//=========================================================================== // // Arch Vile // //=========================================================================== class Archvile : Actor { Default { Health 700; Radius 20; Height 56; Mass 500; Speed 15; PainChance 10; Monster; MaxTargetRange 896; +QUICKTORETALIATE +FLOORCLIP +NOTARGET SeeSound "vile/sight"; PainSound "vile/pain"; DeathSound "vile/death"; ActiveSound "vile/active"; MeleeSound "vile/stop"; Obituary "$OB_VILE"; } States { Spawn: VILE AB 10 A_Look; Loop; See: VILE AABBCCDDEEFF 2 A_VileChase; Loop; Missile: VILE G 0 BRIGHT A_VileStart; VILE G 10 BRIGHT A_FaceTarget; VILE H 8 BRIGHT A_VileTarget; VILE IJKLMN 8 BRIGHT A_FaceTarget; VILE O 8 BRIGHT A_VileAttack; VILE P 20 BRIGHT; Goto See; Heal: VILE [\] 10 BRIGHT; Goto See; Pain: VILE Q 5; VILE Q 5 A_Pain; Goto See; Death: VILE Q 7; VILE R 7 A_Scream; VILE S 7 A_NoBlocking; VILE TUVWXY 7; VILE Z -1; Stop; } } //=========================================================================== // // Arch Vile Fire // //=========================================================================== class ArchvileFire : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY RenderStyle "Add"; Alpha 1; } States { Spawn: FIRE A 2 BRIGHT A_StartFire; FIRE BAB 2 BRIGHT A_Fire; FIRE C 2 BRIGHT A_FireCrackle; FIRE BCBCDCDCDEDED 2 BRIGHT A_Fire; FIRE E 2 BRIGHT A_FireCrackle; FIRE FEFEFGHGHGH 2 BRIGHT A_Fire; Stop; } } //=========================================================================== // // Code (must be attached to Actor) // //=========================================================================== // A_VileAttack flags //#define VAF_DMGTYPEAPPLYTODIRECT 1 extend class Actor { void A_VileStart() { A_PlaySound ("vile/start", CHAN_VOICE); } // // A_VileTarget // Spawn the hellfire // void A_VileTarget(class<Actor> fire = "ArchvileFire") { if (target) { A_FaceTarget (); Actor fog = Spawn (fire, target.Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (fog != null) { tracer = fog; fog.target = self; fog.tracer = self.target; fog.A_Fire(0); } } } void A_VileAttack(sound snd = "vile/stop", int initialdmg = 20, int blastdmg = 70, int blastradius = 70, double thrust = 1.0, name damagetype = "Fire", int flags = 0) { Actor targ = target; if (targ) { A_FaceTarget(); if (!CheckSight(targ, 0)) return; A_PlaySound(snd, CHAN_WEAPON); int newdam = targ.DamageMobj (self, self, initialdmg, (flags & VAF_DMGTYPEAPPLYTODIRECT)? damagetype : 'none'); TraceBleed (newdam > 0 ? newdam : initialdmg, targ); Actor fire = tracer; if (fire) { // move the fire between the vile and the player fire.SetOrigin(targ.Vec3Angle(-24., angle, 0), true); fire.A_Explode(blastdmg, blastradius, XF_NOSPLASH, false, 0, 0, 0, "BulletPuff", damagetype); } if (!targ.bDontThrust) { targ.Vel.z = thrust * 1000 / max(1, targ.Mass); } } } void A_StartFire() { A_PlaySound ("vile/firestrt", CHAN_BODY); A_Fire(); } // // A_Fire // Keep fire in front of player unless out of sight // void A_Fire(double spawnheight = 0) { Actor dest = tracer; if (!dest || !target) return; // don't move it if the vile lost sight if (!target.CheckSight (dest, 0) ) return; SetOrigin(dest.Vec3Angle(24, dest.angle, height), true); } void A_FireCrackle() { A_PlaySound ("vile/firecrkl", CHAN_BODY); A_Fire(); } }