#pragma once #include "r_draw.h" #include #include #include #include #include // Use multiple threads when drawing EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_multithreaded) // Redirect drawer commands to worker threads void R_BeginDrawerCommands(); // Wait until all drawers finished executing void R_EndDrawerCommands(); // Worker data for each thread executing drawer commands class DrawerThread { public: std::thread thread; // Thread line index of this thread int core = 0; // Number of active threads int num_cores = 1; // Range of rows processed this pass int pass_start_y = 0; int pass_end_y = MAXHEIGHT; uint32_t dc_temp_rgbabuff_rgba[MAXHEIGHT * 4]; uint32_t *dc_temp_rgba; // Checks if a line is rendered by this thread bool line_skipped_by_thread(int line) { return line < pass_start_y || line >= pass_end_y || line % num_cores != core; } // The number of lines to skip to reach the first line to be rendered by this thread int skipped_by_thread(int first_line) { int pass_skip = MAX(pass_start_y - first_line, 0); int core_skip = (num_cores - (first_line + pass_skip - core) % num_cores) % num_cores; return pass_skip + core_skip; } // The number of lines to be rendered by this thread int count_for_thread(int first_line, int count) { int lines_until_pass_end = MAX(pass_end_y - first_line, 0); count = MIN(count, lines_until_pass_end); int c = (count - skipped_by_thread(first_line) + num_cores - 1) / num_cores; return MAX(c, 0); } // Calculate the dest address for the first line to be rendered by this thread uint32_t *dest_for_thread(int first_line, int pitch, uint32_t *dest) { return dest + skipped_by_thread(first_line) * pitch; } }; // Task to be executed by each worker thread class DrawerCommand { protected: int _dest_y; public: DrawerCommand() { _dest_y = static_cast((dc_dest - dc_destorg) / (dc_pitch * 4)); } virtual void Execute(DrawerThread *thread) = 0; }; // Manages queueing up commands and executing them on worker threads class DrawerCommandQueue { enum { memorypool_size = 16 * 1024 * 1024 }; char memorypool[memorypool_size]; size_t memorypool_pos = 0; std::vector commands; std::vector threads; std::mutex start_mutex; std::condition_variable start_condition; std::vector active_commands; bool shutdown_flag = false; int run_id = 0; std::mutex end_mutex; std::condition_variable end_condition; size_t finished_threads = 0; int threaded_render = 0; DrawerThread single_core_thread; int num_passes = 1; int rows_in_pass = MAXHEIGHT; void StartThreads(); void StopThreads(); void Finish(); static DrawerCommandQueue *Instance(); DrawerCommandQueue(); ~DrawerCommandQueue(); public: // Allocate memory valid for the duration of a command execution static void* AllocMemory(size_t size); // Queue command to be executed by drawer worker threads template static void QueueCommand(Types &&... args) { auto queue = Instance(); if (queue->threaded_render == 0 || !r_multithreaded) { T command(std::forward(args)...); command.Execute(&queue->single_core_thread); } else { void *ptr = AllocMemory(sizeof(T)); if (!ptr) // Out of memory - render what we got { queue->Finish(); ptr = AllocMemory(sizeof(T)); if (!ptr) return; } T *command = new (ptr)T(std::forward(args)...); queue->commands.push_back(command); } } // Redirects all drawing commands to worker threads until End is called // Begin/End blocks can be nested. static void Begin(); // End redirection and wait until all worker threads finished executing static void End(); // Waits until all worker threads finished executing static void WaitForWorkers(); };