mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 10:21:28 +00:00
- got rid of FNameNoInit and made the default constructor of FName non-initializing.
This setup has been a constant source of problems so now I reviewed all uses of FName to make sure that everything that needs to be initialized is done manually. This also merges the player_t constructor into the class definition as default values.
This commit is contained in:
47 changed files with 177 additions and 301 deletions
@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ public:
uint8_t WeaveIndexZ;
int skillrespawncount;
int TIDtoHate; // TID of things to hate (0 if none)
FNameNoInit Species; // For monster families
FName Species; // For monster families
TObjPtr<AActor*> alternative; // (Un)Morphed actors stored here. Those with the MF_UNMORPHED flag are the originals.
TObjPtr<AActor*> tracer; // Thing being chased/attacked for tracers
TObjPtr<AActor*> master; // Thing which spawned this one (prevents mutual attacks)
@ -1184,12 +1184,12 @@ public:
line_t *BlockingLine; // Line that blocked the last move
int PoisonDamage; // Damage received per tic from poison.
FNameNoInit PoisonDamageType; // Damage type dealt by poison.
FName PoisonDamageType; // Damage type dealt by poison.
int PoisonDuration; // Duration left for receiving poison damage.
int PoisonPeriod; // How often poison damage is applied. (Every X tics.)
int PoisonDamageReceived; // Damage received per tic from poison.
FNameNoInit PoisonDamageTypeReceived; // Damage type received by poison.
FName PoisonDamageTypeReceived; // Damage type received by poison.
int PoisonDurationReceived; // Duration left for receiving poison damage.
int PoisonPeriodReceived; // How often poison damage is applied. (Every X tics.)
TObjPtr<AActor*> Poisoner; // Last source of received poison damage.
@ -1229,13 +1229,13 @@ public:
int32_t Mass;
int16_t PainChance;
int PainThreshold;
FNameNoInit DamageType;
FNameNoInit DamageTypeReceived;
FName DamageType;
FName DamageTypeReceived;
double DamageFactor;
double DamageMultiply;
FNameNoInit PainType;
FNameNoInit DeathType;
FName PainType;
FName DeathType;
PClassActor *TeleFogSourceType;
PClassActor *TeleFogDestType;
int RipperLevel;
@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ struct TabData
FName TabName;
: UseCount(0)
: UseCount(0), TabName(NAME_None)
@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ void D_ReadUserInfoStrings (int pnum, uint8_t **stream, bool update)
const char *breakpt;
FString value;
bool compact;
FName keyname;
FName keyname = NAME_None;
unsigned int infotype = 0;
if (*ptr++ != '\\')
@ -925,8 +925,6 @@ void WriteUserInfo(FSerializer &arc, userinfo_t &info)
void ReadUserInfo(FSerializer &arc, userinfo_t &info, FString &skin)
FName name;
FBaseCVar **cvar;
UCVarValue val;
const char *key;
const char *str;
@ -938,8 +936,8 @@ void ReadUserInfo(FSerializer &arc, userinfo_t &info, FString &skin)
while ((key = arc.GetKey()))
arc.StringPtr(nullptr, str);
name = key;
cvar = info.CheckKey(name);
FName name = key;
FBaseCVar **cvar = info.CheckKey(name);
if (cvar != NULL && *cvar != NULL)
switch (name)
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public:
double SideMove1, SideMove2;
FTextureID ScoreIcon;
int SpawnMask;
FNameNoInit MorphWeapon;
FName MorphWeapon;
double AttackZOffset; // attack height, relative to player center
double UseRange; // [NS] Distance at which player can +use
double AirCapacity; // Multiplier for air supply underwater.
@ -155,10 +155,10 @@ public:
double ViewBob;
// Former class properties that were moved into the object to get rid of the meta class.
FNameNoInit SoundClass; // Sound class
FNameNoInit Face; // Doom status bar face (when used)
FNameNoInit Portrait;
FNameNoInit Slot[10];
FName SoundClass; // Sound class
FName Face; // Doom status bar face (when used)
FName Portrait;
FName Slot[10];
double HexenArmor[5];
uint8_t ColorRangeStart; // Skin color range
uint8_t ColorRangeEnd;
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ void WriteUserInfo(FSerializer &arc, userinfo_t &info);
class player_t
player_t() = default;
player_t &operator= (const player_t &p);
@ -384,117 +384,117 @@ public:
void SetLogText (const char *text);
void SendPitchLimits() const;
APlayerPawn *mo;
uint8_t playerstate;
ticcmd_t cmd;
APlayerPawn *mo = nullptr;
uint8_t playerstate = 0;
ticcmd_t cmd = {};
usercmd_t original_cmd;
uint32_t original_oldbuttons;
userinfo_t userinfo; // [RH] who is this?
