#include "info.h" #include "a_pickups.h" #include "a_artifacts.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "gi.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "a_sharedglobal.h" #include "sbar.h" #include "a_morph.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "farchive.h" #include "p_enemy.h" static FRandom pr_morphmonst ("MorphMonster"); void EndAllPowerupEffects(AInventory *item); void InitAllPowerupEffects(AInventory *item); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_MorphPlayer // // Returns true if the player gets turned into a chicken/pig. // // TODO: Allow morphed players to receive weapon sets (not just one weapon), // since they have their own weapon slots now. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool P_MorphPlayer (player_t *activator, player_t *p, const PClass *spawntype, int duration, int style, const PClass *enter_flash, const PClass *exit_flash) { AInventory *item; APlayerPawn *morphed; APlayerPawn *actor; actor = p->mo; if (actor == NULL) { return false; } if (actor->flags3 & MF3_DONTMORPH) { return false; } if ((p->mo->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) && ((p != activator) || (!(style & MORPH_WHENINVULNERABLE)))) { // Immune when invulnerable unless this is a power we activated return false; } if (p->morphTics) { // Player is already a beast if ((p->mo->GetClass() == spawntype) && (p->mo->PlayerFlags & PPF_CANSUPERMORPH) && (p->morphTics < (((duration) ? duration : MORPHTICS) - TICRATE)) && (p->mo->FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2), true) == NULL)) { // Make a super chicken p->mo->GiveInventoryType (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2)); } return false; } if (p->health <= 0) { // Dead players cannot morph return false; } if (spawntype == NULL) { return false; } if (!spawntype->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn))) { return false; } if (spawntype == p->mo->GetClass()) { return false; } morphed = static_cast(Spawn (spawntype, actor->Pos(), NO_REPLACE)); EndAllPowerupEffects(actor->Inventory); DObject::StaticPointerSubstitution (actor, morphed); if ((actor->tid != 0) && (style & MORPH_NEWTIDBEHAVIOUR)) { morphed->tid = actor->tid; morphed->AddToHash (); actor->RemoveFromHash (); actor->tid = 0; } morphed->angle = actor->angle; morphed->target = actor->target; morphed->tracer = actor; morphed->Score = actor->Score; p->PremorphWeapon = p->ReadyWeapon; morphed->special2 = actor->flags & ~MF_JUSTHIT; morphed->player = p; if (actor->renderflags & RF_INVISIBLE) { morphed->special2 |= MF_JUSTHIT; } if (morphed->ViewHeight > p->viewheight && p->deltaviewheight == 0) { // If the new view height is higher than the old one, start moving toward it. p->deltaviewheight = p->GetDeltaViewHeight(); } morphed->flags |= actor->flags & (MF_SHADOW|MF_NOGRAVITY); morphed->flags2 |= actor->flags2 & MF2_FLY; morphed->flags3 |= actor->flags3 & MF3_GHOST; AActor *eflash = Spawn(((enter_flash) ? enter_flash : RUNTIME_CLASS(ATeleportFog)), actor->PosPlusZ(TELEFOGHEIGHT), ALLOW_REPLACE); actor->player = NULL; actor->flags &= ~(MF_SOLID|MF_SHOOTABLE); actor->flags |= MF_UNMORPHED; actor->renderflags |= RF_INVISIBLE; p->morphTics = (duration) ? duration : MORPHTICS; // [MH] Used by SBARINFO to speed up face drawing p->MorphedPlayerClass = spawntype; p->MorphStyle = style; p->MorphExitFlash = (exit_flash) ? exit_flash : RUNTIME_CLASS(ATeleportFog); p->health = morphed->health; p->mo = morphed; p->velx = p->vely = 0; morphed->ObtainInventory (actor); // Remove all armor for (item = morphed->Inventory; item != NULL; ) { AInventory *next = item->Inventory; if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AArmor))) { if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AHexenArmor))) { // Set the HexenArmor slots to 