/* ccdv.c */ /* Ported to Win32 by Randy Heit * Maybe I got a little carried away. This is pure Win32 code without any CRT in sight. * * To build this, use one of these command lines: * * [MinGW] gcc -Os -s -nostdlib -o ccdv.exe ccdv-win32.c -lkernel32 -luser32 * [MSC] cl -O1 ccdv-win32.c -link -subsystem:console -opt:nowin98 kernel32.lib user32.lib * * Rewriting this to not use any global variables can save 512 bytes when compiled with MSC * because it allows the .data section to be ommitted, which means the header can occupy * 512 bytes rather than 1024. With GCC, it doesn't help the size any, since GCC still has * the separate .idata and .rdata sections. Since MSC really doesn't need this tool, * I'm not bothering with that size optimization. */ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #define COLOR_SUCCESS (FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) /* green */ #define COLOR_FAILURE (FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) /* red */ #define COLOR_WARNING (FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) /* yellow */ #define COLOR_COMMAND (FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) /* cyan */ #define COLOR_ERROROUTPUT (FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) /* magenta */ #define COLOR_WARNINGOUTPUT (FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) /* white */ #define SETCOLOR_SUCCESS "\033[1;32m" /* green */ #define SETCOLOR_FAILURE "\033[1;31m" /* red */ #define SETCOLOR_WARNING "\033[0;33m" /* dark yellow */ #define SETCOLOR_COMMAND "\033[1;35m" /* magenta */ #define SETCOLOR_ERROROUTPUT "\033[1;31m" /* red */ #define SETCOLOR_WARNINGOUTPUT "\033[1;39m" /* bold */ #define SETCOLOR_NORMAL "\033[0;39m" /* normal */ #define TEXT_BLOCK_SIZE 8192 #define INDENT 2 PROCESS_INFORMATION gCCP; size_t gNBufUsed, gNBufAllocated; char *gBuf; char *gAction; char *gTarget; char *gAr; char *gArLibraryTarget; BOOL gDumpCmdArgs; char *gArgsStr; int gColumns; BOOL gRxvt; int gExitStatus; HANDLE gHeap; HANDLE gStdOut, gStdErr; #ifdef __GNUC__ #define REGPARM(x) __attribute((regparm(x))) #else #define REGPARM(x) #endif void REGPARM(1) perror(const char *string) { char *buffer; char errcode[9]; DWORD error = GetLastError(); DWORD len = FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER|FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM|FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, error, 0, (LPTSTR)&buffer, 0, NULL); DWORD wrote; WriteFile (gStdErr, string, lstrlen(string), &wrote, NULL); wsprintf(errcode, "%08x", error); WriteFile (gStdErr, ": Error 0x", 10, &wrote, NULL); WriteFile (gStdErr, errcode, 8, &wrote, NULL); if(len != 0) { WriteFile (gStdErr, "\n", 1, &wrote, NULL); WriteFile (gStdErr, buffer, len, &wrote, NULL); LocalFree(buffer); } WriteFile (gStdErr, "\n", 1, &wrote, NULL); gColumns = 0; } static int REGPARM(1) str2int(const char *string) { int out = 0; while (*string >= '0' && *string <= '9') { out = out * 10 + *string++ - '0'; } return out; } static void Writef(HANDLE hFile, const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[1024]; int buflen; va_list arglist; DWORD wrote; va_start(arglist, fmt); buflen = wvsprintf(buf, fmt, arglist); va_end(arglist); WriteFile(hFile, buf, buflen, &wrote, NULL); } static void DumpFormattedOutput() { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO info; DWORD out; WORD color; char *cp; char spaces[8 + 1]; char *saved; int curcol; int i; for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { spaces[i] = ' '; } spaces[i] = '\0'; if(gRxvt) { curcol = 0; saved = NULL; if(gDumpCmdArgs) { Writef(gStdOut, SETCOLOR_COMMAND "%s" SETCOLOR_NORMAL "\n", gArgsStr); for(i = gColumns; i > 0; i -= 7) { WriteFile(gStdOut, "=======", i > 7 ? 