The text file
is set to use strings called “$ENTERING” and “$FINISHED”, located in the language files, in intermission screens between levels in Heretic. However, these strings are named incorrectly in the language files, instead being written as “$WI_ENTERING” and “$WI_FINISHED” for some reason I’m unaware of. After renaming the original script, the ingame text shows up through what is written in the language files, as intended.
On a miscellaneous note: in GZDoom, the text between levels in Heretic says “Entering:”. In the DOS version, it says “Now entering:”. This is accurately reflected in the English language file, though, and thus faithful to the original when displayed ingame.
- allow treatment as one-character string constants as character constants. This became necessary because name constants already use single quotes and are much harder to repurpose due to a higher degree of ambiguity.
- fixed: protected methods in structs were not usable.
Note that this completely disables the newly added keywords 'play' and 'ui' for unversioned code to allow using them as identifiers as I have found at least one mod that uses a variable named 'play' that would have been rendered broken otherwise.
This also disables many ZScript only keywords for other parsing jobs.