PClassActor *cls; // class of associated PlayerPawn
PClassActor *cls = nullptr; // class of associated PlayerPawn
float DesiredFOV; // desired field of vision
float FOV; // current field of vision
double viewz; // focal origin above r.z
double viewheight; // base height above floor for viewz
double deltaviewheight; // squat speed.
double bob; // bounded/scaled total velocity
float DesiredFOV = 0; // desired field of vision
float FOV = 0; // current field of vision
double viewz = 0; // focal origin above r.z
double viewheight = 0; // base height above floor for viewz
double deltaviewheight = 0; // squat speed.
double bob = 0; // bounded/scaled total velocity
// killough 10/98: used for realistic bobbing (i.e. not simply overall speed)
// mo->velx and mo->vely represent true velocity experienced by player.
// This only represents the thrust that the player applies himself.
// This avoids anomalies with such things as Boom ice and conveyors.
DVector2 Vel;
DVector2 Vel = { 0,0 };
bool centering;
uint8_t turnticks;
bool centering = false;
uint8_t turnticks = 0;
bool attackdown;
bool usedown;
uint32_t oldbuttons;
int health; // only used between levels, mo->health
bool attackdown = false;
bool usedown = false;
uint32_t oldbuttons = false;
int health = 0; // only used between levels, mo->health
// is used during levels
int inventorytics;
uint8_t CurrentPlayerClass; // class # for this player instance
int inventorytics = 0;
uint8_t CurrentPlayerClass = 0; // class # for this player instance
int frags[MAXPLAYERS]; // kills of other players
int fragcount; // [RH] Cumulative frags for this player
int lastkilltime; // [RH] For multikills
uint8_t multicount;
uint8_t spreecount; // [RH] Keep track of killing sprees
uint16_t WeaponState;
int frags[MAXPLAYERS] = {}; // kills of other players
int fragcount = 0; // [RH] Cumulative frags for this player
int lastkilltime = 0; // [RH] For multikills
uint8_t multicount = 0;
uint8_t spreecount = 0; // [RH] Keep track of killing sprees
uint16_t WeaponState = 0;
AWeapon *ReadyWeapon;
AWeapon *PendingWeapon; // WP_NOCHANGE if not changing
TObjPtr<DPSprite*> psprites; // view sprites (gun, etc)
AWeapon *ReadyWeapon = nullptr;
AWeapon *PendingWeapon = nullptr; // WP_NOCHANGE if not changing
TObjPtr<DPSprite*> psprites = nullptr; // view sprites (gun, etc)
int cheats; // bit flags
int timefreezer; // Player has an active time freezer
short refire; // refired shots are less accurate
short inconsistant;
bool waiting;
int killcount, itemcount, secretcount; // for intermission
int damagecount, bonuscount;// for screen flashing
int hazardcount; // for delayed Strife damage
int hazardinterval; // Frequency of damage infliction
FName hazardtype; // Damage type of last hazardous damage encounter.
int poisoncount; // screen flash for poison damage
FName poisontype; // type of poison damage to apply
FName poisonpaintype; // type of Pain state to enter for poison damage
TObjPtr<AActor*> poisoner; // NULL for non-player actors
TObjPtr<AActor*> attacker; // who did damage (NULL for floors)
int extralight; // so gun flashes light up areas
short fixedcolormap; // can be set to REDCOLORMAP, etc.
short fixedlightlevel;
int morphTics; // player is a chicken/pig if > 0
PClassActor *MorphedPlayerClass; // [MH] (for SBARINFO) class # for this player instance when morphed
int MorphStyle; // which effects to apply for this player instance when morphed
PClassActor *MorphExitFlash; // flash to apply when demorphing (cache of value given to P_MorphPlayer)
TObjPtr<AWeapon*> PremorphWeapon; // ready weapon before morphing
int chickenPeck; // chicken peck countdown
int jumpTics; // delay the next jump for a moment
bool onground; // Identifies if this player is on the ground or other object
int cheats = 0; // bit flags
int timefreezer = 0; // Player has an active time freezer
short refire = 0; // refired shots are less accurate
short inconsistant = 0;
bool waiting = 0;
int killcount = 0, itemcount = 0, secretcount = 0; // for intermission
int damagecount = 0, bonuscount = 0;// for screen flashing
int hazardcount = 0; // for delayed Strife damage
int hazardinterval = 0; // Frequency of damage infliction
FName hazardtype = NAME_None; // Damage type of last hazardous damage encounter.
