/* ** nodebuild_extract.cpp ** ** Converts the nodes, segs, and subsectors from the node builder's ** internal format to the format used by the rest of the game. ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2002-2006 Randy Heit ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** 4. When not used as part of ZDoom or a ZDoom derivative, this code will be ** covered by the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at ** your option) any later version. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include #include #include "nodebuild.h" #include "templates.h" #if 0 #define D(x) x #define DD 1 #else #define D(x) do{}while(0) #undef DD #endif void FNodeBuilder::Extract (node_t *&outNodes, int &nodeCount, seg_t *&outSegs, glsegextra_t *&outSegExtras, int &segCount, subsector_t *&outSubs, int &subCount, TStaticArray &outVerts) { int i; int vertCount = Vertices.Size (); outVerts.Alloc(vertCount); for (i = 0; i < vertCount; ++i) { outVerts[i].set(Vertices[i].x, Vertices[i].y); } subCount = Subsectors.Size(); outSubs = new subsector_t[subCount]; memset(outSubs, 0, subCount * sizeof(subsector_t)); nodeCount = Nodes.Size (); outNodes = new node_t[nodeCount]; memcpy (outNodes, &Nodes[0], nodeCount*sizeof(node_t)); for (i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i) { D(Printf(PRINT_LOG, "Node %d: Splitter[%08x,%08x] [%08x,%08x]\n", i, outNodes[i].x, outNodes[i].y, outNodes[i].dx, outNodes[i].dy)); // Go backwards because on 64-bit systems, both of the intchildren are // inside the first in-game child. for (int j = 1; j >= 0; --j) { if (outNodes[i].intchildren[j] & 0x80000000) { D(Printf(PRINT_LOG, " subsector %d\n", outNodes[i].intchildren[j] & 0x7FFFFFFF)); outNodes[i].children[j] = (BYTE *)(outSubs + (outNodes[i].intchildren[j] & 0x7fffffff)) + 1; } else { D(Printf(PRINT_LOG, " node %d\n", outNodes[i].intchildren[j])); outNodes[i].children[j] = outNodes + outNodes[i].intchildren[j]; } } for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { outNodes[i].bbox[j][k] = FIXED2FLOAT(outNodes[i].nb_bbox[j][k]); } } } if (GLNodes) { TArray segs (Segs.Size()*5/4); for (i = 0; i < subCount; ++i) { DWORD numsegs = CloseSubsector (segs, i, &outVerts[0]); outSubs[i].numlines = numsegs; outSubs[i].firstline = (seg_t *)(size_t)(segs.Size() - numsegs); } segCount = segs.Size (); outSegs = new seg_t[segCount]; outSegExtras = new glsegextra_t[segCount]; for (i = 0; i < segCount; ++i) { outSegs[i] = *(seg_t *)&segs[i]; if (segs[i].Partner != DWORD_MAX) { outSegExtras[i].PartnerSeg = Segs[segs[i].Partner].storedseg; } else { outSegExtras[i].PartnerSeg = DWORD_MAX; } } } else { memcpy (outSubs, &Subsectors[0], subCount*sizeof(subsector_t)); segCount = Segs.Size (); outSegs = new seg_t[segCount]; outSegExtras = NULL; for (i = 0; i < segCount; ++i) { const FPrivSeg *org = &Segs[SegList[i].SegNum]; seg_t *out = &outSegs[i]; D(Printf(PRINT_LOG, "Seg %d: v1(%d) -> v2(%d)\n", i, org->v1, org->v2)); out->v1 = &outVerts[org->v1]; out->v2 = &outVerts[org->v2]; out->backsector = org->backsector; out->frontsector = org->frontsector; out->linedef = Level.Lines + org->linedef; out->sidedef = Level.Sides + org->sidedef; } } for (i = 0; i < subCount; ++i) { outSubs[i].firstline = &outSegs[(size_t)outSubs[i].firstline]; } D(Printf("%i segs, %i nodes, %i subsectors\n", segCount, nodeCount, subCount)); for (i = 0; i < Level.NumLines; ++i) { Level.Lines[i].v1 = &outVerts[(size_t)Level.Lines[i].v1]; Level.Lines[i].v2 = &outVerts[(size_t)Level.Lines[i].v2]; } } void FNodeBuilder::ExtractMini (FMiniBSP *bsp) { unsigned int i; bsp->bDirty = false; bsp->Verts.Resize(Vertices.Size()); for (i = 0; i < Vertices.Size(); ++i) { bsp->Verts[i].set(Vertices[i].x, Vertices[i].y); } bsp->Subsectors.Resize(Subsectors.Size()); memset(&bsp->Subsectors[0], 0, Subsectors.Size() * sizeof(subsector_t)); bsp->Nodes.Resize(Nodes.Size()); memcpy(&bsp->Nodes[0], &Nodes[0], Nodes.Size()*sizeof(node_t)); for (i = 0; i < Nodes.Size(); ++i) { D(Printf(PRINT_LOG, "Node %d:\n", i)); // Go backwards because on 64-bit systems, both of the intchildren are // inside the first in-game child. for (int j = 1; j >= 0; --j) { if (bsp->Nodes[i].intchildren[j] & 0x80000000) { D(Printf(PRINT_LOG, " subsector %d\n", bsp->Nodes[i].intchildren[j] & 0x7FFFFFFF)); bsp->Nodes[i].children[j] = (BYTE *)&bsp->Subsectors[bsp->Nodes[i].intchildren[j] & 0x7fffffff] + 1; } else { D(Printf(PRINT_LOG, " node %d\n", bsp->Nodes[i].intchildren[j])); bsp->Nodes[i].children[j] = &bsp->Nodes[bsp->Nodes[i].intchildren[j]]; } } for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { bsp->Nodes[i].bbox[j][k] = FIXED2FLOAT(bsp->Nodes[i].nb_bbox[j][k]); } } } if (GLNodes) { TArray glsegs; for (i = 0; i < Subsectors.Size(); ++i) { DWORD numsegs = CloseSubsector (glsegs, i, &bsp->Verts[0]); bsp->Subsectors[i].numlines = numsegs; bsp->Subsectors[i].firstline = &bsp->Segs[bsp->Segs.Size() - numsegs]; } bsp->Segs.Resize(glsegs.Size()); for (i = 0; i < glsegs.Size(); ++i) { bsp->Segs[i] = *(seg_t *)&glsegs[i]; } } else { memcpy(&bsp->Subsectors[0], &Subsectors[0], Subsectors.Size()*sizeof(subsector_t)); bsp->Segs.Resize(Segs.Size()); for (i = 0; i < Segs.Size(); ++i) { const FPrivSeg *org = &Segs[SegList[i].SegNum]; seg_t *out = &bsp->Segs[i]; D(Printf(PRINT_LOG, "Seg %d: v1(%d) -> v2(%d)\n", i, org->v1, org->v2)); out->v1 = &bsp->Verts[org->v1]; out->v2 = &bsp->Verts[org->v2]; out->backsector = org->backsector; out->frontsector = org->frontsector; if (org->sidedef != int(NO_SIDE)) { out->linedef = Level.Lines + org->linedef; out->sidedef = Level.Sides + org->sidedef; } else // part of a miniseg { out->linedef = NULL; out->sidedef = NULL; } } for (i = 0; i < bsp->Subsectors.Size(); ++i) { bsp->Subsectors[i].firstline = &bsp->Segs[(size_t)bsp->Subsectors[i].firstline]; } } } int FNodeBuilder::CloseSubsector (TArray &segs, int subsector, vertex_t *outVerts) { FPrivSeg *seg, *prev; angle_t prevAngle; double accumx, accumy; fixed_t midx, midy; int firstVert; DWORD first, max, count, i, j; bool diffplanes; int firstplane; first = (DWORD)(size_t)Subsectors[subsector].firstline; max = first + Subsectors[subsector].numlines; count = 0; accumx = accumy = 0.0; diffplanes = false; firstplane = Segs[SegList[first].SegNum].planenum; // Calculate the midpoint of the subsector and also check for degenerate subsectors. // A subsector is degenerate if it exists in only one dimension, which can be // detected when all the segs lie in the same plane. This can happen if you have // outward-facing lines in the void that don't point toward any sector. (Some of the // polyobjects in Hexen are constructed like this.) for (i = first; i < max; ++i) { seg = &Segs[SegList[i].SegNum]; accumx += double(Vertices[seg->v1].x) + double(Vertices[seg->v2].x); accumy += double(Vertices[seg->v1].y) + double(Vertices[seg->v2].y); if (firstplane != seg->planenum) { diffplanes = true; } } midx = fixed_t(accumx / (max - first) / 2); midy = fixed_t(accumy / (max - first) / 2); seg = &Segs[SegList[first].SegNum]; prevAngle = PointToAngle (Vertices[seg->v1].x - midx, Vertices[seg->v1].y - midy); seg->storedseg = PushGLSeg (segs, seg, outVerts); count = 1; prev = seg; firstVert = seg->v1; #ifdef DD Printf(PRINT_LOG, "--%d--\n", subsector); for (j = first; j < max; ++j) { seg = &Segs[SegList[j].SegNum]; angle_t ang = PointToAngle (Vertices[seg->v1].x - midx, Vertices[seg->v1].y - midy); Printf(PRINT_LOG, "%d%c %5d(%5d,%5d)->%5d(%5d,%5d) - %3.5f %d,%d [%08x,%08x]-[%08x,%08x]\n", j, seg->linedef == -1 ? '+' : ':', seg->v1, Vertices[seg->v1].x>>16, Vertices[seg->v1].y>>16, seg->v2, Vertices[seg->v2].x>>16, Vertices[seg->v2].y>>16, double(ang/2)*180/(1<<30), seg->planenum, seg->planefront, Vertices[seg->v1].x, Vertices[seg->v1].y, Vertices[seg->v2].x, Vertices[seg->v2].y); } #endif if (diffplanes) { // A well-behaved subsector. Output the segs sorted by the angle formed by connecting // the subsector's center to their first vertex. D(Printf(PRINT_LOG, "Well behaved subsector\n")); for (i = first + 1; i < max; ++i) { angle_t bestdiff = ANGLE_MAX; FPrivSeg *bestseg = NULL; DWORD bestj = DWORD_MAX; j = first; do { seg = &Segs[SegList[j].SegNum]; angle_t ang = PointToAngle (Vertices[seg->v1].x - midx, Vertices[seg->v1].y - midy); angle_t diff = prevAngle - ang; if (seg->v1 == prev->v2) { bestdiff = diff; bestseg = seg; bestj = j; break; } if (diff < bestdiff && diff > 0) { bestdiff = diff; bestseg = seg; bestj = j; } } while (++j < max); // Is a NULL bestseg actually okay? if (bestseg != NULL) { seg = bestseg; } if (prev->v2 != seg->v1) { // Add a new miniseg to connect the two segs PushConnectingGLSeg (subsector, segs, &outVerts[prev->v2], &outVerts[seg->v1]); count++; } #ifdef DD Printf(PRINT_LOG, "+%d\n", bestj); #endif prevAngle -= bestdiff; seg->storedseg = PushGLSeg (segs, seg, outVerts); count++; prev = seg; if (seg->v2 == firstVert) { prev = seg; break; } } #ifdef DD Printf(PRINT_LOG, "\n"); #endif } else { // A degenerate subsector. These are handled in three stages: // Stage 1. Proceed in the same direction as the start seg until we // hit the seg furthest from it. // Stage 2. Reverse direction and proceed until we hit the seg // furthest from the start seg. // Stage 3. Reverse direction again and insert segs until we get // to the start seg. // A dot product serves to determine distance from the