there were no designated characters to strip at the end of it.
- Added support for Shoutcast/Icecast playlists.
- Added an error message when a playlist could not be opened.
- Added support for PLS format playlists, in addition to M3U.
- Changed FPlayList to use an array of FStrings.
- Fixed: Playlists required every song to be specified by an absolute path.
SVN r951 (trunk)
waveforms, and three of them are non-negative. This can cause a tendency
for the resulting output waveform to go into very high ranges depending on
the timbres used, and Heretic's exemplify this problem.
- Reduced the OPL volume level slightly.
- Fixed: The waveform view from snd_drawoutput was upside-down.
SVN r949 (trunk)
EMIDI specs: Track designations and exclusions should be ignored past
the initial beat, and EMIDI program change and volume events should be
ignored unless they were used in the initial beat.
SVN r944 (trunk)
could also be because the user selected PCM-Float output, but the driver
doesn't support it (even if it claims to *cough*Audigy XP drivers*cough*).
SVN r943 (trunk)
- Simplified the DrawGraphic function in sbarinfo_display.cpp
- Added xOffset, yOffset, and alpha to every drawing function in
sbarinfo_display.cpp. So Strife popups can be handeled better and allow for
other effects (translucent bars?). I'm thinking about making a struct for
these five (also x and y) arguments so that the argument lists don't become a
- Changed DRAWIMAGE in sbarinfo_display.cpp to not use so many calls to
- DrawKeyBar wasn't using screen->DrawTexture.
- Added a Fade transition for popups. It takes two args fade in rate and fade
out rate. Both are floats (1.0 = 1 tic to complete 0.5 = 2 tics to complete
and so on).
- Added a translucency arg to statusbars. 1.0 = opaque and 0.0 = invisible.
SVN r939 (trunk)
track off, any ticks that had only events on the disabled track would cause
the delay for that track to be thrown away, and the following notes on
enabled tracks would play too soon. This could be heard quite clearly in
xplasma.mid, where track 4 (FMGlass Drone 1) would interfere with the timing
of tracks 13 and 14 (EP1 Melody and EP1 Echo).
SVN r937 (trunk)
already playing on the channel, it should stop it with finish_note(), not
kill_note(). This can be clearly heard in the final cymbal crashes of
D_DM2TTL where TiMidity cuts them off because the final cymbals are played
with a velocity of 1 before the preceding cymbals have finished. (I wonder
if I should be setting the self_nonexclusive flag for GUS patches to
disable even this behavior, though, since gf1note.c doesn't turn off
duplicate notes.)
- Changed envelope handling to hopefully match the GUS player's. The most
egregious mistake TiMidity makes is to treat bit 6 as an envelope enable
bit. This is not what it does; every sample has an envelope. Rather, this
is a "no sampled release" flag. Also, despite fiddling with the
PATCH_SUSTAIN flag during instrument loading, TiMidity never actually
used it. Nor did it do anything at all with the PATCH_FAST_REL flag.
SVN r934 (trunk)
and not properly zero-terminated when all 8 characters were used.
- Fixed: Local sound sequence definitions caused a crash because a proper
NULL check was missing.
SVN r933 (trunk)
- Also changed all true color texture creation functions to use proper alpha
values instead of inverted ones.
- Changed FRemapTable so that all palette entries must contain proper alpha
- Fixed: The F1 screen check in m_menu.cpp was missing a NULL pointer check.
- Changed: The boss brain's explosions play weapons/rocklx which is an
unlimited sound. This can become extremely loud. Replaced with a new
sound which is just an alias to weapons/rocklx but has a limit of 4.
SVN r932 (trunk)
it never freed. I'm not sure it's a good assumption that 9 characters is
always long enough, either, since you can have longer file names than that
inside a zip.
- Fixed: DSBarInfo::DrawGem() crashed if chain or gem was NULL.
SVN r929 (trunk)
3D panning.
