mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 02:41:57 +00:00
- cleanup of the remaining FxBinary operators.
- changed FxCompareEq with strings and other types that can be cast to from a string always convert the string to the other type before comparing.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 260 additions and 263 deletions
@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ FxExpression *FxIntCast::Resolve(FCompileContext &ctx)
ExpVal constval = static_cast<FxConstant *>(basex)->GetValue();
FxExpression *x = new FxConstant(constval.GetInt(), ScriptPosition);
if (!NoWarn && constval.GetInt() != constval.GetFloat())
if (constval.GetInt() != constval.GetFloat())
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_WARNING, "Truncation of floating point constant %f", constval.GetFloat());
@ -2363,157 +2363,7 @@ FxBinary::~FxBinary()
bool FxBinary::ResolveLR(FCompileContext& ctx, bool castnumeric)
RESOLVE(left, ctx);
RESOLVE(right, ctx);
if (!left || !right)
delete this;
return false;
if (left->ValueType == TypeString || right->ValueType == TypeString)
switch (Operator)
case '<':
case '>':
case TK_Geq:
case TK_Leq:
case TK_Eq:
case TK_Neq:
case TK_ApproxEq:
if (left->ValueType != TypeString)
left = new FxStringCast(left);
left = left->Resolve(ctx);
if (left == nullptr)
delete this;
return false;
if (right->ValueType != TypeString)
right = new FxStringCast(right);
right = right->Resolve(ctx);
if (right == nullptr)
delete this;
return false;
ValueType = TypeBool;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Incompatible operands for comparison");
delete this;
return false;
else if (left->IsVector() || right->IsVector())
switch (Operator)
case TK_Eq:
case TK_Neq:
if (left->ValueType != right->ValueType)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Incompatible operands for comparison");
delete this;
return false;
ValueType = TypeBool;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Incompatible operation for vector type");
delete this;
return false;
else if (left->ValueType == TypeBool && right->ValueType == TypeBool)
if (Operator == '&' || Operator == '|' || Operator == '^' || ctx.FromDecorate)
ValueType = TypeBool;
ValueType = TypeSInt32; // math operations on bools result in integers.
else if (left->ValueType == TypeName && right->ValueType == TypeName)
// pointers can only be compared for equality.
if (Operator == TK_Eq || Operator == TK_Neq)
ValueType = TypeBool;
return true;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Invalid operation for names");
delete this;
return false;
else if (left->IsNumeric() && right->IsNumeric())
if (left->ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_INT && right->ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_INT)
ValueType = TypeSInt32;
ValueType = TypeFloat64;
else if (left->ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_POINTER)
if (left->ValueType == right->ValueType || right->ValueType == TypeNullPtr || left->ValueType == TypeNullPtr ||
AreCompatiblePointerTypes(left->ValueType, right->ValueType))
// pointers can only be compared for equality.
if (Operator == TK_Eq || Operator == TK_Neq)
ValueType = TypeBool;
return true;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Invalid operation for pointers");
delete this;
return false;
// To check: It may be that this could pass in DECORATE, although setting TypeVoid here would pretty much prevent that.
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Incompatible operator");
delete this;
return false;
assert(ValueType != nullptr && ValueType < (PType*)0xfffffffffffffff);
if (castnumeric)
// later!
return true;
void FxBinary::Promote(FCompileContext &ctx)
bool FxBinary::Promote(FCompileContext &ctx, bool forceint)
// math operations of unsigned ints results in an unsigned int. (16 and 8 bit values never get here, they get promoted to regular ints elsewhere already.)
if (left->ValueType == TypeUInt32 && right->ValueType == TypeUInt32)
@ -2524,7 +2374,7 @@ void FxBinary::Promote(FCompileContext &ctx)
ValueType = TypeSInt32; // Addition and subtraction forces all integer-derived types to signed int.
else if (!forceint)
ValueType = TypeFloat64;
if (left->IsFloat() && right->IsInteger())
@ -2536,6 +2386,34 @@ void FxBinary::Promote(FCompileContext &ctx)
left = (new FxFloatCast(left))->Resolve(ctx);
else if (ctx.FromDecorate)
// For DECORATE which allows floats here. ZScript does not.
if (left->IsFloat())
left = new FxIntCast(left, ctx.FromDecorate);
left = left->Resolve(ctx);
if (right->IsFloat())
right = new FxIntCast(right, ctx.FromDecorate);
right = right->Resolve(ctx);
if (left == nullptr || right == nullptr)
delete this;
return false;
ValueType = TypeSInt32;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Integer operand expected");
delete this;
return false;
return true;
@ -3064,7 +2942,7 @@ FxExpression *FxCompareRel::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
return nullptr;
ValueType == TypeString;
ValueType = TypeString;
else if (left->IsNumeric() && right->IsNumeric())
@ -3238,24 +3116,66 @@ FxExpression *FxCompareEq::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
if (!ResolveLR(ctx, true))
return nullptr;
RESOLVE(left, ctx);
RESOLVE(right, ctx);
if (!left || !right)
delete this;
return nullptr;
if (!IsNumeric() && !IsPointer() && !IsVector() && ValueType != TypeName)
if (left->ValueType != right->ValueType) // identical types are always comparable, if they can be placed in a register, so we can save most checks if this is the case.
