- throw a useful exception when a VM abort occurs, the simple enum was incapable of reporting anything more than the barest minimum, which at least for array index out of bounds errors was insufficient.
The current exception mechanism is still insufficient. It really has to report a proper crash location and print a stack trace to the maximum extent possible. Instead it just prints a message and happily goes on. This is not a good solution.
- use FScriptPosition's error counter throughout the compiler so that there is only one counter for everything, not two.
Parts of the compiler use FScriptPosition, so this is easier to handle than having a separate counter in the compiler class. It also avoids having to pass the compiler object to any function where an error may be output. The TreeNodes contain sufficient data to be converted to an FScriptPosition and using that for error message formatting.
This uses the same property and flag tables as DECORATE with a few changes:
* it sets the parse mode to strict, so that several DECORATE warnings are now errors.
* trying to change a deprecated flag will print a warning.
* setting of editor numbers, spawn and conversation ID id not possible. Use MAPINFO to do this.
* all subclass flags must use the qualified name now (e.g. +ALWAYSPICKUP will print an error.)
* the scriptable Damage property is not yet implemented. This will require a special case with a differently named property in the processing function because in the AST it is no longer possible to distinguish between a damage value and a constant damage function.
The only reason this even existed was that ZDoom's original VC projects used __fastcall. The CMake generated project do not, they stick to __cdecl.
Since no performance gain can be seen by using __fastcall the best course of action is to just remove all traces of it from the source and forget that it ever existed.
- Added new state options that DECORATE got to the lemon parser.
- Enable token generation for state options. They were previously not
generated, so the grammar treated them as function calls instead.
* info CCMD to print extended actor information (not fully implemented yet)
* summonmbf CCMD.
* Beta BFG code pointer (but not the related missiles yet.)
* PowerInvisibility enhancements.
* ScoreItem with one significant change: Added a score variable that can be
checked through ACS and DECORATE. The engine itself will do nothing with it.
* Nailgun option for A_Explode.
* A_PrintBold and A_Log.
* A_SetSpecial.
SVN r1819 (trunk)
- Removed #pragma warnings from cmdlib.h and fixed the places where they were
still triggered.
These #pragmas were responsible for >90% of the GCC warnings that were not
listed in VC++.
- Fixed one bug in the process: DSeqNode::m_Atten was never adjusted when the
parameter handling of the sound functions for attenuation was changed.
Changed m_Atten to a float and fixed the SNDSEQ parser to set proper values.
Also added the option to specify attenuation with direct values in addition
to the predefined names.
SVN r1583 (trunk)
- Added more output to zipdir and a -q option to turn it off.
- Added -u option to zipdir to only recompress those files in a zip that have
- Added -d and -f options to zipdir. -d forces deflate compression, and -f
forces a write of the zip, even if it's newer than all the files it contains.
- Added support for bzip2 and LZMA compression to zipdir.
SVN r1468 (trunk)
certain actors and added an option to APowerInvisibility to set this
flag when active.
- Added map specific automap backgrounds.
- Fixed: Voodoo dolls did not play a sound when dying.
- Added colorized error messages to DECORATE and made a few more error
conditions that do not block further parsing not immediately abort.
- Made all errors in CreateNewActor not immediately fatal so that the
rest of the DECORATE lump can be parsed normally to look for more errors.
- Fixed: Defining classes with the same name as their immediate base class
was legal. It should not be allowed that a class has another one with the
same name in its ancestry.
- Fixed: Formatting of the intermission screen on Heretic, Hexen and Strife
was broken. Changed it to use WI_Drawpercent which does it properly and
also allows showing percentage in these games now.
- Fixed: The MAPINFO parser ignored missing terminating braces of the last
block in the file.
SVN r1425 (trunk)
- fixed: The nextmap and nextsecret CCMDs need to call G_DeferedInitNew instead of G_InitNew.
- merged MAPINFO branch back into trunk.
SVN r1393 (trunk)
- Added a static error counter to FScriptPosition class.
- Changed initialization of actor class type properties: fuglyname is gone as
is the postprocessing in FinishThingdef. Instead an empty placeholder class
is now created when a class is first referenced and this placeholder is later
filled in.
- Added option to replace backslash with '^' in state frame definitions because
the backslash is just causing too many problems because it's also an escape
SVN r1334 (trunk)
instead of overwriting the original string. ACS performing this operation
in place caused crashes with RTC-3057.
- fixed: FScriptPosition::Message did not print the message if it was not
a fatal error.
SVN r1313 (trunk)
which caused roundoff errors that made it less than 1/3 effective.
- Added support for "RRGGBB" strings to V_GetColor.