0, except the class slot. AHexenArmor *hxarmor = static_cast(item); hxarmor->Slots[0] = 0; hxarmor->Slots[1] = 0; hxarmor->Slots[2] = 0; hxarmor->Slots[3] = 0; hxarmor->Slots[4] = spawntype->Meta.GetMetaFixed (APMETA_Hexenarmor0); } else { item->DepleteOrDestroy(); } } item = next; } InitAllPowerupEffects(morphed->Inventory); morphed->ActivateMorphWeapon (); if (p->camera == actor) { p->camera = morphed; } morphed->ScoreIcon = actor->ScoreIcon; // [GRB] if (eflash) eflash->target = p->mo; return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_UndoPlayerMorph // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool P_UndoPlayerMorph (player_t *activator, player_t *player, int unmorphflag, bool force) { AWeapon *beastweap; APlayerPawn *mo; APlayerPawn *pmo; angle_t angle; pmo = player->mo; // [MH] // Checks pmo as well; the PowerMorph destroyer will // try to unmorph the player; if the destroyer runs // because the level or game is ended while morphed, // by the time it gets executed the morphed player // pawn instance may have already been destroyed. if (pmo == NULL || pmo->tracer == NULL) { return false; } bool DeliberateUnmorphIsOkay = !!(MORPH_STANDARDUNDOING & unmorphflag); if ((pmo->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) // If the player is invulnerable && ((player != activator) // and either did not decide to unmorph, || (!((player->MorphStyle & MORPH_WHENINVULNERABLE) // or the morph style does not allow it || (DeliberateUnmorphIsOkay))))) // (but standard morph styles always allow it), { // Then the player is immune to the unmorph. return false; } mo = barrier_cast(pmo->tracer); mo->SetOrigin (pmo->Pos(), false); mo->flags |= MF_SOLID; pmo->flags &= ~MF_SOLID; if (!force && !P_TestMobjLocation (mo)) { // Didn't fit mo->flags &= ~MF_SOLID; pmo->flags |= MF_SOLID; player->morphTics = 2*TICRATE; return false; } pmo->player = NULL; // Remove the morph power if the morph is being undone prematurely. for (AInventory *item = pmo->Inventory, *next = NULL; item != NULL; item = next) { next = item->Inventory; if (item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerMorph))) { static_cast(item)->SetNoCallUndoMorph(); item->Destroy(); } } EndAllPowerupEffects(pmo->Inventory); mo->ObtainInventory (pmo); DObject::StaticPointerSubstitution (pmo, mo); if ((pmo->tid != 0) && (player->MorphStyle & MORPH_NEWTIDBEHAVIOUR)) { mo->tid = pmo->tid; mo->AddToHash (); } mo->angle = pmo->angle; mo->player = player; mo->reactiontime = 18; mo->flags = ActorFlags::FromInt (pmo->special2) & ~MF_JUSTHIT; mo->velx = 0; mo->vely = 0; player->velx = 0; player->vely = 0; mo->velz = pmo->velz; if (!(pmo->special2 & MF_JUSTHIT)) { mo->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE; } mo->flags = (mo->flags & ~(MF_SHADOW|MF_NOGRAVITY)) | (pmo->flags & (MF_SHADOW|MF_NOGRAVITY)); mo->flags2 = (mo->flags2 & ~MF2_FLY) | (pmo->flags2 & MF2_FLY); mo->flags3 = (mo->flags3 & ~MF3_GHOST) | (pmo->flags3 & MF3_GHOST); mo->Score = pmo->Score; InitAllPowerupEffects(mo->Inventory); const PClass *exit_flash = player->MorphExitFlash; bool correctweapon = !!(player->MorphStyle & MORPH_LOSEACTUALWEAPON); bool undobydeathsaves = !!(player->MorphStyle & MORPH_UNDOBYDEATHSAVES); player->morphTics = 0; player->MorphedPlayerClass = 0; player->MorphStyle = 0; player->MorphExitFlash = NULL; player->viewheight = mo->ViewHeight; AInventory *level2 = mo->FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2), true); if (level2 != NULL) { level2->Destroy (); } if ((player->health > 0) || undobydeathsaves) { player->health = mo->health = mo->SpawnHealth(); } else // killed when morphed so stay dead { mo->health = player->health; } player->mo = mo; if (player->camera == pmo) { player->camera = mo; } // [MH] // If the player that was morphed is the one // taking events, reset up the face, if any; // this is only needed for old-skool skins // and for the original DOOM status bar. if (player == &players[consoleplayer]) { const char *face = pmo->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaString (APMETA_Face); if (face != NULL && strcmp(face, "None") != 0) { // Assume root-level base skin to begin with size_t skinindex = 0; // If a custom skin was in use, then reload it // or else the base skin for the player class. if ((unsigned int)player->userinfo.GetSkin() >= PlayerClasses.Size () && (size_t)player->userinfo.GetSkin() < numskins) { skinindex = player->userinfo.GetSkin(); } else if (PlayerClasses.Size () > 1) { const PClass *whatami = player->mo->GetClass(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PlayerClasses.Size (); ++i) { if (PlayerClasses[i].Type == whatami) { skinindex = i; break; } } } } } angle = mo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; AActor *eflash = NULL; if (exit_flash != NULL) { eflash = Spawn(exit_flash, pmo->Vec3Offset(20*finecosine[angle], 20*finesine[angle], TELEFOGHEIGHT), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (eflash) eflash->target = mo; } mo->SetupWeaponSlots(); // Use original class's weapon slots. beastweap = player->ReadyWeapon; if (player->PremorphWeapon != NULL) { player->PremorphWeapon->PostMorphWeapon (); } else { player->ReadyWeapon = player->PendingWeapon = NULL; } if (correctweapon) { // Better "lose morphed weapon" semantics const PClass *morphweapon = PClass::FindClass (pmo->MorphWeapon); if (morphweapon != NULL && morphweapon->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon))) { AWeapon *OriginalMorphWeapon = static_cast(mo->FindInventory (morphweapon)); if ((OriginalMorphWeapon != NULL) && (OriginalMorphWeapon->GivenAsMorphWeapon)) { // You don't get to keep your morphed weapon. if (OriginalMorphWeapon->SisterWeapon != NULL) { OriginalMorphWeapon->SisterWeapon->Destroy (); } OriginalMorphWeapon->Destroy (); } } } else // old behaviour (not really useful now) { // Assumptions made here are no longer valid if (beastweap != NULL) { // You don't get to keep your morphed weapon. if (beastweap->SisterWeapon != NULL) { beastweap->SisterWeapon->Destroy (); } beastweap->Destroy (); } } pmo->tracer = NULL; pmo->Destroy (); // Restore playerclass armor to its normal amount. AHexenArmor *hxarmor = mo->FindInventory(); if (hxarmor != NULL) { hxarmor->Slots[4] = mo->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaFixed (APMETA_Hexenarmor0); } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_MorphMonster // // Returns true if the monster gets turned into a chicken/pig. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool P_MorphMonster (AActor *actor, const PClass *spawntype, int duration, int style, const PClass *enter_flash, const PClass *exit_flash) { AMorphedMonster *morphed; if (actor == NULL || actor->player || spawntype == NULL || actor->flags3 & MF3_DONTMORPH || !(actor->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) || !spawntype->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AMorphedMonster))) { return false; } morphed = static_cast(Spawn (spawntype, actor->Pos(), NO_REPLACE)); DObject::StaticPointerSubstitution (actor, morphed); morphed->tid = actor->tid; morphed->angle = actor->angle; morphed->UnmorphedMe = actor; morphed->alpha = actor->alpha; morphed->RenderStyle = actor->RenderStyle; morphed->Score = actor->Score; morphed->UnmorphTime = level.time + ((duration) ? duration : MORPHTICS) + pr_morphmonst(); morphed->MorphStyle = style; morphed->MorphExitFlash = (exit_flash) ? exit_flash : RUNTIME_CLASS(ATeleportFog); morphed->FlagsSave = actor->flags & ~MF_JUSTHIT; morphed->special = actor->special; memcpy (morphed->args, actor->args, sizeof(actor->args)); morphed->CopyFriendliness (actor, true); morphed->flags |= actor->flags & MF_SHADOW; morphed->flags3 |= actor->flags3 & MF3_GHOST; if (actor->renderflags & RF_INVISIBLE) { morphed->FlagsSave |= MF_JUSTHIT; } morphed->AddToHash (); actor->RemoveFromHash (); actor->special = 0; actor->tid = 0; actor->flags &= ~(MF_SOLID|MF_SHOOTABLE); actor->flags |= MF_UNMORPHED; actor->renderflags |= RF_INVISIBLE; AActor *eflash = Spawn(((enter_flash) ? enter_flash : RUNTIME_CLASS(ATeleportFog)), actor->PosPlusZ(TELEFOGHEIGHT), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (eflash) eflash->target = morphed; return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_UndoMonsterMorph // // Returns true if the monster unmorphs. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool P_UndoMonsterMorph (AMorphedMonster *beast, bool force) { AActor *actor; if (beast->UnmorphTime == 0 || beast->UnmorphedMe == NULL || beast->flags3 & MF3_STAYMORPHED || beast->UnmorphedMe->flags3 & MF3_STAYMORPHED) { return false; } actor = beast->UnmorphedMe; actor->SetOrigin (beast->Pos(), false); actor->flags |= MF_SOLID; beast->flags &= ~MF_SOLID; ActorFlags6 beastflags6 = beast->flags6; beast->flags6 &= ~MF6_TOUCHY; if (!force && !P_TestMobjLocation (actor)) { // Didn't fit actor->flags &= ~MF_SOLID; beast->flags |= MF_SOLID; beast->flags6 = beastflags6; beast->UnmorphTime = level.time + 5*TICRATE; // Next try in 5 seconds return false; } actor->angle = beast->angle; actor->target = beast->target; actor->FriendPlayer = beast->FriendPlayer; actor->flags = beast->FlagsSave & ~MF_JUSTHIT; actor->flags = (actor->flags & ~(MF_FRIENDLY|MF_SHADOW)) | (beast->flags & (MF_FRIENDLY|MF_SHADOW)); actor->flags3 = (actor->flags3 & ~(MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK|MF3_HUNTPLAYERS|MF3_GHOST)) | (beast->flags3 & (MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK|MF3_HUNTPLAYERS|MF3_GHOST)); actor->flags4 = (actor->flags4 & ~MF4_NOHATEPLAYERS) | (beast->flags4 & MF4_NOHATEPLAYERS); if (!(beast->FlagsSave & MF_JUSTHIT)) actor->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE; actor->health = actor->SpawnHealth(); actor->velx = beast->velx; actor->vely = beast->vely; actor->velz = beast->velz; actor->tid = beast->tid; actor->special = beast->special; actor->Score = beast->Score; memcpy (actor->args, beast->args, sizeof(actor->args)); actor->AddToHash (); beast->UnmorphedMe = NULL; DObject::StaticPointerSubstitution (beast, actor); const PClass *exit_flash = beast->MorphExitFlash; beast->Destroy (); AActor *eflash = Spawn(exit_flash, beast->PosPlusZ(TELEFOGHEIGHT), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (eflash) eflash->target = actor; return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_UpdateMorphedMonster // // Returns true if the monster unmorphs. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool P_UpdateMorphedMonster (AMorphedMonster *beast) { if (beast->UnmorphTime > level.time) { return false; } return P_UndoMonsterMorph (beast); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_MorphedDeath // // Unmorphs the actor if possible. // Returns the unmorphed actor, the style with which they were morphed and the // health (of the AActor, not the player_t) they last had before unmorphing. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool P_MorphedDeath(AActor *actor, AActor **morphed, int *morphedstyle, int *morphedhealth) { // May be a morphed player if ((actor->player) && (actor->player->morphTics) && (actor->player->MorphStyle & MORPH_UNDOBYDEATH) && (actor->player->mo) && (actor->player->mo->tracer)) { AActor *realme = actor->player->mo->tracer; int realstyle = actor->player->MorphStyle; int realhealth = actor->health; if (P_UndoPlayerMorph(actor->player, actor->player, !!