#ifndef __M_MENU_MENU_H__ #define __M_MENU_MENU_H__ #include "dobject.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "r_data/r_translate.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "v_font.h" #include "version.h" #include "textures/textures.h" EXTERN_CVAR(Float, snd_menuvolume) EXTERN_CVAR(Int, m_use_mouse); struct event_t; class FTexture; class FFont; enum EColorRange : int; class FPlayerClass; class FKeyBindings; struct FBrokenLines; enum EMenuKey { MKEY_Up, MKEY_Down, MKEY_Left, MKEY_Right, MKEY_PageUp, MKEY_PageDown, //----------------- Keys past here do not repeat. MKEY_Enter, MKEY_Back, // Back to previous menu MKEY_Clear, // Clear keybinding/flip player sprite preview NUM_MKEYS, // These are not buttons but events sent from other menus MKEY_Input, // Sent when input is confirmed MKEY_Abort, // Input aborted MKEY_MBYes, MKEY_MBNo, }; struct FGameStartup { const char *PlayerClass; int Episode; int Skill; }; extern FGameStartup GameStartupInfo; struct FSaveGameNode { FString SaveTitle; FString Filename; bool bOldVersion = false; bool bMissingWads = false; bool bNoDelete = false; }; struct FSavegameManager { private: TArray SaveGames; FSaveGameNode NewSaveNode; int LastSaved = -1; int LastAccessed = -1; FileReader *currentSavePic = nullptr; TArray SavePicData; FTexture *SavePic = nullptr; FBrokenLines *SaveComment = nullptr; public: int WindowSize = 0; FSaveGameNode *quickSaveSlot = nullptr; ~FSavegameManager(); private: int InsertSaveNode(FSaveGameNode *node); public: void NotifyNewSave(const FString &file, const FString &title, bool okForQuicksave); void ClearSaveGames(); void ReadSaveStrings(); void UnloadSaveData(); int RemoveSaveSlot(int index); void LoadSavegame(int Selected); void DoSave(int Selected, const char *savegamestring); unsigned ExtractSaveData(int index); void ClearSaveStuff(); bool DrawSavePic(int x, int y, int w, int h); void DrawSaveComment(FFont *font, int cr, int x, int y, int scalefactor); void SetFileInfo(int Selected); unsigned SavegameCount(); FSaveGameNode *GetSavegame(int i); void InsertNewSaveNode(); bool RemoveNewSaveNode(); }; extern FSavegameManager savegameManager; //============================================================================= // // menu descriptor. This is created from the menu definition lump // Items must be inserted in the order they are cycled through with the cursor // //============================================================================= class DMenuDescriptor : public DObject { DECLARE_CLASS(DMenuDescriptor, DObject) public: FName mMenuName; FString mNetgameMessage; PClass *mClass = nullptr; virtual size_t PropagateMark() { return 0; } }; class DMenuItemBase; class DListMenuDescriptor : public DMenuDescriptor { DECLARE_CLASS(DListMenuDescriptor, DMenuDescriptor) public: TArray mItems; int mSelectedItem; int mSelectOfsX; int mSelectOfsY; FTextureID mSelector; int mDisplayTop; int mXpos, mYpos; int mWLeft, mWRight; int mLinespacing; // needs to be stored for dynamically created menus int mAutoselect; // this can only be set by internal menu creation functions FFont *mFont; EColorRange mFontColor; EColorRange mFontColor2; bool mCenter; void Reset() { // Reset the default settings (ignore all other values in the struct) mSelectOfsX = 0; mSelectOfsY = 0; mSelector.SetInvalid(); mDisplayTop = 0; mXpos = 0; mYpos = 0; mLinespacing = 0; mNetgameMessage = ""; mFont = NULL; mFontColor = CR_UNTRANSLATED; mFontColor2 = CR_UNTRANSLATED; } size_t PropagateMark() override; }; struct FOptionMenuSettings { EColorRange mTitleColor; EColorRange mFontColor; EColorRange mFontColorValue; EColorRange mFontColorMore; EColorRange mFontColorHeader; EColorRange mFontColorHighlight; EColorRange mFontColorSelection; int mLinespacing; }; class DOptionMenuDescriptor : public DMenuDescriptor { DECLARE_CLASS(DOptionMenuDescriptor, DMenuDescriptor) public: TArray mItems; FString mTitle; int mSelectedItem; int mDrawTop; int mScrollTop; int mScrollPos; int mIndent; int mPosition; bool mDontDim; void CalcIndent(); DMenuItemBase *GetItem(FName name); void Reset() { // Reset the default settings (ignore all other values in the struct) mPosition = 0; mScrollTop = 0; mIndent = 0; mDontDim = 0; } size_t PropagateMark() override; ~DOptionMenuDescriptor() { } }; typedef TMap MenuDescriptorList; extern FOptionMenuSettings OptionSettings; extern MenuDescriptorList MenuDescriptors; #define CURSORSPACE (14 * CleanXfac_1) //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= struct FMenuRect { int x, y; int width, height; void set(int _x, int _y, int _w, int _h) { x = _x; y = _y; width = _w; height = _h; } bool inside(int _x, int _y) { return _x >= x && _x < x+width && _y >= y && _y < y+height; } }; class DMenu : public DObject { DECLARE_CLASS (DMenu, DObject) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS protected: bool mMouseCapture; bool mBackbuttonSelected; public: enum { MOUSE_Click, MOUSE_Move, MOUSE_Release }; enum { BACKBUTTON_TIME = 4*TICRATE }; static DMenu *CurrentMenu; static int MenuTime; TObjPtr mParentMenu; DMenu(DMenu *parent = NULL); virtual bool Responder (event_t *ev); virtual bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller); virtual void Ticker (); virtual void Drawer (); virtual bool DimAllowed (); bool TranslateKeyboardEvents(); virtual void Close(); virtual bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y); virtual void SetFocus(DMenuItemBase *fc) {} virtual bool CheckFocus(DMenuItemBase *fc) { return false; } virtual void ReleaseFocus() {} bool CallResponder(event_t *ev); bool CallMenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller); bool CallMouseEvent(int type, int x, int y); void CallTicker(); void CallDrawer(); bool MouseEventBack(int type, int x, int y); void SetCapture(); void ReleaseCapture(); bool HasCapture() { return mMouseCapture; } }; //============================================================================= // // base class for menu items // //============================================================================= class DMenuItemBase : public DObject { DECLARE_CLASS(DMenuItemBase, DObject) public: int mXpos, mYpos; FNameNoInit mAction; bool mEnabled; bool Activate(); bool SetString(int i, const char *s); bool GetString(int i, char *s, int len); bool SetValue(int i, int value); bool GetValue(int i, int *pvalue); void OffsetPositionY(int ydelta) { mYpos += ydelta; } int GetY() { return mYpos; } }; //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= struct FOptionValues { struct Pair { double Value; FString TextValue; FString Text; }; TArray mValues; }; typedef TMap< FName, FOptionValues* > FOptionMap; extern FOptionMap OptionValues; //============================================================================= // // Input some text // //============================================================================= class DTextEnterMenu : public DMenu { DECLARE_ABSTRACT_CLASS(DTextEnterMenu, DMenu) public: FString mEnterString; unsigned int mEnterSize; unsigned int mEnterPos; int mSizeMode; // 1: size is length in chars. 2: also check string width bool mInputGridOkay; int InputGridX; int InputGridY; // [TP] bool AllowColors; // [TP] Added allowcolors DTextEnterMenu(DMenu *parent, const char *textbuffer, int maxlen, int sizemode, bool showgrid, bool allowcolors = false); void Drawer (); bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller); bool Responder(event_t *ev); bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y); FString GetText(); }; struct event_t; void M_EnableMenu (bool on) ; bool M_Responder (event_t *ev); void M_Ticker (void); void M_Drawer (void); void M_Init (void); void M_CreateMenus(); void M_ActivateMenu(DMenu *menu); void M_ClearMenus (); void M_ParseMenuDefs(); void M_StartupSkillMenu(FGameStartup *gs); int M_GetDefaultSkill(); void M_StartControlPanel (bool makeSound); void M_SetMenu(FName menu, int param = -1); void M_StartMessage(const char *message, int messagemode, FName action = NAME_None); DMenu *StartPickerMenu(DMenu *parent, const char *name, FColorCVar *cvar); void M_RefreshModesList (); void M_InitVideoModesMenu (); void M_MarkMenus(); struct IJoystickConfig; DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemStaticText(const char *name, bool v); DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemSubmenu(const char *label, FName cmd, int center); DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemControl(const char *label, FName cmd, FKeyBindings *bindings); DMenuItemBase * CreateOptionMenuItemJoyConfigMenu(const char *label, IJoystickConfig *joy); DMenuItemBase * CreateListMenuItemPatch(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, FTextureID tex, FName command, int param); DMenuItemBase * CreateListMenuItemText(int x, int y, int height, int hotkey, const char *text, FFont *font, PalEntry color1, PalEntry color2, FName command, int param); #endif