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Numeric type expected");
delete this;
return nullptr;
// Special cases: Compare strings and names with names, sounds, colors, state labels and class types.
// These are all types a string can be implicitly cast into, so for convenience, so they should when doing a comparison.
if ((left->ValueType == TypeString || left->ValueType == TypeName) &&
(right->ValueType == TypeName || right->ValueType == TypeSound || right->ValueType == TypeColor || right->ValueType->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PClassPointer)) || right->ValueType == TypeStateLabel))
left = new FxTypeCast(left, right->ValueType, false, true);
left = left->Resolve(ctx);
ValueType = right->ValueType;
else if ((right->ValueType == TypeString || right->ValueType == TypeName) &&
(left->ValueType == TypeName || left->ValueType == TypeSound || left->ValueType == TypeColor || left->ValueType->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PClassPointer)) || left->ValueType == TypeStateLabel))
right = new FxTypeCast(right, left->ValueType, false, true);
right = right->Resolve(ctx);
ValueType = left->ValueType;
else if (left->IsNumeric() && right->IsNumeric())
else if (left->ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_POINTER && right->ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_POINTER)
if (left->ValueType != right->ValueType && right->ValueType != TypeNullPtr && left->ValueType != TypeNullPtr &&
!AreCompatiblePointerTypes(left->ValueType, right->ValueType))
goto error;
goto error;
else if (left->ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_NIL)
goto error;
ValueType = left->ValueType;
if (Operator == TK_ApproxEq && ValueType->GetRegType() != REGT_FLOAT && ValueType->GetRegType() != REGT_STRING)
// Only floats, vectors and strings have handling for '~==', for all other types this is an error.
goto error;
if (Operator == TK_ApproxEq && left->ValueType->GetRegType() != REGT_FLOAT && left->ValueType->GetRegType() != REGT_STRING)
Operator = TK_Eq;
if (left->isConstant() && right->isConstant())
int v;
@ -3357,9 +3277,13 @@ FxExpression *FxCompareEq::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
ValueType = TypeBool;
return this;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Incompatible operands for %s comparison", Operator == TK_Eq ? "==" : Operator == TK_Neq ? "!=" : "~==");
delete this;
return nullptr;
@ -3435,7 +3359,7 @@ ExpEmit FxCompareEq::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
FxBinaryInt::FxBinaryInt(int o, FxExpression *l, FxExpression *r)
FxBitOp::FxBitOp(int o, FxExpression *l, FxExpression *r)
: FxBinary(o, l, r)
ValueType = TypeSInt32;
@ -3447,48 +3371,39 @@ FxBinaryInt::FxBinaryInt(int o, FxExpression *l, FxExpression *r)
FxExpression *FxBinaryInt::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
FxExpression *FxBitOp::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
if (!ResolveLR(ctx, false))
return nullptr;
if (IsFloat() && ctx.FromDecorate)
RESOLVE(left, ctx);
RESOLVE(right, ctx);
if (!left || !right)
// For DECORATE which allows floats here. ZScript does not.