int poisoncount = 0; // screen flash for poison damage
FName poisontype = NAME_None; // type of poison damage to apply
FName poisonpaintype = NAME_None; // type of Pain state to enter for poison damage
TObjPtr<AActor*> poisoner = nullptr; // NULL for non-player actors
TObjPtr<AActor*> attacker = nullptr; // who did damage (NULL for floors)
int extralight = 0; // so gun flashes light up areas
short fixedcolormap = 0; // can be set to REDCOLORMAP, etc.
short fixedlightlevel = 0;
int morphTics = 0; // player is a chicken/pig if > 0
PClassActor *MorphedPlayerClass = nullptr; // [MH] (for SBARINFO) class # for this player instance when morphed
int MorphStyle = 0; // which effects to apply for this player instance when morphed
PClassActor *MorphExitFlash = nullptr; // flash to apply when demorphing (cache of value given to P_MorphPlayer)
TObjPtr<AWeapon*> PremorphWeapon = nullptr; // ready weapon before morphing
int chickenPeck = 0; // chicken peck countdown
int jumpTics = 0; // delay the next jump for a moment
bool onground = 0; // Identifies if this player is on the ground or other object
int respawn_time; // [RH] delay respawning until this tic
TObjPtr<AActor*> camera; // [RH] Whose eyes this player sees through
int respawn_time = 0; // [RH] delay respawning until this tic
TObjPtr<AActor*> camera = nullptr; // [RH] Whose eyes this player sees through
int air_finished; // [RH] Time when you start drowning
int air_finished = 0; // [RH] Time when you start drowning
FName LastDamageType; // [RH] For damage-specific pain and death sounds
FName LastDamageType = NAME_None; // [RH] For damage-specific pain and death sounds
TObjPtr<AActor*> MUSINFOactor; // For MUSINFO purposes
int8_t MUSINFOtics;
TObjPtr<AActor*> MUSINFOactor = nullptr; // For MUSINFO purposes
int8_t MUSINFOtics = 0;
bool settings_controller; // Player can control game settings.
int8_t crouching;
int8_t crouchdir;
bool settings_controller = false; // Player can control game settings.
int8_t crouching = 0;
int8_t crouchdir = 0;
//Added by MC:
TObjPtr<DBot*> Bot;
TObjPtr<DBot*> Bot = nullptr;
float BlendR; // [RH] Final blending values
float BlendG;
float BlendB;
float BlendA;
float BlendR = 0; // [RH] Final blending values
float BlendG = 0;
float BlendB = 0;
float BlendA = 0;
FString LogText; // [RH] Log for Strife
DAngle MinPitch; // Viewpitch limits (negative is up, positive is down)
DAngle MaxPitch;
DAngle MinPitch = 0.; // Viewpitch limits (negative is up, positive is down)
DAngle MaxPitch = 0.;
double crouchfactor;
double crouchoffset;
double crouchviewdelta;
double crouchfactor = 0;
double crouchoffset = 0;
double crouchviewdelta = 0;
FWeaponSlots weapons;
// [CW] I moved these here for multiplayer conversation support.
