floats, so I can write its output directly to the stream buffer. In
addition, this lets me bring the OPL volume level much closer to the
standard MIDI volume.
SVN r863 (trunk)
into a general MIDI player.
- Fixed: Passing false for a stream callback did not stop the stream.
- Removed opl_frequency, since the only time the emulation sounds good is
when it plays at the exact frequency of a real chip.
- Music no longer plays at all when snd_musicvolume is 0.
- Bumped up snd_sfxvolume and snd_musicvolume default values.
SVN r862 (trunk)
that the drivers will treat a BackBufferCount of 0 as a request for
double buffering.
- Fixed: Unsetting a cvar did not remove it from the list of tab
- Added "" as a synonym for "nullimage" in SBARINFO.
- Fixed: MAKESAVESIG's stringifier in version.h did not work as expected.
It stringified the passed macro name, not the value of the macro.
- Moved DCajunMaster off the DObject hierarchy.
- Changed DCajunMaster::getspawned into a TArray of FStrings. It was
mysteriously being left pointing to uninitialized memory during the
final GC at exit and crashing.
- Fixed: The code that removed hexdd.wad from the list of IWADs when
hexen.wad was not present did not work.
SVN r861 (trunk)
from doing prebuffering of the song. This was causing the Linux version to
hang while waiting for input from the pipe, since Timidity hadn't been
started yet. I tried using a select call in the FillStream() method, but it
always seems to return the pipe as having nothing available. Unfortunately,
the game still falls all over itself if Timidity isn't available. Instead
of execvp failing nicely, X errors kill the game. I don't know why it's
doing that. My advice for Linux music: Skip Timidity++ and get a DLS patch
set (/WINDOWS/system32/drivers/gm.dls is probably the most common by far)
and set the snd_midipatchset cvar to point to it. It's faster and also
sounds a whole lot better than the crappy freepats Ubuntu wants to install
with Timidity++.
- GCC fixes.
SVN r858 (trunk)
the song's relative volume takes effect.
- Removed the arbitrary 1024 bytes limit when the file being played is a MIDI
file. I had a D_DM2TTL that's only 990 bytes.
- Restructured I_RegisterSong so that $mididevice works again and also supports
selecting FMOD.
SVN r857 (trunk)
- Removed movie volume from the sound menu and renamed some of the other
options to give the MIDI device name more room to display itself.
- Moved the midi device selection into the main sound menu.
- Added FMOD as MIDI device -1, to replace the MIDI mapper. This is still the
default device. By default, it uses exactly the same DLS instruments as the
Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth. If you have another set DLS level 1 patch set
you want to use, set the snd_midipatchfile cvar to specify where it should
load the instruments from.
- Changed the ProduceMIDI function to store its output into a TArray<BYTE>.
An overloaded version wraps around it to continue to supply file-writing
support for external Timidity++ usage.
- Added an FMOD credits banner to comply with their non-commercial license.
- Reimplemented the snd_buffersize cvar for the FMOD Ex sound system. Rather
than a time in ms, this is now the length in samples of the DSP buffer.
Also added the snd_buffercount cvar to offer complete control over the
call to FMOD::System::setDSPBufferSize(). Note that with any snd_samplerate
below about 44kHz, you will need to set snd_buffersize to avoid long
- Reimplemented the snd_output cvar for the FMOD Ex sound system.
- Changed snd_samplerate default to 0. This now means to use the default
sample rate.
- Made snd_output, snd_output_format, snd_speakermode, snd_resampler, and
snd_hrtf available through the menu.
- Split the HRTF effect selection into its own cvar: snd_hrtf.
- Removed 96000 Hz option from the menu. It's still available through the
cvar, if desired.
- Fixed: If Windows sound init failed, retry with DirectSound. (Apparently,
WASAPI doesn't work with more than two speakers and PCM-Float output at the
same time.)
- Fixed: Area sounds only played from the front speakers once you got within
the 2D panning area.
SVN r854 (trunk)
from a higher limit.
