It can now be used from UDMF and ZScript.
To avoid clutter it doesn't allow setting the values individually but requires definition of a data record in TEXTURES.
DesaturationFactor <float>
AddColor <color>
ModulateColor <color>
BlendColor <color>, <mode> [, <alpha>]
Mode for BlendColor can be Alpha (normal translucent blending), as well as 3 special values taken from Build engine games: Screen, Overlay and HardLight.
It makes little sense exposing every minute detail of this through UDMF.
Setting it up that way is far too complicated. Using virtual textures that map to a real texture plus a colorization record should be far easier to use by mappers.
This also doesn't piggyback on the Doom64 color feature anymore and is completely separate, despite some redundancies.
This is still missing the texture definition part, though.