TObjPtr<AActor*> ConversationNPC, ConversationPC;
DAngle ConversationNPCAngle;
bool ConversationFaceTalker;
TObjPtr<AActor*> ConversationNPC = nullptr, ConversationPC = nullptr;
DAngle ConversationNPCAngle = 0.;
bool ConversationFaceTalker = false;
double GetDeltaViewHeight() const
@ -1037,8 +1037,8 @@ FDecalLib::FTranslation *FDecalLib::GenerateTranslation (uint32_t start, uint32_
FDecalBase::FDecalBase ()
: Name(NAME_None)
Name = NAME_None;
FDecalBase::~FDecalBase ()
@ -1152,8 +1152,8 @@ const FDecalTemplate *FDecalGroup::GetDecal () const
FDecalAnimator::FDecalAnimator (const char *name)
: Name(name)
Name = name;
FDecalAnimator::~FDecalAnimator ()
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ public:
uint8_t *Meta = nullptr; // Per-class static script data
unsigned Size = sizeof(DObject);
unsigned MetaSize = 0;
FName TypeName;
FName SourceLumpName;
FName TypeName = NAME_None;
FName SourceLumpName = NAME_None;
bool bRuntimeClass = false; // class was defined at run-time, not compile-time
bool bDecorateClass = false; // may be subject to some idiosyncracies due to DECORATE backwards compatibility
bool bAbstract = false;
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ struct FMapThing
uint32_t RenderStyle;
int FloatbobPhase;
int friendlyseeblocks;
FNameNoInit arg0str;
FName arg0str;
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ struct EDSector
int damageamount;
int damageinterval;
FNameNoInit damagetype;
FName damagetype;
uint8_t leaky;
uint8_t leakyadd;
uint8_t leakyremove;
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ struct FWorldEvent
AActor* Inflictor = nullptr; // can be null - for damagemobj
AActor* DamageSource = nullptr; // can be null
int Damage = 0;
FName DamageType;
FName DamageType = NAME_None;
int DamageFlags = 0;
DAngle DamageAngle;
// for line(pre)activated
@ -264,9 +264,8 @@ struct level_info_t;
struct FOptionalMapinfoData
FOptionalMapinfoData *Next;
FName identifier;
FOptionalMapinfoData() { Next = NULL; identifier = NAME_None; }
FOptionalMapinfoData *Next = nullptr;
FName identifier = NAME_None;
virtual ~FOptionalMapinfoData() {}
virtual FOptionalMapinfoData *Clone() const = 0;
@ -572,7 +571,7 @@ typedef TMap<FName, FName> SkillActorReplacement;
struct FSkillInfo
FName Name;
FName Name = NAME_None;
double AmmoFactor, DoubleAmmoFactor, DropAmmoFactor;
double DamageFactor;
double ArmorFactor;
@ -259,10 +259,13 @@ void level_info_t::Reset()
compatflags = compatflags2 = 0;
compatmask = compatmask2 = 0;
Translator = "";
RedirectType = 0;
RedirectType = NAME_None;
RedirectMapName = "";
EnterPic = "";
ExitPic = "";
Intermission = NAME_None;
deathsequence = NAME_None;
slideshow = NAME_None;
InterMusic = "";
intermusicorder = 0;
SoundInfo = "";
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ struct FMugShotState
unsigned int Position;
int Time;
int Random;
FName State;
FName State = NAME_None;
TArray<FMugShotFrame> Frames;
FMugShotState(FName name);
@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ class CommandDrawSwitchableImage : public CommandDrawImage
Operator conditionalOperator[2];
FString inventoryItem[2];
int armorType[2];
FName keySpecies[2];
FName keySpecies[2] = { NAME_None, NAME_None };
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ void ST_CreateStatusBar(bool bTitleLevel)
if (StatusBar == nullptr)
FName defname;
FName defname = NAME_None;
if (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomChex) defname = "DoomStatusBar";
else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic) defname = "HereticStatusBar";
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ void PClassActor::RegisterIDs()
PClassActor *PClassActor::GetReplacement(bool lookskill)
FName skillrepname;
FName skillrepname = NAME_None;
if (lookskill && AllSkills.Size() > (unsigned)gameskill)
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, GetReplacement)
PClassActor *PClassActor::GetReplacee(bool lookskill)
FName skillrepname;
FName skillrepname = NAME_None;
if (lookskill && AllSkills.Size() > (unsigned)gameskill)
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ struct FIntermissionActionCast : public FIntermissionAction
typedef FIntermissionAction Super;
FString mName;
FName mCastClass;
FName mCastClass = NAME_None;
TArray<FCastSound> mCastSounds;
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ struct FIntermissionActionScroller : public FIntermissionAction
struct FIntermissionDescriptor
FName mLink;
FName mLink = NAME_None;
TDeletingArray<FIntermissionAction *> mActions;
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class DMenuDescriptor : public DObject
DECLARE_CLASS(DMenuDescriptor, DObject)
FName mMenuName;
FName mMenuName = NAME_None;
FString mNetgameMessage;
PClass *mClass = nullptr;