if (left->ValueType->GetRegType() != REGT_INT)
left = new FxIntCast(left, ctx.FromDecorate);
left = left->Resolve(ctx);
if (right->ValueType->GetRegType() != REGT_INT)
right = new FxIntCast(right, ctx.FromDecorate);
right = right->Resolve(ctx);
if (left == nullptr || right == nullptr)
delete this;
return nullptr;
ValueType = TypeSInt32;
delete this;
return false;
if (ValueType->GetRegType() != REGT_INT)
if (left->ValueType == TypeBool && right->ValueType == TypeBool)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Integer type expected");
ValueType = TypeBool;
else if (left->IsNumeric() && right->IsNumeric())
if (!Promote(ctx, true)) return nullptr;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Incompatible operands for bit operation");
delete this;
return nullptr;
else if (left->isConstant() && right->isConstant())
if (left->isConstant() && right->isConstant())
int v1 = static_cast<FxConstant *>(left)->GetValue().GetInt();
int v2 = static_cast<FxConstant *>(right)->GetValue().GetInt();
FxExpression *e = new FxConstant(
Operator == TK_LShift? v1 << v2 :
Operator == TK_RShift? v1 >> v2 :
Operator == TK_URShift? int((unsigned int)(v1) >> v2) :
Operator == '&'? v1 & v2 :
Operator == '|'? v1 | v2 :
Operator == '^'? v1 ^ v2 : 0, ScriptPosition);
@ -3505,7 +3420,98 @@ FxExpression *FxBinaryInt::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
ExpEmit FxBinaryInt::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
ExpEmit FxBitOp::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
assert(left->ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_INT);
assert(right->ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_INT);
int instr, rop;
ExpEmit op1, op2;
op1 = left->Emit(build);
op2 = right->Emit(build);
if (op1.Konst)
swapvalues(op1, op2);
rop = op2.RegNum;
instr = Operator == '&' ? OP_AND_RR :
Operator == '|' ? OP_OR_RR :
Operator == '^' ? OP_XOR_RR : -1;
assert(instr > 0);
ExpEmit to(build, REGT_INT);
build->Emit(instr + op2.Konst, to.RegNum, op1.RegNum, rop);
return to;
FxShift::FxShift(int o, FxExpression *l, FxExpression *r)
: FxBinary(o, l, r)
ValueType = TypeSInt32;
FxExpression *FxShift::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
RESOLVE(left, ctx);
RESOLVE(right, ctx);
if (!left || !right)
delete this;
return false;
if (left->IsNumeric() && right->IsNumeric())
if (!Promote(ctx, true)) return nullptr;
if (ValueType == TypeUInt32 && Operator == TK_RShift) Operator = TK_URShift;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Incompatible operands for shift operation");
delete this;
return nullptr;
if (left->isConstant() && right->isConstant())
int v1 = static_cast<FxConstant *>(left)->GetValue().GetInt();
int v2 = static_cast<FxConstant *>(right)->GetValue().GetInt();
FxExpression *e = new FxConstant(
Operator == TK_LShift ? v1 << v2 :
Operator == TK_RShift ? v1 >> v2 :
Operator == TK_URShift ? int((unsigned int)(v1) >> v2) : 0, ScriptPosition);
delete this;
return e;
return this;
ExpEmit FxShift::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
assert(left->ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_INT);
assert(right->ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_INT);
@ -3514,65 +3520,41 @@ ExpEmit FxBinaryInt::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
{ OP_AND_RR, 0, OP_AND_RK }, // '&'
{ OP_OR_RR, 0, OP_OR_RK }, // '|'
{ OP_XOR_RR, 0, OP_XOR_RK }, // '^'
int index, instr, rop;
ExpEmit op1, op2;
index = Operator == TK_LShift ? 0 :
Operator == TK_RShift ? 1 :
Operator == TK_URShift ? 2 :
Operator == '&' ? 3 :
Operator == '|' ? 4 :
Operator == '^' ? 5 : -1;
Operator == TK_URShift ? 2 : -1;
assert(index >= 0);
op1 = left->Emit(build);
if (index < 3)
{ // Shift instructions use right-hand immediates instead of constant registers.
if (right->isConstant())
rop = static_cast<FxConstant *>(right)->GetValue().GetInt();
op2.Konst = true;
op2 = right->Emit(build);
rop = op2.RegNum;
// Shift instructions use right-hand immediates instead of constant registers.
if (right->isConstant())
rop = static_cast<FxConstant *>(right)->GetValue().GetInt();
op2.Konst = true;
{ // The other operators only take a constant on the right-hand side.
op2 = right->Emit(build);
if (op1.Konst)
swapvalues(op1, op2);
rop = op2.RegNum;
rop = op2.RegNum;
if (!op1.Konst)
if (!op2.Konst)
instr = InstrMap[index][0];
instr = InstrMap[index][2];
instr = InstrMap[index][op2.Konst? 0:2];
instr = InstrMap[index][1];
assert(instr != 0);
assert(instr > 0);
ExpEmit to(build, REGT_INT);
build->Emit(instr, to.RegNum, op1.RegNum, rop);
return to;
@ -3599,30 +3581,27 @@ FxLtGtEq::FxLtGtEq(FxExpression *l, FxExpression *r)
FxExpression *FxLtGtEq::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
if (!ResolveLR(ctx, true))
return nullptr;
if (!left->IsNumeric() || !right->IsNumeric())
RESOLVE(left, ctx);
RESOLVE(right, ctx);
if (!left || !right)
delete this;
return false;
if (left->IsNumeric() && right->IsNumeric())
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "<>= expects two numeric operands");
delete this;
return nullptr;
if (left->ValueType->GetRegType() != right->ValueType->GetRegType())
if (left->ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_INT)
left = new FxFloatCast(left);
SAFE_RESOLVE(left, ctx);
if (right->ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_INT)
right = new FxFloatCast(left);
SAFE_RESOLVE(left, ctx);
else if (left->isConstant() && right->isConstant())
if (left->isConstant() && right->isConstant())
// let's cut this short and always compare doubles. For integers the result will be exactly the same as with an integer comparison, either signed or unsigned.