start seg. D(Printf(PRINT_LOG, "degenerate subsector\n")); // Stage 1. Go forward. count += OutputDegenerateSubsector (segs, subsector, true, 0, prev, outVerts); // Stage 2. Go backward. count += OutputDegenerateSubsector (segs, subsector, false, DBL_MAX, prev, outVerts); // Stage 3. Go forward again. count += OutputDegenerateSubsector (segs, subsector, true, -DBL_MAX, prev, outVerts); } if (prev->v2 != firstVert) { PushConnectingGLSeg (subsector, segs, &outVerts[prev->v2], &outVerts[firstVert]); count++; } #ifdef DD Printf(PRINT_LOG, "Output GL subsector %d:\n", subsector); for (i = segs.Size() - count; i < (int)segs.Size(); ++i) { Printf(PRINT_LOG, " Seg %5d%c(%5d,%5d)-(%5d,%5d) [%08x,%08x]-[%08x,%08x]\n", i, segs[i].linedef == NULL ? '+' : ' ', segs[i].v1->fixX()>>16, segs[i].v1->fixY()>>16, segs[i].v2->fixX()>>16, segs[i].v2->fixY()>>16, segs[i].v1->fixX(), segs[i].v1->fixY(), segs[i].v2->fixX(), segs[i].v2->fixY()); } #endif return count; } int FNodeBuilder::OutputDegenerateSubsector (TArray &segs, int subsector, bool bForward, double lastdot, FPrivSeg *&prev, vertex_t *outVerts) { static const double bestinit[2] = { -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX }; FPrivSeg *seg; int i, j, first, max, count; double dot, x1, y1, dx, dy, dx2, dy2; bool wantside; first = (DWORD)(size_t)Subsectors[subsector].firstline; max = first + Subsectors[subsector].numlines; count = 0; seg = &Segs[SegList[first].SegNum]; x1 = Vertices[seg->v1].x; y1 = Vertices[seg->v1].y; dx = Vertices[seg->v2].x - x1; dy = Vertices[seg->v2].y - y1; wantside = seg->planefront ^ !bForward; for (i = first + 1; i < max; ++i) { double bestdot = bestinit[bForward]; FPrivSeg *bestseg = NULL; for (j = first + 1; j < max; ++j) { seg = &Segs[SegList[j].SegNum]; if (seg->planefront != wantside) { continue; } dx2 = Vertices[seg->v1].x - x1; dy2 = Vertices[seg->v1].y - y1; dot = dx*dx2 + dy*dy2; if (bForward) { if (dot < bestdot && dot > lastdot) { bestdot = dot; bestseg = seg; } } else { if (dot > bestdot && dot < lastdot) { bestdot = dot; bestseg = seg; } } } if (bestseg != NULL) { if (prev->v2 != bestseg->v1) { PushConnectingGLSeg (subsector, segs, &outVerts[prev->v2], &outVerts[bestseg->v1]); count++; } seg->storedseg = PushGLSeg (segs, bestseg, outVerts); count++; prev = bestseg; lastdot = bestdot; } } return count; } DWORD FNodeBuilder::PushGLSeg (TArray &segs, const FPrivSeg *seg, vertex_t *outVerts) { glseg_t newseg; newseg.v1 = outVerts + seg->v1; newseg.v2 = outVerts + seg->v2; newseg.backsector = seg->backsector; newseg.frontsector = seg->frontsector; if (seg->linedef != -1) { newseg.linedef = Level.Lines + seg->linedef; newseg.sidedef = Level.Sides + seg->sidedef; } else { newseg.linedef = NULL; newseg.sidedef = NULL; } newseg.Partner = seg->partner; return (DWORD)segs.Push (newseg); } void FNodeBuilder::PushConnectingGLSeg (int subsector, TArray &segs, vertex_t *v1, vertex_t *v2) { glseg_t newseg; newseg.v1 = v1; newseg.v2 = v2; newseg.backsector = NULL; newseg.frontsector = NULL; newseg.linedef = NULL; newseg.sidedef = NULL; newseg.Partner = DWORD_MAX; segs.Push (newseg); }