bool mProtected = false;
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ class DMenuItemBase : public DObject
DECLARE_CLASS(DMenuItemBase, DObject)
double mXpos, mYpos;
FNameNoInit mAction;
FName mAction;
bool mEnabled;
bool Activate();
@ -657,11 +657,9 @@ static void ParseListMenu(FScanner &sc)
static void ParseOptionValue(FScanner &sc)
FName optname;
FOptionValues *val = new FOptionValues;
optname = sc.String;
FName optname = sc.String;
while (!sc.CheckString("}"))
@ -689,11 +687,9 @@ static void ParseOptionValue(FScanner &sc)
static void ParseOptionString(FScanner &sc)
FName optname;
FOptionValues *val = new FOptionValues;
optname = sc.String;
FName optname = sc.String;
while (!sc.CheckString("}"))
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class FString;
class FName
FName () : Index(0) {}
FName() = default;// : Index(0) {}
FName (const char *text) { Index = NameData.FindName (text, false); }
FName (const char *text, bool noCreate) { Index = NameData.FindName (text, noCreate); }
FName (const char *text, size_t textlen, bool noCreate) { Index = NameData.FindName (text, textlen, noCreate); }
@ -120,20 +120,6 @@ protected:
static NameManager NameData;
enum EDummy { NoInit };
FName (EDummy) {}
class FNameNoInit : public FName
FNameNoInit() : FName(NoInit) {}
FName &operator = (const char *text) { Index = NameData.FindName (text, false); return *this; }
FName &operator = (const FString &text);
FName &operator = (const FName &other) { Index = int(other); return *this; }
FName &operator = (ENamedName index) { Index = index; return *this; }
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ struct FStrifeDialogueNode
FString Goodbye; // must init to null for binary scripts to work as intended
FStrifeDialogueReply *Children = nullptr;
FName MenuClassName;
FName MenuClassName = NAME_None;
FString UserData;
@ -182,25 +182,22 @@ void SexMessage (const char *from, char *to, int gender, const char *victim, con
void ClientObituary (AActor *self, AActor *inflictor, AActor *attacker, int dmgflags, FName MeansOfDeath)
FName mod;
FString ret;
const char *message;
const char *messagename;
char gendermessage[1024];
// No obituaries for non-players, voodoo dolls or when not wanted
if (self->player == NULL || self->player->mo != self || !show_obituaries)
if (self->player == nullptr || self->player->mo != self || !show_obituaries)
// Treat voodoo dolls as unknown deaths
if (inflictor && inflictor->player && inflictor->player->mo != inflictor)
MeansOfDeath = NAME_None;
mod = MeansOfDeath;
message = NULL;
messagename = NULL;
FName mod = MeansOfDeath;
const char *message = nullptr;
const char *messagename = nullptr;
if (attacker == NULL || attacker->player != NULL)
if (attacker == nullptr || attacker->player != nullptr)
if (mod == NAME_Telefrag)
@ -4484,7 +4484,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, AimLineAttack)
struct Origin
AActor *Caller;
FNameNoInit PuffSpecies;
FName PuffSpecies;
bool hitGhosts;
bool MThruSpecies;
bool ThruSpecies;
@ -5092,6 +5092,7 @@ AActor *P_LinePickActor(AActor *t1, DAngle angle, double distance, DAngle pitch,
TData.MThruSpecies = false;
TData.ThruActors = false;
TData.ThruSpecies = false;
TData.PuffSpecies = NAME_None;
if (Trace(t1->PosAtZ(shootz), t1->Sector, direction, distance,
actorMask, wallMask, t1, trace, TRACE_NoSky | TRACE_PortalRestrict, CheckForActor, &TData))
@ -5309,7 +5310,7 @@ struct RailData
AActor *Caller;
TArray<SRailHit> RailHits;
TArray<SPortalHit> PortalHits;
FNameNoInit PuffSpecies;
FName PuffSpecies;
bool StopAtOne;
bool StopAtInvul;
bool ThruGhosts;
@ -2171,13 +2171,9 @@ bool AActor::FloorBounceMissile (secplane_t &plane)
// Set bounce state
if (BounceFlags & BOUNCE_UseBounceState)
FName names[2];
FState *bouncestate;
names[0] = NAME_Bounce;
names[1] = plane.fC() < 0 ? NAME_Ceiling : NAME_Floor;
bouncestate = FindState(2, names);
if (bouncestate != NULL)
FName names[2] = { NAME_Bounce, plane.fC() < 0 ? NAME_Ceiling : NAME_Floor };
FState *bouncestate = FindState(2, names);
if (bouncestate != nullptr)
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ bool AActor::HasSpecialDeathStates () const
TArray<FName> &MakeStateNameList(const char * fname)
static TArray<FName> namelist(3);
FName firstpart, secondpart;
FName firstpart = NAME_None, secondpart = NAME_None;
char *c;
// Handle the old names for the existing death states
@ -256,21 +256,19 @@ TArray<FName> &MakeStateNameList(const char * fname)
FState *PClassActor::FindState(int numnames, FName *names, bool exact) const
FStateLabels *labels = GetStateLabels();
FState *best = NULL;
FState *best = nullptr;
if (labels != NULL)
if (labels != nullptr)
int count = 0;
FStateLabel *slabel = NULL;
FName label;
// Find the best-matching label for this class.