7 : i, &out, NULL); } WriteFile(gStdOut, SETCOLOR_ERROROUTPUT, sizeof(SETCOLOR_ERROROUTPUT), &out, NULL); } else { WriteFile(gStdOut, SETCOLOR_WARNINGOUTPUT, sizeof(SETCOLOR_WARNINGOUTPUT), &out, NULL); } WriteFile(gStdOut, gBuf + lstrlen(gArgsStr), lstrlen(gBuf + lstrlen(gArgsStr)), &out, NULL); WriteFile(gStdOut, SETCOLOR_NORMAL, sizeof(SETCOLOR_NORMAL), &out, NULL); HeapFree(gHeap, 0, gBuf); return; } if(!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(gStdOut, &info)) { WriteFile(gStdOut, gBuf, lstrlen(gBuf), &out, NULL); WriteFile(gStdOut, "\n", 1, &out, NULL); HeapFree(gHeap, 0, gBuf); return; } color = info.wAttributes & ~(FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); curcol = 0; saved = NULL; if(gDumpCmdArgs) { SetConsoleTextAttribute(gStdOut, color | COLOR_COMMAND); WriteConsole(gStdOut, gBuf, lstrlen(gArgsStr)+1, &out, NULL); SetConsoleTextAttribute(gStdOut, info.wAttributes); for(i = gColumns; i > 0; i -= 7) { WriteConsole(gStdOut, "=======", i > 7 ? 7 : i, &out, NULL); } color |= COLOR_ERROROUTPUT; } else { color |= COLOR_WARNINGOUTPUT; } SetConsoleTextAttribute(gStdOut, color); WriteConsole(gStdOut, gBuf + lstrlen(gArgsStr) + 1, lstrlen(gBuf + lstrlen(gArgsStr) + 1), &out, NULL); SetConsoleTextAttribute(gStdOut, info.wAttributes); HeapFree(gHeap, 0, gBuf); } /* DumpFormattedOutput */ static void Wait(void) { DWORD exitcode; WaitForSingleObject(gCCP.hProcess, INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(gCCP.hProcess, &exitcode); gExitStatus = (int)exitcode; } /* Wait */ static DWORD WINAPI SlurpThread(LPVOID foo) { HANDLE fd = (HANDLE)foo; char *newbuf; DWORD ntoread; DWORD nread; for(;;) { if(gNBufUsed == (gNBufAllocated - 1)) { if((newbuf = (char *) HeapReAlloc(gHeap, 0, gBuf, gNBufAllocated + TEXT_BLOCK_SIZE)) == NULL) { return 1; } gNBufAllocated += TEXT_BLOCK_SIZE; gBuf = newbuf; } ntoread = (gNBufAllocated - gNBufUsed - 1); if(!ReadFile(fd, gBuf + gNBufUsed, ntoread, &nread, NULL)) { return 2; } else if(nread > 0) { gNBufUsed += nread; gBuf[gNBufUsed] = '\0'; } } return 0; } static void REGPARM(2) WriteAction(HANDLE hStdOut, const char *suffix) { DWORD out; WriteFile(hStdOut, gAction, lstrlen(gAction), &out, NULL); if(gTarget != NULL) { WriteFile(hStdOut, " ", 1, &out, NULL); WriteFile(hStdOut, gTarget, lstrlen(gTarget), &out, NULL); } WriteFile(hStdOut, suffix, 3, &out, NULL); } static int REGPARM(2) Slurp(HANDLE fd, HANDLE hStdOut) { HANDLE handles[2]; DWORD waitstate; DWORD exitcode; DWORD out; DWORD threadid; const char *trail = "/-\\|", *trailcp; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO info; CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursorInfo; WORD color, colors[5]; int ncells, i; trailcp = trail; if(hStdOut != NULL) { WriteAction(hStdOut, "..."); } handles[0] = gCCP.hProcess; handles[1] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, SlurpThread, (LPVOID)fd, 0, &threadid); if(handles[1] == 0) { perror("ccdv: CreateThread"); return -1; } if(hStdOut != NULL) { if(!gRxvt) { GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &info); info.dwCursorPosition.X = info.dwSize.X - 9; } if(GetConsoleCursorInfo(hStdOut, &cursorInfo)) { cursorInfo.bVisible = FALSE; SetConsoleCursorInfo(hStdOut, &cursorInfo); } else { cursorInfo.bVisible = TRUE; } } gExitStatus = 0xabadcafe; while(gExitStatus == 