- Fixed: Desaturation maps for the TEXTURES lump were calculated incorrectly.
- Changed GetSpriteIndex to cache the last used sprite name so that the code
using this function doesn't have to do it itself.
- Moved some more code for the state parser into p_states.cpp.
- Fixed: TDeletingArray should not try to delete NULL pointers.
SVN r1312 (trunk)
- All DECORATE parameters are passed as expressions now. This change allows
for compile time checks of all class names being used in DECORATE so many
incorrect definitions may output warnings now.
- Changed DECORATE sound and color parameters to use expressions.
- Changed: S_StopChannel now resets the actor's sound flags. The previous bug
made me think that delaying this until FMod calls the end of sound callback
may simply be too late.
SVN r1276 (trunk)
some changes to the MAPINFO parser which tried to access the texture manager
to check if the level name patches exist. That check had to be moved to
where the intermission screen is set up.
- Fixed: 'bloodcolor' ignored the first parameter value when given a list
of integers.
Please note that this creates an incompatibility between old and new
versions so if you want to create something that works with both 2.2.0
and current versions better use the string format version for the color
- Rewrote the DECORATE property parser so that the parser is completely
separated from the property handlers. This should allow reuse of all
the handler code for a new format if Doomscript requires one.
- Fixed: PClass::InitializeActorInfo copied too many bytes if a subclass's
defaults were larger than the parent's.
- Moved A_ChangeFlag to thingdef_codeptr.cpp.
- Moved translation related code from thingdef_properties.cpp to r_translate.cpp
and rewrote the translation parser to use FScanner instead of strtol.
- replaced DECORATE's 'alpha default' by 'defaultalpha' for consistency.
Since this was never used outside zdoom.pk3 it's not critical.
- Removed support for game specific pickup messages because the only thing
this was ever used for - Raven's invulnerability item - has already been
split up into a Heretic and Hexen version.
SVN r1240 (trunk)
redundant ammo multiplication code from P_DropItem and ADehackedPickup::TryPickup.
- Restricted native action function definitions to zdoom.pk3.
SVN r1123 (trunk)
(actors being forced to the ground by instantly moving sectors, strife
railing handling and shooting lines with a non-zero but unassigned tag.)
With UDMF such semantics have to be handled diffently.
- finalized UDMF 1.0 implementation.
- Added Martin Howe's latest morph update.
SVN r987 (trunk)
rather than a generic one, so identifying errors among files that all have
the same lump name no longer involves any degree of guesswork in
determining exactly which file the error occurred in.
- Added a check to S_ParseSndSeq() for SNDSEQ lumps with unterminated final
- Fixed: Parts of s_sndseq.cpp that scan the Sequences array need NULL
pointer checks, in case an improper sequence was encountered during
parsing but not early enough to avoid creating a slot for it in the array.
SVN r874 (trunk)
- Added "Shaded" as a valid parameter for DECORATE's RenderStyle.
- Added Karate Chris's patch for a MAPINFO option making Strife conversations
not halt the game.
- Extended the $limit fix that $alias and $random definitions can have their
own $limit now.
- Fixed: When resolving a linked sound the limit of the current sound was
ignored and the one of the referenced sound being used. This was particularly
noticable when using the chaingun in a group of Zombiemen.
- Added a namespc parameter to FWadCollection::CheckNumForFullName which is
used when a normal lump name has to be looked up and changed all
CheckNumForFullName/CheckNumForName combinations in the source to use
the extended version of CheckNumForFullName only to have consistent
behavior for lump name lookup.
SVN r865 (trunk)
contain enough music to fill the initial output buffers.
- Removed the read barrier around ADehackedPickup::RealPickup. If the real
pickup is picked up, it may very well destroy itself before the dehacked
wrapper's stubs that use it are called.
- Reverted revision 840. For a file we don't want end users to be touching,
making DEHSUPP plain text sends out mixed messages: "Don't mess with this.
Oh, by the way, it's plain text now to make it easier for you to edit."
Is there some reason other than a desire to do away with binary lumps to
make the distributed lump text?
- Added a new speakermode for Stereo + HRTF: "Headphones". This is the only
way to get the HRTF low pass filter effect now.
- Fixed: No more than one sector could make noise at once.
- Trying out sound without varying priorities again.
- Fixed: Need to use setSpeakerMix to let 2D sounds (aka streamed music) use
their full volume range.
SVN r842 (trunk)
the DEHSUPP compiler is gone now. Unlike XLATCC I'm using FScanner though.
A fully featured parser seems like overkill for this simple text file.
SVN r840 (trunk)
- Added .txt files to the list of types (wad, zip, and pk3) that can be
loaded without listing them after -file.