while (labels != NULL && count < numnames)
while (labels != nullptr && count < numnames)
label = *names++;
slabel = labels->FindLabel(label);
FName label = *names++;
FStateLabel *slabel = labels->FindLabel(label);
if (slabel != NULL)
if (slabel != nullptr)
labels = slabel->Children;
@ -283,7 +281,7 @@ FState *PClassActor::FindState(int numnames, FName *names, bool exact) const
if (count < numnames && exact)
return NULL;
return nullptr;
return best;
@ -411,7 +409,7 @@ FStateDefine *FStateDefinitions::FindStateLabelInList(TArray<FStateDefine> & lis
FStateDefine def;
def.Label = name;
def.State = NULL;
def.State = nullptr;
def.DefineFlags = SDF_NEXT;
return &list[list.Push(def)];
@ -375,10 +375,9 @@ void ParseSplash (FScanner &sc)
int splashnum;
FSplashDef *splashdef;
bool isnew = false;
FName name;
sc.MustGetString ();
name = sc.String;
FName name = sc.String;
splashnum = (int)FindSplash (name);
if (splashnum < 0)
@ -422,10 +421,9 @@ void ParseSplash (FScanner &sc)
void ParseTerrain (FScanner &sc)
int terrainnum;
FName name;
sc.MustGetString ();
name = sc.String;
FName name = sc.String;
terrainnum = (int)P_FindTerrain (name);
if (terrainnum < 0)
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ class UDMFParser : public UDMFParserBase
TArray<vertex_t> ParsedVertices;
TArray<UDMFScroll> UDMFScrollers;
FDynamicColormap *fogMap, *normMap;
FDynamicColormap *fogMap = nullptr, *normMap = nullptr;
FMissingTextureTracker &missingTex;
@ -470,7 +470,6 @@ public:
: missingTex(missing)
fogMap = normMap = NULL;
void ReadUserKey(FUDMFKey &ukey) {
@ -1357,11 +1356,11 @@ public:
// Brand new UDMF scroller properties
double scroll_ceil_x = 0;
double scroll_ceil_y = 0;
FName scroll_ceil_type;
FName scroll_ceil_type = NAME_None;
double scroll_floor_x = 0;
double scroll_floor_y = 0;
FName scroll_floor_type;
FName scroll_floor_type = NAME_None;
memset(sec, 0, sizeof(*sec));
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class UDMFParserBase
FScanner sc;
FName namespc;
FName namespc = NAME_None;
int namespace_bits;
FString parsedString;
bool BadCoordinates = false;
@ -400,9 +400,9 @@ class USDFParser : public UDMFParserBase
bool ParseConversation()
PClassActor *type = NULL;
PClassActor *type = nullptr;
int dlgid = -1;
FName clsid;
FName clsid = NAME_None;
unsigned int startpos = StrifeDialogues.Size();
while (!sc.CheckToken('}'))
@ -301,82 +301,6 @@ CCMD (playerclasses)
// 16 pixels of bob
#define MAXBOB 16.
// The player_t constructor. Since LogText is not a POD, we cannot just
// memset it all to 0.
: mo(0),
Vel(0, 0),
memset (&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
memset (frags, 0, sizeof(frags));
@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ struct FTransform
struct secspecial_t
FNameNoInit damagetype; // [RH] Means-of-death for applied damage
FName damagetype; // [RH] Means-of-death for applied damage
int damageamount; // [RH] Damage to do while standing on floor
short special;
short damageinterval; // Interval for damage application
@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ public:
short seqType; // this sector's sound sequence
int sky;
FNameNoInit SeqName; // Sound sequence name. Setting seqType non-negative will override this.
