mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:32:43 +00:00
- some layout tweaks for the option menu system, in particular to shorten the sliders if the menu is too wide.
- allow specifying the fractional precision for the numbers behind the sliders. - took all HUD related options out of the display options menu and created a seaparate one for them. - added several more display and HUD options to the menu. - created a new 'Miscellaneous options' menu for a few items that should be accessible but don't fit anywhere else. SVN r2795 (trunk)
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 172 additions and 73 deletions
@ -749,13 +749,13 @@ static void ParseOptionMenuBody(FScanner &sc, FOptionMenuDescriptor *desc)
double step = sc.Float;
bool showvalue = true;
int showvalue = 1;
if (sc.CheckString(","))
showvalue = !!sc.Number;
showvalue = sc.Number;
FOptionMenuItem *it = new FOptionMenuSliderCVar(text, action, min, max, step, showvalue? 1:-1);
FOptionMenuItem *it = new FOptionMenuSliderCVar(text, action, min, max, step, showvalue);
else if (sc.Compare("screenresolution"))
@ -66,47 +66,6 @@ void M_DrawConText (int color, int x, int y, const char *str)
// Draw a slider. Set fracdigits negative to not display the current value numerically.
void M_DrawSlider (int x, int y, double min, double max, double cur,int fracdigits)
double range;
range = max - min;
double ccur = clamp(cur, min, max) - min;
if (CleanXfac > CleanXfac_1 || CleanXfac_1 * 320 < screen->GetWidth())
M_DrawConText(CR_WHITE, x, y, "\x10\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x12");
M_DrawConText(CR_ORANGE, x + int((5 + ((ccur * 78) / range)) * CleanXfac_1), y, "\x13");
if (fracdigits >= 0)
char textbuf[16];
mysnprintf(textbuf, countof(textbuf), "%.*f", fracdigits, cur);
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, CR_DARKGRAY, x + (12*8 + 4) * CleanXfac_1, y, textbuf, DTA_CleanNoMove_1, true, TAG_DONE);
// On 320x200 we need a shorter slider
M_DrawConText(CR_WHITE, x, y, "\x10\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x12");
M_DrawConText(CR_ORANGE, x + int((5 + ((ccur * 38) / range)) * CleanXfac_1), y, "\x13");
if (fracdigits >= 0)
char textbuf[16];
mysnprintf(textbuf, countof(textbuf), "%.*f", fracdigits, cur);
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, CR_DARKGRAY, x + (7*8 + 4) * CleanXfac_1, y, textbuf, DTA_CleanNoMove_1, true, TAG_DONE);
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
void M_DrawConText (int color, int x, int y, const char *str);
void M_DrawSlider (int x, int y, double min, double max, double cur,int fracdigits);
void M_SetVideoMode();
@ -551,6 +550,8 @@ class FOptionMenuSliderBase : public FOptionMenuItem
double mMin, mMax, mStep;
int mShowValue;
int mDrawX;
int mSliderShort;
FOptionMenuSliderBase(const char *label, double min, double max, double step, int showval)
: FOptionMenuItem(label, NAME_None)
@ -560,17 +561,63 @@ public:
mStep = step;
mShowValue = showval;
mDrawX = 0;
mSliderShort = 0;
virtual double GetValue() = 0;
virtual void SetValue(double val) = 0;
// Draw a slider. Set fracdigits negative to not display the current value numerically.
void DrawSlider (int x, int y, double min, double max, double cur,int fracdigits, int indent)
char textbuf[16];
double range;
int maxlen = 0;
int right = x + (12*8 + 4) * CleanXfac_1;
range = max - min;
double ccur = clamp(cur, min, max) - min;
if (fracdigits >= 0)
mysnprintf(textbuf, countof(textbuf), "%.*f", fracdigits, max);
maxlen = SmallFont->StringWidth(textbuf) * CleanXfac_1;
mSliderShort = right + maxlen > screen->GetWidth();
if (!mSliderShort)
M_DrawConText(CR_WHITE, x, y, "\x10\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x12");
M_DrawConText(CR_ORANGE, x + int((5 + ((ccur * 78) / range)) * CleanXfac_1), y, "\x13");
// On 320x200 we need a shorter slider
M_DrawConText(CR_WHITE, x, y, "\x10\x11\x11\x11\x11\x11\x12");
M_DrawConText(CR_ORANGE, x + int((5 + ((ccur * 38) / range)) * CleanXfac_1), y, "\x13");
right -= 5*8*CleanXfac_1;
if (fracdigits >= 0 && right + maxlen <= screen->GetWidth())
mysnprintf(textbuf, countof(textbuf), "%.*f", fracdigits, cur);
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, CR_DARKGRAY, right, y, textbuf, DTA_CleanNoMove_1, true, TAG_DONE);
int Draw(FOptionMenuDescriptor *desc, int y, int indent, bool selected)
drawLabel(indent, y, selected? OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection : OptionSettings.mFontColor);
mDrawX = indent + CURSORSPACE;
M_DrawSlider (mDrawX, y + OptionSettings.mLabelOffset, mMin, mMax, GetValue(), mShowValue);
DrawSlider (mDrawX, y + OptionSettings.mLabelOffset, mMin, mMax, GetValue(), mShowValue, indent);
return indent;
@ -609,7 +656,7 @@ public:
int slide_left = mDrawX+8*CleanXfac_1;
int slide_right = slide_left + 10*8*CleanXfac_1; // 12 char cells with 8 pixels each.