- The listener's velocity is now set at 0 for the sound engine. The player
moves so fast that you can hear the doppler shift just by running around,
- Changed the sound code so that all sounds that start playing on a single
tic actually start playing at the exact same sample position.
SVN r927 (trunk)
wave file.
- Changed the default channel velocity for MUS files from 64 to 100 to
better match apparent MIDI practice. (Would like to know what this is
supposed to be.)
- Changed the mus2midi channel assignments to match the internal player's.
- Fixed: apply_envelope_to_amp() should clamp the mix levels to 0.
SVN r926 (trunk)
timidity_voices cvar.
- Added stats lines for the OPL and Timidity MIDI devices.
- Completely changed the way TiMidity volume calculations are done. It
should now be extremely close to the output a real GUS would produce with
its official MIDI player (excepting where TiMidity normalizes sample
volumes). The new equations more closely match what is specified by the DLS
and SF2 specs (but not quite), so I presume it's also more musically
correct than what TiMidity (and TiMidity++) do.
SVN r925 (trunk)
they were outside the blockmap. This could cause extreme delays if an
iteration started outside the valid boundaries.
- added nextmap and nextsecret CCMDs.
SVN r924 (trunk)
before sending it to Channel::getReverbProperties().
- Fixed: The earthquake effect did not play its sound as an actual looping
sound. I'm a bit surprised this only recently started causing problems.
SVN r923 (trunk)
snd_reset would eventually run into the hard limit on the total number
of FMOD::System objects that can be created concurrently (currently 15).
- Added proper error checks to the FMOD initialization process.
SVN r921 (trunk)
- Set note velocity back to using a linear sounding volume curve, although
it's now used to scale channel volume and expression, so recompute_amp()
is still only doing one volume curve lookup.
- Fixed: TimidityMIDIDevice caused a crash at the end of a non-looping song.
SVN r920 (trunk)
instruments to specific notes.
- Changed note velocity to not use the volume curve in recompute_amp(), since
this sounds closer to TiMidity++, although I don't believe it's correct
MIDI behavior. Also changed expression so that it scales the channel volume
before going through the curve.
- Reworked load_instrument to be less opaque.
- Went through the TiMidity code and removed pretty much all of the SDL_mixer
extensions. The only exception would be kill_others(), which I reworked
into a kill_key_group() function, which should be useful for DLS
instruments in the future.
SVN r918 (trunk)
- Removed FRadiusThingsIterator after discovering that VC++ misoptimized
it in P_CheckPosition. Now FBlockThingsIterator is used with the distance
check being done manually.
SVN r914 (trunk)
- Reorganized the HackHack code so that the image creation was moved into
MakeTexture. This was necessary because Unload deleted the pixel data
and broke the whole thing.
- Fixed: FPatchTexture::HackHack and FDoomStatusbarTexture::DrawToBar used the
obsolete and uninitialized variable Near255.
- Removed the span creation code specific to FPatchTexture. It only has an
advantage when the lump has already been loaded in memory but since that
is no longer the case now the generic version in FTexture is actually better.
- Changed: FTexture::CopyToBlock no longer uses the spans but the pixel buffer
directly. Since most patches in multipatch textures are non transparent
the added overhead from creating the spans far outweighs any savings they
might provide. It is also simpler to handle for mirrored or rotated patches now.
- Changed: Textures only create the spans when really needed. Flats and native
textures, for example, do not and it only created needless overhead that they
were always created along with the pixel buffer.
- Made use of player and actor variables consistent in a_hereticweaps.cpp.
- Fixed: A few calls to P_SpawnPlayerMissile passed 0 as angle
SVN r911 (trunk)
- Changed: When loading Zips all patches in the patches/ directory should
be loaded, not only those used by a texture in TEXTUREx.
- Disabled timidity_mastervolume for the internal Timidity again because
with the altered volume calculation it is no longer needed and the default
volume is on the same level as OPL and FMOD.
SVN r909 (trunk)
FMOD_INIT_ENABLE_PROFILE. Renamed the corresponding cvar to snd_profile.