FName SeqName; // Sound sequence name. Setting seqType non-negative will override this.
DVector2 centerspot; // origin for any sounds played by the sector
int validcount; // if == validcount, already checked
@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ public:
struct msecnode_t *touching_renderthings; // this is used to allow wide things to be rendered not only from their main sector.
double gravity; // [RH] Sector gravity (1.0 is normal)
FNameNoInit damagetype; // [RH] Means-of-death for applied damage
FName damagetype; // [RH] Means-of-death for applied damage
int damageamount; // [RH] Damage to do while standing on floor
short damageinterval; // Interval for damage application
short leakydamage; // chance of leaking through radiation suit
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ void DSeqNode::Serialize(FSerializer &arc)
int seqOffset;
unsigned int i;
FName seqName;
FName seqName = NAME_None;
int delayTics = 0;
FSoundID id;
float volume;
@ -571,8 +571,8 @@ void S_ParseSndSeq (int levellump)
TArray<uint32_t> ScriptTemp;
int lastlump, lump;
char seqtype = ':';
FName seqname;
FName slot;
FName seqname = NAME_None;
FName slot = NAME_None;
int stopsound;
int delaybase;
float volumebase;
@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ FScanner &FScanner::operator=(const FScanner &other)
TokenType = other.TokenType;
Number = other.Number;
Float = other.Float;
Name = other.Name;
Line = other.Line;
End = other.End;
Crossed = other.Crossed;
@ -619,11 +618,7 @@ bool FScanner::GetToken ()
if (ScanString (true))
if (TokenType == TK_NameConst)
Name = FName(String);
else if (TokenType == TK_IntConst)
if (TokenType == TK_IntConst)
char *stopper;
// Check for unsigned
@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ public:
int TokenType;
int Number;
double Float;
FName Name;
int Line;
bool End;
bool Crossed;
@ -9336,10 +9336,8 @@ ExpEmit FxFlopFunctionCall::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
FxVectorBuiltin::FxVectorBuiltin(FxExpression *self, FName name)
:FxExpression(EFX_VectorBuiltin, self->ScriptPosition)
:FxExpression(EFX_VectorBuiltin, self->ScriptPosition), Function(name), Self(self)
Self = self;
Function = name;
@ -11136,7 +11134,7 @@ ExpEmit FxRuntimeStateIndex::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
FxMultiNameState::FxMultiNameState(const char *_statestring, const FScriptPosition &pos, PClassActor *checkclass)
:FxExpression(EFX_MultiNameState, pos)
FName scopename;
FName scopename = NAME_None;
FString statestring = _statestring;
int scopeindex = statestring.IndexOf("::");
@ -11145,10 +11143,6 @@ FxMultiNameState::FxMultiNameState(const char *_statestring, const FScriptPositi
scopename = FName(statestring, scopeindex, false);
statestring = statestring.Right(statestring.Len() - scopeindex - 2);
scopename = NAME_None;
names = MakeStateNameList(statestring);
names.Insert(0, scopename);
scope = checkclass;
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ public:
class FxIdentifier : public FxExpression
FName Identifier;
FName Identifier = NAME_None;
bool noglobal = false;
FxIdentifier(FName i, const FScriptPosition &p);
@ -101,12 +101,11 @@ void ParseOldDecoration(FScanner &sc, EDefinitionType def, PNamespace *ns)
FExtraInfo extra;
PClassActor *type;
PClassActor *parent;
FName typeName;
parent = (def == DEF_Pickup) ? PClass::FindActor("FakeInventory") : RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor);
typeName = FName(sc.String);
FName typeName = FName(sc.String);
type = DecoDerivedClass(FScriptPosition(sc), parent, typeName);
ResetBaggage(&bag, parent);
bag.Namespace = ns;
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ static FxExpression *ParseExpression0 (FScanner &sc, PClassActor *cls)
else if (sc.CheckToken(TK_NameConst))
return new FxConstant(sc.Name, scpos);
return new FxConstant(FName(sc.String), scpos);
else if (sc.CheckToken(TK_StringConst))
@ -1029,9 +1029,7 @@ PClassActor *CreateNewActor(const FScriptPosition &sc, FName typeName, FName par
static PClassActor *ParseActorHeader(FScanner &sc, Baggage *bag)
FName typeName;
FName parentName;
FName replaceName;
FName replaceName = NAME_None;
bool native = false;
int DoomEdNum = -1;
@ -1044,7 +1042,7 @@ static PClassActor *ParseActorHeader(FScanner &sc, Baggage *bag)
*colon++ = 0;
typeName = sc.String;
FName typeName = sc.String;
// Do some tweaking so that a definition like 'Actor:Parent' which is read as a single token is recognized as well
// without having resort to C-mode (which disallows periods in actor names.)