0xabadcafe) { waitstate = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, handles, FALSE, 1000); switch(waitstate) { case WAIT_TIMEOUT: if(hStdOut != NULL) { if(!gRxvt) { SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, info.dwCursorPosition); WriteConsoleA(hStdOut, trailcp, 1, &out, NULL); } else { Writef(hStdOut, "\033[999C\033[9D%c", *trailcp); } if(*++trailcp == '\0') trailcp = trail; } break; case WAIT_FAILED: perror("ccdv: WaitForMultipleObjects"); CloseHandle(handles[1]); return -1; case WAIT_OBJECT_0: GetExitCodeProcess(gCCP.hProcess, &exitcode); CloseHandle(handles[1]); gExitStatus = (int)exitcode; break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0+1: GetExitCodeThread(handles[1], &exitcode); CloseHandle(handles[1]); if(exitcode == 1) { perror("ccdv: HeapReAlloc"); return -1; } else if(exitcode == 2) { perror("ccdv: ReadFile"); return -1; } Wait(); break; } } if(hStdOut != NULL) { if(!gRxvt) { info.dwCursorPosition.X = 0; SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, info.dwCursorPosition); WriteAction(hStdOut, ": "); info.dwCursorPosition.X = info.dwSize.X - 10; if(gExitStatus == 0) { SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, info.dwCursorPosition); WriteConsoleA(hStdOut, "[OK] ", 9, &out, NULL); color = ((gNBufUsed - lstrlen(gArgsStr)) < 4) ? COLOR_SUCCESS : COLOR_WARNING; ncells = 2; } else { SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, info.dwCursorPosition); WriteConsoleA(hStdOut, "[ERROR] ", 9, &out, NULL); color = COLOR_FAILURE; ncells = 5; gDumpCmdArgs = 1; /* print cmd when there are errors */ } color |= info.wAttributes & ~(FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); for(i = 0; i < ncells; ++i) { colors[i] = color; } info.dwCursorPosition.X++; WriteConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdOut, colors, ncells, info.dwCursorPosition, &out); if(!cursorInfo.bVisible) { cursorInfo.bVisible = TRUE; SetConsoleCursorInfo(hStdOut, &cursorInfo); } WriteConsole(hStdOut, "\n", 1, &out, NULL); } else { WriteFile(hStdOut, "\033[255D", 6, &out, NULL); WriteAction(hStdOut, ": "); if(gExitStatus == 0) { Writef(hStdOut, "\033[999C\033[10D[%sOK%s]", ((gNBufUsed - strlen(gArgsStr)) < 4) ? SETCOLOR_SUCCESS : SETCOLOR_WARNING, SETCOLOR_NORMAL); } else { Writef(hStdOut, "\033[999C\033[10D[%sERROR%s]\n", SETCOLOR_FAILURE, SETCOLOR_NORMAL); gDumpCmdArgs = 1; /* print cmd when there are errors */ } } } else { gDumpCmdArgs = (gExitStatus != 0); /* print cmd when there are errors */ } return (0); } /* SlurpProgress */ static const char *REGPARM(2) Basename(const char *path, int len) { while(len > 0) { len--; if(path[len] == '/' || path[len] == '\\') { return path + len + 1; } } return path; } /* Basename */ static const char *REGPARM(2) Extension(const char *path, int len) { while(len > 0) { len--; if(path[len] == '.') { return path + len; } } return ""; } /* Extension */ static void Usage(void) { static const char sUsage[] = "\ Usage: ccdv /path/to/cc CFLAGS...\n\ \n\ I wrote this to reduce the deluge Make output to make finding actual problems\n\ easier. It is intended to be invoked from Makefiles, like this. Instead of:\n\ \n\ .c.o:\n\ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< -c\n\ \n\ Rewrite your rule so it looks like:\n\ \n\ .c.o:\n\ @ccdv $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< -c\n\ .cpp.o:\n\ @ccdv $(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< -c\n\ \n\ ccdv 1.1.0 is Free under the GNU Public License. Enjoy!