(actor->player->MorphStyle & MORPH_UNDOBYDEATHFORCED))) { *morphed = realme; *morphedstyle = realstyle; *morphedhealth = realhealth; return true; } return false; } // May be a morphed monster if (actor->GetClass()->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AMorphedMonster))) { AMorphedMonster *fakeme = static_cast(actor); AActor *realme = fakeme->UnmorphedMe; if (realme != NULL) { if ((fakeme->UnmorphTime) && (fakeme->MorphStyle & MORPH_UNDOBYDEATH)) { int realstyle = fakeme->MorphStyle; int realhealth = fakeme->health; if (P_UndoMonsterMorph(fakeme, !!(fakeme->MorphStyle & MORPH_UNDOBYDEATHFORCED))) { *morphed = realme; *morphedstyle = realstyle; *morphedhealth = realhealth; return true; } } if (realme->flags4 & MF4_BOSSDEATH) { realme->health = 0; // make sure that A_BossDeath considers it dead. CALL_ACTION(A_BossDeath, realme); } } fakeme->flags3 |= MF3_STAYMORPHED; // moved here from AMorphedMonster::Die() return false; } // Not a morphed player or monster return false; } //=========================================================================== // // EndAllPowerupEffects // // Calls EndEffect() on every Powerup in the inventory list. // //=========================================================================== void EndAllPowerupEffects(AInventory *item) { while (item != NULL) { if (item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerup))) { static_cast(item)->EndEffect(); } item = item->Inventory; } } //=========================================================================== // // InitAllPowerupEffects // // Calls InitEffect() on every Powerup in the inventory list. // //=========================================================================== void InitAllPowerupEffects(AInventory *item) { while (item != NULL) { if (item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerup))) { static_cast(item)->InitEffect(); } item = item->Inventory; } } // Base class for morphing projectiles -------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_CLASS(AMorphProjectile) int AMorphProjectile::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage, FName damagetype) { const PClass *morph_flash = PClass::FindClass (MorphFlash); const PClass *unmorph_flash = PClass::FindClass (UnMorphFlash); if (target->player) { const PClass *player_class = PClass::FindClass (PlayerClass); P_MorphPlayer (NULL, target->player, player_class, Duration, MorphStyle, morph_flash, unmorph_flash); } else { const PClass *monster_class = PClass::FindClass (MonsterClass); P_MorphMonster (target, monster_class, Duration, MorphStyle, morph_flash, unmorph_flash); } return -1; } void AMorphProjectile::Serialize (FArchive &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); arc << PlayerClass << MonsterClass << Duration << MorphStyle << MorphFlash << UnMorphFlash; } // Morphed Monster (you must subclass this to do something useful) --------- IMPLEMENT_POINTY_CLASS (AMorphedMonster) DECLARE_POINTER (UnmorphedMe) END_POINTERS void AMorphedMonster::Serialize (FArchive &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); arc << UnmorphedMe << UnmorphTime << MorphStyle << MorphExitFlash << FlagsSave; } void AMorphedMonster::Destroy () { if (UnmorphedMe != NULL) { UnmorphedMe->Destroy (); } Super::Destroy (); } void AMorphedMonster::Die (AActor *source, AActor *inflictor, int dmgflags) { // Dead things don't unmorph // flags3 |= MF3_STAYMORPHED; // [MH] // But they can now, so that line above has been // moved into P_MorphedDeath() and is now set by // that function if and only if it is needed. Super::Die (source, inflictor, dmgflags); if (UnmorphedMe != NULL && (UnmorphedMe->flags & MF_UNMORPHED)) { UnmorphedMe->health = health; UnmorphedMe->Die (source, inflictor, dmgflags); } } void AMorphedMonster::Tick () { if (!P_UpdateMorphedMonster (this)) { Super::Tick (); } }