// Doom items renamed with height changes // Civilians ------------------------------------------------------------------ class ChexCivilian1 : GreenTorch { Default { height 54; } } class ChexCivilian2 : ShortGreenTorch { Default { height 54; } } class ChexCivilian3 : ShortRedTorch { Default { height 48; } } // Landing Zone --------------------------------------------------------------- class ChexLandingLight : Column { Default { height 35; } } class ChexSpaceship : TechPillar { Default { height 52; } } // Trees and Plants ----------------------------------------------------------- class ChexAppleTree : Stalagtite { Default { height 92; } } class ChexBananaTree : BigTree { Default { height 108; } } class ChexOrangeTree : TorchTree { Default { height 92; } } class ChexSubmergedPlant : ShortGreenColumn { Default { height 42; } } class ChexTallFlower : HeadsOnAStick { Default { height 25; } } class ChexTallFlower2 : DeadStick { Default { height 25; } } // Slime Fountain ------------------------------------------------------------- class ChexSlimeFountain : BlueTorch { Default { height 48; } States { Spawn: TBLU ABCD 4; Loop; } } // Cavern Decorations --------------------------------------------------------- class ChexCavernColumn : TallRedColumn { Default { height 128; } } class ChexCavernStalagmite : TallGreenColumn { Default { height 60; } } // Misc. Props ---------------------------------------------------------------- class ChexChemicalBurner : EvilEye { Default { height 25; } } class ChexChemicalFlask : Candlestick { Default { RenderStyle "Translucent"; alpha 0.75; } } class ChexFlagOnPole : SkullColumn { Default { height 128; } } class ChexGasTank : Candelabra { Default { height 36; } } class ChexLightColumn : ShortBlueTorch { Default { height 86; } } class ChexMineCart : ShortRedColumn { Default { height 30; } }