\n\ -- Mike Gleason, NcFTP Software <http://www.ncftp.com>\n\ -- John F Meinel Jr, <http://ccdv.sourceforge.net>\n\ "; DWORD out; WriteFile (gStdErr, sUsage, sizeof(sUsage)-1, &out, NULL); ExitProcess(96); } /* Usage */ static BOOL REGPARM(3) StepCmdLine(char **cmdline, char **arg, int *arglen) { char *gArgsStr = *cmdline; // Skip whitespace while(*gArgsStr == ' ' || *gArgsStr == '\t' || *gArgsStr == '\n' || *gArgsStr == '\r') { gArgsStr++; } if(*gArgsStr == 0) { *cmdline = gArgsStr; return FALSE; } if(*gArgsStr == '\"') { // It's a quoted string *arg = ++gArgsStr; while(*gArgsStr && *gArgsStr != '\"') { gArgsStr++; } *arglen = gArgsStr - *arg; if(*gArgsStr) { // Ends with a quote gArgsStr++; } *cmdline = gArgsStr; return TRUE; } // It's a whitespace-separated string *arg = gArgsStr; while(*gArgsStr && *gArgsStr != ' ' && *gArgsStr != '\t' && *gArgsStr != '\n' && *gArgsStr != '\r') { gArgsStr++; } *arglen = gArgsStr - *arg; *cmdline = gArgsStr; return TRUE; } static void REGPARM(3) SetTarget(char **target, const char *arg, int arglen) { const char *base; if (*target) HeapFree(gHeap, 0, *target); base = Basename(arg, arglen); arglen = arglen - (base - arg) + 1; *target = HeapAlloc(gHeap, 0, arglen); lstrcpyn(*target, base, arglen); } void mainCRTStartup(void) { const char *ext; char *cmdline, *arg; int arglen, extlen; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security; STARTUPINFO siStartInfo; HANDLE pipeRd, pipeWr, pipeRdDup; char emerg[256]; DWORD nread; int cc = 0; int yy = 0; int gcc = 0; int lemon = 0; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO bufferInfo; gExitStatus = 95; gHeap = GetProcessHeap(); gArgsStr = cmdline = GetCommandLine(); gStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); gStdErr = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); if (!StepCmdLine(&cmdline, &arg, &arglen) || // Skip ccdv.exe !StepCmdLine(&cmdline, &arg, &arglen)) // Read name of process to run { Usage(); } if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(gStdOut, &bufferInfo)) { gColumns = bufferInfo.dwSize.X; } else { char envbuf[16]; DWORD envlen; // Check for MSYS by checking for an rxvt COLORTERM. envlen = GetEnvironmentVariable("COLORTERM", envbuf, sizeof(envbuf)); if(envlen > 0 && envlen < sizeof(envbuf) - 1) { if(lstrcmp(envbuf, "rxvt") == 0) { gRxvt = TRUE; // We're in an rxvt, so check the number of columns. // Unfortunately, COLUMNS is not exported by default by MSYS. envlen = GetEnvironmentVariable("COLUMNS", envbuf, sizeof(envbuf)); if(envlen > 0 && envlen < sizeof(envbuf) - 1) { gColumns = str2int(envbuf); } else { gColumns = 80; } } } } // "Running *argv[1]*" ext = Basename(arg, arglen); extlen = arglen - (ext - arg); gAction = HeapAlloc(gHeap, 0, 64+extlen); lstrcpy(gAction, "Running "); lstrcpyn(gAction+8, ext, extlen+1); if (extlen == 2 && lstrcmpi(gAction+8, "ar") == 0) { SetTarget(&gAr, arg, arglen); } else if((extlen == 2 && (lstrcmpi(gAction+8, "cc") == 0 || lstrcmpi(gAction+8, "cl") == 0 || lstrcmpi(gAction+8, "ld") == 0)) || (extlen == 3 && (lstrcmpi(gAction+8, "gcc") == 0 || lstrcmpi(gAction+8, "g++") == 0)) || (extlen == 7 && lstrcmpi(gAction+8, "windres") == 0)) { gcc = 1; } else if(extlen == 5 && lstrcmpi(gAction+8, "lemon") == 0) { lemon = 1; } while(StepCmdLine(&cmdline, &arg, &arglen)) { if(gcc && arglen == 2 && arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] == 'o') { if(StepCmdLine(&cmdline, &arg, &arglen)) { ext = Extension(arg, arglen); if(ext[0] != '.' || (ext[1] != 'o' && ext[1] != 'O')) { lstrcpy(gAction, "Linking"); SetTarget(&gTarget, arg, arglen); } } continue; } else