- Fixed: Don't assume operator new will return a pointer with 16-byte
alignment when allocating a block for the VMFrameStack. Because it seems
it's actually guaranteed to be 8-byte aligned. Don't know where I got
the idea it would always be 16-byte aligned.
- So now you can do something like this for an action:
if (health > 1000)
Yes, the braces are required. Because I see too many instances where
somebody writes an if statement in ACS and doesn't understand why it
doesn't work right because they forgot braces.
- Fixed: Not actually putting an action between { and } would crash.
- You can now call several actions from one frame by grouping them between
curly braces. i.e. :
POSS G 3 { A_Pain; A_Log("Ow! That hurt!"); }
I will probably add an `if (something) { blah; blah; } else { wah; wah; }`
construct later, but that's the extent of the munging I plan for DECORATE. The
real work goes to the scripting language, not here. But if this branch is
getting merged to master sooner than later, here's an immediate benefit
from it right now.
There are a few quite specific steps to reproduce this issue:
* 640x480 video resolution
* -iwad ... -warp ... command line parameters
* OS X 10.4 or 10.5 PowerPC, maybe performance related
When all these requirements are met, content view doesn't show up sometimes
The simplest solution for this issue is to set initial window size to non-existent video resolution
- The error "You cannot pass parameters to..." used the most recent token,
which was always ( and not the function name. (Note that this was
already fixed in the scripting branch, so this is probably going to be a
conflict. Meh.)
- Added A_Warp flags:
- WARPF_BOB: Gets the bob offset of actor pointer with the FLOATBOB flag.
- WARPF_MOVEPTR: The function is inversed to move the pointed actor with applied flags, but only the original caller will make the success/jump.
This feature helps a lot with buggy gamepads that constantly generate events from "sticky" hats/sticks
Polling is enabled by default, use joy_axespolling CVAR to turn it on/off
- Fixed: TicSpecial::CheckSpace() never thought it ran out of space due to
unsigned math.
- Fixed: TicSpecial::GetMoreSpace() assumed only relatively small amounts
of data would be written at a time so made no effort to ensure it
actually got enough space. This assumption could be violated by writing
a very long string, which can happen when replicating a string cvar.
- The definition of FxGlobalFunctionCall_CheckClass was big and scary. I
would say this is a big improvement, since now it gets to leverage the
same framework that action functions use.
- The definition of FxGlobalFunctionCall_IsPointerEqual was not so big and
scary, so this can't be called so much of an improvement as
CheckClass was. (Which is not to say that it isn't better anyway.)
- This replaces the general extensibility that had existed formerly
in thingdef_function.cpp. Parameter parsing for function calls is
shared with state parameter parsing. Functions are defined exactly in
the same way as action functions, but without the 'action' keyword.
- Rippers will rip through anything with an equivalent ripper level, or if their level is between or on the min and max ranges.
- If no min or max is defined, it simply checks if the monster's ripper level is lower than the missiles.
- Functions: A_SetRipperLevel(int level), A_SetRipMin(int min), A_SetRipMax(int max)
- Properties: RipperLevel, RipLevelMin, and RipLevelMax.
- RipperLevel: Applicable to monsters and projectiles.
- RipLevelMin and RipLevelMax are only useful on monsters.
- By default, all are 0.
- Explicitly size and position the text cursor in
FListMenuItem::DrawSelector() the same way that the options menu does it
using M_DrawConText(): By sizing it to a scaled 8x8 cell.
- Take advantage of the new _Pragma operator to hide the printf warning
suppression inside of macros instead of needing to litter the code
around Printfs with a bunch of junk.
- Fixed: When DSBarInfo::DrawGraphic() is used scaled, without fullscreen
offset, if one of the top and left clip locations was 0 and the other
was non-0, the 0 one would be clipped to the edge of a 4:3 box centered
on the screen instead of the edge of the screen.
- Fixed: Using +set cvarname and +cvarname on the command line would not
work if cvarname was defined in CVARINFO. This should be the proper way to fix
it. Rather than move all command line execution after loading CVARINFO,
keep command line execution before wads are loaded. If an attempt is
made to set an unknown cvar or to run an unknown command (which could
potentially be shorthand for setting an unknown cvar), save it and try
running it again after all CVARINFOs have been handled.
- Fixed: Script arrays didn't work in named scripts because the loader
read the script number as an unsigned word, hence it would never find
named scripts, since they are stored with negative numbers.
- Fixed: Integer constants passed to pick() need to manually generate load
instructions, since FxConstant::Emit() will just return a constant
register with its value.
- Fixed: VMFunctionBuilder::RegAvailability::Reuse() didn't actually
calculate a proper mask. Also added another assert to this function.
- Added register reuse to VMFunctionBuilder for FxPick's code emitter.
- Note to self: Need to reimplement IsPointerEqual and CheckClass, which
were added to thingdef_function.cpp over the past year, as this file no
longer exists in this branch.
- Do a filter and species check first to save time.
- Added DMSS/KILS/RMVF_EITHER, which means if the actor is of type or species, it counts.
- A_DamageTarget(20,"Normal",DMSS_EITHER,"DoomImp","CyberdemonSpecies")
- This affects actor DoomImp, and anything that's of species CyberdemonSpecies.
- Added a little more documentation via comments.
- Added two more flags for each of the functions, EXFILTER and EXSPECIES.
- Stands for "exclude filter/species" and makes the function not take them into account.
- Cleaned up the code and placed all the checking in their own subfunctions.
- The wiki said the minimum distance to teleport defaults to 0, actor.txt on the other hand said otherwise. I was wondering why it was still broken somewhat...
- Prevent stickiness from happening, a.k.a. getting stuck in ceiling or floor and letting the engine unstick the actor. This caused velocity loss.
- TF_KEEPVELOCITY: Keep the velocity after teleporting.
- TF_KEEPANGLE: Don't use the special spot's angle.
- TF_USESPOTZ: Normally, this function
- TF_NOSRCFOG: Don't leave fog at the previous location.
- TF_NODESTFOG: Don't leave fog at the arriving location.
- TF_USEACTORFOG: Use the actor's TeleFogSourceType and TeleFogDestType properties.
- TF_NOJUMP: Don't require or cause a jump. In this case, put 0 (or "") in for the jump destination when using CustomInventory items to teleport actors around.
- Instead of reverting the teleport fog back to defaults, if there wasn't a class or if the class failed to be found, set it to NULL.
- P_SpawnTeleportFog will not spawn anything if it's NULL.
- Added "" so it can be used to mean 'don't change anything' for A_SetTeleFog.
- New properties include TeleFogSourceType and TeleFogDestType.
- TeleFogSourceType is the fog left behind where the actor teleported away from.
- TeleFogDestType is the fog the actor sees when it arrives at its destination.
- Added A_SetTeleFog(<oldpos>,<newpos>) -- oldpos sets TeleFogSourceType, newpos sets TeleFogDestType.