- Fonts that are created by the ACS setfont command to wrap a texture now
support animated textures.
- FON2 fonts can now use their full palette for CR_UNTRANSLATED when drawn
with the hardware 2D path instead of being restricted to the game palette.
- Fixed: Toggling vid_vsync would reset the displayed fullscreen gamma to 1
on a Radeon 9000.
- Added back the off-by-one palette handling, but in a much more limited
scope than before. The skipped entry is assumed to always be at 248, and
it is assumed that all Shader Model 1.4 cards suffer from this. That's
because all SM1.4 cards are based on variants of the ATI R200 core, and the
RV250 in a Radeon 9000 craps up like this. I see no reason to assume that
other flavors of the R200 are any different. (Interesting note: With the
Radeon 9000, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP is an invalid address mode when using the
debug Direct3D 9 runtime, but it works perfectly fine with the retail
Direct3D 9 runtime.) (Insight: The R200 probably uses bytes for all its
math inside pixel shaders. That would explain perfectly why I can't use
constants greater than 1 with PS1.4 and why it can't do an exact mapping to
every entry in the color palette.
- Fixed: The software shaded drawer did not work for 2D, because its selected
"color"map was replaced with the identitymap before being used.
- Fixed: I cannot use Printf to output messages before the framebuffer was
completely setup, meaning that Shader Model 1.4 cards could not change
- I have decided to let remap palettes specify variable alpha values for
their colors. D3DFB no longer forces them to 255.
- Updated re2c to version 0.12.3.
- Fixed: A_Wander used threshold as a timer, when it should have used
- Fixed: A_CustomRailgun would not fire at all for actors without a target
when the aim parameter was disabled.
- Made the warp command work in multiplayer, again courtesy of Karate Chris.
- Fixed: Trying to spawn a bot while not in a game made for a crashing time.
(Patch courtesy of Karate Chris.)
- Removed some floating point math from hu_scores.cpp that somebody's GCC
gave warnings for (not mine, though).
- Fixed: The SBarInfo drawbar command crashed if the sprite image was
- Fixed: FString::operator=(const char *) did not release its old buffer when
being assigned to the null string.
- The scanner no longer has an upper limit on the length of strings it
accepts, though short strings will be faster than long ones.
- Moved all the text scanning functions into a class. Mainly, this means that
multiple script scanner states can be stored without being forced to do so
recursively. I think I might be taking advantage of that in the near
future. Possibly. Maybe.
- Removed some potential buffer overflows from the decal parser.
- Applied Blzut3's SBARINFO update #9:
* Fixed: When using even length values in drawnumber it would cap to a 98
value instead of a 99 as intended.
* The SBarInfo parser can now accept negatives for coordinates. This
doesn't allow much right now, but later I plan to add better fullscreen
hud support in which the negatives will be more useful. This also cleans
up the source a bit since all calls for (x, y) coordinates are with the
function getCoordinates().
- Added support for stencilling actors.
- Added support for non-black colors specified with DTA_ColorOverlay to the
software renderer.
- Fixed: The inverse, gold, red, and green fixed colormaps each allocated
space for 32 different colormaps, even though each only used the first one.
- Added two new blending flags to make reverse subtract blending more useful:
STYLEF_InvertSource and STYLEF_InvertOverlay. These invert the color that
gets blended with the background, since that seems like a good idea for
reverse subtraction. They also work with the other two blending operations.
- Added subtract and reverse subtract blending operations to the renderer.
Since the ERenderStyle enumeration was getting rather unwieldy, I converted
it into a new FRenderStyle structure that lets each parameter of the
blending equation be set separately. This simplified the set up for the
blend quite a bit, and it means a number of new combinations are available
by setting the parameters properly.
SVN r710 (trunk)
EffectTics (now + 1), because I wasn't convinced of the correctness of
using level.time.
- Fixed: SC_CheckNumber() considered the empty string "" as the number 0.
SVN r586 (trunk)
weapon didn't change back when the powerup expired.
- Fixed: The powered up version of Heretic's Gauntlets missed the proper
state assignments for Ready, Lower and Raise.
- Fixed: The Strife player was missing its pain state.
- Fixed: Revenant missiles couldn't home in on targets with a height lower than
- Fixed: The code which checked for hitscan traces hitting actors from above
and below must test whether the calculated hit position is actually inside
the actor being checked. If it crosses the top/bottom plane outside the
bounding box there can't be a hit.
- Changed: State labels in code pointer calls must now be enclosed in quotation marks.
This was done to ensure compatibility with parsers that will parse these as
identifier-aware script code later.
SVN r554 (trunk)