if(arg[0] == '-' || arg[0] == '+' || arg[0] == '/') { continue; } ext = Extension(arg, arglen); if(ext[0] == '.' && (ext[1] == 'C' || ext[1] == 'c')) { cc++; SetTarget(&gTarget, arg, arglen); } else if(ext[0] == '.' && ext[1] == 'y') { if(lemon) { lstrcpy(gAction, "Generating"); SetTarget(&gTarget, arg, arglen); gTarget[arglen-1] = 'c'; } yy++; } else if(ext[0] == '.' && ext[1] == 'r' && ext[2] == 'e') { yy++; } else if((ext[0] == '.' && ext[1] == 'n' && ext[2] == 'a' && ext[3] == 's') || (ext[0] == '.' && ext[1] == 'a' && ext[2] == 's' && ext[3] == 'm') || (ext[0] == '.' && ext[1] == 's')) { lstrcpy(gAction, "Assembling"); SetTarget(&gTarget, arg, arglen); } else if(gArLibraryTarget == NULL && ext[0] == '.' && ext[1] == 'a') { SetTarget(&gArLibraryTarget, arg, arglen); } } if((gAr != NULL) && (gArLibraryTarget != NULL)) { lstrcpy(gAction, "Creating library"); if(gTarget != NULL) HeapFree(gHeap, 0, gTarget); gTarget = gArLibraryTarget; gArLibraryTarget = NULL; } else if(cc > 0) { lstrcpy(gAction, yy == 0 ? "Compiling" : "Generating"); } /* Initialize security attributes for the pipe */ security.nLength = sizeof security; security.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; security.bInheritHandle = TRUE; if(!CreatePipe(&pipeRd, &pipeWr, &security, 0)) { perror("ccdv: pipe"); ExitProcess(97); } if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), pipeRd, GetCurrentProcess(), &pipeRdDup , 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) { perror("ccdv: DuplicateHandle"); } CloseHandle(pipeRd); /* Initialize startup info for the child process */ siStartInfo.cb = sizeof siStartInfo; siStartInfo.lpReserved = NULL; siStartInfo.lpDesktop = NULL; siStartInfo.lpTitle = NULL; siStartInfo.dwX = 0; siStartInfo.dwY = 0; siStartInfo.dwXSize = 0; siStartInfo.dwYSize = 0; siStartInfo.dwXCountChars = 0; siStartInfo.dwYCountChars = 0; siStartInfo.dwFillAttribute = 0; siStartInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; siStartInfo.wShowWindow = 0; siStartInfo.cbReserved2 = 0; siStartInfo.lpReserved2 = 0; siStartInfo.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); siStartInfo.hStdOutput = pipeWr; siStartInfo.hStdError = pipeWr; StepCmdLine(&gArgsStr, &arg, &arglen); // Skip "ccdv" while(*gArgsStr == ' ' || *gArgsStr == '\t' || *gArgsStr == '\n' || *gArgsStr == '\r') gArgsStr++; extlen = lstrlen(gArgsStr); gNBufAllocated = extlen + TEXT_BLOCK_SIZE; gBuf = (char *) HeapAlloc(gHeap, 0, gNBufAllocated); if(gBuf == NULL) goto panic; gNBufUsed = extlen + 1; lstrcpy(gBuf, gArgsStr); gBuf[extlen] = '\n'; gBuf[extlen+1] = 0; if(!CreateProcessA(NULL, gArgsStr, /* command gArgsStr */ NULL, /* process security attributes */ NULL, /* primary thread security attributes */ TRUE, /* handles are inherited */ 0, /* creation flags */ NULL, /* use parent's environment */ NULL, /* use parent's current directory */ &siStartInfo, /* STARTUPINFO pointer */ &gCCP)) /* receives PROCESS_INFORMATION */ { CloseHandle(pipeRdDup); CloseHandle(pipeWr); perror("ccdv: CreateProcess"); gExitStatus = 98; goto panic; } CloseHandle(gCCP.hThread); if(!gRxvt) { if(Slurp(pipeRdDup, gStdOut) < 0) goto panic; } else { if(Slurp(pipeRdDup, gStdOut) < 0) goto panic; } DumpFormattedOutput(); ExitProcess(gExitStatus); panic: gDumpCmdArgs = 1; /* print cmd when there are errors */ DumpFormattedOutput(); while(ReadFile(pipeRdDup, emerg, sizeof emerg, &nread, NULL) && nread > 0) WriteFile(gStdErr, emerg, nread, &nread, NULL); Wait(); ExitProcess(gExitStatus); } /* main */ /* eof ccdv.c */