnerable(sec, part)); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(_Line, GetHealth) { PARAM_SELF_STRUCT_PROLOGUE(line_t); if (self->healthgroup) { FHealthGroup* grp = P_GetHealthGroup(self->healthgroup); if (grp) ACTION_RETURN_INT(grp->health); } ACTION_RETURN_INT(self->health); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(_Line, SetHealth) { PARAM_SELF_STRUCT_PROLOGUE(line_t); PARAM_INT(newhealth); if (newhealth < 0) newhealth = 0; self->health = newhealth; if (self->healthgroup) { FHealthGroup* grp = P_GetHealthGroup(self->healthgroup); if (grp) P_SetHealthGroupHealth(grp, newhealth); } return 0; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(_Sector, GetHealth) { PARAM_SELF_STRUCT_PROLOGUE(sector_t); PARAM_INT(part); FHealthGroup* grp; switch (part) { case SECPART_Floor: ACTION_RETURN_INT((self->healthfloorgroup && (grp = P_GetHealthGroup(self->healthfloorgroup))) ? grp->health : self->healthfloor); case SECPART_Ceiling: ACTION_RETURN_INT((self->healthceilinggroup && (grp = P_GetHealthGroup(self->healthceilinggroup))) ? grp->health : self->healthceiling); case SECPART_3D: ACTION_RETURN_INT((self->health3dgroup && (grp = P_GetHealthGroup(self->health3dgroup))) ? grp->health : self->health3d); default: ACTION_RETURN_INT(0); } } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(_Sector, SetHealth) { PARAM_SELF_STRUCT_PROLOGUE(sector_t); PARAM_INT(part); PARAM_INT(newhealth); if (newhealth < 0) newhealth = 0; int group; int* health; switch (part) { case SECPART_Floor: group = self->healthfloorgroup; health = &self->healthfloor; break; case SECPART_Ceiling: group = self->healthceilinggroup; health = &self->healthceiling; break; case SECPART_3D: group = self->health3dgroup; health = &self->health3d; break; default: return 0; } FHealthGroup* grp = group ? P_GetHealthGroup(group) : nullptr; *health = newhealth; if (grp) P_SetHealthGroupHealth(grp, newhealth); return 0; }