struct AutoUseHealthInfo play { Array<Inventory> collectedItems[2]; int collectedHealth[2]; void AddItemToList(Inventory item, int list) { collectedItems[list].Push(item); collectedHealth[list] += Item.Amount *; } int UseHealthItems(int list, in out int saveHealth) { int saved = 0; while (collectedItems[list].Size() > 0 && saveHealth > 0) { int maxhealth = 0; int index = -1; // Find the largest item in the list for(int i = 0; i < collectedItems[list].Size(); i++) { // Workaround for a deficiency in the expression resolver. let item = list == 0? collectedItems[0][i] : collectedItems[1][i]; if ( > maxhealth) { index = i; maxhealth =; } } // Now apply the health items, using the same logic as Heretic and Hexen. int count = (saveHealth + maxhealth-1) / maxhealth; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { saved += maxhealth; saveHealth -= maxhealth; let item = list == 0? collectedItems[0][index] : collectedItems[1][index]; if (--item.Amount == 0) { item.DepleteOrDestroy (); collectedItems[list].Delete(index); break; } } } return saved; } } extend class PlayerPawn { //=========================================================================== // // // //=========================================================================== ui void InvNext() { Inventory next; let old = InvSel; if (InvSel != NULL) { if ((next = InvSel.NextInv()) != NULL) { InvSel = next; } else { // Select the first item in the inventory InvSel = FirstInv(); } if (InvSel) InvSel.DisplayNameTag(); } player.inventorytics = 5*TICRATE; if (old != InvSel) { A_PlaySound("misc/invchange", CHAN_AUTO, 1.0, false, ATTN_NONE); } } //=========================================================================== // // PlayerPawn :: InvPrev // //=========================================================================== ui void InvPrev() { Inventory item, newitem; let old = InvSel; if (InvSel != NULL) { if ((item = InvSel.PrevInv()) != NULL) { InvSel = item; } else { // Select the last item in the inventory item = InvSel; while ((newitem = item.NextInv()) != NULL) { item = newitem; } InvSel = item; } if (InvSel) InvSel.DisplayNameTag(); } player.inventorytics = 5*TICRATE; if (old != InvSel) { A_PlaySound("misc/invchange", CHAN_AUTO, 1.0, false, ATTN_NONE); } } //=========================================================================== // // PlayerPawn :: AddInventory // //=========================================================================== override void AddInventory (Inventory item) { // Adding inventory to a voodoo doll should add it to the real player instead. if (player != NULL && != self && != NULL) { (item); return; } Super.AddInventory (item); // If nothing is selected, select this item. if (InvSel == NULL && item.bInvBar) { InvSel = item; } } //=========================================================================== // // PlayerPawn :: RemoveInventory // //=========================================================================== override void RemoveInventory (Inventory item) { bool pickWeap = false; // Since voodoo dolls aren't supposed to have an inventory, there should be // no need to redirect them to the real player here as there is with AddInventory. // If the item removed is the selected one, select something else, either the next // item, if there is one, or the previous item. if (player != NULL) { if (InvSel == item) { InvSel = item.NextInv (); if (InvSel == NULL) { InvSel = item.PrevInv (); } } if (InvFirst == item) { InvFirst = item.NextInv (); if (InvFirst == NULL) { InvFirst = item.PrevInv (); } } if (item == player.PendingWeapon) { player.PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE; } if (item == player.ReadyWeapon) { // If the current weapon is removed, clear the refire counter and pick a new one. pickWeap = true; player.ReadyWeapon = NULL; player.refire = 0; } } Super.RemoveInventory (item); if (pickWeap && == self && player.PendingWeapon == WP_NOCHANGE) { PickNewWeapon (NULL); } } //=========================================================================== // // PlayerPawn :: UseInventory // //=========================================================================== override bool UseInventory (Inventory item) { let itemtype = item.GetClass(); if (player.cheats & CF_TOTALLYFROZEN) { // You can't use items if you're totally frozen return false; } if ((level.FROZEN) && (player == NULL || player.timefreezer == 0)) { // Time frozen return false; } if (!Super.UseInventory (item)) { // Heretic and Hexen advance the inventory cursor if the use failed. // Should this behavior be retained? return false; } if (player == players[consoleplayer]) { A_PlaySound(item.UseSound, CHAN_ITEM); StatusBar.FlashItem (itemtype); // Fixme: This shouldn't be called from here, because it is in the UI. } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC P_AutoUseHealth // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AutoUseHealth(int saveHealth) { AutoUseHealthInfo collector; for(Inventory inv = self.Inv; inv != NULL; inv = inv.Inv) { let hp = HealthPickup(inv); if (hp && hp.Amount > 0) { int mode = hp.autousemode; if (mode == 1 || mode == 2) collector.AddItemToList(inv, mode-1); } } bool skilluse = !!G_SkillPropertyInt(SKILLP_AutoUseHealth); if (skilluse && collector.collectedHealth[0] >= saveHealth) { // Use quartz flasks += collector.UseHealthItems(0, saveHealth); } else if (collector.collectedHealth[1] >= saveHealth) { // Use mystic urns += collector.UseHealthItems(1, saveHealth); } else if (skilluse && collector.collectedHealth[0] + collector.collectedHealth[1] >= saveHealth) { // Use mystic urns and quartz flasks += collector.UseHealthItems(0, saveHealth); if (saveHealth > 0) += collector.UseHealthItems(1, saveHealth); } health =; } //============================================================================ // // P_AutoUseStrifeHealth // //============================================================================ void AutoUseStrifeHealth () { Array<Inventory> Items; for(Inventory inv = self.Inv; inv != NULL; inv = inv.Inv) { let hp = HealthPickup(inv); if (hp && hp.Amount > 0) { if (hp.autousemode == 3) Items.Push(inv); } } if (!sv_disableautohealth) { while (Items.Size() > 0) { int maxhealth = 0; int index = -1; // Find the largest item in the list for(int i = 0; i < Items.Size(); i++) { if (Items[i].health > maxhealth) { index = i; maxhealth = Items[i].Amount; } } while ( < 50) { let item = Items[index]; if (item == null || !UseInventory (item)) break; } if ( >= 50) return; // Using all of this item was not enough so delete it and restart with the next best one Items.Delete(index); } } } //============================================================================ // // Helper for 'useflechette' CCMD. // //============================================================================ protected virtual Inventory GetFlechetteItem() { // Select from one of arti_poisonbag1-3, whichever the player has static const Class<Inventory> bagtypes[] = { "ArtiPoisonBag3", // use type 3 first because that's the default when the player has none specified. "ArtiPoisonBag1", "ArtiPoisonBag2" }; if (FlechetteType != NULL) { let item = FindInventory(FlechetteType); if (item != null) { return item; } } // The default flechette could not be found, or the player had no default. Try all 3 types then. for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { let item = FindInventory(bagtypes[j]); if (item != null) { return item; } } return null; } }