@ -1071,7 +1069,7 @@ static PClassActor *ParseActorHeader(FScanner &sc, Baggage *bag)
parentName = colon;
FName parentName = colon;
// Check for "replaces"
if (sc.CheckString ("replaces"))
@ -569,9 +569,8 @@ DEFINE_PROPERTY(painchance, ZI, Actor)
FName painType;
if (!stricmp(str, "Normal")) painType = NAME_None;
else painType=str;
FName painType = NAME_None;
if (stricmp(str, "Normal")) painType = str;
info->SetPainChance(painType, id);
@ -897,15 +896,14 @@ DEFINE_PROPERTY(damagefactor, ZF, Actor)
if (str == NULL)
if (str == nullptr)
defaults->DamageFactor = id;
FName dmgType;
if (!stricmp(str, "Normal")) dmgType = NAME_None;
else dmgType=str;
FName dmgType = NAME_None;
if (stricmp(str, "Normal")) dmgType = str;
info->SetDamageFactor(dmgType, id);
@ -1593,10 +1593,8 @@ PClassPointer *NewClassPointer(PClass *restrict)
PEnum::PEnum(FName name, PTypeBase *outer)
: PInt(4, false)
: PInt(4, false), Outer(outer), EnumName(name)
EnumName = name;
Outer = outer;
Flags |= TYPE_IntNotInt;
mDescriptiveName.Format("Enum<%s>", name.GetChars());
@ -238,10 +238,10 @@ protected:
class PContainerType : public PCompoundType
PTypeBase *Outer; // object this type is contained within
FName TypeName; // this type's name
PTypeBase *Outer = nullptr; // object this type is contained within
FName TypeName = NAME_None; // this type's name
PContainerType() : Outer(NULL)
mDescriptiveName = "ContainerType";
Flags |= TYPE_Container;
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ static void ParseSingleFile(FScanner *pSC, const char *filename, int lump, void
case TK_NameConst:
value.Int = sc.Name;
value.Int = FName(sc.String).GetIndex();
tokentype = ZCC_NAMECONST;
@ -2147,7 +2147,7 @@ template<> FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, FFont *&fon
FName n;
FName n = NAME_None;
arc(key, n);
font = V_GetFont(n);
if (font == nullptr)
@ -789,6 +789,7 @@ void FTextureManager::ParseAnimatedDoor(FScanner &sc)
anim.BaseTexture = CheckForTexture (sc.String, ETextureType::Wall, texflags);
anim.OpenSound = anim.CloseSound = NAME_None;
if (!anim.BaseTexture.Exists())
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ void CommitUMapinfo(level_info_t *defaultinfo)
if (map.nextmap[0]) levelinfo->NextMap = map.nextmap;
else if (map.endpic[0])
FName name;
FName name = NAME_None;
if (!stricmp(map.endpic, "$CAST"))
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ protected:
uint8_t *PatchRemap;
int Lump;
FName FontName;
FName FontName = NAME_None;
FFont *Next;
static FFont *FirstFont;
@ -454,7 +454,6 @@ namespace StringFormat
inline FName::FName(const FString &text) { Index = NameData.FindName (text.GetChars(), text.Len(), false); }
inline FName::FName(const FString &text, bool noCreate) { Index = NameData.FindName (text.GetChars(), text.Len(), noCreate); }
inline FName &FName::operator = (const FString &text) { Index = NameData.FindName (text.GetChars(), text.Len(), false); return *this; }
inline FName &FNameNoInit::operator = (const FString &text) { Index = NameData.FindName (text.GetChars(), text.Len(), false); return *this; }
// Hash FStrings on their contents. (used by TMap)
extern unsigned int SuperFastHash (const char *data, size_t len);
Reference in a new issue