auto v1 = static_cast<FxConstant *>(left)->GetValue().GetFloat();
@ -813,8 +813,7 @@ public:
FxBinary(int, FxExpression*, FxExpression*);
bool ResolveLR(FCompileContext& ctx, bool castnumeric);
void Promote(FCompileContext &ctx);
bool Promote(FCompileContext &ctx, bool forceint = false);
@ -899,11 +898,26 @@ public:
class FxBinaryInt : public FxBinary
class FxBitOp : public FxBinary
FxBinaryInt(int, FxExpression*, FxExpression*);
FxBitOp(int, FxExpression*, FxExpression*);
FxExpression *Resolve(FCompileContext&);
ExpEmit Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
// FxBinary
class FxShift : public FxBinary
FxShift(int, FxExpression*, FxExpression*);
FxExpression *Resolve(FCompileContext&);
ExpEmit Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
@ -139,27 +139,27 @@ static FxExpression *ParseExpressionM (FScanner &sc, PClassActor *cls)
case TK_LShiftEq:
exp = new FxBinaryInt(TK_LShift, left, nullptr);
exp = new FxShift(TK_LShift, left, nullptr);
case TK_RShiftEq:
exp = new FxBinaryInt(TK_RShift, left, nullptr);
exp = new FxShift(TK_RShift, left, nullptr);
case TK_URShiftEq:
exp = new FxBinaryInt(TK_URShift, left, nullptr);
exp = new FxShift(TK_URShift, left, nullptr);
case TK_AndEq:
exp = new FxBinaryInt('&', left, nullptr);
exp = new FxBitOp('&', left, nullptr);
case TK_XorEq:
exp = new FxBinaryInt('^', left, nullptr);
exp = new FxBitOp('^', left, nullptr);
case TK_OrEq:
exp = new FxBinaryInt('|', left, nullptr);
exp = new FxBitOp('|', left, nullptr);
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ static FxExpression *ParseExpressionJ (FScanner &sc, PClassActor *cls)
while (sc.CheckToken('|'))
FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionI (sc, cls);
tmp = new FxBinaryInt('|', tmp, right);
tmp = new FxBitOp('|', tmp, right);
return tmp;
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ static FxExpression *ParseExpressionI (FScanner &sc, PClassActor *cls)
while (sc.CheckToken('^'))
FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionH (sc, cls);
tmp = new FxBinaryInt('^', tmp, right);
tmp = new FxBitOp('^', tmp, right);
return tmp;
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ static FxExpression *ParseExpressionH (FScanner &sc, PClassActor *cls)
while (sc.CheckToken('&'))
FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionG (sc, cls);
tmp = new FxBinaryInt('&', tmp, right);
tmp = new FxBitOp('&', tmp, right);
return tmp;
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ static FxExpression *ParseExpressionE (FScanner &sc, PClassActor *cls)
int token = sc.TokenType;
FxExpression *right = ParseExpressionD (sc, cls);
tmp = new FxBinaryInt(token, tmp, right);
tmp = new FxShift(token, tmp, right);
if (!sc.End) sc.UnGet();
return tmp;
@ -2902,10 +2902,12 @@ FxExpression *ZCCCompiler::ConvertNode(ZCC_TreeNode *ast)
case PEX_LeftShift:
case PEX_RightShift:
case PEX_URightShift:
return new FxShift(tok, left, right);
case PEX_BitAnd:
case PEX_BitOr:
case PEX_BitXor:
return new FxBinaryInt(tok, left, right);
return new FxBitOp(tok, left, right);
case PEX_BoolOr:
case PEX_BoolAnd:
@ -2937,10 +2939,12 @@ FxExpression *ZCCCompiler::ConvertNode(ZCC_TreeNode *ast)
case PEX_LshAssign:
case PEX_RshAssign:
case PEX_URshAssign:
return ModifyAssign(new FxShift(tok, new FxAssignSelf(*ast), right), left);
case PEX_AndAssign:
case PEX_OrAssign:
case PEX_XorAssign:
return ModifyAssign(new FxBinaryInt(tok, new FxAssignSelf(*ast), right), left);
return ModifyAssign(new FxBitOp(tok, new FxAssignSelf(*ast), right), left);
return new FxLtGtEq(left, right);
Reference in a new issue