int slide_right = slide_left + (10*8*CleanXfac_1 >> mSliderShort); // 12 char cells with 8 pixels each.
if (type == DMenu::MOUSE_Click)
@ -331,6 +331,8 @@ OptionMenu "OptionsMenu"
Submenu "Gameplay Options", "GameplayOptions"
Submenu "Compatibility Options", "CompatibilityOptions"
Submenu "Automap Options", "AutomapOptions"
Submenu "HUD Options", "HUDOptions"
Submenu "Miscellaneous Options", "MiscOptions"
Submenu "Sound Options", "SoundOptions"
Submenu "Display Options", "VideoOptions"
Submenu "Set video mode", "VideoModeMenu"
@ -615,6 +617,48 @@ OptionValue Contrast
2.0, "Smooth"
OptionMenu "VideoOptions"
Submenu "Message Options", "MessageOptions"
Submenu "Scoreboard Options", "ScoreboardOptions"
StaticText " "
Slider "Screen size", "screenblocks", 3.0, 12.0, 1.0, 0
Slider "Brightness", "Gamma", 1.0, 3.0, 0.1
Option "Vertical Sync", "vid_vsync", "OnOff"
Option "Column render mode", "r_columnmethod", "ColumnMethods"
StaticText " "
Option "Screen wipe style", "wipetype", "Wipes"
Option "Show ENDOOM screen", "showendoom", "Endoom"
//Option "DirectDraw palette hack", "vid_palettehack", "OnOff"
//Option "Use attached surfaces", "vid_attachedsurfaces", "OnOff"
Option "Stretch short skies", "r_stretchsky", "OnOff"
Option "Use fuzz effect", "r_drawfuzz", "YesNo"
Slider "Lost Soul translucency", "transsouls", 0.25, 1.0, 0.05, 2
Option "Use fake contrast", "r_fakecontrast", "Contrast"
Option "Rocket Trails", "cl_rockettrails", "RocketTrailTypes"
Option "Blood Type", "cl_bloodtype", "BloodTypes"
Option "Bullet Puff Type", "cl_pufftype", "PuffTypes"
Slider "Number of particles", "r_maxparticles", 100, 10000, 100, 0
Option "Show player sprites", "r_drawplayersprites", "OnOff"
Option "Death camera", "r_deathcamera", "OnOff"
Option "Teleporter zoom", "telezoom", "OnOff"
Option "Interpolate monster movement", "nomonsterinterpolation", "NoYes"
// HUD menu
OptionValue DisplayTagsTypes
0.0, "None"
@ -654,40 +698,89 @@ OptionValue Crosshairs
// will be filled in from the XHAIRS lump
OptionMenu "VideoOptions"
OptionMenu "HUDOptions"
Submenu "Message Options", "MessageOptions"
Submenu "Scoreboard Options", "ScoreboardOptions"
Title "HUD Options"
Submenu "Alternative HUD", "AltHudOptions"
StaticText " "
Slider "Screen size", "screenblocks", 3.0, 12.0, 1.0
Slider "Brightness", "Gamma", 1.0, 3.0, 0.1
Option "Vertical Sync", "vid_vsync", "OnOff"
Option "Column render mode", "r_columnmethod", "ColumnMethods"
Option "Default Crosshair", "crosshair", "Crosshairs"
Option "Force default crosshair", "crosshairforce", "OnOff"
Option "Grow crosshair when picking up items", "crosshairgrow", "OnOff"
ColorPicker "Crosshair color", "crosshaircolor"
Option "Crosshair shows health", "crosshairhealth", "OnOff"
Option "Scale crosshair", "crosshairscale", "OnOff"
StaticText " "
Option "Crosshair", "crosshair", "Crosshairs"
Option "Display nametags", "displaynametags", "DisplayTagsTypes"
Option "Nametag color", "nametagcolor", "TextColors", "displaynametags"
Option "Stretch status bar", "st_scale", "OnOff"
Option "Alternative HUD", "hud_althud", "OnOff"
Option "Screen wipe style", "wipetype", "Wipes"
Option "Show ENDOOM screen", "showendoom", "Endoom"
//Option "DirectDraw palette hack", "vid_palettehack", "OnOff"
//Option "Use attached surfaces", "vid_attachedsurfaces", "OnOff"
// Alternative HUD
OptionValue "AMCoordinates"
0, "Player"
1, "Map"
OptionMenu "AltHUDOptions"
