// The VM uses 7 integral data types, so for dynamic array support we need one specific set of functions for each of these types. // Do not use these structs directly, they are incomplete and only needed to create prototypes for the needed functions. struct DynArray_I8 native { native readonly int Size; native void Copy(DynArray_I8 other); native void Move(DynArray_I8 other); native void Append (DynArray_I8 other); native uint Find(int item) const; native uint Push (int item); native bool Pop (); native void Delete (uint index, int deletecount = 1); native void Insert (uint index, int item); native void ShrinkToFit (); native void Grow (uint amount); native void Resize (uint amount); native uint Reserve (uint amount); native uint Max () const; native void Clear (); } struct DynArray_I16 native { native readonly int Size; native void Copy(DynArray_I16 other); native void Move(DynArray_I16 other); native void Append (DynArray_I16 other); native uint Find(int item) const; native uint Push (int item); native bool Pop (); native void Delete (uint index, int deletecount = 1); native void Insert (uint index, int item); native void ShrinkToFit (); native void Grow (uint amount); native void Resize (uint amount); native uint Reserve (uint amount); native uint Max () const; native void Clear (); } struct DynArray_I32 native { native readonly int Size; native void Copy(DynArray_I32 other); native void Move(DynArray_I32 other); native void Append (DynArray_I32 other); native uint Find(int item) const; native uint Push (int item); native vararg uint PushV (int item, ...); native bool Pop (); native void Delete (uint index, int deletecount = 1); native void Insert (uint index, int item); native void ShrinkToFit (); native void Grow (uint amount); native void Resize (uint amount); native uint Reserve (uint amount); native uint Max () const; native void Clear (); } struct DynArray_F32 native { native readonly int Size; native void Copy(DynArray_F32 other); native void Move(DynArray_F32 other); native void Append (DynArray_F32 other); native uint Find(double item) const; native uint Push (double item); native bool Pop (); native void Delete (uint index, int deletecount = 1); native void Insert (uint index, double item); native void ShrinkToFit (); native void Grow (uint amount); native void Resize (uint amount); native uint Reserve (uint amount); native uint Max () const; native void Clear (); } struct DynArray_F64 native { native readonly int Size; native void Copy(DynArray_F64 other); native void Move(DynArray_F64 other); native void Append (DynArray_F64 other); native uint Find(double item) const; native uint Push (double item); native bool Pop (); native void Delete (uint index, int deletecount = 1); native void Insert (uint index, double item); native void ShrinkToFit (); native void Grow (uint amount); native void Resize (uint amount); native uint Reserve (uint amount); native uint Max () const; native void Clear (); } struct DynArray_Ptr native { native readonly int Size; native void Copy(DynArray_Ptr other); native void Move(DynArray_Ptr other); native void Append (DynArray_Ptr other); native uint Find(voidptr item) const; native uint Push (voidptr item); native bool Pop (); native void Delete (uint index, int deletecount = 1); native void Insert (uint index, voidptr item); native void ShrinkToFit (); native void Grow (uint amount); native void Resize (uint amount); native uint Reserve (uint amount); native uint Max () const; native void Clear (); } struct DynArray_Obj native { native readonly int Size; native void Copy(DynArray_Obj other); native void Move(DynArray_Obj other); native void Append (DynArray_Obj other); native uint Find(Object item) const; native uint Push (Object item); native bool Pop (); native void Delete (uint index, int deletecount = 1); native void Insert (uint index, Object item); native void ShrinkToFit (); native void Grow (uint amount); native void Resize (uint amount); native uint Reserve (uint amount); native uint Max () const; native void Clear (); } struct DynArray_String native { native readonly int Size; native void Copy(DynArray_String other); native void Move(DynArray_String other); native void Append (DynArray_String other); native uint Find(String item) const; native uint Push (String item); native vararg uint PushV(String item, ...); native bool Pop (); native void Delete (uint index, int deletecount = 1); native void Insert (uint index, String item); native void ShrinkToFit (); native void Grow (uint amount); native void Resize (uint amount); native uint Reserve (uint amount); native uint Max () const; native void Clear (); }