// The Fighter's Axe -------------------------------------------------------- class FWeapAxe : FighterWeapon { const AXERANGE = (2.25 * DEFMELEERANGE); Default { Weapon.SelectionOrder 1500; +WEAPON.AXEBLOOD +WEAPON.AMMO_OPTIONAL +WEAPON.MELEEWEAPON Weapon.AmmoUse1 2; Weapon.AmmoGive1 25; Weapon.KickBack 150; Weapon.YAdjust -12; Weapon.AmmoType1 "Mana1"; Inventory.PickupMessage "$TXT_WEAPON_F2"; Obituary "$OB_MPFWEAPAXE"; Tag "$TAG_FWEAPAXE"; } States { Spawn: WFAX A -1; Stop; Select: FAXE A 1 A_FAxeCheckUp; Loop; Deselect: FAXE A 1 A_Lower; Loop; Ready: FAXE A 1 A_FAxeCheckReady; Loop; Fire: FAXE B 4 Offset (15, 32) A_FAxeCheckAtk; FAXE C 3 Offset (15, 32); FAXE D 2 Offset (15, 32); FAXE D 1 Offset (-5, 70) A_FAxeAttack; FAXE D 2 Offset (-25, 90); FAXE E 1 Offset (15, 32); EndAttack: FAXE E 2 Offset (10, 54); FAXE E 7 Offset (10, 150); FAXE A 1 Offset (0, 60) A_ReFire; FAXE A 1 Offset (0, 52); FAXE A 1 Offset (0, 44); FAXE A 1 Offset (0, 36); FAXE A 1; Goto Ready; SelectGlow: FAXE L 1 A_FAxeCheckUpG; Loop; DeselectGlow: FAXE L 1 A_Lower; Loop; ReadyGlow: FAXE LLL 1 A_FAxeCheckReadyG; FAXE MMM 1 A_FAxeCheckReadyG; Loop; FireGlow: FAXE N 4 Offset (15, 32); FAXE O 3 Offset (15, 32); FAXE P 2 Offset (15, 32); FAXE P 1 Offset (-5, 70) A_FAxeAttack; FAXE P 2 Offset (-25, 90); FAXE Q 1 Offset (15, 32); FAXE Q 2 Offset (10, 54); FAXE Q 7 Offset (10, 150); FAXE A 1 Offset (0, 60) A_ReFire; FAXE A 1 Offset (0, 52); FAXE A 1 Offset (0, 44); FAXE A 1 Offset (0, 36); FAXE A 1; Goto ReadyGlow; } override State GetUpState () { return Ammo1.Amount ? FindState ("SelectGlow") : Super.GetUpState(); } override State GetDownState () { return Ammo1.Amount ? FindState ("DeselectGlow") : Super.GetDownState(); } override State GetReadyState () { return Ammo1.Amount ? FindState ("ReadyGlow") : Super.GetReadyState(); } override State GetAtkState (bool hold) { return Ammo1.Amount ? FindState ("FireGlow") : Super.GetAtkState(hold); } //============================================================================ // // A_FAxeCheckReady // //============================================================================ action void A_FAxeCheckReady() { if (player == null) { return; } Weapon w = player.ReadyWeapon; if (w.Ammo1 && w.Ammo1.Amount > 0) { player.SetPsprite(PSP_WEAPON, w.FindState("ReadyGlow")); } else { A_WeaponReady(); } } //============================================================================ // // A_FAxeCheckReadyG // //============================================================================ action void A_FAxeCheckReadyG() { if (player == null) { return; } Weapon w = player.ReadyWeapon; if (!w.Ammo1 || w.Ammo1.Amount <= 0) { player.SetPsprite(PSP_WEAPON, w.FindState("Ready")); } else { A_WeaponReady(); } } //============================================================================ // // A_FAxeCheckUp // //============================================================================ action void A_FAxeCheckUp() { if (player == null) { return; } Weapon w = player.ReadyWeapon; if (w.Ammo1 && w.Ammo1.Amount > 0) { player.SetPsprite(PSP_WEAPON, w.FindState("SelectGlow")); } else { A_Raise(); } } //============================================================================ // // A_FAxeCheckUpG // //============================================================================ action void A_FAxeCheckUpG() { if (player == null) { return; } Weapon w = player.ReadyWeapon; if (!w.Ammo1 || w.Ammo1.Amount <= 0) { player.SetPsprite(PSP_WEAPON, w.FindState("Select")); } else { A_Raise(); } } //============================================================================ // // A_FAxeCheckAtk // //============================================================================ action void A_FAxeCheckAtk() { if (player == null) { return; } Weapon w = player.ReadyWeapon; if (w.Ammo1 && w.Ammo1.Amount > 0) { player.SetPsprite(PSP_WEAPON, w.FindState("FireGlow")); } } //============================================================================ // // A_FAxeAttack // //============================================================================ action void A_FAxeAttack() { FTranslatedLineTarget t; if (player == null) { return; } int damage = 40+(random[AxeAtk]() & 15); damage += random[AxeAtk]() & 7; int power = 0; Weapon weapon = player.ReadyWeapon; class<Actor> pufftype; int usemana; if ((usemana = (weapon.Ammo1 && weapon.Ammo1.Amount > 0))) { damage <<= 1; power = 6; pufftype = "AxePuffGlow"; } else { pufftype = "AxePuff"; } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (int j = 1; j >= -1; j -= 2) { double ang = angle + j*i*(45. / 16); double slope = AimLineAttack(ang, AXERANGE, t); if (t.linetarget) { LineAttack(ang, AXERANGE, slope, damage, 'Melee', pufftype, true, t); if (t.linetarget != null) { if (t.linetarget.bIsMonster || t.linetarget.player) { t.linetarget.Thrust(power, t.attackAngleFromSource); } AdjustPlayerAngle(t); weapon.DepleteAmmo (weapon.bAltFire, false); if ((weapon.Ammo1 == null || weapon.Ammo1.Amount == 0) && (!(weapon.bPrimary_Uses_Both) || weapon.Ammo2 == null || weapon.Ammo2.Amount == 0)) { player.SetPsprite(PSP_WEAPON, weapon.FindState("EndAttack")); } return; } } } } // didn't find any creatures, so try to strike any walls self.weaponspecial = 0; double slope = AimLineAttack (angle, DEFMELEERANGE); LineAttack (angle, DEFMELEERANGE, slope, damage, 'Melee', pufftype, true); } } // Axe Puff ----------------------------------------------------------------- class AxePuff : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +PUFFONACTORS RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.6; SeeSound "FighterAxeHitThing"; AttackSound "FighterHammerHitWall"; ActiveSound "FighterHammerMiss"; } States { Spawn: FHFX STUVW 4; Stop; } } // Glowing Axe Puff --------------------------------------------------------- class AxePuffGlow : AxePuff { Default { +PUFFONACTORS RenderStyle "Add"; Alpha 1; } States { Spawn: FAXE RSTUVWX 4 Bright; Stop; } }