- Removed the normalize parameter from SoundStream::Play().
- Disabled the chorus and reverb effects added to SDL_mixer's Timidity,
because they were probably never tested well, either. Thanks to the bug
in vc_alloc(), they were never even activated.
- Restored the exact frequency range search that was missing from SDL_mixer's
verion of select_sample().
- Fixed: vc_alloc(), kill_others(), and note_on() treated Voice::status as a
bit mask, when it's not. These were changes made to SDL_mixer's Timidity.
- Restored the original Timidity volume equation. The other louder one was
put in when I didn't realize all channels were mono and many notes sounded
too quiet because they never completed their attack phase.
- Fixed: FileReader::Gets() acted as if fgets() always read the maximum
number of characters.
- Fixed: FileReader::Open() did not set FilePos and StartPos to 0.
SVN r908 (trunk)
because it has the same sound volume issues as the external one.
- Replaced use of stdio in Timidity with FileReader and added the option to read
from the lump directory. If the main config file is inside the lump directory
it will assume that everything else is as well. If it is a real file it will be
assumed that the rest is real files as well.
- Fixed: None of the error returns in Timidity::read_config_file closed the file being read.
SVN r906 (trunk)
- Added support for defining composite textures in HIRESTEX. It is not fully tested
and right now can't do much more than the old TEXTUREx method.
- Added a few NULL pointer checks to the texture code.
- Made duplicate class names in DECORATE non-fatal. There is really no stability
concern here and the worst that can happen is that the wrong actor is spawned.
This was a constant hassle when testing with WADs that contain duplicate resources.
SVN r905 (trunk)
- Fixed: MinGW doesn't have _get_pgmptr(), so it couldn't compile i_main.cpp.
- Fixed: MOD_WAVETABLE and MOD_SWSYNTH are not defined by w32api, so MinGW
failed compiling the new MIDI code.
- Fixed: LocalSndInfo and LocalSndSeq in S_Start() need to be const char
pointers, since "" is a constant.
- Fixed: parsecontext.h was missing a newline at the end of the file.
SVN r904 (trunk)
particular, this meant that every channel was almost certainly in mono mode,
which can sound pretty bad if the song isn't meant to be played that way.
- Added bank numbers to the MIDI precaching for Timidity, since I guess I do
need to care about banks, if even the Duke MIDIs use various banks.
- Fixed: snd_midiprecache only exists in Win32 builds, so gameconfigfile.cpp
shouldn't unconditionally link against it.
- Fixed: pre_resample() was still disabled, and it left two samples at the end
of the new wave data uninitialized.
SVN r903 (trunk)
rid of timidity/tables.cpp, which conflicts in name with the main Doom
tables.cpp. (And interestingly, VC++ automatically renamed the object file,
so I wasn't aware of the problem with GCC.)
SVN r902 (trunk)
to enable Timidity to read its config from Zips.
I put this on hold though after finding out that the sound quality
isn't even near that of Timidity++.
- GCC-Fixes (FString::GetChars() for Printf calls)
- Added a dummy Weapon.NOLMS flag so that Skulltag weapons using this flag
can be loaded
SVN r901 (trunk)
channel when restarting the song, rather than emitting a single note off
event which only has a 1 in 127 chance of being for a note that's playing
on that channel. Then I decided it would probably be a good idea to reset
all the controllers as well.
- Increasing the size of the internal Timidity stream buffer from 1/14 sec
(copied from the OPL player) improved its sound dramatically, so apparently
Timidity has issues with short stream buffers. It's now at 1/2 sec in
length. However, there seems to be something weird going on with
corazonazul_ff6boss.mid near the beginning where it stops and immediately
restarts a guitar on the exact same note.
- Added a new sound debugging cvar: snd_drawoutput, which can show various
oscilloscopes and spectrums.
- Internal TiMidity now plays music.
- Changed the progdir global variable into an FString.
SVN r900 (trunk)