- Fixed: $limit should not apply to sounds played from the menu.
- Fixed: The SNDSEQ parser tried to set bDoorSound before actually creating
the sound sequence data.
SVN r852 (trunk)
- Added a debuganimated CCMD that can be used to output some information
if a WAD shows broken animations.
- Fixed: The handling for enum values in Xlat was incorrect. The rule with
value assignment must set the counter one higher than the current value.
- Fixed: The definition of enums in the Xlat grammar was right-recursive
which could create stack overflows in the parser. Made it left-recursive as
recommended in Lemon's docs.
SVN r850 (trunk)
xlat_parser.y because both files had the same time stamp after an update,
and Lemon only rewrites the header file if it's changed.
- Added $volume SNDINFO command. This is multiplied with the volume the sound
is played at to arrive at the final volume (before distance attenuation).
- Added the CHAN_AREA flag to disable 3D panning within the min distance of a
sound. Sector sound sequences (except doors) use this flag.
- Added the CHAN_LOOP flag to replace the S_Looped* sound functions.
- Restored the sound limiting.
SVN r849 (trunk)
of status bar face graphics belonging to skins.
SBARINFO update #15
- Fixed: Monospacing fonts wasn't quite correct.
- Fixed: The new mug shot code forgot to use the first arg of drawmugshot (the
one that picks the default sprite prefix).
- Added: lowerHealthCap variable to SBarInfo, which is set to true by default.
- Added: ininventory event to SBarInfo to detect if one or two items are in (or
not in) the player's inventory.
- Added: The ability to print global vars using drawnumber. I need someone to
test it though.
- Added: aspectratio command to detect what the user's aspect ratio is.
- Added: missing spacing argument to drawstring.
- Changed the sbarinfo display routine for drawnumber to not use cmd.value to
store what it is about to display. Now it uses a new variable.
- More conversions from DrawImage to screen->DrawTexture. I think only the
inventory bar drawing functions have to be changed now.
SVN r846 (trunk)
the rest of the game.
- Fixed: The specialaction list was not copied properly when transferred
from the defaultinfo.
- Fixed: The defaultinfo for MAPINFO wasn't cleared fully after MAPINFO
parsing was completed.
- Made Doom-format linedef translators a map property so that it's easier
to define replacements or extensions.
SVN r843 (trunk)
contain enough music to fill the initial output buffers.
- Removed the read barrier around ADehackedPickup::RealPickup. If the real
pickup is picked up, it may very well destroy itself before the dehacked
wrapper's stubs that use it are called.
- Reverted revision 840. For a file we don't want end users to be touching,
making DEHSUPP plain text sends out mixed messages: "Don't mess with this.
Oh, by the way, it's plain text now to make it easier for you to edit."
Is there some reason other than a desire to do away with binary lumps to
make the distributed lump text?
- Added a new speakermode for Stereo + HRTF: "Headphones". This is the only
way to get the HRTF low pass filter effect now.
- Fixed: No more than one sector could make noise at once.
- Trying out sound without varying priorities again.
- Fixed: Need to use setSpeakerMix to let 2D sounds (aka streamed music) use
their full volume range.
SVN r842 (trunk)
the DEHSUPP compiler is gone now. Unlike XLATCC I'm using FScanner though.
A fully featured parser seems like overkill for this simple text file.
SVN r840 (trunk)
- Added 'allowprotection' keyword to terrain definitions to allow damaging
flats that don't damage players with a radiation suit.
- Fixed: SNDINFO rolloff setting for Strife was missing.
SVN r839 (trunk)
will behave as before, setting it to 1 will create exactly one lighting
and setting it to 2 will terminate lightning for the current level
completely. And it will also work on maps that don't have lightning set
in MAPINFO now.
SVN r837 (trunk)
from a savegame.
- Fixed: side_t::StopInterpolation called setinterpolation instead of
stopinterpolation. Also moved the clearinterpolation call in
P_SetupLevel after the P_FreeLevelData to make absolutely sure that
nothing in there can leave an interpolator behind by accident.