Title "Alternative HUD"
//Indent 220
Option "Enable alternative HUD", "hud_althud", "OnOff"
Option "Show secret count", "hud_showsecrets", "OnOff"
Option "Show monster count", "hud_showmonsters", "OnOff"
Option "Show item count", "hud_showitems", "OnOff"
Option "Show stamina and accuracy", "hud_showstats", "OnOff"
Slider "Red ammo display below %", "hud_ammo_red", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Yellow ammo display below %", "hud_ammo_yellow", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Red health display below", "hud_health_red", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Yellow health display below", "hud_health_yellow", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Green health display below", "hud_health_green", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Red armor display below", "hud_armor_red", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Yellow armor display below", "hud_armor_yellow", 0, 100, 1, 0
Slider "Green armor display below", "hud_armor_green", 0, 100, 1, 0
StaticText " "
Option "Stretch short skies", "r_stretchsky", "OnOff"
Option "Use fuzz effect", "r_drawfuzz", "YesNo"
Option "Use fake contrast", "r_fakecontrast", "Contrast"
Option "Rocket Trails", "cl_rockettrails", "RocketTrailTypes"
Option "Blood Type", "cl_bloodtype", "BloodTypes"
Option "Bullet Puff Type", "cl_pufftype", "PuffTypes"
Option "Interpolate monster movement", "nomonsterinterpolation", "NoYes"
StaticText "Alternative Automap HUD", 1
option "Map title color", "hudcolor_titl", "TextColors"
option "Hub time color", "hudcolor_time", "TextColors"
option "Map time color", "hudcolor_ltim", "TextColors"
option "Total title color", "hudcolor_ttim", "TextColors"
option "Coordinate color", "hudcolor_xyco", "TextColors"
option "Coordinate mode", "map_point_coordinates", "AMCoordinates"
option "Map title color", "hudcolor_titl", "TextColors"
option "Statistics name color", "hudcolor_statnames", "TextColors"
option "Statistics color", "hudcolor_stats", "TextColors"
// Misc menu
OptionMenu "MiscOptions"
Title "Miscellaneous Options"
//Indent 220
Option "Merge left+right Alt/Ctrl/Shift", "k_mergekeys", "OnOff"
Option "Alt-Enter toggles fullscreen", "k_allowfullscreentoggle", "OnOff"
Option "Show IWAD selection dialog", "queryiwad", "OnOff"
StaticText " "
Option "Enable cheats from all games", "allcheats", "OnOff"
Option "Enable autosaves", "disableautosave", "OffOn"
Slider "Number of autosaves", "autosavecount", 1, 32, 1, 0
StaticText " "
Option "Cache nodes", "gl_cachenodes", "OnOff"
Slider "Time threshold for node caching", "gl_cachetime", 0.0, 2.0, 0.1
SafeCommand "Clear node cache", "clearnodecache"
@ -941,7 +1034,7 @@ OptionValue JumpCrouch
OptionMenu GameplayOptions
Indent 222
//Indent 222
Option "Teamplay", "teamplay", "OnOff"
Slider "Team damage scalar", "teamdamage", 0, 1, 0.05
StaticText " "
@ -1185,9 +1278,9 @@ OptionMenu SoundOptions
Option "MIDI device", "snd_mididevice", "MidiDevices"
StaticText " "
Option "Underwater reverb", "snd_waterreverb", "OnOff"
Slider "Underwater cutoff", "snd_waterlp", 0, 2000, 50
Slider "Underwater cutoff", "snd_waterlp", 0, 2000, 50, 0
Option "Randomize pitches", "snd_pitched", "OnOff"
Slider "Sound channels", "snd_channels", 8, 256, 8
Slider "Sound channels", "snd_channels", 8, 256, 8, 0
StaticText " "
Command "Restart sound", "snd_reset"
StaticText " "
Reference in a new issue