- Applied Linux fixes by Jim.
SBARINFO update by Blzut3:
- Fixed: the playerclass command needed a null pointer check to prevent
crashing on respawn.
- Fixed: Mug Shot states were not reset on respawn.
- Removed keepoffsets flag since apparently it was keeping the offsets by
default. The means that the only thing not affected by the offsets was using
nullimage as a background. Since I wasn't able to get a result I liked I'm
going to say that if you want a black background with high res positioning
you will have to create your own bar image. Maybe I'll fix it some other
- Added: monospacefonts variable which allows for all of the fonts to be
monospaced by a specified character (from their fontset of corse).
- Made SBarInfo recognize the bar names for the Strife popups but they don't
do anything beyond that. The names are: popuplog, popupkeys, and popupstatus.
- Started converting the drawing routine to be more flexable towards high
resolution status bars. (Only did one call so far.)
SVN r835 (trunk)
subject to channel overriding.
- Re-added priority selection based on sound usage.
- Reduced the number of virtual channels to match the number of real
- Added customizable rolloff, including Doom's standard linear gain rolloff.
SNDINFO commands are:
$rolloff <sound> <min distance> <max distance> -- linear gain (like Doom)
$rolloff <sound> linear <min distance> <max distance> -- linear volume
$rolloff <sound> log <min distance> <rolloff factor> -- logarithmic
$rolloff <sound> custom <min distance> <max distance> -- use SNDCURVE lump
Anything closer than min distance is full volume and anything further than
max distance is inaudible. Logarithmic rolloff does not have a maximum
distance; it has a scalar that controls how quickly the volume drops off
SVN r834 (trunk)
Since it uses fixed point parameters it can only be used in scripts though.
- Added flags parameters to all wall scroller specials that didn't use
all 5 args.
- Separated scrolling of the 3 different texture parts of a sidedef.
While doing this I did some more restructuring of the sidedef structure
and changed it so that all state changes to sidedefs that affect rendering
have to be made with access functions. This is not of much use to the
software renderer but it allows far easier caching of rendering data
for OpenGL because the only place I need to check is in the access functions.
SVN r832 (trunk)
- Fixed: Heretic linetype translations included the wrong file.
- Removed all 2D sound positioning code from s_sound.cpp. Everything uses
FMOD's 3D engine now.
- Removed all the channel selection code from s_sound.cpp. FMOD has code to
handle this sort of thing, so let's use it.
- Replaced S_StopSoundID() with S_CheckSingular(). There is no longer a limit
on the number of copies of a particular sound that can be playing at once,
aside from Strife's special singular sounds. (Sorry, Heretic and Hexen.)
Consequently, the SNDINFO $limit command is now ignored.
- Removed ATTN_SURROUND, since FMOD Ex doesn't exactly support it, and it
only worked as intended on stereo speakers anyway.
- Cleaned out ancient crud from i_sound.cpp.
SVN r826 (trunk)
- Changed savegame versioning so that the written version is never lower
than the minmum one reported as compatible.
- Added mirrored movement modes for linked sectors.
- Added Eternity-style initialization for linked sectors as a new subtype
of Static_Init.
- Added linked sectors. The control sector determines how they move but if
any one of the linked sectors is blocked, movement for all linked sectors
will be affected. This will allow lifts consisting out of more than one
sector without the risk of breaking them if only one of the sectors is
- Fixed: A_Mushroom created an actor on the stack.
SVN r825 (trunk)
- deleted src/xlat/xlat_parser.c from the repository. Its content depend on the directory
directory structure it is generated in and it gets recreated each time the project is
compiled (why?) so it'd be changed with each SVN commit. VC++ doesn't seem to mind if
it can't be found so I think it's better this way.
SVN r822 (trunk)
- Added a cheap pitch shifting for underwater environments that should be fairly
close to Duke's. It sounds okay for some sounds, but others like the BFG, where
the timing of the sound actually matters, don't sound good. I shall have to
replace it with a real pitch shifter DSP unit.
SVN r819 (trunk)
which crushing mode is used: 0 uses the game's default for compatibility,
1 uses Doom's mode (crushers continue to move while damaging any actors ) and
2 uses Hexen's mode (crushers stay at blocking actor's top until they die).
Since Generic_Crusher already used all 5 args I created a second version for
Hexen crushing mode.
- Added PICKUP flag to DECORATE.
SVN r817 (trunk)
- Fixed: ACS SetMugShotState needs to check the StatusBar pointer for the
proper object type.
- Move SBarInfo loading code in d_main.cpp into a static method of DSBarInfo.
- Removed dobject.err from the repository. It only contained a list of compiler
errors for some very old version of dobject.cpp.
- Fixed: A_JumpIfCloser was missing a z-check.
- Added Blzut3's SBARINFO update #13:
- Split sbarinfo.cpp into two files sbarinfo_display.cpp and sbarinfo_parser.cpp
- Rewrote the mug shot system for SBarInfo to allow for scripting and custom
states for different means of death.
- SBarInfo now loads all SBarInfo lumps instead of just the last one. Clashing
status bar definitions will now be cleared before the bar is read.
- Fixed: When using transparency with bars the new drawing method (bg over fg)
didn't work. In the case that the border value is set to 0 it will revert to
the old method (fg over bg).
- Fixed: drawbar lost any high res information it was given.
- Added: ACS command SetMugShotState(str state) which sets the mug shot state
for the activating player.
- Added: keepoffsets flag to drawbar. When set the offsets in the fg image will
also be applied when displaying the bar.
SVN r812 (trunk)
to be able to save the 3dMidtex attachment info.
- Fixed: The TArray serializer needs to be declared as a friend of TArray
in order to be able to access its fields.
- Since there are no backwards compatibility issues due to savegame version
bumping I closed all gaps in the level flag set.
- Bumped min. Savegame version and Netgame version for 3dMidtex related
- Changed Jump and Crouch DMFlags into 3-way switches:
0: map default, 1: off, 2: on. Since I needed new bits the rest of
the DMFlag bit values had to be changed as a result.
- fixed: PTR_SlideTraverse didn't check ML_BLOCKMONSTERS for sliding
actors without MF3_NOBLOCKMONST.
- Added MAPINFO commands 'checkswitchrange' and 'nocheckswitchrange'
that can enable or disable switch range checking globally per map.
- Added a ML_CHECKSWITCHRANGE flag which allows checking whether the
player can actually reach the switch he wants to use.
- Made DActiveButton::EWhere global so that I can use it outside thr
DActiveButton class.
March 17, 2008 (Changes by Graf Zahl)
- Changed P_LineOpening to pass its result in a struct instead of global
- Added Eternity's 3DMIDTEX feature (no Eternity code used though.)
It should be feature complete with the exception of the ML_BLOCKMONSTERS
flag handling. That particular part of Eternity's implementation is
sub-optimal because it hijacks an existing flag and doesn't seem to make
much sense to me. Maybe I'll implement it as a separate flag later.
SVN r810 (trunk)
list, it should just be ignored during the propagation stage.
- After sleeping on it and realizing what was really going in, I generalized
the inventory fix from the 13th: The actor is flagged by Destroy(), then it
is later inserted into the thinker list by DThinker::SerializeAll(). So
rather than unlinking the skipped player from their inventory, just make
sure any flagged thinkers aren't inserted into a list.
- Fixed: FCanvasTextureInfo::Viewpoint needed a read barrier, and the whole
list should serve as a root.
- Reimplemented SPC playback as a custom codec for FMOD.
- Removed spc_frequency, because snes_spc only supports the SPC's native
frequency of 32000 Hz.
SVN r806 (trunk)
- implemented Vavoom's vertex height things (1504, 1505) that can explicitly
define slopes for triangular sectors. The height is specified as the thing's
SVN r804 (trunk)